From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1176: Boss Qiao’s online publicity campaign

 Chapter 1176 Boss Qiao’s online publicity offensive

 That’s right, it’s the right to speak!

 The right to speak means that you have a group of fixed and loyal fans who recognize your three views and behavioral logic and are willing to provide you with support.

Those so-called media idols will use their right to speak to cut leeks, but Qiao Jia does not need to make that money. What he needs is that when he speaks out, enough people listen and enough people support them.

The so-called democracy of neoliberalism gives Boss Qiao the opportunity to rebel within the rules!

As long as Boss Qiao still acts within the rules, then when P·B’s hard power is enough for him to gain a foothold in Afika and the Middle East, as long as he has sufficient right to speak, he can straighten his back and compete with anyone who is not a big brother. The country is right.

  In countries covered by P·B business, local governments will not oppose P·B unless they are overthrown.

Those countries that have nothing to do with P·B, what can they do to me if they just talk nonsense?

 I don’t expect you to eat!

What Boss Qiao is afraid of is being labeled as ‘politically incorrect’ and then facing comprehensive sanctions!

And as long as the media publicity is not one-sided, then the crime that you want to incriminate will not be able to be blamed on Boss Qiao!

Chris was wrapped like a mummy and spent a long time talking to his fiancée Gami through a video call. Then he limped to find Qiao Jia who was waiting for something in the conference room...

 For a whole day, Chris saw with his own eyes how Boss Qiao directed an online media war...

No one would have thought that that unlucky place in Central Africa now actually has a professional cyber troll army.

 Several senior managers are responsible for controlling the content of the P·B video website, using a series of slogans and phrases to match the video to promote P·B, and at the same time producing short news videos with clear directions to bombard major online media.

 There are specialized positions for this kind of work in large companies, but Boss P·B or Boss Qiao have different ideas.

 Self-promotion is only one aspect. What Boss Qiao cares about more is actually cultivating the popularity of fans...

  On major European and American online media, anyone who says good things about P·B or related people is guaranteed to receive 10,000 troll traffic and thumbs up.

Those who boast well and have a relatively novel angle will receive traffic blessings from P·B without knowing it.

 Not only do they have thumbs, but there are also living people interacting with them to guide...

 Then people will find that the amount of discussion related to P·B is higher than other topics.

 You don’t care whether those traffics are live people, anyway, as long as you praise P·B, your number of fans will increase.

According to the traffic rules of those online media, if you have more fans, your exposure will increase.

 Then these people taste the sweetness of praising P·B, and they will gradually become P·B’s loyal fans and start to pay attention to P·B’s every move.

Dozens of people do not have a climate in the huge network, but when such people have tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands or even millions, the traffic they can drive is very terrible.

 The most interesting thing is that these people are all real thoughtful individuals. They have never received a penny from P·B, but they brainwash themselves under the guidance of traffic.

Even when they have developed to a certain level and face greater temptations and want to change their stance, if you look at their fan base, they will give up immediately.

 People can’t help themselves in the world, it’s really not just talk!

It’s just that some people have reached a certain level and can realize that they are kidnapped by the surrounding environment, and then clearly distinguish work and career.

 Some people never realize it throughout their lives, or they realize it but choose to lie down because they can't beat it, so they just join in.

 Boss Qiao’s series of tricks have accurately hit the pain points or itches of most people in the self-media era.

Every self-media person is eager to be noticed, eager to express, eager to be recognized, eager to earn the dividends of the Internet...

Then this desire will become the reins to tame them, allowing them to move forward in the direction specified by the reins!

 The most interesting thing is that in the end, even if most people are aware of the problem, they will not admit that they have been tamed.

 Because admitting it means that they have overturned all their past achievements!

Chris doesn’t know how Boss Qiao can come up with so many weird tricks, and he started it a year and a half ago, spending a lot of money and a long time to cultivate the fan market...

 A military contractor doing this kind of thing is not doing his job properly no matter how you look at it!

 But the reality is that Boss Qiao’s laborious approach has gathered huge attention for P.B. At the same time, it has also won a huge right to speak.

  P·B video website has had 20 million users since its launch. In just six months, it has exceeded 100 million registered users worldwide.

 In this website, which has not purchased any film and television rights, the content is all produced by P·B himself and registered bloggers...

You can see military enthusiasts chatting and laughing with feminists...

They will discuss a series of things such as Boss Qiao’s or others’ appearance, equipment, abilities, personality, etc. Although the focus is different, there is an inexplicable harmony.

 You can see rednecks hanging out with the humanitarians, expressing their opinions on certain things that P·B is doing.

Humanitarians will generally say that P·B is doing the right thing, while rednecks will clamor that they should be killed more harshly.

You can see more ordinary people hanging out among them. They satisfy their curiosity and at the same time give a place for their sense of justice to be vented.

As a website opened by a violent company, the P·B video website is large in scale, and the Brazilian channel is even more popular on the side.

This stuff is the same all over the world, and all gentlemen love to watch it!

Although this stuff is always criticized by traditional feminism, women are not the only ones who are interested in it. Feminists like spiritual guys also like to watch it.

 Besides, they even tolerated Boss Qiao’s flirtation, so this trivial matter was nothing.

ˆPersist in doing the right thing!

 This is the most important path set by Boss Qiao for P·B. Although there were many difficulties along the way, it laid a solid foundation for P·B.

It is this kind of company that can attract multiple groups to become fans from multiple angles!

 Let Boss Qiao win more and more under the rules set by others!

It is the most normal thing for this kind of upstart to be excluded. In the future, Boss Qiao will encounter more and more suppression and targeting.

 Then let’s see if he can withstand it!

 If you withstand it, you can sit at the dinner table, sit on an equal footing with the real predators, and control your own destiny.

Chris really saw the courage of Boss Qiao this time, taking action as soon as he was told, without hesitation at all...

Looking at Boss Qiao who was sitting in the conference room thinking, Chris walked in and sat next to him, sighed and said: "Jackal, I haven't thanked you yet!"

 Qiao was stunned for a moment, as if he had been awakened. Looking at Chris who was deliberately misbehaving, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Why are you thanking me? As long as you're fine!"

 You are my partner, and those people who kidnapped you came here for me!

 Actually, I should be the one to say sorry to you...

But I just can’t understand what you think. In a place like Iraq, you only stayed in a hotel with two bodyguards, and you didn’t even know that you were being monitored for a long time.

Tell me the truth, are you taking care of your lover in Iraq?

Jia Mi is not easy to talk about..."       Chris did not dwell on the matter of being kidnapped. He put an ice pack on his wrist, looked at Qiao Jia and said, "I was careless. In the past two years, I had a great time in Iraq.

 I didn’t even think that someone would target me…

I will pay attention to it in the future. I will bring 20 bodyguards everywhere I go..."

 As he spoke, Chris looked at Qiao Jia's slightly tired face and said, "You seemed to be thinking very deeply just now. What were you thinking about?"

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "To be precise, what are you waiting for..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia picked up the phone that suddenly vibrated, and turned on the TV in the conference room with a solemn expression...

Chris looked at the TV curiously, and then discovered that it was the spokesperson of the United Nations who was being interviewed by the news media.

The middle-aged woman with a somewhat mean face faced the media and praised P.B. for its contribution to the stability of the Middle East and Afika.

 And emphasized that the 'safe zone' is an area managed by the United Nations. As the manager of the garrison, P·B has the right to fight back when the safe zone faces trouble.

 International law applies not only between countries, but also between countries and companies!

 What the native chicken needs to reflect on is his innocent provocation and disrespectful slander, rather than questioning the legitimacy of P.B’s behavior!

Choga looked at the female spokesperson on TV. When faced with the media's question about P.B.'s use of powerful weapons to bomb Iran, she decisively stated that this was a misunderstanding and then turned around and left amid the shouts of many media. …

 He clapped his hands vigorously and said with a smile: "It's done!"

Chris was startled by the excited Qiao Jia, and he said curiously: "What happened?"

Chiorga took out a cigar, lit one for himself, and then said with a smile: "For such a big thing as the bombing of Iran, the Security Council did not say anything, but the Secretariat sent a spokesperson to express its position. Do you know what this means?"

Chris was stunned for a moment and said incredulously: "It means that the Security Council has acquiesced to the existence and role of P·B...

  FUCK, how did you do it? "

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "Didn't you hear what the spokesperson said just now?

 The safe zone is an area managed by the United Nations, and P·B is the manager of the garrison!

The positioning of P·B was clarified on such a solemn occasion. If it had not been for the acquiescence of the Security Council, the people in the Secretariat would not have dared to say this after such a big thing happened.

  I am an important funder and collaborator of the International Red Cross…

 In Central Africa, Libya, Congo, Iraq, and Syria, under my protection, Gemma Alexander spread the glory of the Red Cross and raised funds that were unimaginable in the past.

I am the strongest partner of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs...

 Humanitarian passages in Libya and Iraq have countless lives, and a material passage has fed hundreds of thousands of people, lifted hundreds of thousands of families out of hunger, and also prevented a large number of refugees from leaving their homes and flooding into Europe.

  I am the largest implementing partner of UN Women and Children’s Fund…

 With the help of Princess Emina, I drove all Central African minors into schools, and I raised more than 80,000 war orphans in Yemen...

 In order to help women in the Middle East fight for freedom, I have started a war with terrorists and powerful people, and I am about to achieve a staged victory.

 I feel like a **** saint myself!

I have done more on my own than they have done in the past ten years. As long as they say they are related to me, the credit will be indispensable to them...

 In this case, who should I support if the people in the United Nations Secretariat do not support me? "

Chris looked at the high-spirited Qiao Jia, and he sighed and said: "You are a great man, do you want me to call some girls to celebrate your victory, and by the way, celebrate the rest of my life?"

I have an acquaintance in a nightclub in Baghdad, and the quality of the girls there is great..."

As he spoke, Chris looked at Qiao Jia's strange eyes, and he said helplessly: "Don't look at me like that. When I was talking to Jia Mi just now, I felt that the way she looked at me was like looking at a little baby that needed caressing. dog.

 Jackal, my pride is hurt, I'm going to indulge myself and get back to work...

 One billion euros, one billion euros, I’ve made enough money, I’m going to propose! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia raised his **** in disgust and cursed: "Are you **** crazy?

Those old men were all injured in order to save you. You didn’t bother to comfort them and you actually wanted to have a party? "

When Chris heard this, he said with a sad face: "Jackal, if you find out that the guy who has worked hard for you for nearly 15 years is your father...

 I found that my career had nothing to do with my abilities, and that I had done a lot of stupid things in the past ten years...

 How would you feel? "

Qiaojia looked at the frustrated Chris and said with some sympathy: "Garci is so powerful, it won't hurt to call him daddy.

 To be honest, your mother is really awesome. The biological father she chose for you is a super spy, and the stepfather she chose for you left you with a rich family legacy.

If you are still pretentious about this, you will be struck by lightning! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the depressed Chris with disgust and said, "If you are really not used to it, then I will pay to buy your Chris Intelligence Company.

 At that time, I will be your father’s boss, you will be my partner, and we will have our own affairs.

Hurry up and work hard, and then come up with a reasonable price to sell your father to me. I still have something to do..."

Chris heard this and said helplessly: "Jackal, what else do you have to do? I need to talk to someone..."

Qiaojia shook his head in annoyance and said, "Are you **** stupid?

The United Nations has helped me stand up, but that doesn’t mean NATO will stop...

Carter's words to reporters are very clear in direction. If the response is not handled well, sanctions may be incurred...

I'm waiting for NATO to invite me to attend the Munich Security Summit. I'm going to hang that old woman Carter and Orbut.

 Then I want to see, who else is willing to jump out and target me? "

 Speaking, Qiao Jia suddenly thought of something. He looked at Chris and said: "Your father is in Germany now. He is really powerful and he really loves you...

 Listen to me, call him daddy and you will definitely not suffer any loss!

Hold him steady, and the price of your Chris Intelligence Company can be increased by 50 million..."

Chris was stunned for a moment, took out his phone and hesitated for a moment, then looked at Boss Qiao and said, "Really?"

 (End of this chapter)

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