From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1177: financial trading strategy

Chapter 1177 Financial and Trade Strategy

 Qiaojia understood Chris's current mood, but he really didn't have time to comfort this unfortunate guy who had a biological father from heaven.

The United Nations stepped forward to support P·B, which gave P·B the legal upper hand. However, he deliberately brought in the local chickens during this period just to test NATO’s attitude...

 You have to touch and test the bottom line of some organizations, otherwise you won’t know how low their bottom line can be.

 In the current discussion within NATO about P·B and native chickens, France and Greece are definitely on the side of P·B.

Italy also often goes to Libya across the sea to stir up troubles, turning Sardinia, a good pilgrimage site, into a refugee center.

 Germany has a relatively large demand for the raw materials of Afica, but they are basically in trouble when facing the "war problem".

The most typical example in this regard is the Minks Agreement led by Mrs. Merkel of Germany. This agreement fully reflects the attitude of Germany and even France towards Ukraine...

That means if you can't make a fuss, don't make a fuss. Let's put aside the dispute and don't delay my purchase of cheap energy from Russia.

Then the whole world seems to have lost sight of the humanitarian disaster that occurred in Ukraine!

Germany still has this attitude towards the clamor of local chickens. They are occupying the upper reaches of the world's high-end industrial fields when they are making good money, and they don't want to cause trouble at all.

P.B now controls the export channels for Congo’s rare minerals, and Germany really doesn’t want to get involved.

 The most critical thing left is the attitude of Britain and the United States...

Boss Joe of these two companies is not very sure. He has a hunch that a discussion about P·B within NATO will soon take place.

 The results did not exceed Boss Qiao’s expectations. Germany and the United States jointly sent him invitations...

There will be an internal discussion about P·B during the Munich Security Conference. Boss Qiao is invited to go and needs to answer some people’s questions...

At the same time, some people in the U.S. Congress are trying to push for a hearing. They are trying to push P·B to become a public company and accept supervision in terms of finance and conduct...

 The German matter was what Boss Qiao wanted, and the latter matter exceeded his expectations at least in terms of timing.

 Both things are actually quite normal, but the meeting within NATO questioned Boss Qiao’s confidence that he could handle it because he could win allies within NATO.

 But this is not necessarily the case in the United States. The current speaker of Congress is from the establishment.

On the issue of P.B., even if the loud-mouthed White House openly takes sides, his influence on Congress will be limited to some non-establishment members of the Republican Party.

Even if the votes held by Tom Reed are added up, the three of them cannot come up with a majority.

At this time, Qiao Jia realized that P·B's good days in the United States must have come to an end. It was a fool's behavior to drag all his allies to fight with them in the base camp of the establishment, because his core interests were not in the United States at all...

The only solution is to spin off P·B Company and completely separate America's business from Afika's business to become two completely independent companies.

Even simply close the New Jersey branch, or take the New Jersey company public as requested by those people.

Now New Jersey companies include gun stores, outdoor supplies stores, skills training businesses, security businesses, the Department of Justice’s witness protection business, and the wall-building business promoted by Eric...

With the support of the Supreme Court, Big Mouth Tang dug out $1.9 billion from the Pentagon, including nearly $500 million in the wall-building budget, and fell into the hands of the "security company" established by Eric and held by the New Jersey branch. , and will all be spent within the next few years.

Such a company must be valued at least US$1 billion in the financial market, but once the hearing reaches a consensus, the valuation may be discounted by half.

Chaojia doesn’t mind a little conceptual loss of money, because actually he won’t lose anything on the ‘money’ issue.

 The market value is discounted to 500 million, and those who want to invest need to spend real money.

And if you have the initiative and are not completely defenseless, it is not too difficult to design a shareholding structure that protects control rights.

 In fact, it is selling profits to buy time!

Carter and Orbut's heads plus the interests of the New Jersey Company, and then finding a way to put a head in front of the big mouth Tang Dynasty, can make those people live in peace for a year or two.

Honestly speaking, from the perspective of the people of this country, Big Mouth Tang has actually done a pretty good job in the past two years.

 He did a lot of things that were disgraceful, but the benefits were immediate and real!

Ever since Big Mouth Don tweeted to ask Carter of the Department of Defense to resign, and received an immediate response, he then got out of hand and used Twitter to humiliate Steven, causing Steven to also prepare to resign.

From a purely power struggle point of view, the establishment faction, which still cares about respectability, is at a disadvantage in the tit-for-tat confrontation with Big Mouth Tang.

 This objectively caused some people to turn to Dazuitang. While his power increased greatly, it also forced the establishment to shrink its front.

Boss Qiao himself doesn’t want to be the ‘number one enemy’. He has to find a way to push Big Mouth Tang forward again and force the two sides to continue fighting.

The midterm elections are a good opportunity to find ways to attack the candidates selected by the Democratic Party, so that people will mistake them for the work of big talkers, which can intensify their conflicts again.

Joja locked himself in the conference room alone and made a phone call with Thompson and Alicia from the Department of Justice to learn about the situation in the United States...

The feedback given by Thompson was not very good. Qiao Jia had already experienced Big Mouth Tang's lack of loyalty, but he really didn't expect that this guy would let his son-in-law show off in front of the media and say that companies like Blackwater existed. risky.

  Although I am talking about "black water", I personally know that I am talking about P·B.

 Although Qiao Jia was mentally prepared, he was still so angry that his nose was filled with smoke...

 In terms of being shameless, Big Mouth Tang is definitely in a league of his own in this world!

But it doesn’t matter to Qiao Jia at this moment. Since he has decided to share the New Jersey branch, the most important thing next is to use Big Mouth Tang to withstand the pressure of the establishment.

Chaojia thought about the bad things he had encountered, and he said a little unhappily: "Who is the candidate of the Democratic Party now?"

Thompson on the other side of the phone could completely understand Boss Joe’s mood. He smiled and said: “For the Democratic Party, former Vice President Baier...

This guy has a lot of influence in Europe and was once in charge of Ukraine’s KL issues. His eldest son is still working at Ukraine’s KL Energy Company.

There is also some uncertain news indicating that this guy arranged for many Americans to change their nationality and join the Ukrainian government.

This guy is an old friend of Carter and has a very deep relationship with the military-industrial complex. Many people hope that he can put back the scars of Aqionghan that were opened by Big Mouth Tang.

The Big Mouth Don doesn’t want to go to war, and he has dealt a heavy blow to the Pentagon in terms of accounts. I guess the Afghan side will not be able to hold on for too long...

 The military-industrial complex needs a less radical person to solve the Afghan problem! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia was surprised and said: "Give up on Aqionghan? It's a big business there!"

Without Aqung Khan, according to the current situation in the Middle East, Israel alone may not be able to control the situation. ” ˆ ˆ Thompson said with a smile: “It is not difficult for the United States to find an alternative ally in the Middle East, and Pakistan is a good choice.

Hand on to them, you can also use the Kashmir issue to contain India!

The United States’ strategy is moving eastward, and the trade war between China and China has reached a fever pitch.

  India can be said to be a key country in the game between East and West in the next 20 years!

 It is now the most populous country in the world, a country with both cheap labor and market.

 Let India develop, it can actually control China, where the supply-side reform has not been completely successful, as long as it severely damages their commodity export business, forces China's basic industries to transfer to Southeast Asia and India, and at the same time allows some industries to return to the United States...

It would be better if it can trigger internal conflicts in China. Hong Kong Island and Bay Island are good cards in their hands. The British have invested a lot of energy in Hong Kong Island...

 After the 2008 financial crisis, some people saw the problem of industrial hollowing out and felt that it was not safe to rely on military power alone.

The topic of the US-China G2 alliance dominating the world has now become a joke, and China has become a de facto competitor.

 So someone proposed a brand new strategy, hoping to contain China and then reshape the world trade and economic order. "

Qiao Jia said with a heavy expression after hearing this: "How do you know this news? The people who can design such a plan have surpassed the needs of the two parties.

This is more like the will of the country. When did the United States have such a thing? "

Thompson listened and said with a smile: "Boss, have you heard of Freemasonry?"

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said: "Of course!

I have also read many movies and novels about Freemasonry. I also know that the so-called Freemasonry is a very loose organization, and their regular gatherings are more like a social need. "

Thompson smiled after hearing this and said: "That's true. Freemasonry is not as evil as described in the novel, but it is not as loose as you said.

ˆ Freemasonry actually means ‘free craftsmen’. They were also the earliest craftsmen and merchants in Europe during the Middle Ages.

The Freemasonry in the United States was initiated and established by President Franklin, and later attracted many celebrities and businessmen in the United States to join.

There are still many middle-class families in the United States with Masonic symbols hanging on their walls. Three generations of my family have been members of the Masonic Order...

The benefits are that you can get discounts when buying cable TV, you can get discounts when shopping at Wal-Mart, and the interest rates on deposits in certain banks are slightly higher...

 This is a relatively loose class alliance, and everyone does not even have much communication at ordinary times, but when necessary, Freemasonry can unite many people.

If you say who best represents the country of America, then it must be a member of the Freemasons! "

Thompson was silent for a moment, and after letting Boss Qiao digest it, he said: "The person who established America's financial dominance in modern times was Friedman...

 It was he who led the team to assist the then-Nixon administration and led the 71-year decoupling of the U.S. dollar from gold. He also designed the petrodollar, reconstructed the international financial payment system in the late World War II, and completely established the status of the U.S. dollar.

 It was also Friedman who saw the potential of China and promoted the diplomatic ice break between the United States and China in the same year, and then started the golden age of the United States.

Friedman is a Freemason, and the person who currently dominates the thinking of the upper class in the United States is called Volcker...

 If Friedman was the chief architect of the dollar structure, then Paul Volcker was the chief engineer who built it.

Volcker once served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and is still one of the Federal Reserve’s top economic advisers.

 He is also a member of the Freemasons!

 It was in an internal meeting room that I heard Volcker elaborate on his vision for the future economic structure.

 Many people support him…

 Boss, the Federal Reserve is a semi-federal super institution formed using the credit of the American government as an endorsement.

 They generally do not express opinions on politics, but once the Fed gives advice on the general direction, the White House and Congress will definitely listen! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said in disbelief: "How can such a confidential matter be brought out in a meeting so openly?"

 Speaking, Qiao Jia patted his forehead...

This kind of grand strategy is actually a conspiracy. As long as the direction is determined, the internal details are not that important!

Those politicians will use various means to fill in the details according to the changes at the time, and then try their best to ensure that the grand strategy does not deviate from the designed track.

Qiaojia knew that by telling him so much, Thompson was hinting at his close business ties with China, which might become a time bomb by then.

P·B’s trade routes carry a huge amount of trade in basic industrial products, and the profits generated by these trades are secondary. However, the Chinese industries and jobs generated by trade are unfavorable to the United States’ grand strategy in the next ten years.

 Because once the United States cannot control P.B., this trade route can be converted into the import and export of Chinese products to bypass certain sanctions at any time.

Failing to control P·B is equivalent to boss Joe using a knife to bleed them while the American government is trying its best.

 When everyone is sitting at the same table to eat, the elder brothers can tolerate some of your behaviors, but when core interests conflict, the situation is another matter.

At this time, Qiaojia finally understood why Carter and Orbut wanted to put themselves to death, and also understood why the efficiency of the American Congress was so high this time.

  After realizing that he was actually standing at the forefront of America's grand strategy, and if he didn't make a mistake, he might be overturned. Qiao Jia smiled bitterly and said: "Notify lawyer Vagli that I want to separate New Jersey Company and Afika Company...

Those people want to dismember P.B. Unfortunately, my business is not in Europe and the United States, and there is not much they can do to me in the short term.

However, I still need Valkyr and his gang of lawyers to delay me for enough time through litigation!

  FUCK, I wasn’t nervous before, but now I’m a little…”

Thompson smiled and said: "Boss, P·B is not small, but P·B is not too big for America's grand strategy.

 The real giants are those companies in China. The Chinese market has **** a huge amount of American investment and profits. For a long time, they have been the targets.

boss, there are many huge interest groups in the United States, including Wall Street, medicine, military industry, energy, Silicon Valley, agriculture, conservatives, establishment, radicals...

 Their interests are not consistent and their demands are also different!

 As long as you are careful enough, there is enough room for mediation!

Now you are planning to create friction between the establishment and the big mouth Tang, which is a good move..."

 (End of this chapter)

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