From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1178: good friend france

Chapter 1178 Good Friend France

Chaojia was confused by the information given by Thompson. After a long period of thinking, he became more determined to completely remove P·B from the American vortex at the appropriate time.

  When a clear set of grand strategy was placed in front of Qiao Jia, he immediately felt a chill on his back.

  If political ability refers to the grasp of the situation and people's hearts, then grand strategy is to mobilize greater resources from a higher level to achieve greater goals.

 The details are not important at all. As long as the overall plan does not deviate from the grand strategic line, it is really not impossible to reshape the world economic order.

Lead NATO allies to **** Russia, the biggest military threat, and then use trade sanctions and the endogenous contradictions generated after sanctions to force China to abandon its military power in finance and industry.

Then take advantage of the convenience of upstream finance and control of energy to force the industries of European allies to the United States or even Mexico...

 Then America can return to its peak state!

 To achieve this, local small-scale and high-intensity conflicts will inevitably occur frequently!

  The prerequisite for reorganizing order is to integrate the ideas of national power along the line of influence. There is no more effective measure than military attack.

What’s more serious is that once anti-China becomes politically correct, those little brothers in the East Asian monster room will jump out one after another...

 Because as long as they shout slogans, they can get support from the United States, and then turn around and negotiate with the old mother, they can extort more benefits...

 This is naked politics!

 The political environment surrounding my old mother is so bad that it is unimaginable!

 In this case, Jialiang trade, which uses China as the starting point for humanitarian channel trade, will face tremendous pressure and risks.

Those people may not dare to blatantly engage in P.B., which is legally okay, but there is no psychological barrier at all in instigating pirates in Southeast Asia to harass and attack cargo ships in the Jialiang trade.

As long as the transportation route of the Jialiang trade is blocked, the material needs of the humanitarian channel will shift. Once an agricultural giant jumps in and squeezes in, it will break part of Boss Qiao's dominance over this channel.

To deal with this situation, Boss Qiao must have the ability to protect trade channels...

After thinking about these things, Qiao Jia no longer had the intention to think about the midterm elections in the United States.

 When necessary, he could even abandon the branch office, so naturally he had no intention of asking Thompson what he was going to do.

Pierre on the other end of the phone said in a tired voice: "Jackal, what's the matter?

Brother Ma supports you in this Munich meeting. If this is what you are worried about, then you can rest assured! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "I am a staunch ally of France and the savior of Brother Ma. I also cooperated with him to establish an energy company. Of course this guy has to support me."

Thinking about it, Pierre seemed to be possessed by a demon recently. He always said that he was Jackal's best friend, Little Ma, when he met everyone. He sighed and said: "Jackal, just don't cheat Little Ma. He is doing it for the Great Green Wall." Plan, use up all the energy to **** milk.

 Some interest groups within France are feeling the pressure, and life is not easy for him now.

And I also want to stay as the boss of the Ministry of Security for a few more years while he is in office. "

Qiao Jia laughed and said: "Only good friends can be achieved through mutual success. I have confidence in Brother Ma!

In this way, in order to give him more strength, a highly coordinated brigade order is placed, plus an order for 30 Airbus aircraft...

How about it? "

When Pierre heard this, he sighed and said, "Jackal, what does Brother Ma have to pay?

 He is quite handsome, it would be exciting to ask him to go to Munich to sleep with you..."

Qiao Jia laughed and said: "That's not necessary, I have a planned itinerary in Munich!

 Besides, it would be a bit of a loss for the President to attend a meeting of this caliber, so I won’t embarrass him.

 Remember to ask your foreign minister to help with the side hand during internal meetings!

I think there should be no pressure on you to engage in local chicken..."

Pierre said with a smile after hearing this: "There is no pressure, but this kind of pressure-free thing cannot be repaid with the favor of the super order.

 Jackal, if you don’t tell me what you want, I won’t know for sure..."

Qiao Jia smiled after hearing this and said, "You said it was a super order. Is it reasonable for me to get some rebates?

For the UAE’s Rafale order, I only wanted 6 Seahawk-43s in return, and now I want more...

I require Naval Group to deliver 17 top-of-the-line Seahawk-43s to me within two years. Two will be delivered in the first half of this year, four in the second half of the year, and the remaining ships will be delivered next year...

 Haiying-43 has a small tonnage, and such a large volume is enough for them to reduce costs.

This is not too much to ask for, right? "

∣Pierre did some calculations and said: "It's not too much!

But why do you need so many Seahawk-43s?

 You already have 4 ships. If you add 17 more ships, the maintenance pressure will become extremely huge.

And the combat effectiveness of this thing is really average..."

Qiao Jia did not hide it. He said with a smile: "I want to establish a maritime security channel on P.B.'s trade route. In the past, I always fought against drug dealers and terrorists. Now I think about fighting against pirates. It's actually pretty cool." of!

I guess no one would care about small boats like the Haiying-43, but they can be considered a force in Southeast Asia, and they will definitely have no problem fighting pirates.

From now on, I will be the commander-in-chief of the P·B Military Group’s navy, army and air force, haha..."

Pierre has witnessed the rise of Boss Qiao all the way, but he is still not optimistic about Boss Qiao’s plan...

 Just kidding, 21 Seahawk-43s, plus one Hamilton-class patrol ship, the annual expenditures would give most presidents of small countries a myocardial infarction.

  Burning money to build a maritime safety channel is not profitable at all, and it is definitely a huge loss-making business.

But Pierre didn’t try to persuade Qiao Jia too much. After all, Qiao Jia was the first to come to him and ask for a ‘kickback’, which meant that the oil and water had to pass through his hands.

This kind of good thing that makes everyone happy is something you absolutely can’t miss!

Pierre decisively agreed to Boss Joe’s request, and then said: “Jackal, this is your only request?

 Isn’t there anything else? "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "I hear what you mean, as if you are reminding me that I should ask for more things?"

Pierre smiled and said: "Let me remind you, Princess Emina spoke out on the Internet yesterday, and then Crown Prince Shah publicly announced that he would abolish the ban on women driving, prohibiting women from going to public places alone, and prohibiting women from eating freely in public places. , these regulations are obviously out of date...

And the crown prince made it clear that this was just the beginning, and that he would try to provide convenience for women in more aspects in the future.

I don’t know about other places. MSL women in France have begun to rally in Paris. They want Xiao Ma to put pressure on other MSL countries to follow suit and abolish those so-called traditional provisions. ” ˆ ˆ Pierre paused as he spoke, giving Boss Qiao some time to digest, and then said: “Jackal, the media trend in the past two days has not been quite right, but we can help you expand and dilute Shah’s cause of women’s liberation. Get rid of those media pages that are unfavorable to P·B.

As long as Princess Emina can maintain her exposure, those media reporters will not be able to attack you and PB at this time, because they are going against the entire female group! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said amusedly: "Congratulations, brother, you have learned how to give favors.

 How is Brother Ma going to gain popularity?

I have a few good friends in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, and I can ask them to support Ma in the media.

After all, France is the leader of the European Union, and there will be some noise no matter what Mr. Ma’s words say..."

When Pierre heard this, he lamented and said, "Jackal, has anyone ever told you that being your friend is stressful?"

As he spoke, Pierre said helplessly: "Okay, this doesn't count. What else do you need us to do?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, Princess Emina is in the Syrian safe zone...

In order to support Little Ma, is it not too much for you to send a Rafale fleet to **** Princess Emina to Paris?

Of course, several of my children also need to take a flight out of the safe zone and return to Afika..."

Qiao Jia said seriously: "Man, please handle this matter for me, and do it in a big way. I will remember this favor!"

Pierre suddenly realized something after hearing this, and he said curiously: "I got the news that something bad happened in Baghdad the day before yesterday.

 You want a Rafale fleet, is this related? "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia glanced at Dorian, who was standing at the door of the conference room making gestures. After being silent for a while, he said: "It has a bit to do, but not much!

Pierre, I just don’t want to risk my family and Princess Emina…

 Actually, I have a fleet of fighter jets myself, but I think if the French Rafale joins it, it will be more deterrent!

 To build momentum, of course, it depends on how to attract attention!

Even if it creates a little controversy for this, it is acceptable! "

Pierre thought about the country chickens who were still jumping up and down in Germany. He weighed France's position, and then nodded decisively and said: "I'm going to report to Brother Ma. In fact, I think using France's presidential experts to put Amy Princess Na's arrival in Paris is more in line with the need to 'attract attention'."

This is the smart person that George admires most. When everyone's interests are consistent, Pierre does not mind using the power of France to the greatest extent.

Once Ma Xiaomao's special plane lands in the safe zone, combined with the endorsement of the United Nations, Tuji's complaints are destined to end in vain.

In the so-called internal NATO meeting, if Francesca is biased, no one can bully Boss Qiao.

It’s nothing more than asking Boss Qiao to explain the origin of long-range cruise missiles, and then make some commitments within a reasonable framework regarding the security issues of NATO allies...

Boss Qiao still has a South African-made Griffin missile lying in his warehouse. Although it is two levels lower than the Storm Shadow in terms of accuracy and power, its operating mechanism is basically the same.

 The storm shadow that Boss Qiao rubbed himself was not marked, so he was not afraid of being exposed even if the pieces were found.

Slapping a country guy in the face and making them apologize and compensate is only a secondary goal. Carter and Albut are Boss Joe's most important goals.

boss Joe is afraid of America's grand strategy, because once it takes shape, it will feel like a wheel of history, and Boss Joe's arms and legs simply cannot resist it.

But the individuals under these interest groups who serve as fillers for the grand strategy are different. Killing you and giving others a clear warning can effectively prolong the time for those people to completely break up.

Boss Qiao, who is accustomed to making decisions before taking action, hung up the phone and reorganized the information he received and his future plans...

 After everything was over, Boss Qiao stood up and stretched, then looked at Dorian at the door of the conference room and said, "What happened?"

As soon as Dorian saw that the boss' retreat was over, he walked in and said excitedly: "The jazz team killed the tracker who appeared in the hotel that day...

The Knife Squad, with the cooperation of the Iraqi special forces, killed a tracker and several mercenaries he had recruited who were ambushing near the airport.

Ronnie caught the mechanic in the Indian love hotel...

 Boss, only two of the six trackers escaped, but I don’t think they could run too far..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia was a little dissatisfied with the result, but at the same time he really admired the abilities of those trackers.

In this kind of city-wide siege, if you want to get rid of the eyes everywhere around you, you need not only physical ability, but also top-notch wisdom.

Chris was saved, the ghouls were packed and sent to Germany, there were only two trackers left, the Iranian soft bones were blown up and the Iranian government did not turn its back...

 The flight safety issue that Boss Qiao was worried about can be said to have been lifted!

The feeling of relief made Qiao Jia feel relaxed. He walked to the door and said with a smile: "Let's go meet that so-called mechanic and see if he has three heads and six arms. He actually mobilized us all by himself." base."

Dorian smiled and turned around to lead the way and said: "Then you may be disappointed. I just took a look at that guy and he looked like a walking Hawking...

And he was also a love interest. When Ronnie went to catch him, he was having fun with some Indian prostitutes..."

  Qiaojia was a little confused by Dorian's description, but when he saw the 'mechanic', he understood what Dorian said...

The mechanic is 1.8 meters tall, but very thin. His face has been disfigured. After plastic surgery, his chin is a bit forward and tilted to one side.

Half of the fingers on the hands that were handcuffed on the interrogation table were missing. There was a big gap in the left forearm, as if it had been bitten by a great white shark. Although the wound had healed, it still looked very scary.

Qiao Jia stood outside the window of the interrogation room and watched for a few minutes. He made a somewhat incredible comparison between Ronnie and the mechanic. Then he opened the door and walked into the interrogation room. He said to Ronnie who was reminiscing with the mechanic and making some sarcastic remarks. : "If you are familiar with him, let him die a more dignified death; if you are not familiar with him, let him die a more painful death.

This guy provided the terrorists with powerful car bombs, which killed 35 National Defense Forces soldiers and 42 ordinary people the night before yesterday. Now there are still more than 30 people lying in the hospital...

 Get rid of him and we’ll leave Baghdad for Munich tomorrow…”

 Speaking, Qiao Jia patted Ronnie on the shoulder, then turned and left, because his curiosity about the mechanic ended there...

The mechanic obviously didn't expect Boss Joe to be so straightforward. He glanced at Ronnie who was drawing his knife, suddenly raised his head to face Boss Joe's back, and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't kill me, I have the information you need... "

Qiao Jia, who walked to the door, looked back and said with a smile: "Are you worthy of negotiating terms with me?

 What is my identity and what is your identity? "

The mechanic clearly felt that Boss Qiao was not putting pressure on him, so he suddenly said loudly: "I have information that you are interested in. I don't expect you to let me go. I just want you to do me a favor!"

This information is about gold. The Ravi family has 40 tons of gold collected in the United States, as well as many precious works of art..."

Recommend a book, thank you for praising me for being full of evil

   P set up players, easily write to Shuangwen!



 (End of this chapter)

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