From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1179: Enemies do charity

Chapter 1179 Enemies do charity

The mechanic's words caused Qiao Jia to pause for a moment. Then he looked back at this man with an obviously perverted temperament and said with a smile: "I said, what is your identity? What is my identity?

 What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the mechanic with a puzzled expression in his eyes, shook his head and said: "Looking at you, I can see that you have suffered a lot of injuries in your life, and I guess you are not too afraid of death.

But it’s nothing to be afraid of death. Letting people like you die with regrets is your punishment. "

The mechanic has never seen someone who behaves so unconventionally. He said in a hoarse voice: "I can die. I just want you to inform my student and ask him not to avenge me..."

 In this way you can get 40 tons of gold and many precious works of art!

Those are priceless things..."

 Qiaojia sneered and said: "Your conditions are flawed, but I don't care, and I'm not prepared to satisfy you."

The mechanic watched Qiao Jia pull out the pistol on his waist. He frowned and stared at his cloudy eyes, saying incredulously: "Why? This is not even a condition. I just want my students to give up revenge for me. This Good for you too.”

Qiao Jia looked at the mechanic's puzzled expression and said funnyly: "Do you all think I'm crazy?

 You think that I have killed all the members of the Rahway family, right?

The remaining direct descendants of the Ravi family are all starting businesses in Afika. If I want those things, just make a phone call.

But I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that the Rahway family still had such a family background.

 In return, I will let you die a little more happily..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pulled the trigger amidst the incredulous expression of the mechanic. The bullet penetrated his forehead and opened a big hole in the back of his head, causing him to fall backwards on the chair...

Ronnie glanced at the dead mechanic with a pity. He walked to Qiao Jia's side, sighed and said: "Boss, this guy is very powerful. It would be a pity to kill him!"

Qiao Jia said in a funny voice: "What a pity. I knew from the smell that this guy was a pervert, and he was a pervert with no sense of right and wrong and no sense of honor.

  No matter how powerful such a person is, what use are they to me? "

Ronnie shook his head slightly after hearing this and said: "Boss, you should listen to his conditions. The remaining members of the Ravi family are in the town of Hope in the Congo. I don't think you are the type to coerce them into giving up their last property." Take it out and give it to your person.

Moreover, the machinist’s students are also machinists. That night we all felt the power of machinists.

His students don’t have the same weaknesses as him. If that guy insists on revenge, then you may really need to be careful in the future. "

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "Brother, how do you know that this old guy asked me to inform his students not to take revenge, not to remind his students in disguise that they should not forget to take revenge?

 I believe that people all have good intentions, but how good will this old guy, who played with explosives and made himself into a human being and a ghost, and who doesn't even take his own life seriously, be to his students?

  Besides, it doesn’t matter to me. There are so many people who want me dead, including a mechanic...

If that guy hears that the teacher was killed by me and comes to me bravely for revenge, then I might be willing to sit down and talk to him about what is so magical about mechanics?

 Actually, I am also a mechanic, but my other advantages are so obvious that you have all forgotten my original profession! "

Dorian is actually quite curious about mechanics, but if a perverted old man dies, he will die...

Watching the boss turn around and leave, Dorian signaled Ronnie to clean up the scene, then chased him out, following behind Boss Qiao, and said as he walked: "Boss, that's 40 tons of gold, and precious works of art." , you really don’t want it anymore?”

Qiao Jia turned his head and glanced at Dorian, and said with a smile: "Yes, there is a saying in China that antiques in prosperous times are gold in troubled times. The people of the Ravi family have a strong government and know how to leave a way out for themselves."

Upon hearing this, Dorian said seriously: "Then I will ask the remaining descendants of the Ravi family how to get those things."

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "No, let someone tell them to take out all those things. I will pay for them all."

 Of course, they’re going to give me a big discount! "

Dorian heard this and said in disbelief: "Boss, are you crazy? Do you want to give them money?"

Qiaojia shook his head and said: "Elephant, money is the most worthless commodity if it can't find a way out.

 Let them give those things to me, and I will ask the Central African Bank to issue a batch of Central African CFA francs to set up a charity fund for them.

The Rahway family has done too many evil things, and killing those young people and children is beyond my bottom line, so let them do what they should do.

Don’t the rich men in the United States set up a charity fund after making naked donations, and let their descendants manage it with high salaries, and spend the minimum amount every year to do good deeds?

Let Kaman be the chairman of the charity foundation, let the Rahway family members work in the foundation, let them also receive salaries, and let them invest the money in charity projects in Central Africa and Congo.

 Education, medical care, rare diseases, natural and man-made disasters…

 As long as the money keeps flowing into these areas and lasts for twenty years, those in the Rahway family will be good people.

No matter what they think, as long as they can do what I ask, if they want to seek revenge from me twenty years later, I will let them shoot me first. "

When Dorian heard this, he shuddered slightly, and then looked at his boss like a god...

He has seen the boss's methods of uniting friends, but he never imagined that now he would not even spare the descendants of his enemies.

Those young members of the Rahway family, after twenty or even thirty years of philanthropic brainwashing, will they still want revenge?

 The boss did not take away the last trump card of the Ravi family, but it is not much different from taking it away.

 The construction gap in Central Africa and the Congo is too large, and always relying on P·B blood transfusions is not an option.

P·B's territory is now too large, and Boss Qiao is under great pressure on both capital and talent.

 Take the last property of the Rahway family and lend it to the Central African Bank as asset collateral, and let them print money to do good deeds for the Rahway family.

 Issuing additional currency is a very dangerous financial behavior in Afika, because issuing currency is actually using government credit as collateral.

  What credibility does the government of Afika have?

Afika businessmen want to raise funds in Europe and the United States, and the risk control departments of investment companies need to purchase investment insurance that is dozens of points higher.

 However, with the intervention of gold and art as collateral, and the backing of hard currency, the risk of additional currency issuance will be reduced to very low.

Of course, in doing so, we also need to prevent someone from creating hyperinflation to run on Central Africa’s foreign exchange reserves and force them to use gold to pay off their debts.

But it doesn’t matter to Boss Qiao, he has been in Central Africa for too long...

 He ​​dare not say anything about Congo, but if someone wants to destroy the Central African economy, he will let those people know what it means to have no return.

 Dorian had completely forgotten about the so-called mechanic student at this time...

 Compared to what his boss is doing now, a guy like a mechanic who is very dangerous in the eyes of ordinary people is actually an insignificant person. His methods may be a little different from ordinary people, but that is something that bodyguards should consider.

If Boss Qiao takes him seriously, he will lose!

 Dorian thought about his original boss...

 At that time, several mercenary gangs who entered the Afika jungle to burn and kill were eventually sent to the mines to squeeze out their physical strength, and then sent to the anteater training camp to become lifelong instructors and sparring partners.

 This is also a punishment, but what is more reflected in it is the embarrassment of talents within P·B at that time...

 Even if you are a bastard, as long as you are obedient, I will still use you!

 It’s really different now…

  The core reason why a top player like the Mechanic kills whenever he wants is that he deserves to die, and the second is that P·B has no shortage of such talents.

At this time, Dorian suddenly realized that his boss was no longer just a soldier leader and company boss, he was a real leader, and he was a leader who could make many people fight for him with just a single gesture!

 The worth of other people’s bosses depends on how many assets they have, but P·B’s boss is the most valuable asset in itself!

 The whole of Central Africa dare not say that among the 600,000 people in Sangha Town, at least 200,000 are willing to fight for him...

How much is this worth?

Dorian suddenly understood and said excitedly: "Boss, as your number one confidant, I think I should have some reliable subordinates so that I can better protect your safety."

Qiaojia glanced at Dorian and said, "What are you going to do? There are no more vacancies in Team A..."

Dorian adjusted his collar and said seriously: "Boss, I think I am a qualified guard commander!

I think as a super soldier and guard commander who will never betray, the level 35 salary is a reasonable price!

 I can’t get less than Thompson, right? "

Qiao Jia looked at Dorian, who was extremely ambitious. He shook his head in disgust and said, "I'm not like Lao Sa and Lao Ka. Why should I look down on useless guards?

If you really want to be the boss, then go find Kaman and pick a few good ones from the anteaters to take with you.

After this mission in Munich is over, I have to go back to Afika for some quiet time. If you can't wait any longer, team up with Medical Officer Bird and Ronny and assume the title of Team A to carry out the mission.

 As long as you are willing to work hard, a level 35 salary is not a dream..."

Upon hearing this, Dorian said happily: "Boss, aren't you going to run around this time?"


"How can it be?"

In an American prison, Aaron, who was rehabilitating with the help of parallel bars, looked at the blond warden in front of him and said with a smile: "Ms. Stephanie Ravenston, you are an agent of the Department of Homeland Security, and Hunter Bay That **** got together and wanted to ask me about P·B’s movements...

 What do you think?

 What leverage do you have in Hunter's hands to make you work so hard for him? "

The blond warden looked at the relaxed Aaron with cold eyes and said, "I have nothing to do with Hunter..."

Aaron sneered and shook his head and said: "That's because your **** has magic power, and Hunter's hands always want to put it up..."

As he spoke, Aaron's phone on the desk suddenly rang. He raised his chin towards Stephanie and said, "Go get my phone..."

Stephanie looked at Aaron's confident look and said with a straight face: "I'm not your servant, Mr. Cripple!"

Seeing that Stephanie only emphasized that she was 'not a servant' but did not clearly express her identity and position, Aaron smiled and shook his head, walked to the desk with some difficulty, picked up a towel and wiped the sweat on his head, and then Pressed the hands-free button on the phone...

“Boss, watch the news, Hunter Beyer’s scandal was posted online…

 Drug taking, promiscuity, manipulation of Ukrainian politics, accepting bribes, smuggling, and there is clear video evidence...

 Lao Bayer's mid-term election situation suddenly dropped a lot!

 The Democrats’ actions made the Democratic Party very angry…”

Aaron was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Stephanie, who had a complicated face, and suddenly clapped his hands and laughed and said: "Send me those videos, I want to know if our warden is one of those promiscuous videos a member of.

In order to prevent being slandered by women, the children of these big shots have the habit of filming when they go to bed with people they don’t know...

 I wonder what Hunter’s vision is like?

 Wow, I’m looking forward to it! "

Stephanie didn't mean to worry. She looked at Aaron who was playing with his phone and said, "Sir, since you said you are not friends with Jackal, why can't you cooperate with me?

 Congress is pushing to hold a hearing to discuss P.B.

 This company has now affected the interests of the United States...

 Once the hearing is passed, P·B split listing is forced, and you can also benefit from it! "

Aaron was amused by Stephanie. He looked at the beautiful Stephanie, shook his head and said, "What can I gain?

  P·B's American company is quite profitable, but after the spin-off, the future business ownership of the Ministry of Justice will not necessarily belong to whom.

 What do I do with the rest? "

Upon hearing this, Stephanie seemed to think there was something interesting. She took a step forward and said: "Don't forget, P.B.'s branch in Afika is the core of P.B., and they control a huge amount of assets..."

After hearing this, Aaron looked at Stephanie like an idiot, shook his head and said, "You are not suitable for this job because you are so stupid. If you continue, I don't think you will live long..."

Stephanie frowned and said, "Why?"

Aaron shook his head and said: "Because you don't understand P·B at all. Why do you think Jackal can build such a big foundation in Central Africa with a few men?

  Why do you think those greedy companies would allow such a company to grow?

 Does anyone want to eat the whole P·B in one bite?

 No, I don’t think so, then the only reason is that you are stupid! "

Stephanie took a step forward again, sat on the desk with her **** tilted, frowned at Aaron and said, "Why?"

 (End of this chapter)

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