From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1180: There are lucky people in this world

Chapter 1180 There are lucky people in this world

Aaron moved his body, leaned back on the comfortable chair, stretched his hand to the window, and let his palms linger in the warm sunshine...

 “Because you are really stupid!”

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Stephanie, who was still looking at him persistently. He smiled and shook his head and said: "I am from the CIA, and your method of inducing men to be competitive and teachable is not very clever.

 Do you want to use my understanding of P·B to confirm whether there is any connection between me and the jackal?

 It doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you…”

Stephanie straightened her back slightly, stretched out her hand as if she wanted to hear the details, and then said with a smile: "Sir, tell me everything you know, it will be very helpful for you to get rid of suspicion.

 Being the general manager of an international intermediary company will not be of much help to your current situation..."

Aaron looked around Stephanie's body with gentle eyes, and said with a smile: "I said, I will tell you why, you don't need to use threats to create pressure on me...

Do you know the most important reason why the jackal has been able to get to this day smoothly without being bitten and devoured by others? "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at the flash of ridicule in Stephanie's eyes. He shook his head and said, "You must have analyzed a lot of information about P·B...

Then those smart people will tell you that the reason why Jackals are successful is because Central Africa and even Afika as a whole sucks.

 Jackals like to share benefits…

 Jackal has an excellent political mind…

The politicians that Jackal invested in the United States gave him huge help, and so on...

 But they didn’t tell you that P·B had an extremely weak stage, at which time any multinational company might have the ability to grind P·B into powder.

 But why didn’t they do that?

 Including now that you also have the ability to force P·B to split up and force P·B to go public and accept your capital injection.

 But do you know why there is so much resistance? Why are the real giants more interested in Jackals than P·B? ​​What is the reason? "

Stephanie looked at Aaron's face and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

A smile appeared on Aaron's lips and he said: "Because those smart people are always good at calculations, and they know very well that the most valuable thing about P·B is actually the jackal itself...

 Everything else, whether it is loyal soldiers, military bases, air force, navy, or infrastructure investments, are all losing money!

Even the P·B bank that you think is the most valuable, the defense contracts of several countries in Afika, and the so-called humanitarian channel...

These things that seem to be of great value will become a losing business as long as Jackal is left alone!

Except for the things in the United States, you can't take away anything P·B has in Afika. Even if you take it away, those assets will instantly turn into ruins and become a burden to lose money.

There is nothing worth investing in Central Africa. The minerals in Congo are very good, but if you want those minerals, investing honestly is much more pragmatic and cheaper than bringing down P·B! "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Stephanie, who had a look of surprise in his eyes. He smiled and said: "Look, you are plotting against a guy who has drawn a lot of bad cards but keeps winning.

 You can freeze his bank assets and even take away all his fixed assets, but you cannot take away those who are willing to risk their lives for him.

As long as the Jackal lives, or even his descendants live, P·B will continue to exist, and Central Africa is not a place that any outsider can get involved in!

Why do you think you can win, Miss Ravenston?

 The Edward Foundation does not have the ability to cover the sky with one hand. If the fate of the Rahway family does not alarm you, then you will soon find that there will be many enemies around...

 Do you know what jackals are best at?

 He is best at making friends and finding more enemies for his enemies..."

Stephanie looked at Aaron in surprise and said, "You actually know..."

Aaron looked at Stephanie, who was acting fairly straightforward, he shook his head and said: "Are you surprised?

Not only do I know that you are a member of the Ravenston family, I also know that you are an investigator of the "Stairway of Light" killer group.

You originally took over the business of dealing with Tom Reed's youngest daughter and child. After your killer succeeded in poisoning through the Reed family, you were temporarily assigned to investigate P·B...

  It’s a pity that you can’t get any effective intelligence except superficial information.

So you used your identity as a Homeland Security agent to hook up with that idiot Hunter Beyer...

Taking advantage of the establishment's opportunity to target P.B., let Hunter put you in the position of warden. You want to learn about P.B. through me, the general manager of an international agency. "

 Stephanie didn’t mean to deny it at all. She said calmly: “How did you notice my problem?”

Aaron sneered, shook his head, and said, "I knew there was something wrong with you from the moment you revealed that you were an agent of the Department of Homeland Security.

 Do you know why? "

Looking at Stephanie frowning and shaking her head, Aaron said: "Because you are a tool without conscience, and you ignore the Jackal's contribution to the security of the United States...

 The Department of Homeland Security owes the Jackal a statue because he saved America from the threat of chemical weapons.

The CIA may attack Jackals, and the FBI may be pressured to investigate Jackals, but the Department of Homeland Security will not embarrass Jackals...

 As a person who has experienced this, I can tell you clearly that ‘tools without emotions’ will not end well!

 Look at my legs, that’s the proof!

 And you, you are dead!

People from the Department of Homeland Security were supposed to arrive a few days ago, but I asked them to come later because I wanted to see how you managed to survive in an apartment without electricity or water.

I want to torture you. I like to see beautiful women in embarrassment, especially when you clean your body with kitchen towels...

 You have a good figure, especially your butt! "

Stephanie was not too panicked at this time. She frowned and looked at Aaron and said, "You want me to die because of that jackal?"

Aaron looked at Stephanie who had reached this point and still wanted to get something out of him. He shook his head and said: "I just informed Homeland Security about your coming here and your identity in the 'Stairway of Light' Ministry, by the way, inform Tom Reed about your use of Sister Grace to harm little George.

You are just a small person. If you can't even touch the jackal's side, you will be torn into pieces...

You are just a marginal illegitimate son of the Ravenston family. You also have a sister who works in Washington and a mother who lives in a lunatic asylum. How do you think Tom Reed will treat someone who hurts his grandson? "

 At this time, Stephanie finally couldn’t sit still...

 After she was assigned to investigate P·B, she quickly found some strange information with her feminine delicacy and intuition.

 Almost every time P·B wins a big victory over terrorists, the Aaron Dupont in front of him can make a lot of money and at the same time expand his trade scope.

She instinctively felt something was wrong, so she found an opportunity to come to this prison, trying to dig out the unknown side of P·B from Aaron.

She was just an investigator of the Stairway of Light, but she didn’t expect that Aaron would investigate her thoroughly within a few days and sell her out...

Stephanie, who realized there was something wrong with the surveillance, lost her composure. She looked at Aaron nervously and said, "Where are my colleagues..."

Aaron grinned and said: "Of course they are in prison. Don't worry, they are doing well now. In addition to reporting my movements to you every day, they are all receiving hospitality from the enthusiastic inmates."

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Stephanie's panicked eyes, and he smiled and said: "Didn't you look at the license of this prison when you were in the warden's office?

It clearly says on it, I am the owner of this prison!

 You let people monitor me in my territory, and you also used Hunter to come to my prison as the warden...

 Do you think you are stupid? "

After hearing this, Stephanie suddenly lifted up her skirt, pulled out a pistol from her thigh and pointed it at Aaron...

“I have no ill intentions towards you, but you want me to die. Are you doing it for that jackal?

 You are worried that he will be targeted by the Ravenston family, right? "

Aaron looked at Stephanie who still refused to give up at this point, he shook his head and said: "You made a mistake!

 You are just a small person, and I am the general manager of an international intermediary company.

I don’t care if you have any ill intentions towards me. If you offend me, you will die!

 And I can tell you clearly that jackals are my friends! "

After hearing this, Stephanie was about to say something when she suddenly heard two crisp sounds behind her, and then a burst of electric shock made her body stiffen, and she straightened forward and plunged into Aaron's feet...

Aaron bent down and took the pistol away from Stephanie's hand with difficulty, then looked at Amal and Madeleine at the door of the cell, shook his head and said: "It will be earlier next time..."

Madeleine walked into the cell and knelt on Stephanie's back, cutting her hands together behind her back and tying them with strapping tape. Then the former terrorist checked Aaron's condition, shrugged and said, "Sorry boss, A bunch of crazy women are parading to celebrate Jackal’s great achievements, and there’s a traffic jam on the highway!”

 Speaking, Madeleine pointed to Stephanie on the ground and said: "Boss, what should I do with this woman..."

Aaron smiled and said: "I promised Jackal to help him check on Little George. Of course, I will leave this woman to him. Notify our people and create a little trouble for the people who come to investigate from the Department of Homeland Security, and then Fake the scene of her escape.

Stairway to Light’s placement of undercover agents in the Department of Homeland Security is a big deal…

 I learned something from Jackal. It is much easier to cause trouble for the enemy than to fight with the enemy yourself. "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Amal, who looked uncomfortable, and he said with a smile: "You are responsible for sending Stephanie to Munich and telling the Ravenston family of the Edward Jackal Foundation that they are eyeing him.

Stephanie is the investigator, which means there may be a Stairway killer who went to Munich.

 Have someone prepare a plane for me, I have to leave for a while..."

The last person Amal wanted to deal with was Boss Qiao. He lamented and said: "I understand, boss, but where are you going? I can arrange security personnel for you..."

Aaron said with a smile: "Four bodyguards are enough, I will arrange the rest myself.

I am a rich person now, and I should be able to buy high-quality services with my money...

 That idiot Hunter Beyer caused a big mess in Ukraine. I'm going to see what he did.

The big basket that can make this guy come back from Wu KL means that there will be chaos there...

I am the general manager of an international agency and an arms dealer. There is big business in Ukraine! "


Joga watched from the safe area as Old Kaman, covered in the smell of blood, coaxed several children onto the Global 8000, then waved goodbye without hesitation and let the plane take off...

Global 8000, escorted by the P·B fighter fleet, caught up with the French presidential plane escorted by 4 Rafales in front.

Qiao Jia could feel that Old Kaman was a little dissatisfied...

Because not enough people died and the shock was not big enough, Boss Qiao failed to fulfill his promise at the time.

Using Princess Emina to unleash the power of women’s rights has indeed distracted the malicious media’s discussion of P·B, but it has also diluted the shock brought by this confrontation in the Middle East.

 Since he started taking care of his children, Old Carman’s patience with Boss Joe has become a little less.

The old guy didn't see Boss Joe using Carter and Albut's lives to fill in the last piece of the 'intimidation puzzle' before going back, which made him a little regretful and unhappy!

But there is no way around it. The old nanny can’t always have everything go as planned...

Now the people around Boss Joe are Team A, Team B, Bat Team 1 and Team 2, and the Knife Team and the other T1s have to rush back to Yemen to continue working.

 As for the Golden Eagle special forces, they were supposed to adapt to the internal atmosphere of P·B in the safe zone, and then take a plane back to Ukraine KL...

As a result, Aaron called Boss Joe on his satellite phone just as he was about to get on the plane...

 “Jackal, I’m going to Wu KL for business, arrange a reliable security team for me!”

 Qiao Jia was stunned by Aaron's tone, and then said angrily: "Are you **** crazy? I owe you?

Are America’s prisons too childish?

 Be nice to me, or I'll call the federal marshals to report you for escaping from prison. "

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then yelled: "You bastard, are you a dog? Do you know that I have helped you a lot?"

The Ravenston family of the Edward Foundation is targeting you. It may be that the original frame-up of the Taran family was exposed.

I have a member of the Ravenston family in my hands. She is an investigator of the Stairway of Light and is related to the matter of Grace and Little George...

Jackal, I don’t want any reward for helping you investigate this matter..."

When Qiao Jia heard this, he said with a smile: "We are all good friends, talking about money hurts our feelings...

 If you are like this, I will find 40 good players for you, and they are all familiar with Wu KL..."

 As he spoke, Qiao Jia said a little uneasily: "What are you going to do in Wuhan?

 My life is more precious, they can fight but cannot be used as cannon fodder..."

When Aaron heard this, he said with satisfaction: "What do you care about me doing...

 Ask those people to wait for me in Belarus, and I will contact them when I arrive.

I'll have the Ravenston family sent to you in Munich, and you can take care of the rest. "

Aaron said with a bit of gloating: "Jackal, you are in trouble this time. P·B New Jersey Company will definitely not escape the fate of being listed. Do you need my help to hold some shares on your behalf?"

I can arrange for someone to help you in the board of directors, haha..."

Chauga hung up the phone with a bang, summoned Sergei from the Golden Eagle, and told him: "Something has changed. You will take a flight to Belarus today.

A lame man will go there, and you are responsible for keeping him safe and obeying his orders. "

After hearing this, Sergey frowned and looked at Qiao Jia and said, "Boss, how far should we go?"

Chaojia understood what Sergey meant. He thought for a while and said: "I guess it won't be too troublesome, but don't do anything too dangerous. The most important thing is to ensure his safety!"

 Sergey heard this and said with a smile: "Boss, is this the first time we have served P·B?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you can hire people when you get back, 200 to 300 is fine. Just give me an expenditure budget then."

As he spoke, Qiaojia shook hands with the happy Sergey, turned around and looked at Chris, who was not far away and was courting Gami, and shouted: "Brother, there is a lounge on Gami's plane. You can go there." Gami, look at the injury on your butt..."

Chris saw the strange look in Gami's eyes, he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, definitely not, those who kidnapped me were very polite to me...

real! "

Qiao Jia walked up behind Chris and said with a heavy face: "It doesn't matter, it's not your fault that you were kidnapped...

 Let's go, I heard that the doctors in Germany are good. Europe is your home base. You can find a doctor with a strict mouth to see you. "

Chris looked at Gami with a motherly glow in his eyes. He lamented and said, "I really don't have one. Let's get on the plane and I'll show you and you'll know..."

Really do not have! "

Jami smiled and nodded, holding Chris’ arm and walking while saying: “It’s okay, I don’t mind!

 It’s not your fault that you were kidnapped!

 The jackal has avenged you..."

As she spoke, Jami turned her head and glanced at Chris's butt. She held her arm with Chris, who was obviously walking unnaturally, and said with a smile: "It doesn't really matter, you are pretty cute like this..."

Chris turned his head to look at the queenly Jami, and said a little doubtfully: "Really?"

Dorian imitated the walking of a duck and passed by Chris. As he walked, he said: "Yeah, Her Majesty the Queen likes men with similar petty features..."

When Chris heard this, he raised his **** angrily and cursed: "FUCKYOU elephant!"

The medical officer bird passing by pretended to bow down and salute Gami, then looked at Chris and said: "The Queen's little boy can't say bad words..."


Chris raised his two middle fingers angrily and looked around at the people around him. Part of the bandage he used to fake an injury fell off without even realizing it...

Puyol, the only old man who was not injured, looked at his boss who was being tormented. He sighed and walked up to help tidy up the bandages on Chris. Then he said to Gami: "Madam, Chris is indeed injured...

 I can prove that he is definitely a tough guy! "

Jia Mi said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. Jia Xi has told me everything. I trust him..."

Qiao Jia, who had already reached the entrance of the plane, looked at Chris, the lucky guy...

  The adoptive father is a powerful man in Europe, and the biological father is a super agent, and then the biological father also pulled strings to find him a female shark fiancée...

Most of the second generation rich people were born in Rome. Chris was not only born in Rome, but also has an apartment in Rome...

Seeing Chris's aggrieved look, Boss Qiao, who was furious, said angrily: "Hurry up and get on the plane. This time I want to stay in the best hotel in Munich. Everyone wants Mr. Chris." Pay the bill…”

 (End of this chapter)

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