From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1181: Poor Munich

Chapter 1181 Unlucky Munich

 Gami’s private plane landed at Munich International Airport…

Qiao Jia looked at the motorcade on the airport runway through the plane window, and there were some guys who looked familiar...

“I think I’ve seen that old man in Monaco. What’s his name? Franz…”

Sanderson, who had put on a bulletproof suit, frowned and looked at the people in black suits on the side of the track and said, "Wow, it's KSK, what a big welcome parade!

 This group of people has cooperated with us in both Libya and Syria.

They are the most elite team in Germany, and they were actually sent here..."

After the plane stopped, Qiao Jia stood up and stretched, then adjusted the bulletproof suit on his body, and said with a smile: "These are all old friends. Germany is hinting to me about their attitude and reminding me. There may be dangers.

 They must have gotten some news, which is a bit interesting..."

 At Qiao Jia's words, the soldiers of the two bat teams sitting behind became nervous...

 Memnon and Kuba stood up, pulled their suits a little uncomfortably, and then began to reach for the tactical backpack on the luggage rack.

Dorian looked at the gang of black men who had never seen the world. He hit Memnon on the head angrily and said, "Don't be nervous. This is Germany, and basic safety is guaranteed.

Choose a black bag to match the suit better.

 If there is really a problem, the boss will arrange another weapon..."

Memnon grabbed a black leather backpack and put it on his back. After tugging hard, the backpack turned into a simple tactical vest...

 One UMP, three magazines, two shock bombs, and one smoke bomb.

Memnon pulled the UMP down and played with it a little disgustedly, and said aggrievedly: "Elephant, this kind of small gun can't even penetrate a car..."

Dorian was stunned when Memnon choked. He patted Memnon on the head angrily and cursed: "Can you ask the boss to give you a gun that can penetrate a tank?

Munich is the venue for the security conference. When the president comes, the bodyguards only have pistols.

Why does Germany let you bring heavy weapons in? If you carry heavy weapons, aren't others afraid? "

When Memnon heard this, he said with a strange expression: "When presidents go out, their bodyguards don't carry heavy weapons?"

Dorian looked at a group of gangsters who had never seen the world, he shook his head and said: "They don't need it, because the organizer will protect them, and the attackers can't afford the cost of attacking them.

The real bodyguard is not to kill anyone, but to stop bullets for the employer at critical moments and cover the employer's evacuation to a safe place. "

Memnon listened, shook his head and said: "We are all willing to take bullets for our boss, but our boss will not retreat..."

Dorian was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands angrily and said: "From now on, you all must obey my orders, otherwise you will cause trouble for the boss sooner or later."

 Qiao Jia watched Rhino secretly insert a frightening machete into his back, thinking that others would not be able to see it...

He reluctantly pulled out the knife and stuffed it back into the luggage rack, and said, "Just listen to me, don't bring anything except a tactical bag.

This is Germany’s home field, we must abide by other people’s rules...

Well, if you really need it, I will arrange weapons for you! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia reached out and took out a grenade from the pocket of Team B's 'Water Snake', stuffed it into a bag on the luggage rack, and said in annoyance: "Be honest as fuck, don't go out for a drink if you have nothing to do." Beer, buy some souvenirs or something.

  We are mercenaries, not madmen. Don't let people think that we want to fight wherever we go. "

The water snake looked at Boss Qiao sideways and said, "Boss, we are indeed not crazy, but we don't want to fight. Do you believe this sentence?"

Qiao Jia was choked for a moment, and then said unhappily: "I am the boss, should I think about it and report it to you?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took out a wad of cash from his pocket and stuffed it into the water snake's pocket, and said: "Listen to me, you are so crazy now that no man can hold it in."

  Team B, these crooked people, are really not that interesting...

 Find a handsome man for fun. German women are not interested in it, but there are still handsome men. "

 After speaking, Qiao Jia stopped talking nonsense to these people. He walked out of the plane as soon as the cabin door was opened...

Seeing Franz, the diplomat who had met in Monaco, greet him enthusiastically, Qiaojia smiled and stepped forward to shake hands and hug the man who pretended to be familiar with him. Then he said with a smile: "Franz Mr. Ci, we meet again..."

Franz smiled particularly sincerely. He held Qiao Jia's arm with his right hand and pointed sideways at a serious-looking old man next to him. He said, "Jackal, this is the director of the Federal Bureau for the Protection of the Constitution, Klein." .

The German Federal Police will be responsible for the security of the Munich Security Policy Conference..."

As he spoke, Franz glanced at the soldiers who were getting off the plane one after another. He smiled bitterly and said: "Jackal, can you ask your people to register the weapons they carry? Super-standard things cannot appear at this stage. Munich.”

After Qiao Jia nodded seriously, he stretched out his hand to shake hands with the director of the Constitutional Protection Bureau, Klein, and said: "Many people think that I am a militant lunatic. In fact, everyone who knows me knows that I am a pacifist. .

  Don’t worry, as long as no one deliberately causes trouble for me, my people will definitely not cause you any trouble. "

Qiao Jia just wanted to deal with it at first and give face to his host. Unexpectedly, Klein nodded seriously and said: "Mr. Jackal, you are right, everyone should have something to protect themselves." that power!

KSK has had a very pleasant cooperation with P·B in Libya, and their combat effectiveness has been fully verified.

 We are discussing internally to send the 9th Border Defense Brigade to Libya for training.

Sir, I believe there will be more places for us to cooperate in the future. "

 This time, Boss Qiao was a bit incompetent. He looked at Franz, whose expression was a little unnatural, and suddenly felt that Germany's internal political structure seemed quite interesting.

Franz is a mainstream person, but the director of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is a proper member of the right-wing party in his words and deeds.

Even if KSK goes abroad, sending the Ninth Border Guard Brigade, which is part of the police system, even under the title of training, is extremely outrageous.

At this time, Boss Qiao realized that Big Mouth Tang’s actions of squeezing allies, especially island countries and Germany, in recent years had caused the nationalist right-wing parties in Germany to begin to rise.

'Where there is oppression, there is resistance'

 This statement is also valid in Europe!

Looking at the unsmiling Klein in front of him, Qiao Jia pretended that he could not tell the difference between the affiliation of KSK and the 9th Border Defense Brigade. He smiled boldly and said: "No problem, all friends are welcome to the base in Tobruk.

 Whether it is training or combat, dealing with Al Qaeda is making a contribution to human society. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed at his men and said with a smile: "Sir, all my people have gun licenses. You know that I have experienced some very unpleasant things recently, so I am more concerned about my own security.

 They can cooperate in registering weapons, but they also need a certain degree of convenience from the German Federal Police. "

 Klein nodded matter-of-factly and said, "No problem, these KSKs were transferred by the federal staff to protect your safety.

I will assign a team from the Ninth Border Guard Brigade to coordinate with your itinerary security work, and most of the legal issues can be resolved. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled on his face, hugged the man vigorously, and then led him into a bulletproof Mercedes-Benz under the guidance of Franz.

After boarding the car, Qiao Jia asked Chris and Gami to join him in the car. He watched Dorian forcibly replace the driver, and then drove out of the airport under the **** of front and rear security...

 After leaving the airport, the smile on Qiao Jia’s face gradually disappeared…

“There is something wrong with the attitude of the Germans, they are too nervous!

 Did I miss any news?

KSK, the Ninth Border Guard Brigade, the Germans sent two top teams to my side. Are they protecting me or monitoring me? "

Chris is an old European. He frowned and thought for a while, then said: "The Germans shouldn't have any ill intentions, because they can't fall out with you.

 Afika’s import of cheap raw materials is very important to them!

 Perhaps they have received some news, so they are very nervous! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia touched the bridge of his nose and said curiously: "Who would dare to mess around in Germany?

And the Germans are actually a little scared..."

Chris shrugged his shoulders and said, "After we settle down, you can call and ask Galsi. He will definitely know."

Qiao Jia looked at Chris with disgust and said, "Are you still not the boss? Galsi is your biological father, what's the point of avoiding him?" Chris sighed and said, "I'm not ready yet..."

Speaking, Chris changed the topic and said: "But I'm ready for the hotel. I rented two floors at the Marriott Hotel.

The number of luxury hotel rooms in Munich is very tight now. I got this by asking my friends to let the hotel turn away some important guests!

 You must know that even the French Foreign Minister does not receive this kind of treatment! "

 Qiaojia glanced at Gami who rolled his eyes, and he said with a smile: "You don't have to pay for your extended stay in a hotel in France."

Just when Qiao Jia wanted to hit Chris a few more words, a phone call came in...

Looking at the unfamiliar number on the satellite phone, Qiao Jia frowned and picked it up, saying, "I'm a jackal..."

The call was from Amal. This guy had developed a little PTSD from Boss Joe. He paused for breath and said: "Sir, I sent Stephanie to Munich. Where do you live, I will send her to you." .”

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this Stephanie was a gift from Aaron...

He thought about the situation he might face, hesitated, and said: "I will stay in the Marriott Hotel, but there will be people from the German Federal Police around.

How about you work harder and make one more trip, send the person to Sangha Town, and hand it over directly to Grace. "

Amar on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t dare to say the rejection directly...

 Compared to his boss Aaron, Amal has an instinctive fear of boss Joe.

Qiaojia didn’t know what was wrong with Amal. He thought this guy was unhappy, so he said, “Well, I’ll give you 50,000 yuan, which is considered as running expenses...”

Amal said helplessly: "Sir, it's not that I don't want to help, but the situation in Munich is a bit tense now.

I have no problem being alone, but if I want to take Stephanie out of Germany, I need to use very complicated relationships.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but doing that might alert the German Federal Police..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "What exactly happened in Munich?"

After hearing this, Amar said curiously: "You don't know?

  Members of the Syrian Conquest Front detonated a bomb in the suburbs of Munich yesterday. The explosion caused no casualties, but the people of the Syrian Conquest Front claimed the explosion and issued a clear threat, which put Munich into a state of tension. "

Joga frowned and said: "What the **** is the Syrian Conquest Front?"

Ammar was stunned for a moment and said: "This is an organization that emerged after Isis was disbanded. In the past week, you destroyed one of their bases in northern Syria and killed more than 40 of their people. You didn't even know about them?" who is it?"

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment and said, "Weren't the people in the safe zone fighting the remnants of Isis?

  FUCK, what is all this mess?

 What are these people going to do? "

 Amar hesitated and said, “Sir, you really don’t know?

  The public information released by the people of the Conquest Front four hours ago is that they are asking NATO to detain you and put you on trial for several wars in Syria, and they are also asking the international community to recognize their political identity.

 They want to establish a new YSL state in northern Syria..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said in amazement: "It's really hard to be the public enemy of terrorists!

 Okay, thank you for the information, then please stay and wait for two days. When my business here is over, I will arrange for someone to pick up Stephanie. "

Amal smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, I am hiding in the MSL community now. There are people from the Conquest Front around me, and this place has been targeted by the federal police..."

Joga didn’t expect that Amal would be in this situation. This second-generation terrorist found a place to stay and actually ran into other terrorists...

Thinking of Amal's embarrassing situation, Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "I know, you wait for me for a few hours, I will have someone pick him up.

If you really can't stay any longer, you can just kill the person and run away yourself! "


"do not do that…"

On the lawn of a farm outside Munich, Matthew Robert took Black Ghost's arm and said anxiously: "Don't be like this, there is no point in you looking for them now...

 The situation in Munich is very tense now. Give me some time to fight for it. I guarantee that they will not default on their debt. "

Black Ghost looked at Matthew who was trying to persuade him earnestly. He gritted his teeth and said, "You can't rely on the money that a mercenary pays for his life..."

There was a flash of sarcasm in Matthew's eyes, and then he said with a wry smile: "This is not a question of whether to pay or not...

You have been exposed. If you want to get the money, you have to go through a more complicated procedure, because neither the CIA nor the Pentagon can provide the money.

 You can’t ask the big shots to pay for it themselves, right? "

Black Ghost looked into Matthew's eyes and said seriously: "Don't try to lie to me. I know what happens to people like me in this kind of situation...

 I need to get the money I was promised and then I will disappear on my own…”

Matthew Robert spread his hands and said: "Then you have to trust me even more, because I am with you now, but I am smarter than you. When I rescued you, I had already sent my wife and children to Thailand.

 You can also make some preparations in advance and wait for my news..."

Black Ghost listened and looked at the embarrassed Matthew. Just when he was about to speak, a warning suddenly came from the radio...

“Boss, someone came in, not a German...”

When Matthew saw Black Phantom’s livid face, he sighed and said, “Well, I overestimated the ambition of those big shots, and I should be the one to silence them…

 Take me with you, I still have some contacts in Germany, we will take the train to Austria..."

Black Ghost looked into Matthew's eyes, and after a few seconds he shook his head and said: "No, we won't leave!

I have worked for the CIA for more than ten years and have done countless dirty jobs. I am not just trash thrown away..."

As he said that, Black Ghost picked up the radio and said: "Kill them, and then we go and tell those people that the mercenaries cannot be paid for their lives..."

Matthew lowered his head and kicked the ground in annoyance. After sorting out the expression on his face, he looked at the black ghost seriously and said, "Can you let me go first?"

Black Ghost grinned at Matthew and said, "What do you think?"

As he spoke, Black Ghost put his arm around Matthew's shoulders, snatched his cell phone to check, and said, "Your family went to Bangkok. I have a few guys whose families are also good soldiers. They will buy the nearest plane to go." Bangkok…

The Jackal's reputation is really good. He did not trouble our family, so we have the opportunity to send all our family members to Thailand, and we also have extra manpower to find your family...

  Matthew, I thank you for helping me in Baghdad, but it does not mean that I trust you...

 Don’t play tricks! "

Matthew grabbed the phone and said unhappily: "Do you know who the debt is from?

 Have you ever thought about the consequences? "

Black Ghost lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "I know!

  I know the consequences of going against the big shots!

 But I know better that if I don’t deal with them, I won’t even have a chance to think about it.

 Actually, the same goes for you. If there is no good solution, you will have to live in anonymity for the rest of your life, hiding in a place full of garbage. "

After hearing this, Matthew nodded bitterly and said, "That's true..."

As he spoke, Matthew looked at the determined black ghost. He hesitated for nearly half a minute and said: "It is not impossible to strive for a promising future, but it requires taking a lot of risks.

I will never die with you, either you let me go, or you listen to my ideas, and then we take risks to fight for it..."

 (End of this chapter)

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