From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1182: If there is no accident, there will definitely be an accident.

Chapter 1182 If there is no accident, there will be an accident.

 Inside the Presidential Suite at the Marriott Hotel…

Boss Qiao was sitting on the sofa in the reception area, facing the window and feeling the warm sunshine...

Although the transparent bulletproof shield that Ayo put up on his side was a bit distracting, Qiaojia appeared to be very comfortable. On the contrary, Franz, the German diplomat sitting opposite him, acted a little embarrassed.

Qiao Jia took a sip of the coffee, then put down the slightly sour coffee with disgust, turned to Dorian and said: "Blacken Marriott's coffee, and ask them if they are interested in purchasing some from Afika." of high-quality coffee beans.”

After speaking, Qiao Jia shrugged at Franz and said, "Brother, you have to tell me what happened.

 Now KSK is standing at my door, and people from the 9th Border Guard Group are sitting in the hotel lobby.

 I want to know whether you want to protect me or spy on me?

Then I can adjust my state, otherwise if there is a mistake in my expression, everyone will be embarrassed. "

Franz took off his glasses, wiped his face with a napkin, then put on his glasses and looked at Qiaojia opposite, and said: "Jackal, the Syrian Conquest Front is a terrorist organization that has just emerged recently.

 They took over some of the remnants of Isis, which included a large number of extremists who were developing in Europe.

 They are coming for you!

I know you are not afraid of them, but we also don’t want you to conflict with them in Germany.

The Munich Security Conference is very important and will be attended by high-level officials from various countries and civil organizations.

 We have to be careful, hope you understand! "

Qiaojia shook his head and said: "I don't understand!

 You used "protection" as an excuse to restrict my freedom and limit my actions to a small framework.

 Mr. Franz, you know, this is more dangerous for me, because my enemies are not only terrorists, but also people who really need to worry.

 I guess you may know something in your mind, but you don’t dare to say it yourself..."

After hearing this, Franz sighed helplessly and said, "Jackal, you have to believe in our sincerity and ability. Germany is not a country where just anyone can act unscrupulously.

 You are invited to come to the meeting and we will keep you safe! "

Qiao Jia nodded slightly, stared into Franz's eyes, and said, "So what's going on with Klein?

 I trust those KSKs because I want to trust those guys who have fought alongside me...

 I believe that those soldiers with a sense of honor will not shoot at me after understanding P·B’s style.

 But who are those people from the Ninth Border Guard Brigade?

  I think that Klein is very friendly to me, but his behavior makes me a little uneasy..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Franz who was looking down at the coffee pot from the corner of his eyes. He said seriously: "Don't lie to me. I am the leader of the soldiers. I can see some things more clearly than you."

Sir, as a friend, I sincerely remind you that if you want to use me as bait, you have to bear the risk of the situation getting out of control!

 I will not cooperate with you, whether actively or passively..."

Franz didn’t know why, but he felt that Boss Qiao, who was bathing in the sunshine in front of him, suddenly turned into a lion. The strong sense of oppression made him feel a little palpitated...

Facing this physical discomfort, Franz coughed and drank coffee to cover up his condition...

 A few minutes later, Franz lowered his head and said: "Regarding Klein's actions, I can apologize to you on his behalf.

Klein has no ill will towards you. He is a traditional soldier who is different from the habits of the modern German army.

The Constitutional Protection Bureau under his charge is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and investigating intelligence on behaviors that endanger the implementation of the Constitution, including various political extremist behaviors, terrorist behaviors, and espionage...

 He viewed the actions of the Conquering Front as a serious provocation, so…

 Jackal, the chemical weapons you intercepted in Austria were supposed to be in Germany, and you saved our city.

Klein has expressed his admiration for P·B on many occasions. He even proposed to form a mercenary team similar to the P·B special force to safeguard German overseas interests, and regarded P·B as his primary cooperation. object.

Of course, his opinion was dismissed, but the General Staff budgeted for an additional mercenary squad within the KSK...

Klein doesn’t want to use you as bait..."

As he spoke, Franz looked at Boss Qiao’s half-smiling expression, and said seriously: “The reality seems to be like this, but the key point is that Klein doesn’t understand the problems you have with those people.

 He simply thinks that the person who wants to harm you is a terrorist.

 Jackal, I don’t like Klein, but I must say that this guy is your admirer and he has absolutely no ill intentions towards you.

 His actions, in my opinion, are more like wanting to show his toughness in front of his idol!

 There are some soldiers in Germany who are particularly afraid of being looked down upon and have a strong sense of honor and self-esteem.

  Klein is one of the representatives!

There are many people in the German army and police who hate Klein, but no one thinks he is incompetent!

please believe us…"

Chauga didn’t know much about the German army and police force, and he didn’t quite understand why the German General Staff would listen to the opinions of a security bureau chief.

However, Boss Qiao guessed that Klein’s party might have some say in Germany.

Franz spoke with great fanfare, and even used some words to flatter Boss Qiao in a subtle way, but Boss Qiao would not trust his safety to irrelevant people.

Looking at Franz who looked very helpless, Qiao Jia hesitated and said with a smile: "Well, all of you can stay, but I reserve the right to defend myself.

Of course, P·B’s self-defense is a little different from what others understand, but I promise that this kind of action will only happen when I am attacked...

 This point must be on paper, is there no problem? "

Franz looked into Boss Qiao’s eyes. After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, the fifty-year-old diplomat understood that this was Boss Qiao’s bottom line.

Looking at the scary Ayo and the terrifying rhinoceros, Franz nodded with a wry smile and said: "I will negotiate with Klein...

I don’t know much about military matters, but, um, don’t use ammunition more powerful than 9mm, okay? "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "Neither I nor my men have powerful weapons. In fact, I trust you.

I have great respect for hard-core soldiers like Director Klein who have professional self-respect and pride. I promise not to do anything out of line unless forced to do so. "

Franz saw that after he relaxed, Boss Qiao also relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, that's good!

  Don’t worry, Munich now has the elite federal police concentrated there, and security issues are still guaranteed. "

Franz may have felt that what he said contained too much self-comfort. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Jackal, please believe in our sincerity. Our company has many opportunities to cooperate with you in Afika." .

 You are more important to us than some greedy people!

Our Defense Minister Ursula von Leyen has been a bit, well, naive on some matters...

 If she says something unfavorable to P·B at the meeting, don’t take it to heart. "

Choga sneered and shook his head and said: "Of course I won't take it to heart. What power does the German Minister of Defense have?

Just talking...

 A female politician would definitely regret it if she jumped out to question me as "Knight Joe" at this time! "

Franz looked at Qiao Jia who looked relaxed, he nodded slightly and said: "Princess Emina landed in Paris...

 Von Leyen herself is a relatively radical feminist, and maybe she will be on your side this time. "

As he spoke, Franz relaxed and stretched his arms, and said with a smile: "Jackal, Princess Emina is a miracle of modern human rights.

If you didn’t remind me, I would have forgotten that you grabbed a perfect card!

I now understand why you came to Munich without hesitation. You know that those people cannot cause trouble for you through the authorities at this time, right? "

 Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "Actually, it's all a coincidence. Maybe I'm lucky..."

Franz sensed Qiao Jia's intention to see off the guests. He stood up decisively and said, "That's it for today. I will feed back your attitude. At the same time, I will coordinate with Klein to avoid giving you as much as possible. Cause trouble.

 There are still 4 days before the meeting. If there is nothing particularly important, I suggest you not leave the hotel.

 The security conference is attended by European heads of state, and I think you can do some new business here.     Oh, I almost forgot, people from Defense want to make an appointment to chat with you, their general manager is in Munich right now..."

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this defense company was a defense company affiliated with the famous Rheinmetall.

 Almost all German high-end tanks and armored vehicles familiar to military fans are produced by this company.

The last time we held a bid for a synthesis camp in Brazil, the people from Rheinmetall performed so well that they were kicked out by Boss Qiao.

 The battle on the Yemeni side is now going smoothly, and the display of the combined battalion has attracted the attention of military forces around the world.

 The combined battalion, which has been proven in actual combat, has become the best solution for many countries to upgrade their own armies.

 A combined battalion can handle a few million dollars, and there are also luxury plans worth tens of millions. The price adaptability shown with this kind of combat capability is great!

The exhibition in Djibouti has become an arms summit. The experimental nature of the Yemeni battlefield has allowed many large companies to come up with more goodies...

Whenever a big customer asks for a price, they dare to send the product to Yemen for those advertising mercenaries to try.

The terrorists and mercenaries in Mukalla have been beaten to the point of collapse by the surreal security war...

To be honest, the combat intensity is not high, but it is too torturous!

Those advertising mercenaries who are armed to the teeth, with the sponsorship of major manufacturers, have gradually changed from soldiers in the beginning to science fiction...

Although the effectiveness of those experimental weapons varies, their handsomeness alone is enough to make terrorists and those unlucky mercenaries lose their confidence.

 The current winners in Djibouti are Norinco and Ug-Imbert…

The advertising effect of the Yemeni battlefield began to spread on a large scale. The two synthetic battalions performed extremely well. Together with their relatively affordable prices, orders began to flow into their pockets.

However, if the Shah's combined brigade order is signed, the French Army Group will become the undisputed winner.

In fact, the French-sponsored synthetic battalion is itself the most advanced weapon of the Army Group. Apart from the poor price, it is also the best in appearance and combat effectiveness!

Now Rheinmetall has probably seen the benefits of the war in Yemen, and regrets its original stinginess, so it sent people from the defense company to try to get in touch again.

Many people say that Germans are stubborn, but in Boss Qiao's view, most of the so-called stubbornness of Germans is actually the result of simplicity developed under the superior social system and welfare, and some are based on industrial strength and institutional self-confidence. arrogant.

 In some cases, it may seem like you are being stubborn, but in fact, you just don’t have enough money.

But this time Boss Qiao is not going to spoil them...

When he got up to see Franz off, Joga said with a smile: "I'm not interested in the German military industry. Just let them go back..."

Franz was stunned for a moment, shook his head helplessly and said: "Jackal, the Lynx infantry fighting vehicle is currently the best and most balanced infantry fighting vehicle in the world. They just need a chance..."

Qiao Jia grinned and said: "The best?

How can a Bobcat who has never been to a high-intensity battlefield dare to say that his own is the best? "

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "But you can just say so. Anyway, I can't afford a chariot worth 8 million euros, let alone use it...

To tell you the truth, if it weren’t for the sponsorship from the French, I wouldn’t be able to afford the VBCI tank.

However, the French's generosity was rewarded, and the Shah decided to purchase a combined brigade to rebuild the land warfare system of the Wehrmacht.

Light-weight wheeled combat vehicles adapt very well to areas with complex traffic, better than Lynx..."

When Franz heard this, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I will bring your exact words to the people of Defense Company.

 Jackals, it’s not that they are stingy, it’s just that the cost of bobcats is too high…”

Qiaojia sneered and said: “Without enough orders, the cost will of course get higher and higher.

 This is the first time I have seen such an advanced modular combat vehicle, but the cost cannot be reduced.

I respect Rheinmetall’s pursuit of profits, then they should respect the market...

 You think so? "

Upon hearing this, Franz shook his head helplessly and left...

 When he entered the elevator, he took out his phone and called someone from defense company...

“If you want the jackal to relent, you need to come up with something that can impress him...

Sincerity alone is of no use! "


 After Franz left, Joga went to a Thai restaurant in the Marriott Hotel…

Looking at Chris sitting across from Galsi in the window seat with an awkward look on his face, Qiao Jia walked over and squeezed into the seat, smiling and said: "What's wrong?

 You don’t seem to be used to the new relationship…”

Galsi didn't seem to want to talk about the 'father and son' issue. He took out a thick document and handed it to Qiao Jia and said: "This is a pre-arrangement according to your request, but it doesn't seem to be right now." It’s time to use it…”

Joga took the document and looked through it, gave Galsi a thumbs up, and said: "Brother, you are the best intelligence officer I have ever seen. Are you interested in working with me?"

I happen to need a person in charge in Europe. If you are willing, I will acquire Chris Intelligence Company, and then you will be the boss of this company.

Let me tell you the truth, your old buddies are great. As long as they don't go to the front line to fight against people, they are still the best spies..."

Garci glanced at Chris, who was bowing his head in silence, then sighed with a complicated expression and said, "You should talk to Chris about this issue...

I am old, but I can still work for a few more years! "

As he spoke, Galsi pointed to the information in Boss Qiao's hand and said, "Let's talk about your plan. I made a lot of preparations, but an explosion yesterday made me change some of my ideas."

Qiao Jia smiled and said: "You think that the conquest front should be used as cannon fodder, right?"

Garci nodded and said: "You just want to create a little chaos. Now the Conquest Front can fully meet the requirements in this regard. We don't need to create extraneous branches."

After hearing this, Qiaojia turned his head and looked through the glass at the Ninth Border Guard Brigade near the hotel door. He shook his head and said: "No, I don't think the people of the Conquest Front may be able to withstand the blows of the German Federal Police.

I have to make the Germans feel that the Conquest Front is very dangerous and will cause great harm to Munich, and then they can legitimately intervene when they have nothing to do.

Matthew Robert launches in these two days, and I don’t want to be quarantined in a hotel then...

I said I would hang Carter and Orbut with my own hands, and I will keep my word! "

Garci looked at Boss Qiao's determined expression, nodded slightly and said, "Persistence is a good habit!"

With that said, Galsi handed a prepaid mobile phone to Boss Qiao and said: "I have arranged the weapons according to your requirements. There are a few numbers on the back of the plan. If you dial them, you can activate the things you sent in advance.

I have also made some arrangements in other places. When do you think it is a good time to start? "

Qiao Jia put away the phone, glanced at Chris who looked curious, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and call daddy, otherwise you will be so scared that you pee your pants later..."

When Chris heard this, he said nervously: "Can you please stop messing around here?"

As he spoke, Chris looked at Qiao Jia's serious look. He turned to Galsi. After hesitating for a long time, he lowered his head and said, "Dad..."

Garci was stunned for a moment, with an excited blush appearing on his old face. He tried hard to suppress the desire to stand up, nodded to Qiao Jia to express his gratitude, and then said: "Lean back..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia pressed Chris's chest decisively, and the two of them pressed against the back of the chair...

There was a crisp "pop" sound, and a small hole appeared in the glass on the side facing the street...

Dorian, who was on alert not far away, saw that something was wrong. He rushed over regardless of his own safety, lifted up the dining table and blocked the window, blocking the sight of the sniper outside...


 As Dorian yelled, a trash can outside the hotel suddenly exploded, and thick smoke with a suspicious smell began to spread on the street...

Qiao Jia looked at KSK running in the distance. He stood up and evacuated while waving and shouting: "I can take care of myself and go to the street to evacuate the crowd..."

 (End of this chapter)

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