From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1196: Passionate Brazil

Chapter 1196 Passion for Brazil

 In a week’s time…

Boss Qiao, with a face that was a bit pale even without makeup and deep dark circles under his eyes, was pushed by the radiant Monica to interact with people from all walks of life in Rio and then participated in a It can be called a grand official opening ceremony.

Tens of thousands of takeaway errand boys from Rocinha gathered in the stadium in Rio. Their bright yellow overalls turned the stadium into a sea of ​​yellow.

The opening ceremony started with the performances of a bunch of Brazilian stars that Boss Joe didn’t know…

You have to admit that Latinos are more open-minded than other races. The dress of the female guest in the opening performance would definitely not be censored in China, but here it seems very conservative.

 Dorian pushed a small blanket covering himself, as if Boss Qiao, who was entering his final years ahead of schedule, was strolling in the backcourt...

The performers and dancers burst out with great enthusiasm when they saw the real big boss coming.

Even though Boss Qiao has been drained of his essence and blood by Monica in the past two days and entered the sage time, he is still tempted by a bunch of girls who don't like to wear clothes.

Dorian and Medical Officer Bird were so happy. The two **** crowded on both sides of the wheelchair, trying to stop the girls from harassing the boss. The bumps and bumps caused a lot of jealousy from the girls around...

Dorian waved his arms and pushed a girl with huge **** aside, shouting loudly: "Don't touch my boss, come to me if you have anything to do..."

Qiao Jia turned his head awkwardly to avoid a big breast who wanted to feed him. Then he watched a girl put her **** on his hand that was neatly placed on the armrest of the wheelchair. He sighed and let his hand go. The girl's buttocks, holding the blanket with both hands, shouted: "King Kong, send me out..."

Following Qiao Jia's roar, Ayou, who was wearing a fat bodyguard suit with large wet stains on his armpits, grinned happily and pushed away a group of enthusiastic Yingying Yanyan. Dorian and Medical Officer Bird then pushed the boss's wheelchair out of Pansi Cave...

As they were about to arrive at the exit, two teams of costumed female dancers spotted Boss Qiao. They crowded in the player tunnel with laughter, facing the wall and holding on to the wall with their hands, sticking their butts out and blocking the not-so-wide aisle.

Boss Qiao wanted to raise his hands in surrender, but as he approached, he involuntarily opened his hands and patted them along the pert buttocks.

The moment Boss Qiao was pushed out of the player tunnel, Boss Qiao's figure appeared on the big screen. The stadium became quiet, and only the sound of the singers shouting **** the stage was left...

When two teams of girls with plump buttocks and feathers on their backs surrounded Boss Qiao and entered the stadium, the stadium of 80,000 people burst into loud cheers.

 Qiao Jia tried his best to look like he was in his twilight years, waved his hands around, and then the huge sound completely overwhelmed the voice of the female singer on the stage.

At this time, the female singer stopped singing. She took the microphone and broke through the security barriers and ran for nearly 100 meters. She wanted to have a close contact with Boss Qiao, but Ayu hugged her waist with one hand and gently picked her up. Put it aside gently...

Qiao Jia glanced at the female singer with a hot figure that could not be covered by her clothes. He asked Ayu not to treat others so rudely, smiled and hugged her, then took the microphone in his hand and coughed lightly. He made a sound, and said in a voice that was not full of energy: "Hello..."


The moment Joga's voice came out, the stadium burst into violent applause as if Brazil had won the World Cup.

 Qiao Jia’s wheelchair was surrounded by a group of lively girls, and escorted by applause into the VIP seats in the venue...

Ayou deliberately pushed Boss Qiao between the unsightly looking kitten and the smiling Monica, and then she sat directly on the floor next to him.

Qiao Jia hugged the angry kitten, stretched out his hand to touch her belly, and then reached out and kissed her on the face...

After the applause subsided, Qiao Jia picked up the topic and said with a smile: “I don’t know what to say, I can only welcome you to join the ‘Andrea Sisters Company’.

 This company is named after my lover Cat and her sister. It carries Cat’s best fantasies and wishes for Rio.

 I felt that I should not live up to her expectations no matter what, so this guy was born...

You all have seen it, the kitten is carrying my child...

  She loves Rocinha because she grew up there, lost there, matured there, and that place carried the most profound memories of her life.

 She wanted to give back to the place, and she did it...

 She provides you with jobs and the opportunity to change your destiny!

I don’t know what your future will be like, but I believe that as long as you can work with peace of mind, you can change your life..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned around and looked around the stands. He smiled and said: "Look at the people around you...

Your circumstances may be different, but the current situation is similar. When you put on that work clothes, you are no longer alone.

 Remember that when you encounter trouble, don’t think of using a gun to solve the problem, call the headquarters to report it...

I can guarantee that as long as you work hard and seriously, Andrea Company will stand by your side when you are treated unfairly.

 When you get used to our company culture, when you encounter problems in the future, you will find that not only the company will be on your side, but perhaps tens or even hundreds of thousands of people wearing the same uniform will be on your side.

 You are making a living, so you need to face every customer in a friendly manner, you need to deal with the company's complex rules and regulations, and you need to endure the boredom and exhaustion day after day...

 But your souls are still free!

I believe that this job is just an insignificant step in your life. I hope that Andrea Company, an insignificant stepping stone, can help you embark on another life...

I can't ask too much of you. I just hope that even if you leave this company, when you have a family and children and your life becomes happy in the future, you will still remember us when you look back on the past, and you will remember that you hope to rely on yourself just like you. The hands that change the companions of the future...

 Guys, you were once insignificant, but when you put on the same uniform and walked through the streets and served the city, you became a collective.

As long as you regard yourself as a member of the group and work hard to maintain the honor and dignity of this group, you will find out when the time comes...

 You have the power!

 You have the power to change the world! "

When Boss Qiao stopped, the stadium was quiet for a moment, and then violent cheers rang out like an explosion...

This group of Brazilians quickly unified the rhythm and began to clap hard...





The highest courtesy in the stadium was given. As the boss of the company, Mao Mao was a little dissatisfied with Boss Qiao's extravagant life these days, but how could she remember it now...

This girl stood up with a big belly, raised her hands above her head, clapped and circled to greet the stands. Finally, she excitedly hugged Boss Qiao’s head and kissed him hard...

Nearly half a minute later, Qiao Jia pretended to be short of breath, held up the microphone and said: "I am still a wounded person. The doctor told me that I can't be too excited..." As Qiao Jia looked at the stands that were quiet again, he smiled. He said: "But no matter what, happiness is the medicine that heals all pain.

 And you are the happiest group of people I have ever seen!

 Once I asked a Rocinha woman why she was so happy…

She told me that she didn’t know how to face the painful life except happiness, because she had nothing but happiness.

 Since then, when I encounter a problem, I always think...

 Whatever, everything I do is to make myself and the people around me happy...

 When I am doing the right thing, what are the hardships and obstacles?

 So, what the heck...

 Even if I fail, the earth will still turn...

 Even if I fail, people will never forget the feeling of happiness and there will always be people who continue to do the right thing...


who cares…

Be a bit happier!

Hey guys, we are in this together now!

 You are with the strongest and most honorable soldiers in the world!

 Go on the right path, do the right thing, stop being a superficial happy balloon, and fill your soul with the hydrogen of happiness...

Then work hard to fly, to be happy, to be happy...

 The better you become, the better this city will be!

 When you are happy, this city will be truly happy...

 Look, you are the cornerstone of the city of Rio...

 So, comeon…”


 Amid huge applause and cheers, the music on the stage began to sound again, and more carnival dancers rushed out of the players' tunnel.

They danced around the court and brought the atmosphere to the climax, causing the cheers to break through the ceiling of the court and reach far and far away...

Ika, who was invited to watch the ceremony, looked sideways at Boss Qiao, who had caused the carnival, with brilliant eyes...

 A man sitting in a wheelchair mobilized the emotions of tens of thousands of people with just a whisper, and easily connected tens of thousands of people with a gang-like family culture to form an initial cohesion.

Seeing the people around him stand up and gather around to congratulate Boss Qiao, when Ika also wanted to stand up, Monica grabbed him and then sat down in Monica's arms...

Just when Ika wanted to break free, she felt Monica's strange hand holding her chest.

When Ika rolled her eyes and tried to push away Monica's harassment, Monica laughed strangely, put her arms around her neck and kissed her lips...

Ika was stunned for a moment when she was attacked. When she struggled to get away, Monica raised her head and looked into her eyes...

“Your husband is such a terrible person. Originally, I wanted to push you into a jackal’s bed, but this guy didn’t agree...

Since he doesn’t agree, I think I should try it myself..."

Ika was stunned for a moment, even forgetting that Monica was still squeezing her chest with strange hands and said in surprise: "What are you going to do?"

 Monica lowered her head and kissed Ika on the tip of her nose, and said proudly: "Of course I'm taking you away from that good-for-nothing Kushner...

Girl, your father and Kushner’s combined business is only a little bit. I have a big apartment in New York. We can do something big in New York together. "

Monica pinched Ika's chin and said with a smile: "Remember to think about it, my big bed is very soft, and Jackal doesn't go there often. Sometimes I need a companion...

Oh, just to remind Kushner that loser, the New York City Council will sue him for violations of the apartments he holds, and 200 tenants have already signed the indictment with a compensation amount of 500 million US dollars..."

When Ika heard this, she instantly thought of Alicia from the U.S. Department of Justice. She covered her face in pain and said, "Can you stop doing this?"

Monica pinched Ika’s chin and said with a smile like a bully: “Are you begging me?

Madam, you don’t want your husband either, ah…”

When Monica was teasing Ika, someone unexpectedly pinched her **** hard...

Turning back to see Boss Qiao staring at her, Monica spread her hands, turned around and pressed her upper body on Boss Qiao's shoulders as if she had no bones, and said, "Boss, do you need anything?"

Qiao Jia didn't know what Monica said to Ika. He smiled at Ika and waved his hand, and then said to Monica: "Don't get too close to Ika. The big-mouthed Tang is unreliable. Ika’s husband is even more of a bastard…”

Upon hearing this, Monica said nonchalantly: "But the people in Ika are not bad. Don't worry, I will avenge you when Kushner causes trouble for you..."

 Qiao Jia frowned and looked at Monica, who was flirting with her eyes. He sighed and said, "Then it's up to you..."

 Speaking, Boss Qiao leaned his head tiredly on Monica's chest and said: "I am a seriously injured person now, and I was a little too happy just now.

 The atmosphere here is not suitable for me now. I need to find a quiet place to rest. "

Monica glanced at the kitten who was socializing, and he leaned into Boss Joe's ear and said: "How about the players' locker room, I think it will be very exciting there.

 Do you have any favorite celebrities? I can call them together..."

Qiao Jia looked at Monica as if she were a ghost and said, "Do you have a misunderstanding about the word 'recuperation'?

Beauty, don’t forget, I am a wounded person now..."

Monica didn’t seem to care about this at all. She put her chin on Boss Joe’s shoulder, supported his head and turned towards the stage...

 On the stage, a female singer wearing a tight leather jacket was performing a hot dance with a group of Victoria's Secret level dancers...

 “Is there anything on stage that you like?”

Boss Qiao felt his slightly itchy ears, and then touched his nose...

“FUCK, you really can’t come here often to this shabby place like Brazil…”

 (End of this chapter)

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