From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1197: Big bustle

Chapter 1197 The excitement

  The excitement in Rio lasted for several days, and it was a spontaneous celebration...

The effect of gangster local promotion is much more efficient than that of traditional enterprises. In less than half a year, all stores related to distribution in Rio have installed special cash registers.

 In the past half year, we have actually been working on it. Various lawsuits, conflicts, collection and payment, personnel and commodity insurance, and a series of other issues were all solved one by one during the process, and a solution was obtained that everyone was happy with.

Originally, as long as the head office restrains its greed, it is a matter of course for restaurants or stores that need delivery services to pay a share of the errand fee with customers.

In order to increase efficiency, Monica also talked with companies in China, and the two parties cooperated to enter the Brazilian telecommunications industry.

It is unrealistic to acquire a small telecommunications company and then increase the deployment of base stations to achieve full signal coverage, but within the Rio urban area, communication signals are definitely sufficient.

 I have been preparing for so long just to make it a hit...

 Carnival is just a pretext, spending money to buy users is the real thing!

All restaurants and stores related to Andrea's company have released discount coupons. Monica even spent 60 million US dollars to buy a large amount of drinks, and then issued free drink coupons as member subsidies on the website. They were released one after another within three days.

Nearly all bars in Rio have received invitations to cooperate. Anyone who nods will have cash directly transferred to their account, allowing them to provide drinks as requested.

In addition to the bars in the city, several famous beaches in Rio are simply crazy...

Andrea's company spent 60 million to buy beer, which not only saved several breweries, but also filled all the beaches in Rio with people.

Sign up as a member and you can get two beers for free at all places where you can drink in Rio, and then they will be half price for three days. In the future, you can use the errand software to pay the bill. The drinks at the beach water bar will always be 20% off.

 Where have Brazilians experienced this level of cash-burning subsidies?

Rio is a place where you can get high with music and some drinks. On average, 20 million beers a day are enough to get everyone who joins the carnival drunk.

 How many people are there in the entire state of Rio?


 Excluding those who are far away, do not use mobile phones, are too old or too young, the number of people who can drink and participate in carnivals will definitely not exceed 1.5 million.

60 million U.S. dollars is a lot of money for each of these 1.5 million people. This money is not enough to buy other things, but drinking real beer is different.

And the first two drinks are free, and half price for three days. In the future, beach water bars will offer 20% off pricing, which is very attractive.

 Rio is a place where everyone loves to have fun. It is difficult for anyone with a smartphone not to download an errand running software.

The little **** Ricardo, who once led Boss Qiao as a tour guide to Ronisia, led a group of teenagers to do business in various beach bars.

Use software to help tourists buy 20% off drinks and get commission, allowing them to support themselves.

 60 million U.S. dollars makes a world-famous large city like Rio exciting for three days. Only a person like Monica, who knows the local people very well, can imagine this.

 Free drinks are just an introduction. The consumption driven by the carnival also gives those merchants who actively participate in the event a bite of dividends.

Those tourists who come to Rio are confused. They know what is going on, but they can’t sign up as a running member.

 But in such a lively atmosphere, how many people can resist joining in the fun?

Every morning not only the beach, but also the foot of the **** statue and even the terrifying Ronisian slums are full of drunk people.

Then the people in Rio discovered something particularly interesting...

 Normally, if this happens, if a drunk person wakes up with only one pair of underwear left in the morning, they are considered to have a conscience.

But this time it was different. When those drunk people woke up in the morning, they were surprised to find a gangster wearing a bright yellow uniform riding a motorcycle not far away. Those dangerous homeless people and drug addicts Under the "majestic" gaze of the little brother, he shrank into a dark corner.

This situation appeared on every street in Rio, and local residents discovered that these guys looked more useful than the police.

 “Trafficking in safety”

 This is Andrea's company's second move...

 Especially after a carnival, the effect will be very obvious after the guys take to the streets.

  People from the slums come out to deliver food, and there are many gang members among them. To be honest, most users will have concerns.

To prove his safety, Forrest mobilized all the errand boys, contacted the Brazilian police, and even sent soldiers from the training camp onto the streets.

 Three days of traveling without picking up items or closing the door at night fully demonstrated the strength of the guys led by Andrea's company.

When all the yellow sheep trucks used by delivery boys are equipped with driving recorders, Andrea Company will have a more comprehensive urban real-time monitoring system than the police.

As long as those gangsters who are still engaged in illegal activities do not conflict with Andrea's company, everyone will be fine.

 But once you find trouble...

Then I'm sorry, as a legal company, I will call the police and cooperate with the police to carry out an all-round attack on you.

 Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, you don’t even have a place to hide.

 This is power!

 The Internet era has given Andrea Company the opportunity to integrate huge human resources at a very small cost.

When these people agree and are willing to support the company, Andrea's company's soft words can set off huge waves in Rio.

Watching and killing is too low-end. Use legal means to do things and establish influence by exporting services.

 When the number of people controlled by the company reaches a certain level, under a democratic system like Brazil, Andrea Company will become the most important player in the city.

 There is a family behind a little brother, which is 100,000 to 150,000 direct votes, plus indirect votes from the slums. The mayor of Rio will be polite when he sees the executives of Andrea Company.

In this case, there is no need to exploit errand boys and merchants to make money. As long as you don't mess around, the initial investment in equipment and personnel costs can be quickly earned back.

Huaguo companies do this because they need to grab users, and because the market is huge and competition is fierce, the price for acquiring customers is very high, so they burn a lot of money.

 There is only one company, Andrea Company, that has a monopoly in Rio. After the 60 million beer is burned, the person who needs to install the software has already installed it. All that is left is to slowly establish consumption habits.

As long as Rio operates normally, the state of Sao Paulo next door can copy it and then decide whether to enter other states depending on the situation...

 The development model of Andrea Company is not replicable. If other companies want to imitate the competition, they will first have difficulty in the cost aspect.

Because they can’t find obedient gangsters to promote for free, and they don’t have the ability to recruit so many manpower. If they want to make a profit, they have to burn money to compete with Andrea Company...

Leaving aside the issue of whether the capital can be burned, how brave do you have to be to jump out and steal hard-earned money from gangs?

  People give up selling drugs and go to deliver food and express delivery to earn hard money. You still have to compete with them. Who will die if you don't?

Boss Qiao escaped from the room early in the morning. His legs were weak and he went to the large balcony of the slum mansion to stretch his body...

The people of Rio had been partying for three days, and Boss Joe had been dissolute for three days... Monica is a male favor after women have been objectified to the extreme. It may be because they have met too little in the past year, so this girl has been in the house these days. Tossing around in different ways...

Boss Qiao can be regarded as doing his best!

After the carnival ended, the company organized the data and confirmed the success, Boss Qiao was ready to ‘escape’...

While Boss Qiao was blowing the cool morning sea breeze on the balcony, Dorian walked to the balcony with his legs crossed and a pair of dark circles under his eyes...

He weakly said hello to Boss Qiao, then lay on the recliner and said: "Boss, the chef drank too much during a party yesterday and broke his head. The waiter is still lying on the doctor's bed."

Dorian raised his phone and said, "Boss, would you like a cup of coffee? I can order it on my phone and it will be delivered soon..."

Oh, these lazy guys nearby didn’t even get up to open the store. The fastest delivery took 45 minutes. "

Qiaojia laughed after hearing this and said: "That's right, order more, a few cups of Italian espresso, some donuts and the like."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian's thick dark circles and said, "FUCK, what the **** did you do last night?"

Dorian rubbed his old waist and said: "To be precise, it was the past 48 hours...

Anderson organized a party for gangsters in Rocinha, and the girls there were so enthusiastic that I was embarrassed to refuse. "

 Speaking, Dorian rubbed his eyes tiredly and said, "FUCK, I've met more butts in the past few days than I've met women.

 Boss, when are we going back to Sangha Town? I have to go back and make adjustments, otherwise my title of P·B’s top assaulter will be lost. "

Joja frowned and looked at Dorian and said, "You? The number one assaulter?

  How come I didn’t know that there is this kind of evaluation within the company? Is there any standard for the best? "

“The assaulter who takes the most shots is the best assaulter…”

Ayou appeared on the balcony with a pot of black tea. She glanced at Dorian, put the black tea on the coffee table, and said, "Everyone else thought it was unlucky, so they didn't participate, and then the elephant became the best…

 Boss, there are no coffee beans in the house, and all we have to drink is black tea..."

Qiaojia glanced at the listless Dorian with disgust, picked up the black tea and took a sip...

Ayou adheres to the habits brought by SD, the black tea is sweet and sweet...

Qiao Jia took a sip, then put down the tea cup, and glanced at the Bat Team not far away who was guarding the key points of the mansion. He said helplessly: "Except the Bat Team, everyone has gone crazy these days..."

Ayou nodded seriously and said: "Yes, Team B went to the beach to have a party, drank with others and ran naked on the beach, and was photographed and posted online.

 Hunts like Elephant and the others are fooling around with women to this day..."

 As he spoke, Ayou grinned and said maliciously: "Boss, you should deduct their salary..."

When Dorian heard this, he threw away his cell phone and jumped up and shouted: "Hey, King Kong, we agreed to change shifts. The Bat Team volunteered to be on duty for the first three days, and we will be behind."

As he spoke, Dorian saw his boss looking at him like he was a piece of shit. He spread his hands and said, "Boss, it's not that we bully them, it's that they don't want to go out to play..."

 We are a democratic company, so we should respect everyone’s ideas…

Am I right? "

Looking at Dorian's unhappy face, Qiao Jia felt that Rio was really a bad place that he couldn't stay in...

Just when he was thinking about how to say goodbye without hurting Monica's emotions, the kitten walked over to Boss Qiao and sat down with a big belly. Looking at Boss Qiao's pale face, he rolled his eyes and said : "We will take a flight back to Sangha Town this afternoon...

 Leave this **** to Monica..."

As soon as Kitty's curse words were spoken, a pillow was thrown out of a room on the second floor, and then Monica was heard expressing her anger in a series of Portuguese...

Portuguese is very close to Spanish, so Joja couldn’t quite understand it, but judging from the tone, Monica also used a lot of swear words.

Seeing the kitten jumping up with vigor, pointing at Monica's room and cursing like a shrew, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "I'm just pregnant with a little thing, do you want to be so angry?

How about I ask Estella to check if there are any heinous **** nearby, and I will accompany you to kill a few people to put out the fire? "

 The kitten rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not..."

 Speaking, Mao Mao may have realized that she said the wrong thing, and she said apologetically: "I didn't mean that..."

Qiaojia smiled and waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter if you have it, neither Devil Bird nor I mind, because that is a fact.

 Actually, I think it’s quite good for you to do this.

 When you are pregnant, hormone levels increase and it is normal for you to have unstable moods.

If you feel good about swearing, I think the elephant is a good target. This **** stayed out for two days before coming back..."

Just when Dorian was about to wave his hands and beg for mercy, Kitten spoke at the speed of a machine gun and sprayed saliva on him for several minutes...

Then the girl sighed comfortably, sat back next to Boss Qiao, and said: "I want to go back to Sangha Town, I want to do some exercise, everyone here treats me as a protected animal.

 I want to go hunting, I want to go on vacation, I want to be free to go where I want to go...

  FUCK, everyone in Rio looks at me like I’m looking at banknotes, I’m tired of those hypocritical interactions…

Only a crazy woman like Monica would enjoy it! "

After hearing this, Boss Qiao put his hand on the kitten's belly and said with a wry smile: "Why are my children so miserable?

How come none of them can sit still with their mother? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the depressed expression on the kitten's face, he laughed and said: "I was joking...

 You can have fun if you want. You can go hunting on vacation. There are still a few months until the baby is born, so walking more will be good for you. "

 (End of this chapter)

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