From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1203: feral children

Chapter 1203 Wild Children

As soon as Qiao Jia picked up his son, Danbao rolled him up with his nose and put him on his head.

Boss Qiao used a rather embarrassing movement to protect his son and crawled on Danbao's neck which was covered with rough hair for a while before sitting up.

 Riding an elephant sounds fun, but the best thing you ride is a trained elephant. An elephant with a young master’s temper like Danbao is definitely not something that ordinary people can control.

Anyway, Boss Qiao feels that he can’t control this rogue elephant that always stumbles when walking...

Qiao Jia sat on Dan Bao's back, like a father riding the wind and waves, trying hard to maintain balance all the way until Ayu ran over with a big bunch of bananas to comfort the overly excited Dan Bao, and then saved Boss Qiao and him. Poor son.

Igor had just finished drinking milk and vomited most of it on Boss Qiao’s chest...

 This young man’s **** are popping out of his nose and he is still having fun. He seems to like this exciting activity very much.

Qiao Jia finally got off Danbao, rushed to Danbao with his son in his arms, grabbed his big teeth and beat him on the head several times, and then Danbao sniffed the water and sprayed him into a drowned rat...

This welcome ceremony was a bit beyond Boss Joe's expectations. He sighed and bypassed the young lion Simba, walked to the side of old Kaman, handed Igor to him, and said: "Why do I feel that I Is it more dangerous for my son to be here than to go to the battlefield with me?"

Old Kaman didn’t mind Igor’s dirty look either. He said nonchalantly: “Because these things apply two different standards to you and Igor.”

 Speaking, Old Kaman took out a whistle from his pocket and blew it. The big crocodile that had been bullied by Simba slowly turned around and dragged the egg-shaped stroller over...

When passing by Boss Qiao, this big oily crocodile let out a hissing roar and wiped his calf with its terrifying tail. When he passed by, Boss Qiao couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body...

Looking at Old Kaman stretching out his foot and kicking the big crocodile in the jaw, making the crocodile driver stop, and then put the happy Igor into the car...

Qiao Jia watched his son sitting in the car, holding on to the edge with both hands and trying to stand up, twisting his buttocks while shouting "oh oh", and then the crocodile driver seemed to have received instructions and began to move forward slowly. crawl.

Simba with a black mane came close to Igor, like a child who likes to play, squeezing the stroller with his body from time to time.

Whenever the stroller tilts too much and the crocodile adjusts its body posture uncomfortably and roars threateningly, Simba is like a successful husky, jumping and escaping from the crocodile's attack range. …

Qiao Jia watched in amazement as his son used a small plastic sand hammer to drive away the mischievous Simba. He spread his hands and said: "I thought Igor was the prince of Sangha Town, but now it seems that if he continues like this, he will It’s going to be like Tarzan.”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked down at Briela, who was tugging on his pants and looking at him angrily. He shook his head and said, "Your parents are really big-hearted..."

Briela looked at Qiao Jia angrily and said, "Jackal, Jacques and Kino won't let me play with you, so help me beat them up."

Qiao Jia took off his dirty coat, grabbed Briela's overalls and picked her up, and said: "You are a girl who is fooling around with a few stinky boys, and let Adele take you to play..." "

Briela shook her head decisively and said with a slightly frightened expression: "Adele said she was going to go to school in China, and then a few scary guys came to Sangha Town with several carts of books and homework.

 They said Adele had to finish reading those books before going to China..."

As she spoke, Briela held her little chubby face and made a funny shape, and said: "Jackal, Adele is so pitiful. Let's let Simba eat those guys. This way... Del will have time to play with me."

Joja pinched Briela's face in disgust...

This girl doesn't like studying, but she actually wants to drag Adele into trouble...

Afika Jackal’s daughter will have to take the college entrance examination when she goes to school in China?

The teachers arranged by Qiao Liang were all experts recruited from education and training institutions with high salaries to provide Adele with Chinese language and general education.

This kind of many-to-one elite education is enough for Adele to lay a solid foundation in one to two years, and then she can go to China to find a high school for three years, and then go to university after thoroughly understanding the rules of Chinese society. A mixed degree.

This is what Qiao Liang promised back then. He even settled the issue of Adele's Chinese passport. After Adele, a young gun girl, has achieved results in Chinese shooting sports, he can take her back to her hometown to replace her. The brother who came home conveniently became famous.

This is really not vanity of the Qiao brothers, but a rigid need for the Qiao family to gain a foothold in their hometown...

Ever since Qiao Liang returned to his hometown to build a house and build a tomb, all kinds of weird stories have been coming out one after another.

 Qiao Liang's current social level is too high, so high that his family can't see or touch it.

In the eyes of rural people, a once-poor family with only a few walls can only survive by finding a way out.

They don’t hate the people who make money off the side, but they hate the Qiao brothers for not taking them with them when they get rich from the side.

 This situation is particularly serious among relatives of the Qiao family...

Even if Qiao Liang spent money to build a cement road and a bridge in his hometown village, he still didn't get a good word.

  Qiao Liang is not domineering and has no intention of explaining to them.

He used the sales channels of Jialiang Trading to establish an agricultural product processing factory in cooperation with the local municipal government, and purchased local redundant agricultural products at market prices, including mountain products, tea, vegetables and the like.

 After the goods are purchased, they undergo secondary processing. The mountain vegetables are dehydrated, and the tea leaves are directly sealed and packaged. Then they are all sent to humanitarian channels for flow through Jialiang trade channels.

Many of those who gossiped behind the scenes also benefited from this factory, but it still didn't do much good for the Qiao brothers' reputation in their hometown.

As time passed, because the factory squeezed the interests of some purchasers, some people began to spread the news that Qiao Liang opened this loss-making factory because his brother Qiao Jia had made a lot of money by committing fraud overseas, and he was afraid that he would not be able to come back, so he did it with the government. trade.

  Coincidentally, there are some people around Boss Qiao’s hometown who have done gray farming, and they did go home with some money.

This is like putting together a chain of evidence for those who gossip, and the stories become more and more bizarre.

Uncle Qing, the only one who could testify for Boss Qiao, and several of his fellow workers from the same village, led the engineering team to follow the construction site of Jialiang Trading after returning to China. They had no idea what happened in their hometown.

So the legendary story of Boss Qiao has several quite fantasy versions in my hometown...

Stories about a gray-scale boss and a murderer and a traitor began to spread...

Then those people in Boss Qiao's hometown who believed the rumors expressed their justice in their own way...

Lao Qiao's family's fields have been invaded, and the drying yard in front of the old house can never be cleaned up. If Qiao Liang hadn't moved the ancestral graves collectively and protected them and arranged for special personnel to take care of them, the situation would have been worse.

Qiao Jia knew the news, and was a little angry at first, but then thinking about his young self, or even his parents, he felt a sense of powerlessness, because he himself was not like that...

Maybe he is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to gossip, but it is difficult not to be affected by the information around him.

 Knowledge, vision, broadmindedness, and wealth determine a person’s situation…

 Qiao Liang really does not have time to stay in his hometown for a long time and influence his fellow villagers and even relatives with a peaceful attitude and the spirit of repaying evil with kindness. Adele is what Qiao Liang believes is the sharp sword that can break through rumors and prejudice!

 Among the teachers he sent, there were not only cultural teachers, but also coaches from the Olympic three-gun competition.

This kid is extremely talented and will definitely be able to achieve success in the three-gun event.

  When Joga’s daughter returns home as an Olympic champion, all rumors will be disproven.

 Because people in their hometown trust this kind of official certification more!

 The country will never let the daughter of a bad guy go to the Olympics to bring glory to the country!

 As for Adele’s skin color, it’s not a problem at all. What’s wrong with Boss Qiao, who works abroad, marrying a foreign girl?

In this context, the education Adele enjoyed was extraordinary and beyond the reach of most people in the world.

But Briela is different. In the eyes of this active girl, studying is really painful...

Jorgia put the weird-looking Briela on the ground, spanked her on the butt, and said: "Go and tell Gino and Jacques that you are the boss now, and if they disobey, I will beat them.

 Remember, you are the baddest girl in Sangha Town, they all have to listen to you..."

When Briela heard this, she jumped up excitedly and ran around the vestibule, looking for a small stick. Then she found that it was too thick and it might hurt to hit someone, so she changed it to a thinner one, and then squeaked. He rushed into the main building of the manor screaming...

"Wow...Kino, Jacques, I am the boss now, you all have to listen to me, if you don't let me play, I will beat you..."

Nice has the main focus of a sheep to raise a sheep. Instead, the kitten next to him is a bit overwhelming, saying, "You do this, Xia Lin will be crazy sooner or later!"

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "My own son hangs around with a big crocodile all day long, and I don't say anything.

Since Charlene dares to send her child there, she must be mentally prepared.

I am not responsible for educating children to become scholars here, and they probably don’t need to rely on diplomas to make a living.

 Wild nature, courage, and sense of responsibility, these are the three things I can learn here. "

As he spoke, Qiaojia put his arms around the waists of Nice and Kitty, walked into the house, and said with a smile: "I can't even take care of my own son, so why should I devote myself to the crown prince of Monaco?

 It’s almost done…”

The kitten looked back at the stroller wandering in the front yard, and the old Carman with a conniving look on his face. She held her belly and sighed and said: "Don't worry, baby, I am definitely a good and responsible mother..."

 While the kitten was talking, Ayou happened to pass by her with a piece of fresh beef...

The big psychic leopard and the naughty cheetah chased her, constantly pulling at her thighs...

Ayou heard what the kitten said, she grinned and said: "Don't worry, kitten, your child is born, we will all help you."

The kitten looked at the big psychic cat who raised his head and sniffed her belly, then stretched out his paw and pressed a paw print on her belly...

 A picture suddenly appeared in her mind...

Igor was driving a crocodile car in front, and his children were chasing behind them on leopards. Two wild children led a group of smelly animals to show off their power on the Afika grassland...

The kitten shook her head vigorously to get this image out of her mind, then took Ayu's arm in annoyance, threw the beef in her hand to the leopard, and said: "King Kong, never let my child ride in the crocodile car. …”

Ayou was stunned and said: "If you see the way those animals defecate, you will know that crocodiles are the best stroller drivers.

If it were a hippopotamus or a rhinoceros, would you be crazy? "

The kitten suddenly had an image in her mind of when a hippopotamus pooped, and used its tail to beat the **** like a goddess scattering it. She lamented and said: "Can we not use animals to pull the cart? Oh, no, why do we need animals to pull the cart?" I can push the car by myself..."

Ayou smiled and smeared a mark on the kitten's forehead with her **** finger. Then she said with a solemn expression: "Kitten, this is Afika. The prince of Sangha Town is born with wild nature. It has nothing to do with what kind of car they take..."

As Ayou said, she looked at Boss Qiao's back. She hesitated and said, "Our boss is a great man, but his children have to bear responsibilities from birth.

It doesn’t matter what the child’s mother thinks, the surrounding environment will definitely drive the child closer to it.

  Kittens, animals are the easiest to live with, people are the challenge for these kids!

 The social environment of Afica proves that it is not feasible to develop life according to the white people’s way or our own way.

Sufficient wildness and the wisdom of the boss can allow them to lead Sangha Town to avoid the traps of the outside world. "

Mao Mao had never heard Ayou say these words before. When she was surprised and wanted to say something, Old Kaman's voice suddenly came...

“Yes, enough wildness and the wisdom of the boss are the most important factors for the current situation in Sangha Town..."

As he spoke, the old guy with a stooped back looked at the kitten's belly and said: "The first time I met the boss, I killed a guy named Bison in front of him.

 The boss was very nervous at the time, and I even looked down on him a little.

 But when I cooperated with him to complete a series of tasks, I discovered that he was not the shy and humble Chinese we imagined...

 He gave me the feeling of a lion at that time, and a wounded lion at that.

 When faced with danger, his first choice is always to make himself more dangerous!

 At that time I knew that he was a born warrior!

 When a warrior has a kind heart and wisdom, he has the power to change the world!

I have seen such a person, but I was too young at the time, so I could only watch him die drunk on the roadside.

 I will never make a second mistake with my boss!

  Kitten, the boss’s child may not be perfect, may have many shortcomings, and may not even be smart...

 But they need courage, wildness and, above all, a sense of responsibility.

 Weak female lions cannot produce qualified male lions. Putting unqualified male lions on the grassland is killing them..."

 (End of this chapter)

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