Chapter 1204 A sudden whim

Qiao Jia vaguely heard a few words that Kaman said to brainwash the kitten...

Although he didn’t agree with everything, he didn’t say anything.

 Because he doesn’t know what the world will be like after his death?

 Instead of raising children to be lambs, it is better to raise them to be lions…

Lambs may be happy, but they will never see the world as a free-running lion sees it.

Becoming a lion is definitely dangerous, but it is a different life, a life that is closer to the essence of social operation and has more initiative.

Taishici once said in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "A man born in troubled times should carry a three-foot sword and achieve unparalleled achievements."

Taishici died young in the end, but his name remained in the annals of history!

 According to the standards of the ancients, Taishi Ci’s life was successful!

The sheep didn’t even have the courage to shout these words!

 Chauga hopes that his child will be a lion!

As a poor second-generation rich man, Qiao Jia has had doubts about many of the things he learned about family inheritance from books or movies and TV shows in the past since Igor was born.

At that time, the most common sentence I saw on TV or novels was, 'I would rather my child be an ordinary person, so that he can finish his life safely', and most of them were said by some from the rich generation or even the emperor's generation. .

 There was a time when Qiao Jia even wondered, why should his children bear such a big responsibility?

 But when he really looked back on his experience, he was surprised to find that almost none of the second-generation people he knew were sheep...

The first person I met was Lu Jun, the second-generation mine worker. He dared to go to SD to see the scene alone with a few bodyguards, and even went to war with the Dinka people.

  As descendants of the Copco family, neither Gami nor Eric is a sheep.

 Let’s not talk about Jami, even Eric, who looks like a pig, is the kind of **** hacker-cum-lawyer who treats the law as nothing.

Chris is Gami’s fiancé. Although his life experience is bizarre, his family is excellent. This guy often behaves like a greedy hungry wolf.

Even the poor Swedish royal family has never thought of voluntarily giving up the few remaining rights in their hands.

After Prince Carl left the royal family, he immediately took advantage of his relatively free status to integrate resources and make a fortune by adding ships to trade.

Even the second generation of the local chiefs of Afika who have studied abroad are not sheep. Some of them may be trash, but they are also pigs, not sheep.

 When fat pigs see someone holding a knife, they still know how to exchange, while sheep...

By this time, Qiao Jia had understood that the so-called ‘ordinary people’ and ‘Ping An’an’ were all figments of books and movies...

 No one in the first generation who eats meat would want his second generation to be grass-eating sheep.

 The second generation may be incompetent and may be forced to be ordinary, but they must understand the nature of social operation better than sheep!

The so-called "ordinary people" are just brainwashing political correctness, a speed reducer set by the upper class for those who work hard, and a medicine for self-reconciliation imagined by those who work hard but see no hope. '.

Sheep are never safe, because it is never themselves who determine their life or death, but whether the meat-eating animals are hungry or not, and whether the shepherds who protect them are good enough.

In Afika, Boss Joe himself is the role of a shepherd, so his children must not be sheep, otherwise they will be eaten and no bones will be left.

 Among the whole family, only Nice has been able to maintain a relatively stable state of mind...

Watching Boss Joe walk to the backyard terrace and stare at the huge yard in a daze, Nice walked behind him and said: "I asked people to move those 'beeches' to a hidden position on the outside, but the close-in defense cannon on the roof Still with the Avengers.”

 Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the simple wooden bunkers covered with graffiti in the yard had disappeared, and were replaced by fruit trees, flat lawns and a few rows of Boss Qiao’s favorite tomatoes.

Compared with when he left, the entire manor had a less solemn atmosphere, and there were several more buildings with British and Arab styles.

Joja looked at the two princesses of Dubai, Sarah and Rafa, walking out of a small Arabic-style villa in hunting attire.

Then in a small British-style villa nearby, Beatrice, who was sent by the British royal family, was also wearing a hunting suit and looked towards him with a pair of protruding eyes...

“What the **** is going on?

 Forget it about Rafa and Sara, why hasn’t Beatrice gone back yet?

Her father is a grand duke. Why is this princess building a house in my house? "

Niss shook his head slightly and said: "Rafa and Sara just came back from Dubai. The commotion on Shah's side was too big, which made Dubai a little unprepared.

Sarah and Rafa responded to Emina’s call and returned to Dubai to hold a rally, then were almost put under house arrest by their father.

Beatrice never left. This girl was not smart enough, but she succeeded Princess Emina and raised a lot of education funds from the outside and invested them in schools in Sangha Town.

 She herself also works as a substitute teacher at school..."

Qiaojia looked at Nice who answered the question and said: "What I'm asking is why they want to build a house on my land?

Sangha Town used to have no conditions. Isn’t there a good house for them to live in now? "

Nice said with a smile: "Their parents gave the money because they thought it was safest for the girls to live here!"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said with a strange expression: "I am a real tough guy, these guys push girls towards me, are they looking down on me?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Beatrice, who was not very good-looking, and the two Dubai girls with big noses who were not in his taste at all. He sighed, shook his head, and said, "They are very accurate in judging people!

 How much did they pay? Saying it makes me feel better..."

 Nice showed a rare smile and said: "The British royal family and Beatrice's father provided food and materials worth 100 pounds to Sangha Town, and are trying to promote Sangha Town and London to become sister cities.

 Rafa and Sara have no money, but Said helped build the house, and the decoration and renovation of our house was also paid for by Said. "

Qiao Jia sighed after hearing this and said: "They are all human beings, they will take advantage of me..."

Nice didn’t feel that Boss Qiao was being taken advantage of. When she wanted to speak, Princess Beatrice, who had no presence in the past, had already walked under the porch...

This not-so-good-looking princess stood on the grass and showed a bright smile. She pulled her non-existent skirt and saluted Qiao Jia and said, "Hello, Mr. Paz!"

Qiao Jia had never experienced this. Beatrice's accent made him feel a little uncomfortable, but after a few seconds, he was still polite and allowed him to walk down the corridor. He nodded and said, "Hello Princess Beatrice, are you still here?" Are you used to it?"

Beatrice’s overly polite behavior made Rafa and Sara, who came together, a little confused about what to do...

Sensing the emotions of the two girls, Qiao Jia waved to them and said, "Aren't you guys in the travel circle with Tong Tong?

What are you doing at home if you don’t go to work? "

Sarah, who has a more cheerful personality, smiled shyly and said: "Tong Tong has returned to China. She is organizing a new tour group. It is estimated that she will not arrive in Afika in half a month."

 Sarah looked into Qiao Jia's eyes and said seriously: "Jackal, thank you very much for everything you have done..."

Qiao Jia knew that Sara was talking about the recent feminist controversy, so he waved his hand and said: "What's there to thank you for? I'm Knight Qiao..." Beatrice on the side nodded in time and said: "Mr. Paz, are you here? What Shah did caused a huge stir and as a woman, I have a lot of respect for what you did.”

As she spoke, Beatrice looked into Boss Qiao's eyes and said sincerely: "Mr. Paz, next month is the quadrennial Commonwealth Games, and the British royal family intends to invite Sangha Town to Australia to participate in this event.

At that time, the royal family will award you a Medal of Honor..."

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: "Me? The British gave me a medal? I don't even have a Commonwealth passport..."

Beatrice tilted her head slightly and said, "I don't know, but Uncle Cleverley said that if you ask, I'll remind you that you are the boss of a British investment bank..."

Joja knew as soon as he heard this that this was Cleverly, the old fox in England, reminding himself...

It was agreed at that time that Boss Qiao would ask people to come forward to form an investment bank, and the British royal family would invest at a very low fixed interest rate to solve the bad things happening in the Congo.

Then everyone looks for opportunities to cooperate, led by Boss Qiao, so that more funds from the British royal family can be invested in Afika.

Boss Qiao did the previous thing and invested all the money in infrastructure construction around Sangha Town.

The last thing is about the in-depth cooperation between the two parties. After talking about it once in Brazil, there was no follow-up.

 Inviting Sangha Town to participate in the so-called Commonwealth Games is a kind of temptation for them...

However, Boss Qiao can use their money to invest and make profits, but how can he accept this kind of thing?

The Commonwealth Games have little influence. This thing is more of a self-entertainment for Britain to commemorate its past glory.

  This event, which is said to be participated by more than 90 countries and regions around the world, has very limited gold content.

However, although some of these participating countries and regions are not currently Commonwealth countries, most of them once had contact with Britain, that is, they were once colonies.

 Hong Kong Island of China is also among them, and has hosted three Commonwealth Games in the past.

Although other non-former colonial countries later joined this event, for Boss Qiao, participating in this kind of event is a kind of self-dwarfing.

Perhaps the British royal family really wants to get close to Boss Joe, and shows its goodwill by participating in international events in La Sengha Town, and is looking for an ally in Afika.

But Boss Qiao will never do this!

 In the past year, all the bad things Ying Lun did on Hong Kong Island were seen by Boss Qiao.

Of course, the British royal family and the British government cannot be generalized, but their interests on the Hong Kong Island issue are consistent.

Boss Qiao also received news that the Armored Group had been tricked by him and was about to fall apart, so he sent people to Hong Kong Island to cause trouble.

The CIA provided funding and planning, and the British introduced the Armored Group to provide manpower. The two companies joined forces to incite a group of fools to create chaos in Hong Kong Island.

At this time, it is impossible for Qiao Jia to participate in any Commonwealth Games...

Of course, Qiao Jia would not lose his temper with Beatrice, a princess who was almost like a betrothed. This girl was really not smart, so she managed to build a small villa in his backyard with her sincerity.

Looking at Beatrice who was obviously looking forward to it, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Where can I have time? I'm still injured!"

Beatrice reacted, covered her mouth and said worriedly: "Oh, yes, Mr. Paz, are you okay?"

Qiao Jia glanced at Sarah and Rafa who were covering their mouths and snickering. He shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm fine, no vital damage was done. I just need to recover for a while.

 You can reply to Cleverly, I have no interest in the Commonwealth Games, nor the so-called Medal of Honor. "

After hearing this, Beatrice nodded in disappointment and said, "Oh, okay!

  Unfortunately, I also told some sports-loving children at school that I could take them to Australia...

Mr. Paz, can't you really think about it? "

Qiao Jia shook his head decisively and said, "Can you please stop calling me Mr. Paz? Call me Jackal, or just call me Boss."

 Besides, why would you go to Australia if you love sports? What’s so good about that crappy place?

 It’s just a sports meeting, we can organize it ourselves…”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly became interested. He touched his chin and said, "It seems to be possible..."

Beatrice was stunned for a moment and said stupidly: "But you don't even have a formal venue..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said a little unhappy: "People from Afica can outperform Europeans and Americans even with bare feet. What kind of professional venue do they need?"

 Besides, I’m not organizing the Olympics, I’m just organizing everyone to have fun...

 Friendship comes first, competition comes second..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia hammered his palm hard. The more he thought about it, the more he thought exercise would be interesting...

 The war in Yemen has gradually begun to decline, and the exposure of mercenary sponsors has also decreased.

As a person who treats guests, Boss Qiao feels that he still has to take some responsibility for them in terms of traffic.

P·B is a military contracting company. It does not have professional sports venues, but it does not lack professional training venues.

 In addition to some simple sports events, military events can be included in sports games.

 Send letters to Central Africa and Congo, asking them to send people on a provincial basis to participate in the games.

 At that time, heads and heads from all over the place will come to Sangha Town to gather, talk about future development, and promote Sangha Town to them.

If the effect this time is good, it can become a reserved project and create a less political gathering of politicians every two years...

 In this pleasant atmosphere, sometimes we can talk about many things.

After thinking about it, Qiao Jia took the initiative to hug Beatrice, who had provided him with inspiration. Then he pointed at his son's crocodile car and said with a smile: "This sports meeting, we will have a crocodile racing competition. It is both interesting and exciting." There is the wildness of Afica…

 The crocodiles will suffer a little, but the fishermen will definitely make a lot of money..."

Beatrice stared at Boss Qiao with slightly protruding eyes and said, "Isn't this too childish..."

Qiao Jia said calmly: "It's just a game. Hey, you can go back and ask Cleverley. If the British royal family is interested, they can send someone to participate.

I heard that your cousin William’s children are not very old either. I asked him if he has the guts to let them play a friendly game.

I think my son Igor, wearing a diaper and a bottle in his mouth, can drive a crocodile car and outrun them..."

Beatrice looked at Boss Qiao as if she were a ghost, "..."

 (End of this chapter)

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