From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1206: When the King of Heaven comes, I have to leave something behind.

Chapter 1206 Even when the King of Heaven comes, I have to leave something behind.

 About ‘Nan Batian’, you can write a very legendary story!

This legendary team was originally used to simulate the air power of the United States and serve as a training partner for the traditional air force of the H Army.

Many people don’t know that there are many retired pilots from NATO in the Blue Army’s air force, and Nan Batian grew up in this atmosphere as a ‘super sparring partner’.

However, what no one expected was that since its establishment, this team has used completely unreasonable playing methods in every exercise to smash all the opponent's aerial teams into pieces. For more than 20 years, There are never exceptions.

 The plane collision in 2001 led to a large-scale maritime confrontation. It was Nan Batian who drove the Su-27 to withstand the old and American fleet.

 In 2016, they did the same thing again, but this time they used Su-35.

What this team learned from the beginning was the way of the U.S. Air Force. They also used exercises to repeatedly defeat the so-called air combat tactics dreamed up by a group of domestic technocrats sitting in their offices, returning the power of the Air Force to formulate tactics to the front-line troops. in hands.

The high-altitude and high-speed energy combat technology that the Chinese Air Force once insisted on was torn to pieces by Nan Batian's mid- and high-altitude intervention tactics learned from the United States.

 Because in the past few years, fighter jet radars have developed to a very good level, but China still adheres to the high-altitude and high-speed energy combat mode.

Technocrats are not even on the front line. They simply don’t know that when air combat enters the era of radar tracking of enemies, cruising at high altitudes and searching downwards, ground clutter will cause huge interference to the radar, making it impossible to find the enemy’s location. .

Nan Batian just adopted the old American mid-to-high-altitude intervention tactics and used radar to search upwards without interference. This made a bunch of technocrats responsible for writing fighter combat skills manuals swollen in the face.

This team has a very bad reputation within the major military regions in the old mother's home, because they are never merciful and will never let you walk away if they can beat you into a dog.

It is also their excellence that allowed them to become the first batch of Su-35 pilots in the old mother’s family.

They also criticized the Su-35 as shit, which gave domestic manufacturing companies the motivation to upgrade the J-11 when the J-16 and J-20 were already in sight, and the J-11 was born. Asia's top three-and-a-half-generation model, which has attracted the attention of Russia, is a new model that is NATO's standard four-and-a-half-generation model.

 Some technical experts within Russia have openly admitted that compared to the best-selling Su-35, the real super Flanker is in China.

Of course, Nan Batian is not without shortcomings, and it may not be said that they are shortcomings, but like those veterans, they are beginning to have some difficulty in facing the ever-changing technology.

The character, skills and tactics of a team are inherited. When more powerful radars and more powerful missiles emerge like a blowout, this legendary team that mainly focuses on air combat and is extremely good at aerial combat begins to have some difficulties.

There is a saying in the air combat community that third-generation aircraft with better electronic equipment and missile performance can defeat fourth-generation aircraft with backward electronic equipment.

Nan Batian is an opponent of this statement, but this statement is becoming a reality due to the explosion of electronic equipment technology.

The biggest sufferer in this regard is DaRu. They have the best system engineers in the world. They can improve the performance of outdated electronic equipment under limited conditions through aerodynamic shape design and increasing engine power and power generation. Boost to the extreme.

At the same time, they also have first-class engine technology, but due to the outdated electronic equipment technology, their products have fallen to the second-class ranks.

In 2013, DaRu transferred S-400 and Su-35 to the old mother at a low price. It was not that they did not want to make money, but that they already knew that if they did not sell them at that time, these latter items would be worthless to the old mother.

 Reality also proves this!

At that time, the old mother was in a period when aircraft production capacity was insufficient. She bought back the Su-35 with all her heart. However, after the Air Force tested it, the aircraft was deemed worthless, which actually accelerated the pace of domestic fighter research and development.

Last year, Nan Batian participated in an air force exercise in Thailand and used an old J-10A to fight against the Thai Gripen.

  There were 20 matches within 30 kilometers, and they shaved off the Thai team’s head.

 But after extending the distance to 200 kilometers, the J-10A, which could not keep up with the pace, was beaten 18:2.

 The main reason for this is the aircraft's radar performance and missile performance problems, but it is enough to make these arrogant and domineering pilots aware of their own problems.

 The over-superstition of driving skills makes them less motivated to accept new technologies. However, other domestic air forces are different. Because of the annoying Nan Batian, they are closing the gap between the two sides through rapid learning.

Just by hearing the nickname, you can tell that Nan Batian is hated by many people. Once they lose, they will probably be ridiculed for many years!

Qiao Jia can fly a fighter jet, but he can't say that he knows nothing about air combat skills. At most, he can only slosh around with a bottle of water. He can bully ground targets. In terms of air combat, he is just giving food.

He didn't understand why this legendary Nan Batian went to the safe zone to help P.B.

Because the old mother’s house has the best high electromagnetic interference training venue and airspace, the daily exercises of this group are carried out under high interference conditions, and the time is very long, which may last from three months to half a year.

 What can they do if they fly P·B’s fighter jets?

Chaojia doesn’t understand that since Big Mouth Tang came to power, the trade war has been in full swing, but the United States has indeed shrunk militarily.

 The top flight team in my old mother’s family were all trained by the old Americans over many years...

  From the beginning, we could only regard death as home, then communication signals were inserted at will, radar signals were interfered with, causing panic, so that some pilots said goodbye to the sky forever due to psychological problems, until now they can rely on land to be evenly matched...

  The American Navy’s humiliation of the Navy and Air Force actually provided them with a strong impetus for development.

With the growth of a new generation of technical soldiers, and with China's large-scale civilianization of technology feeding back military technology, my mother's navy and air force have gained a foothold, and have even gradually made the United States lose its hold on the number one spot. Confidence in the island chain.

 No success comes for free. Decades of confrontation have provided enough pressure and motivation.

 In the end, from crossing the river by touching the old Americans, to combining the technologies of the United States and Russia to develop an air force with its own characteristics, describing this process as "difficult" is a bit underestimating those front-line soldiers.

But it’s useless to say this. The reality is that once the United States shrinks, the Air Force will have one less opponent...

 No matter how good the exercise environment is, it is not as effective as actual combat.

 The six pilots who returned before shot down four F-16s in the final battle. Although two of them were shot down by Cobra and Archerfish, the traps were set up by everyone working together.

This counts as a result, and getting a promotion and a salary increase after returning is not a problem.

Nan Batian is so awesome, but he has never shot down an F-16!

At present, the frequency of US military fighter jets taking off is very low, and the outdated F-16s bullying the Bay Island have no sense of accomplishment, so Nan Batian applied to go to Iraq for training as soon as he got the news.

The feud between Tuji and P·B is well known to the world. It is definitely too much for both sides to say that they will fight to the death, but when it comes to a few prisoners, Tuji cannot help but try his best.

 This is an excellent opportunity for Nan Batian. They are too eager for aerial combat with real swords and guns.

Of course Qiao Jia doesn't know Nan Batian's Xiao Jiujiu, but he instinctively feels that 5 million per person is too cheap!


 Just kidding, there are two real old aces as coaches, and there are local chickens as voluntary sparring partners. You want to squeeze the quota of P·B's own people, how can 5 million be enough?

Thinking that those people had withdrawn from the Marine Corps Training Squadron and didn't even say hello to him. Boss Qiao, who was very timid, kicked away the sloth who was still dazed and trying to find Nice. Then he gave his son to Nice and took out I picked up the satellite phone and walked aside and dialed 'rooster'...

“What the **** is P.B. a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?

You deserted in the middle of the anti-drug war. Is it too late for you?

 In such a critical place as Iraq, don’t I need training for my own pilots?

What the **** is that Nan Batian, who wants to squeeze out my people just for 5 million?

 Do I look like I'm that easy to buy? "

Rooster, who was sitting in the P·B base office watching the logistics bodyguards, was confused by a series of curses from Boss Qiao. By the time he reacted, Boss Qiao had already greeted his grandma...

'Rooster', who has been working hard for Boss Qiao's logistics business at P·B all year round, knows the boss's character better than the locals. When Boss Qiao’s curse words were about to cover the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, he said decisively in a choked voice: “Boss, I am actually mainly responsible for the Army, and I am in trouble too!

They are all the three yellow chickens and Nan Batian's bastards. If they hadn't squeezed out the funds, my hometown would definitely arrange a new team through the United Nations to assist in the anti-drug war.

 But these money-burning idiots have used up all their funds, and I can’t do anything about it!

 Don't worry, boss, as long as we get rid of Nan Batian's grandsons, a new team will definitely come after the new year's budget is released. "

Saying "rooster" when Boss Qiao fell into silence, he said: "Boss, Sanhuangji is in charge of Nan Batian, and this guy is in Iraq now.

This guy started trembling when he thought he was near Nan Batian, please help me and give this turtle a few words..."

Qiao Jia's anger that had been brewing for a long time was mostly offset by the 'rooster''s repeated blows, which made him feel a little uncomfortable...

That's the bad thing about dealing with human beings. These people are too skilled at observing words, sounds, sounds and minds.

Everyone knows that Boss Qiao is not really asking for guilt, but is just looking for trouble to take advantage of, so of course he can do a little less!

 Qiao Jia sighed, his superb acting skills didn't seem to work well in front of his family, and then he said angrily: "You are the boss of the Three Chicken Group, if I don't look for you, who will I look for?

 Can you bully others if you have money?

  Is it easy for me to train a group of pilots?

 Are you short of opportunities for exercises? Do you want to rush for this kind of thing? "

"Cock" heard this and sighed, "Boss, tell me, what do you want?"

I can only be responsible for delivering the message, and I can’t guarantee that the other side will respond..."

After Qiao Jia heard this, he said softly: "I know you are working hard, but you also have to understand me, right?

 When I am taking so many people to eat alone, I cannot turn my elbows outward.

 Let's do this, I don't want the money, isn't Nan Batian going to squeeze my people away...

I think our P·B’s little black pilots are of average quality, but they can be practiced.

  I will send 20 pilots back to my hometown and ask people from the Blue Army to help me train them.

 I don’t have high requirements. It’s enough that they can achieve Nan Batian’s 8 success in the end.

As long as the other side agrees, I will cover all of Nan Batian's expenses in Iraq, and I can even arrange a wife for them. "

After hearing this, ‘Rooster’ said in disbelief: “Nan Batian’s flight training lasts almost 200 hours a year. Training such a pilot is very expensive!

 Besides, boss, why do you need so many fighter pilots? "

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "P·B is a formal company and must strictly abide by the 8-hour work system. Isn't it normal for pilots to change shifts?

 Besides, how do you know I won’t buy more planes in the future?

Let me tell you, the Shah is interested in getting rid of some old F-16s, which are very cheap after discounts. "

'Rooster' knows very well that Boss Qiao is telling lies. The F-16 is not suitable for the current P·B because they have short legs.

But ‘Rooster’ has no doubt that Boss Qiao can get more fighter jets...

Leave it to others, Mikoyan’s MiG-35 failed to win an order from the United Arab Emirates in Yemen, but the performance of the MiG-35 made Egypt change its mind.

 Even made Iran think about canceling the Su-35 order and buying the MiG-35 instead.

 The most important thing is that many countries that own MiG fighters are interested.

 Because the MiG-35 is a modernized and enhanced version of the MiG-29, it has the same system, but the maintenance cost has been reduced by more than half.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Boss Qiao saved Mikoyan. Whenever Boss Qiao wants, those greedy people dare to increase MiG's production capacity to meet Boss Qiao's needs.

Even if Sukhoi joins the competition, it is not surprising for the 'rooster'.

 Because in comparison, the Su-35, a heavy-duty fighter with a long range, is more suitable for P·B’s brutal style.

  P·B is indeed a beacon on the battlefield. In recent years, P·B has been engaged in large-scale wars in the world today.

 Syria has been fought like that, and the intensity of the war is not comparable to P.B.'s operations in Libya, Iraq, and Yemen.

  P·B is more warlike than the United States, and the war effect is excellent.

Yuge Imbert Company is now in a mess because it hooked up with Boss Qiao.

The quality of their products is not as good as that of Norinco, but because they are a European company, they are naturally more trusted than Norinco and are not suppressed. This hurts the people of Norinco.

Of course, those who make the most money are the French Army Group and Dassault...

The tycoon in the United Arab Emirates claimed that he became interested in French products because of the smooth progress of the war in Yemen. This made many companies that did not make up their mind to join the game regret it...

Everyone can see the role that Boss Qiao played in it. The French Naval Group even publicly announced that it would provide more Seahawk-43s to the Princess Maritime Security Company.

 They haven’t even announced the price, and everyone can see the trick here.

Facing such a boss, ‘Rooster’ shook his head helplessly and said: “Boss, let me respond to your request.

But I can’t guarantee that Nan Batian’s 8-success power cannot be achieved by training for one or two years..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "Ask for me, and you won't lose a piece of meat by asking!"

 My people actually all have flight experience, but what they lack is advanced theoretical knowledge...

 If we really want to fight, I have many opportunities here!

I will make room for Nan Batian, and they must give me face..."

 As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly said in a funny tone: "The Army back home is a bit miserable, with just a few people from the Air Force depleting the budget for hundreds of people.

I plan to eliminate a batch of Telos flexible exoskeletons here. You know the use of those things.

One set is priced at US$1 million, with a starting price of 10 sets. Please help me ask..."

When "Rooster" heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "A set of one million US dollars, are you kidding me?

 Let soldiers carry a house in the Third Ring Road to the battlefield, and many bosses will go crazy! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said angrily: "The Rabbit Team has been back for so long, haven't they helped publicize P·B's progress?

 Is this a good thing? It’s a combat power multiplier…

Hurry up and ask, if you want more than 50 sets, I can give you a discount..."

 (End of this chapter)

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