From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1207: It's not easy for men

Chapter 1207 It’s not easy for men

 The matter of selling equipment was only secondary to Boss Qiao. What was important was that he found a suitable training place.

It is quite normal for Afika's black buddies to go to the military academy at their old mother's house for training. The Air Force is not actually the most important. If we take advantage of the opportunity to open up the Air Force, then there will definitely be no problem at the Army Academy.

 Sending anteaters to a group of officers who have received systematic education in the past will open the eyes of these young men who are so loyal that they do not think about their own future. This will be more beneficial to Boss Qiao.

It is no secret that the old mother trained military officers for Afika’s friendly countries in the past. And because military officers will gradually become the main force in military and politics, the equipment produced by companies such as Norinco will naturally enter these countries. armaments system.

This kind of move to accept foreign students and trainees is to cultivate influence, and it is also an important means for the old mother to win support and resources from Afika.

The current President of Ethiopia, Muladi, is a graduate of Peking University, and Rwanda’s Kagame is a graduate of Shizhi...

Nanjing Command College is even more powerful. In their history, they have produced 5 Presidents of Afica, 1 Vice President, 8 Ministers of Defense, and hundreds of generals, including the current President of Congo, who is praised by Boss Qiao. of Kabila.

There are white-eyed wolves among these people, but one pro-China elite among a thousand people can bring thousands of times back to China.

 The benefits brought by one Kagame can offset all the old mother’s investment in Afika’s international students in the past and future.

 One Kabila allowed the old mother to obtain the world's largest lithium ore mine.

One Mulatu allowed Afika to see the excellence of the Chinese model. He ended the rule of the previous military government. He claimed to be a learner and imitator. He used his cooperation with his mother's family to lead Ethiopia on the path of development. fast lane.

There are many such people. The current president of Bangui University in Central Africa is an international student from Zhejiang University, and President Francois is preparing to promote him to the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

 Congo’s Kabila is also promoting a large number of people with Chinese study backgrounds, who will fill Congo’s high-level departments.

 They have gained a deep understanding of Chinese culture through studying abroad, which makes communication between the two parties smoother, and many projects will go smoothly. When facing provocations from others, they can also understand which side they should stand on.

 Boss Qiao has established a huge industry in Afika. He has a deep understanding that sometimes communication between countries cannot impress people simply by being sincere.

Sometimes even simple political and interest measures are not accurate. You cannot convince them by telling them how much you can gain by cooperating with me.

 Because the cultural differences between the two sides are too huge!

Attracting international students is an important way to solve this problem...

 Developed countries such as the United States, island countries, England, and France attract international students from all over the world, and they also receive full scholarships, but no one scolds them.

 Everyone knows that this is to attract talents and export culture at the same time.

 According to Chinese standards, there are quite a few traitors trained in top universities. These pro-European and American international students have even caused a certain degree of cultural division.

 But no one thinks there is any problem with studying in Europe and the United States?

 Many people in China are very dissatisfied with the preferential treatment given to international students by these gangsters, but in fact, apart from receiving scholarships and living expenses, these gangsters will not squeeze out the study and employment opportunities of college students at all.

 Without them, they would still be unable to pass the exam, but with them, graduates will have more opportunities to enter large state-owned enterprises in the future.

There are some girls in China who will date them out of curiosity, but there is no need for boys to be angry about something that does not belong to them.

Moreover, according to Boss Qiao’s understanding, except for the part of students from poor countries in Afika who go abroad to study in China, the rest are generally very eager to stay and work in China, and they don’t dare to mess around at all.

Most of the black guys who can pick up girls in China are either European and American nationals, or they are fake European and American nationals.

The aesthetics of the Chinese community are still inherited. Black guys and ladies should not be on the Chinese menu. Those women who devote themselves to seeking excitement or green cards are really not worth being angry about.

As a man in the new era, his eyes should not be limited to Chinese women. In fact, there are many girls from many countries in the Chinese cultural circle who want to marry to China...

In places like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan in Western Europe, as long as you are brave enough and speak decent language, it is simply too easy to find a beautiful girlfriend according to China's current economic conditions.

 Why are you angry over some girls who are not in the same direction?

 What is the point of spending half of your parents’ life savings on marrying this materialized freak created by consumerism?

The world is so big and there are so many girls, young Chinese people should go and see it!

ˆ Boss Qiao’s resort blind date project has been going on for some time, and there are quite a few men from science and engineering who have succeeded.

Those sniper girls may be a bit fiercer, but women who have experienced the test of life and death are far more tolerant of life than those pretentious girls who want this or that.

They are also better able to understand the advantages of Chinese men!

Qiaojia spent the afternoon playing with his children at home, and a wave of guests came to the house during dinner... The eldest son, Lu Jun, also experienced the test of life and death in SD, and then plucked up the courage to return to Afika and provoke Burundi Xiao Huang and Huang Sijia, who is in charge of Dahe Mining Company, came to visit with a large number of gifts.

The two of them behaved very formally, and Qiao Jia thought they had something important to discuss with him.

Unexpectedly, everything in the mining company was normal, but Xiao Huang proposed to an Eastern European Montenegrin female sniper from the hunting company. He wanted to invite Boss Qiao to be his future wedding witness!

 Xiao Huang brought his classmates to SD to see his father's mine, hoping to prepare for taking over the mine in the future. As a result, he encountered terrorists and was kidnapped.

His father, Lao Huang, emptied all his working capital, found Boss Qiao, and then risked his life to rescue Xiao Huang.

However, two of his classmates died at that time, and there were two girls from relatives. One jumped off the building and the other fell into depression.

 Xiao Huang is also considered a man. He currently supports the parents and two relatives of his two classmates.

 But he himself left a huge psychological shadow. He always focused on his career and never cared about his own problems.

Qiao Jia did not expect that Xiao Huang was actually planning to get married...

You must know that when he returned to Afika, he couldn't sleep all night long because of psychological trauma.

Huge guilt and psychological pressure made him choose to become a work machine, and anything related to enjoyment would be pushed away by him...

 Because at that time he felt that living was no longer for himself!

 Perhaps there are only Chinese men in the world who have been burdened with responsibilities since birth. Only Chinese men take their contribution as a matter of course and put family and social responsibilities above themselves.

Such huge ideological and mental pressure does not match the rapid development of economy and family life.

 The most typical example is that women with less pressure in life and society are more Westernized in their thinking and care more about themselves.

 As a result, there is a stereotype that Chinese boys are always unkempt and girls are always glamorous.

Most Chinese boys seem to be trapped in a contradictory prison with no way out, and no one seems to want to help them...

Everyone is telling boys that you must take responsibility, work hard, earn money, and take care of the people around you, but few people tell boys that you must love yourself first!

When these boys are in trouble, enlightened parents can save them, but unenlightened parents will deepen their pain.

 The unfortunate part will be lost, angry, resentful, lose its goals, lose its direction, and be full of hostility, resulting in depression, resentment, and even revenge, and then disguise itself with false arrogance...

Even at their lowest moments, they don’t realize that these negative emotions are of no use to themselves or to others.

 They can only get out on their own!

 Perhaps you will never be able to get out in your lifetime!

No one in this world should face the storms of life alone...

 Xiao Huang must be lucky!

 Because he has enlightened and fairly wealthy parents...

They were able to use money to appease families whose children had died, ease Xiao Huang's guilt, and encourage him to get back on his feet, but these were not enough at the time...

But look now, Xiao Huang has come out!

For a man with Xiao Huang's experience to propose marriage, that woman must have filled the missing piece in his heart and given him enough security.

 Qiao Jia felt happy for Xiao Huang from the bottom of her heart, and it was also the first time that she truly felt that the career that Eric, that **** fat man, was doing really had a positive meaning.

Lu Jun behaves very comfortably even in Boss Qiao's house...

This sweet-tongued young master learned Arabic half-heartedly. When he saw Nice and the kitten, he would greet her like a sister-in-law or a sister-in-law. All kinds of gifts and supplements were brought out in boxes and boxes as treasures.

Xiao Huang acted a little shy, so Qiao Jia had to hold her son in her arms and give Xiao Huang a lecture on the values ​​of family and children, and then finally let the little brother open up the conversation...

“Brother Lang, I have to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I might not be here today…”

Qiao Jia didn't want to talk about this. He grabbed Igor's little hand and took off the valuable-looking tourmaline bracelet on Xiao Huang's wrist. Then he said with a smile: "You call me brother, so just treat it like this." A meeting gift for my son..."

After saying that, Qiao Jia sent Igor to Jino, who was staring at the gift, and let them play by themselves. Then he looked at Xiao Huang and said with a smile: "You can do it. He quietly found a girl from Montenegro. , what does she look like, do you have any photos?”

 (End of this chapter)

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