From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1208: make money, make big money

Chapter 1208 Make money, make big money

Xiao Huang lowered his head and smiled, took out his mobile phone, pulled up a photo, and said, "Her name is Yali. I met her when I went to Virunga Resort for vacation."

Speaking, Xiao Huang seemed to remember something. He shook his head and said with a smile: "At that time, I was greeting some business friends in China, and we met a frightened gorilla on the mountain.

We were frightened at that time, but it was Yali who saved us...

This is the first time I saw a woman shoot in front of me, and she acted so calmly..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "That's how you fell in love with her?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Xiao Huang, whose brows seemed to be parting the clouds. He looked particularly cheerful, and said with a smile: "I knew you liked this type. I should have taken you with me when I went to the Syrian safe zone, from the Martyrs Camp." Those female soldiers are definitely suitable for you..."

Xiao Huang smiled shyly and said: "It's not simply because she can shoot, but, I can't say...

I just chatted with her at the resort bar, and then I felt particularly connected..."

ˆXiao Huang said with a complicated expression: "Yali is very satisfied with her life. She doesn't need me to do anything for her, so I just want to do something for her...

 So I proposed to her!

 I begged many times..."

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, looking at Yali, who didn't look particularly gorgeous in the photo, and then looked at Xiao Huang curiously and said, "Didn't you tell her that you are the boss of Dahe Mining?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia walked to the kitchen and took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator. After handing one bottle to Xiao Huang, he said incredulously: "As far as I know, these female snipers came to Afei to escape the war." It’s stuck, this Yali is doing well!”

Xiao Huang didn’t seem to hear the meaning of Qiao Jia’s words. He said with a somewhat bitter expression: “Actually, Yali heard that I am very familiar with you, so she agreed to my proposal.

 She wanted me to help because her two brothers were also local guerrillas and she wanted to get them to Afika. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "What do you mean, there are conditions for her to agree to your proposal?"

 Xiao Huang nodded and said, "Brother Lang, I'm actually quite happy..."

Qiao Jia looked at Xiao Huang and said curiously: "Are you out of your mind? With your conditions, of course you can find a woman who loves you, or you can find a young and beautiful one..."

Xiao Huang spread his hands and said: "Brother Lang, I have met many women in the past few years, both at home and abroad, but I know my own situation. No woman will like me at that time.

 I only found a little different feeling in Yali...

 Maybe it’s because she saw my panicked side and helped me, and then I was willing to say anything to her. "

As he spoke, Xiao Huang shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Lang, if you don't believe it, I have been relying on sleeping pills every day for the past few years to fall asleep, and I have been taking more and more.

After meeting Yali, I fell asleep for the first time with my head on the pillow!

It’s not that Yali doesn’t like me, but she doesn’t want to give up her current job just because she marries me. She said she is very happy in Afika…

 And I can feel that that kind of happiness has nothing to do with money! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded somewhat suddenly...

 Xiao Huang has found a woman who can provide him with a sense of security and allow him to fully open himself.

 It is a man's blessing to meet such a woman in his life.

Not to mention that she still has a crush on Xiao Huang, even if she doesn't have a crush on him, this kind of spiritual attraction that transcends the hormonal level is still worth pursuing with all her strength.

Looking at the happiness in Xiao Huang's eyes, Qiao Jia shook his head and laughed, and said: "Are you sure you didn't fall asleep because you were drunk?"

 Speaking, Boss Qiao looked at Xiao Huang’s serious look and said with a smile: “That’s right, this kind of girl who can fill the vacancy in your heart is rare. When you encounter her, you should decisively win her over.

Don’t you want to show your sincerity? Then take that Yali to Sevia with you. My friend ‘Professor’ is doing well in Sevia, and he is now the president of Yog Imbert Company...

 An arms seller can still talk to the guerrillas! "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Huang said in surprise: "Is this really okay?"

Qiao Jia watched a black chef signal that dinner was ready. He reached out and patted Xiao Huang on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "What's wrong with this?

  In other words, I have no connections in Montenegro. Otherwise, would it be a piece of cake to arrange two guerrillas to come to Afika? "

After hearing this, Xiao Huang lowered his head and said: "Brother Wolf, I may not have made it clear. Yali's two younger brothers are not only guerrillas, but also wanted criminals by NATO and the Kosovo authorities..."

When Choga heard this, he frowned and said: "They are Serb guerrillas? Some of those people are not good people..."

Xiao Huang shook his head and said: "Yali's two younger brothers are members of a resistance army, and their targets are Armenian warlords and gangs in Kosovo.

They were all once herdsmen on the border between Montenegro and Kosovo. Their hometowns were destroyed by warlords and gangs, so they..."

After hearing this, Joga nodded and said: "That doesn't matter, as long as I can contact them, I can ask Sevia to issue them a passport and get them to Afika.

You just go to Sevia directly. I don’t know anyone in Kosovo, but I can still talk to NATO..."

Xiao Huang has been immersed in work in the middle of Afika. He knew that the wolf brother in front of him was very powerful, but didn't he know that he was so powerful?

 What is the concept of being able to speak in NATO?

Qiao Jia didn't care what Xiao Huang thought. He walked towards the restaurant and said with a smile: "Let's eat first. Tie Shoo brought in a batch of cattle from his hometown. We just killed one today. It's especially suitable for hot pot."

When Xiao Huang, who was a little dazed, didn't react, Lu Jun used a few exquisite toys to get out of a group of children, walked to Xiao Huang, put his arms around his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Brother Lang is a big shot now. Already…

The foreign minister from my hometown is visiting the eastern part of Afica. A fleet also went to Algeria and Tunisia for exchanges. We talked about a lot of big business, but guess what..."

Xiao Huang said doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Lu Jun smiled and shook his head and said: "It's okay, even several countries in central Afika also sent invitations to our foreign minister at the same time.

People from several large groups will come here to pay homage to the pier in a few days...

In the middle of Afica, as long as Brother Lang nods, the big groups can save their troubles. "

Xiao Huang was stunned for a moment and said, "What's this? Isn't this a normal business exchange?"

Lu Jun shook his head and said with a smile: "I think you are stupid in that shabby place in Burundi. Do you know the current situation in Congo?

The railway connecting the town of Sangha in northern Congo will be repaired in the second half of next year. The contract for the southern railway, as well as the infrastructure contracts in several major mining provinces, do you think Brother Lang won't agree to this matter? The Congolese government alone can withstand the United States and Britain. Will the law be implemented?

 The development of the Congo has basically been finalized. It is said that Britain and France have invested in it, and these funds have all been given to Brother Lang.

The smelting center I built in North Kivu Province has been targeted by agents because it has a monopoly on the refining and export of tantalum and cobalt ores.

Without Brother Wolf, the guerrillas might come to my factory tomorrow...

  What level of big shot is Brother Lang now? "

Xiao Huang was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but licked his dry lips, and said, "I really don't know. No wonder Yali's eyes lit up when she heard that I knew Brother Lang..." Lu Jun looked at it with disgust Xiao Huang, who was trapped in love, said: "I don't know what to say to you?

 Comrades, it’s no use just knowing how to work. You must learn to see more, listen more, and learn more, so that you can seize opportunities.

What's the point of that shabby place in Burundi? Find a successor to take over the copper mine and then come and work for me.

Virunga Resort is in North Kivu Province. I'm tired of staying there. How about you help me go to the care factory and spend the night with that Yali? "

After hearing this, Xiao Huang said curiously: "You don't care about a stall as big as North Kivu?

 Where are you going? "

After hearing this, Lu Jun grinned and said, "My family has established itself in Afika by helping farmers. Where do you think I can go?"

Speaking, Lu Jun looked at the confused Xiao Huang, and he said proudly: "Of course it is the Sahel zone. Brother Lang took the lead in restarting the Great Green Wall project. There must be someone to take care of the agricultural experts in his hometown.

 I am a person who is born to take care of people, so of course I will take care of those experts..."

After hearing this, Xiao Huang looked at Lu Jun in surprise and said, "There are many terrorists in the Sahel. Is there really no problem with this?"

Lu Jun put his arm around Xiao Huang's shoulders and walked towards the restaurant while smiling and saying: "You have to eat your meals one bite at a time. The implementation of a project like the Green Great Wall will take a very long time, and no one stipulates how much should be completed every year.

We can definitely start with Niger or Burkina Faso first. Our Brother Wolf is very proud in that area, so there will definitely be no problem in covering me. "

Lu Jun said proudly: "My old man had the foresight to invest in agriculture and desert control projects more than ten years ago...

Now my old man has handed over the family's agricultural company to me, and I am now running my own business. If I win an order for saplings and grass seeds in the Sahel, I will make a fortune! "

 Lu Jun spoke a little loudly, and when Boss Qiao, who was making sesame sauce, heard it, he smiled and waved and said, "How about you come here and try some of these beef first?

 Getting rich can happen slowly..."

After hearing this, Lu Jun winked at Xiao Huang, smiled and leaned over, picked up the chopsticks, dipped some sesame sauce in his mouth, took a sip, gave a thumbs up and said, "Absolutely, the authentic taste of the old capital, please have some more Chives would be perfect…”

So there is really a gap between people. In the eyes of Boss Qiao, Lu Jun is definitely a perfect communicator...

This guy has a sincere and natural attitude, and his compliments are well-founded, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

 When I tasted the sesame sauce, I praised its authenticity. When I saw the beef slices, I praised the knife skills. When I saw the copper pot, I praised its exquisiteness. When I saw the fresh vegetables, I praised their freshness...

 The ingredients for the hot pot were prepared by the family themselves. Everyone contributed, and naturally everyone benefited from it. Even Lao Kaman was a rare person who personally added a plate of beef to Young Master Lu.

Lu Jun has been in Afika for a long time, and suddenly ate the capital's shabu-shabu, which is quite authentic and delicious. This provides strong evidence.

When he was almost done eating, Lu Jun took a sip of his drink, then turned to look at Boss Qiao and said, "Brother Lang, what regulations have you prepared for the Sahel, can you tell me first?"

 The first group of agricultural experts will arrive in Central Africa next week. Those people are not easy to take care of. Please give me a general direction so that I can place those scholars in place. "

Qiao Jia looked at his poor son sitting in a child seat holding a bottle, and drooled at the sight of his brothers and sisters eating happily. He poked Briela in the belly of the vicious-eating one. This little girl who hadn't eaten enough laughed out loud and then burped...

“Stop eating, Igor will be starved to death if he eats any more, go drink some lemonade or something...”

After speaking, Qiao Jia looked at Lu Jun and said: "It depends on where the environment is suitable for work...

If you are brave enough, I will arrange for someone to **** you along the Sahel.

 Don’t worry about security issues, you just need to pay attention to the natural environment!

 As long as you decide on the location, I will take the French there to fight the terrorists...

Put a nail in first, and everything will be easier in the future! "

Upon hearing this, Lu Jun raised his thumb and said, "Brother Lang is still so brave..."

Speaking, Lu Jun looked at Boss Qiao and whispered: "Brother, are you sure you have enough manpower? I heard that the commissioned soldiers have withdrawn..."

Qiao Jia looked at Lu Jun with squinting eyes and said, "The information is very good. I just made a phone call in the afternoon to curse, and you knew it so quickly?"

Lu Jun smiled and said: "Don't I care about you, Brother Lang? And I also have to think about the lives of those experts. Whether I can make a fortune depends on them..."

 Qiao Jia knew that when Lu Jun said this, he was actually implying that their families had a close relationship, and that the Great Green Wall project was not just a business...

 Because allocations from the AU, charity assistance from the United Nations, and support from France are limited, the remaining funds need to be raised by the countries in the Sahel belt themselves.

Where is the money in these countries?

The IMF will not lend them money to farm their land. Are old mothers the only ones in the world who can lend them money?

 Farming on the edge of the desert requires most manpower, water, plant seeds, and agricultural technology...

You borrow money from me to buy plants and technology with me. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money to pay me back in the future. Let’s just get some mines and let’s do cooperative development...

This is the road used by the old mother’s house, except that in the past, the road was opened with infrastructure, but now it is opened with agriculture...

Of course Qiao Jia would not object to this. Whenever Lu Jun knew how to do something, huge sums of money would leave P.B.'s bank, and the money would eventually end up in the bank's account.

Looking at Lu Jun with an expectant look on his face, Boss Qiao said with a smile: "Master Lu, you have to eat your food one bite at a time. Let's find the place to start first!

I said that you, a young man, plunged into the agricultural circle, or the Afika agricultural circle. What do you want to do? "

After listening to Lu Jun pondered for a while, he said: "Brother Lang, if we can alleviate Afika's food pressure through charity, it will be of great benefit to our hometown...

I have received accurate news that international food giants and American energy companies are making moves in Ukraine.

Ukrainian KL East has been playing intermittently for four years and no one is paying attention to it, but their political situation has been very unstable recently.

 Once those people make a fuss about chemical fertilizers and wheat, food prices will definitely fluctuate.

 In the next 5 to 8 years, food security will be a top priority for any country.

Once Afika is choked with food, it will be very detrimental to the hometown...

The Great Green Wall plan is very slow to take effect, but it does not prevent us from promoting new planting technologies to them. As long as they can solve part of the food gap by themselves, even if there is a problem in the future, there will be ways to mediate it back home..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "It's Wu KL again, why are you all running there?"


 “Because there is money to be made here, and it’s big money!”

Under the protection of the Golden Eagle Special Forces, Aaron shook hands with a middle-aged man in military uniform with a smile, and said with a smile: "I like money, and I believe you also like it..."

 (End of this chapter)

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