From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1209: Aaron's plan

 Chapter 1209 Aaron’s Plan

 Aaron completed a deal with a Ukrainian KL executive, then got into a low-key car and quickly headed to the airport.

 Sergey, the old man, was the main person responsible for protecting Aaron’s safety. After he confirmed that the transaction was completed, he sat in the passenger seat and took a sip of vodka.

When the car arrived at a private airport, Sergey took the initiative to get out of the car and opened the door for Aaron. A Golden Eagle Special Forces member took out a wheelchair from the trunk, and then helped Aaron into the wheelchair.

When sending Yaran to the plane, Sergey said in a deep voice: "Tomahawk will **** you away with two people.

 Our people are already ready in Moldova, and someone will pick you up when you get off the plane. "

Yaran waved his hand to signal the person pushing the wheelchair to stop, then he turned to look at Sergey and said, "Aren't you coming with me?

 It’s a pleasure to work with you and I think we can continue to work together…”

 As he spoke, Aaron looked at Sergey with a smile and said, "If you are willing, I would be happy to offer you a higher salary than Jackal."

Sergei rubbed his red rosacea nose and said with a sneer: "How many people do you need? Thirty or fifty?

 How much can you give? 100,000 or 200,000?

 Do you know how many people can be helped by the contract offered by our boss? "

Aaron looked at the completely unmoved golden eagle special forces around him, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Why are there always jackals?

He just gave you a $2 million contract...

If you are willing to join my team, I can give each of you a contract with an annual salary of 80,000 yuan.

 How many people do you have now, and how is your arithmetic? "

Sergey looked at the tall 'Tomahawk' next to him, and then suddenly laughed and said: "I'm not very good at mathematics, but I know one thing very well, that is, no matter how much money you give me, you can't Help me do what I’m doing now.”

Aaron chuckled and said: "Just for those Greek green cards and talent channels? Is it difficult?"

Sergey shook his head and said: "It is not difficult at all for some people, but before our boss, no one did it at all, and no one even cared about what happened in Dong W!

 Our bosses are different!

 I don’t know how he makes money, although I know he will definitely make money, but the reality is that he helps a lot of people.

 This includes our family members and those living at the bottom of Ukraine.

They don’t even need to go to Russia and become refugees to find a dignified job…

 You can give us money, but can you do this? "

Speaking, Sergey didn’t wait for Aaron to reply at all, he smiled and said: “Boy, you are a greedy evil ghost, there are many people like you who have emptied your money.

It’s people like you who funded the sons of **** in Camp S and made the Wu D area a hell...

 I can't change the status quo, but that doesn't mean I like people like you.

 I don’t know your relationship with our boss, but..."

Aaron saw the flash of ferocity in Sergey's eyes. He smiled and waved his hands and said, "Well, it seems that simple money can't impress you.

But is it okay if I give you a temporary commission? "

 Sergey was ordered to cooperate with Aaron and protect his safety as much as possible...

Facing Aaron's sudden commission, Sergey frowned and said, "What do you need us to do?"

Aaron spread his hands and said: "I need you to help me assassinate two people. One of them is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, and the other is the minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine."

 Speaking, Aaron looked at Sergey's frown and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know that although you are in a dilemma between Da'er and Ukraine, you still retain the sense of honor of a soldier...

 These two targets are not Russians or Ukrainians, they are Americans.

 Kill them, and then after I take down the Russian arsenal that Russia left near the Dniester River in Moldova, I can transport some of the arms to Mariupol for the militia to use against the people of the Ya S Battalion.

I know you have been fighting against the Asia S Battalion recently. The Jackal can provide you with supplies, but his channels cannot take care of the militiamen...

Those militiamen have suffered heavy losses recently..."

After hearing this, Sergey suddenly made a gesture to the ‘Tomahawk’, and the two of them put Aaron on the plane together, but Sergey, who was supposed to stay, stayed on the plane.

Looking at the plane starting up, Sergey did not leave. Aaron smiled and waved hello to Isa from the British Intelligence Agency who came out of the cockpit of the plane...

Sergey sniffed his nose when Isa passed by him and said: "Ha, British Military Intelligence..."

Isa, who was wearing a stewardess uniform, was stunned for a moment. When she was about to speak, Aaron smiled and waved his hand and said: "Isa, meet your senior, Mr. Sergey..."

Isa frowned and sat next to Aaron, and said in a deep voice: "Soviet KGB..."

  Sergey shook his head and said: "NO, I'm just an old mercenary!"

Speaking, Sergey looked at Aaron and said: "Invite people from the Military Intelligence Office, and the target is the arms inventory of the Russian garrison in Moldova.

This approach is very dangerous. Russia is very concerned about Moldova. What do you want to do? "

Aaron said indifferently: "This is not a question that a mercenary should ask...

But for Jackal's sake, I'll give you an explanation! "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Sergey, who was frowning, and said with a smile: "But do you want to hear it?"

 Sergey looked at Aaron and Isa, he shook his head and said: "The purpose of the army stationed at the border between Moldova and Ukraine is to suppress the Moldovan regime and at the same time march southeast to capture Ode S when necessary.

Now you have to empty out the arsenal there...

Why? The current president of Ukraine is yours, and the entire situation in Ukraine is under your control.

 Why be provocative? "

Aaron said with a smile: "Do you know the agreement between Russia and Ukraine on Beixi 1?

 In order to win over Uzbekistan, the Pu boss offered huge transit fees. His approach was very successful at first.

But then an oligarch named Sharif died. Before that guy died, he returned all the shares of the energy company he held on behalf of Boss Pu. Many of those shares belong to people you have never heard of. Letting them share the benefits is the key to Boss Pu being able to stabilize Ukraine KL and ensure the smooth flow of Beixi No. 1.

As a result, this part of the revenue is gone now, and the Prudential boss still hopes to use Beixi 2 to tie up Germany, and then have an impact on the entire Europe.

How can this be? "

 Sergey heard this, sighed, and said: "The Ya S Battalion was funded and trained by you people. You want to create a war...

 What are you going to do?

 Create a massacre in Ukraine, use the militant faction in Great Russia, and force Great Russia to die? "

Aaron waved his hand and said: "It's not what I plan to do, but other people. I'm just a businessman...

 You can understand me as an insignificant little player in this big chess game, because I really don’t have much say in this matter.

 Making money is what I want most now! "

After Sergey was silent for a moment, he said: "The Russian arsenal in Moldova is a forward base left behind by the former Soviet Union. The inventory there is enough to arm 100,000 people to complete a major battle.

 This is not a small amount of money…

  Urban D’s militia cannot be used much, where will the rest be transported?

 Syria? No…

Then only Yemen is left! "

As he spoke, Sergey pulled out a Makarov pistol and put it on his thigh. He took out the satellite phone and looked at Aaron, and said: "I will call my boss. What do you want to say to me?" Of?"

Isa looked at Sergey's murderous look. Just as she was about to stand up, she felt a big hand pressing down on her shoulder...

The commander of the Golden Eagle Special Forces, ‘Tomahawk’, stood behind her and said in a deep voice: “Don’t move, someone will die!”

 Aaron is not nervous at all...

 Seeing that several other golden eagle special forces in the plane had taken control of the front and rear of the cabin, he shook his head a little melancholy and said, "Why are jackals always so lucky?"

As he spoke, Aaron held down Isha’s hand, smiled and waved to Sergey and said, “You can make a call now…

 You can just tell Jackal what I want to do and listen to his suggestions.

But after this, you have to accept my commission...

 As an old KGB guy, it’s not difficult at all for you to kill two people, right? "

 Sergey is a straightforward person. He dialed Boss Qiao’s phone number...

 “Hey, Sergey, what do you want from me?”

Hearing the boss's voice on the phone, Sergey glanced at Aaron and the nervous Isha, and said to the phone: "Boss, Aaron wants to touch the Russian military's arsenal in Moldova, and he wants to entrust me to kill it. Deputy Minister of Energy and Minister of Environmental Protection of Ukraine.

Most of those arms will be shipped to Yemen..."

Upon hearing this, Boss Qiao on the other end of the phone said with a smile: "You are responsible for doing your own thing, and you can let him do the rest.

 Al Qaeda in Yemen is about to be unable to withstand it, and it really needs blood transfusions from the outside world. "

Sergey’s eyes almost popped out when he heard this. He had never seen such a situation where he was worried that the enemy was too weak...

 “Boss, are you sure!”

Qiaojia smiled and said: "I'm sure, although you may not know who this guy is at all, I still want to ask you to keep it a secret."

When Sergey heard this, he suddenly smiled bitterly and said: "But now I and a few golden eagle soldiers know..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia pondered for a moment and then suddenly said: "That **** Aaron did it on purpose. He didn't want to keep anyone in Ukraine, so he wanted to tie you into the car.

This way he can find reliable manpower if he wants to do anything in Ukraine KL in the future...

This **** wants to take advantage of me...

 Sergey, beat him! "

 Sergey looked at the smiling Aaron, he smiled bitterly, hung up the phone, and said: "Besides helping you kill two people, what else do you need from us?"

 Aaron smiled and spread his hands, and said: "I hope you can continue your current work and assist Wu D's militiamen to hold back the people of Camp A S.

 Once some important people come into contact with people from Camp S in the future, I will notify you, and then you are responsible for killing them! "

 Sergey took a deep breath and said, "You are not from the intelligence service!"

As he spoke, Sergey rubbed his old face vigorously and said, "OK, let's make a deal!

 4 million US dollars a year, not even a penny less! "

When Aaron heard this, he said unhappily: "Jackal only gave you 2 million a year..."

 Sergei smiled and put away his pistol, grabbed Aaron's collar, hit him on the nose with a headbutt, and then said with a ferocious smile: "You **** will pay double the price!"

As Sergey said this, he looked at Isha beside him. The old guy took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of her, and then said: "You look like you are doing private work..."

I know some powerful friends. Once the cooperation between our boss and this **** is leaked, the information about your involvement will be placed on the desk of your director. "

Aaron covered his bleeding nose and said unhappily: "Isa is the deputy director of the Military Intelligence Department, and Jackal also knows her..."

Sergey waved his hands indifferently and said: "Anyway, I only trust my people. If the information is leaked, I will go to you...

 You don’t want to get targeted by an old KGB man! "

 (End of this chapter)

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