From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1210: big chess game

Chapter 1210 The big chess game

 After Choga received Sergey’s notice, he began to realize that the situation in Ukraine might soon change.

But he didn’t know that what intensified this contradiction was the fact that when the engineer killed the oligarch Sharif, he transferred the equity to the Russian government.

He only knew that Aaron went to Wu KL to clean up the mess and recover some of the losses for the Lake Baiga Foundation!

Joja was not particularly clear about what happened specifically, and he had no intention of getting involved in Aaron's business.

The only thing that raises alarm is that the Lake Baikal Foundation actually has the power to influence the situation in Ukraine and KL. Then we can draw a rough outline of who is the controller behind them.

 Former Vice President and current Democratic candidate Bayer once led the Ukrainian color revolution, appointed and dismissed Ukraine's top judges at will, and installed his son into the Ukrainian energy company...

These are no secrets. Bayer has boasted about his influence in Ukraine many times in public.

 Bayer has been involved in dismantling the Soviet Union since the Cold War...

This old man’s most glorious resume in his life was born in Eastern Europe. The Lake Baiga Foundation, an organization that specializes in assisting Russian oligarchs in transferring assets and providing political asylum, is probably inseparable from this old man.

Moreover, this old man’s political influence and personal connections are still concentrated in Eastern Europe, so he will definitely make a fuss about Eastern Europe after taking office.

What Qiaojia was thinking about was not the impact of the Lake Baikal Foundation on him, because the two sides were not yet enemies.

What worries him is that Aaron's actions seem to indicate that the Democratic Party is determined that Baier can win the election. Otherwise, according to the character of Big Mouth Tang, these people's actions in Wu D will not be able to win the White House. Support.

 What makes Qiao Jia a little confused is that now that Big Mouth Tang is the stronger side, how can those people be sure that they will win?

There are not many presidents in the United States who cannot be re-elected. So far, apart from the repeated criticism of his character and behavior, in terms of substantial gains, although the trade war with his mother's family has been messy and the quarrel with European allies is extremely unpleasant, But he is certainly following through on his campaign promises.

 The border wall keeps being built...

  In the North American Trade Agreement, the provisions that required the United States to pay taxes and fees on exported industrial goods were abolished, allowing the industry to show signs of recovery.

 The substantial reduction in business taxes has allowed many technology companies to return funds floating in overseas bank accounts to the United States. For example, the famous Apple Company has transferred hundreds of billions of dollars in untaxed overseas accounts to the United States.

 These are political achievements that can last a lifetime!

 But the reality is that Aaron gave the key tip!

Those people started to make arrangements in Wu D, and these require real investment...

Jorgia couldn't figure out why those people were so sure, so he put his stupid son who was lying on the ground back to bed late at night, and then went to the balcony to make a phone call to Thompson.

 He had a hunch that there would be changes within the United States, and the one that would have the greatest impact on him was the Reed family.

Tom Reed, the old redneck, is an extremely tough guy. Qiao Jia has called him many times to ask if he needs help. As a result, the old man is tight-lipped about family affairs and just asked him to take care of Grace.

This made Qiao Jia a little worried at this period...

What Jorga didn't expect was that the news given by Thompson was that the Reed family was still stable for the time being, because the two cough killers controlled by the German police had been extradited to the United States.

 The person who led the extradition was Tom Reed, and the reason he gave was actually the intention to murder American citizens, that is, jackals.

 The problem now is not Tom Reed, but Alicia Alexander of the Department of Justice.

After Steven resigned, the White House did not stop, because Alicia had never fully cooperated with Big Mouth Don's policies.

After the loud-mouthed son-in-law Kushner returned to the country, he seemed to have taken crazy medicine and constantly criticized the work of the Ministry of Justice in public.

 And Dazuitang's attitude is even more secretive!

This guy has indeed grown in power. Relying on his power, he has already replaced the Minister of Defense and the Secretary of State. Next, it will be the turn of the Ministry of Justice.

Boss Qiao suddenly felt a chill...

He didn't feel that these things were directed at him, but he felt that someone was taking advantage of Dazuitang's expansion to make enemies for them.

When Alicia was betrayed by Big Mouth Don and fell into an isolated and helpless situation, someone would definitely extend an olive branch to her.

This barrister entered the Ministry of Justice almost simultaneously with the establishment of P·B's New Jersey company. He was first a deputy minister and now a minister, working for nearly four years.

 The Big Mouth Don can kick Alicia out of the position of Attorney General, but he cannot eliminate the people she cultivated within the Department of Justice.

Alicia is a partner at the largest law firm on the West Coast and a civil servant in the judicial system. Who doesn’t want to have a good relationship with this person so that he can find a good job when he goes out into society in the future?

Boss Qiao vaguely saw a big net covering the big mouth Tang...

 He didn’t know how those people would close the net in the end, but he knew that the most important person now was the old guy Tom Reed.

As long as he is eliminated, Oregon and Idaho will be completely lost when Big Mouth Don runs for re-election, and at the same time, more than a dozen seats in Congress will be reshuffled.

That old guy Reed brought the two killers back to the United States just to intimidate the people in the family...

It seems to be calming down now, but who knows what will happen in the future?

Jorga doesn’t really care about Steven and Alicia’s troubles...

 They are just two civil servant positions. You can retire gracefully while maintaining your own influence, and then enter Congress to look for opportunities. Then everyone can work together to create greater influence.

At this time, Senator Tom Reed, who is the core, cannot have any problems. Once he falls, Steven and Alicia will not be able to hold on for a while.

Those politicians who are funded say they are controlled, but in fact they have no pressure at all to sell out the people who fund them when they feel the need.

Qiaojia figured out the key issue. He chose to ignore the actions of those people and decided to hold on to the core key of his side no matter what...

“Thompson, it seems that the scandal we released last time about Bayer’s son did not have an effect, allowing Vargli to speed up the listing of the New Jersey branch.

At the same time, a warning to Tom Reed, no, I will call him myself..."

Thompson on the other end of the phone was very calm. He smiled and said: "Boss, it's not that the scandal didn't work, it was suppressed. I thought at first that Big Mouth Tang had made some compromises with those people, but now After listening to your guess, I think those people may have made some compromises with Big Mouth Tang.

I have accurate information that Big Mouth Tang is preparing to announce its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. This should be a compromise made by those people in order to give Big Mouth Tang a bargaining chip to recover from the losses it suffered in the trade war.

If these people are paralyzing big talkers, then there will definitely be something wrong with Congress during the re-election..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sighed...

 Dazuitang has always been a businessman, and he knows how to find an advantage in negotiations.

Frequent maritime military confrontations with the old mother’s family are not cost-effective in Dazuitang’s thinking.

Spuriously withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and restarting road-based intermediate-range ballistic missiles is the most cost-effective business for Dazuitang.

 Because Russia should not be able to re-develop suitable medium-range strategic missiles in a short period of time, and the United States only needs to slightly improve the ship-borne Tomahawk missiles to deploy them in Guam.

The Tomahawk missile with a range of 2,500 kilometers is placed in Guam, which is a substantial deterrent.

 This is a compromise after they realize that the first island chain cannot be defended, and it is also a political means.

This matter is definitely controversial within the United States. Now those people are using this as a condition to compromise with Big Mouth Tang. One is to expand his international rogue image, and the other is to continue to paralyze him.

The big-mouthed Tang's overly flamboyant personality will inevitably attract people's disgust when it is magnified. The old man Bayer stands out as an old-school politician and can easily gain praise and support.

When most countries around the world feel that it is not good for a gangster like Big Mouth Tang to be president, Bayer will gain more support.

Boss Qiao is in the middle of the body, so he feels it more deeply, but other people may not necessarily feel it!

But these matters had little to do with Boss Qiao. After figuring out the cause and effect, Qiao Jia didn’t care about the details. He called Tom Reed directly...

 “Jackal, what’s going on?”

Reed's voice on the phone was a little tired. Qiao Jia smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that little George's physical condition has recovered, so I want to hold a party for him...

Sangha Town is preparing for a sports meeting, and I would like to invite the Reed family to watch the game. "

 An old **** like Tom Reed probably knew Boss Joe's intention as soon as he heard it. He said in a deep voice: "Jackal, this is an internal problem within our family. You can't interfere, let alone go beyond me to punish them."

Qiao Jia said with a smile: "You saw the appearance of those two killers, they wanted to treat little George like that at the beginning.

 I will not punish them on your behalf, but I can keep them in Afika for a while.

This way you can free up your energy to deal with other troubles..."

Tom Reed pondered for a moment and said, "Promise me not to hurt them..."

Qiaojia smiled and said, "So you agree?"

Tom Reed said tiredly: "It's my eldest son Richard, nephew Steve, niece Marilyn...

I will let them go to Central Africa with gifts and sponsorship in the name of business cooperation.

 Jackal, don’t hurt them, I am slowly reducing the resources and power in their hands, and I want to wait for an answer..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said: "What are you waiting for the answer?"

Tom Reed said in a deep voice: "I want to know why they do this?

They have no reason to betray their families. I want to know what did those people give them?

 I wonder if they would be ashamed of it? "

Tom Reed is a person that Boss Joe must respect. He does not express too many opinions on the Reed family.

 Because what the old guy wants is not an answer at all, but for the traitor in the family to repent.

 It was enough to convince Tom Reed to send the person in question over.

Thinking about how much power this guy had and how much trouble he had to take care of the family's affairs, Qiao Jia sighed and said, "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, so just take care of it yourself!

 I think tough guys can always handle it well when faced with this kind of problem! "

Tom Reed was stunned for a moment and said: "Jackal, when you reach my age, you will understand that when you wet your feet when you pee, everything at home will become difficult...

I envy you that you are actually in the mood to hold a sports meeting. I will pay attention to your sports meeting..."


 “Why do you care so much about this sports meeting?”

In a humanitarian camp in Rakhine State, Myanmar, a beautiful woman looked at the poisonous wolves of Team C and said: "You can't leave. Once you leave, the camp may be attacked at any time..."

Poisonous Wolf pushed the woman's hand away and said coldly: "I will leave some of my men here. You don't need to worry about safety issues."

Poisonous Wolf said with disgust as he looked at the woman who had been pestering him for a long time, and said: "Casu, you don't understand at all. If you want to obtain long-term safety, the best way is not to pray to the British to help you, but to pray to me. The boss can remember you...

If I were you, I would select a few people with outstanding athletic talents in the camp to participate in the competition in Sangha Town.

 The winner will be remembered and you will get a little more attention..."

 (End of this chapter)

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