From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1212: Super sponsorship package

Chapter 1212 Super Sponsorship Gift Package

 Qiao Jia also did not expect that the preparation period for an internal sports meeting would be extended from the initial 40 days to 4 months.

 The influx of sponsors was overwhelming to Boss Qiao.

 In the end, Jiami sent someone to come to the rescue. A professional brokerage team took over the sponsor's affairs and coordinated the messy requests of those sponsors.

This time P·B focuses on one coordination!

Anyway, as long as you give me enough money, I can agree to any request!

 Because these sponsorships will be used for organizing events and distributing prize money, and the remaining part will be used for charity.

On the one hand, this inspired the arrogance of the big sponsors, and on the other hand, things started to get a bit dire for Boss Qiao and his family.

P·B’s old friend SIG Sauer sponsored the depression treatment expenses for the son of the Knife Squad’s “Saint” in the early stage, which allowed them to reap sufficient dividends.

This time Sig Sauer targeted George Jr., the son of Boss Joe, and offered a price of US$5 million.

 Before the game even started, little George put on baby clothes specially customized by Sig Sauer.

And in accordance with the sponsor's requirements, Grace will appear in front of the media with Little George once every two days, or she will record a video and post it on P·B's website.

Boss Joe’s real son Igor also received sponsorship. This kid didn’t like wearing clothes, so Glock spent $7 million to buy out Igor’s diaper advertising space, and also bought out the crocodile coachman’s back advertising Bit.

 The most discerning company is HK Company. They have been paying attention to Boss Qiao and his family for a long time. For professional reasons, they have paid attention to Adele very early.

This group of Germans took the lead in taking out 200 euros, and took away Adele’s clothing sponsorship before others could react.

 Then I don’t know how the management team negotiated. Keno’s clothing sponsorship was sold to Uralkali, a large Russian fertilizer company, for 2 million.

 Anyone who knows anything knows that this is one of the top four fertilizer giants in the world. Boss Qiao initially thought that Geno would resist.

 But what he didn't expect was that the boy learned that the clothes he was wearing were sold for a whopping price of 2 million yuan. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep well for several days.

 He actually even roped in Potato Tone’s mother to shoot a free advertisement for fertilizer on P·B’s farm.

This guy wanted to put the fertilizer into his mouth and taste it, which moved the Uralkali company so much.

In order to match the hype of Keno, they specially found a beauty who was about the same age as Keno and shot an identical advertisement in Da'er.

  Just replaced Keno with a beautiful woman, Potato Mom with an uncle, and then spent money to buy out the advertising copyright of Keno, merged the two advertisements and spent money to put them on the Internet.

This kind of publicity linkage has an excellent effect. Jino’s initiative has allowed him to win the second wave of harvest, and it is estimated that the third wave of harvest will soon come to him.

 In fact, among the children, the ones who get the most attention are Prince Jacques and Princess Briela of Monaco.

It is a pity that these two children cannot accept the arms company's advertisement due to identity issues. Even if Boeing offered a sky-high price of 15 million and tried to make a side kick, Charlene firmly refused.

 In the end, the Bank of Monaco provided a sponsorship of 10 million euros and won the clothing sponsorship of its own princess.

As the youngest shareholder of P·B Bank, Jacques consciously wore a customized P·B Bank work T-shirt!

Because it has been announced that the sponsorship fee is charitable, the sponsors are naturally willing to spend money for charity. Boss Qiao, the legendary devil bird, and the pregnant kitten cannot refuse them, so they naturally become The target that major super enterprises are competing for.

The Queen of Qatar, the major shareholder of the French luxury goods group, offered Nice and Kitty a one-year, sky-high sponsorship contract worth US$150 million, and only required them to cooperate in shooting four advertisements and four sets of photos. That’s it.

Unexpectedly, the Brazilian company Andrea spent 50 million U.S. dollars and a yellow errand boy uniform representing the Rocinha slums, and won the clothing sponsorship from Kitty Boss.

The big boss Said emptied the working capital of the hunting guide company and spent US$100 million to win the clothing sponsorship in Nice.

 In the end, Queen Qatar was not disappointed, because Monica, a woman whose image and temperament better suited her needs, flew to Sangha Town in a high-profile manner and lived in the Jackal's manor in a grand manner.

So the Queen of Qatar naturally approached Monica and offered her an endorsement contract of US$150 million.

It is said to be a sponsorship, but it is actually a charitable donation. As the core of P.B., Boss Qiao naturally needs the highest price.

When Said raised Nice’s clothing sponsorship to 100 million U.S. dollars, Crown Prince Shah stepped in and provided 200 million U.S. dollars in sponsorship in the name of the Shah’s sovereign fund.

At the same time, the crown prince did not know whether it was unintentional or just wanted to find trouble. He also provided a US$200 million sponsorship to Princess Emina.

On the one hand, he expressed his determination to actively promote the Shah's bill to protect women's rights, and on the other hand, he was holding back Knight Joe...

That means, don’t keep staring at me. Even Knight Joe’s **** is not clean when you look at it...

This is a typical "Shaq also did it", the purpose is to bring out the big head to carry out the thunder, in order to prevent extreme feminism from taking the opportunity to invade the Shah, causing male dissatisfaction within the Shah and slowing down the progress of the crown prince's reform.

Qiao Jia can say with conscience that he and Princess Emina are absolutely innocent, but the crown prince has given too much...

The two of them have a combined US$400 million. Don't just speculate on the scandal with the princess and relieve the pressure within the Shah. The crown prince just wants Boss Qiao to speculate on the scandal with him, and Boss Qiao will have to think about it.

 Making money is for charity, it’s not shabby at all!

If all the donations raised by their family were converted into food, it would be enough to feed the war orphans in Yemen until they reach adulthood.

 Qiaojia himself never thought that the sports meeting could be so profitable.

 What he initially wanted to do was to let Yemeni sponsors shed some blood to supplement his own investment.

 What he never expected was that the sponsors alone could support the P.B. Sports Association, and there was still a lot of savings.

 And the tourism revenue brought by the eyeball effect has made China and Africa very profitable.

Endelei Resort…

 Qiao Jia rubbed his old waist early in the morning and sneaked out of Monica's room.

When he was about to go to the resort restaurant to have a cup of coffee, he felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes...

When he looked over carefully, he found that it was the cheetah raised at home.

The hair on this active guy's body is now dyed a dazzling golden yellow, and a black Nike logo is painted on each side of his abdomen...

Looking at the little cheetah scratching the door of Nice's room, Qiao Jia walked over and grabbed the guy's neck flesh, looked at it carefully, and cursed: "FUCK, is it really pervasive, not even sparing?"

The little cheetah shook his head impatiently to get rid of Boss Qiao, and kept scratching at Nice's door.

Jojia thought the cheetah had something important to do, but what he didn't expect was that the first people who came out after the door opened were two Rocinhael hounds raised in Nice...

In the past two days, the big dog has been like a cheetah. Its fur has been dyed gold, and the Nike symbol has been spray-painted on both sides of its abdomen.

As soon as the cheetah saw its companion appear, it roared and turned around and ran away with the two big dogs. It seemed that there was something very important to do... Joga was confused by this situation. He looked at Nice holding Egg in his arms. Er came out, gave him a funny hug, and then tapped his son's Glock diaper with disgust and said, "That's all for selling yourself, but what about those animals?"

Nice looked at Qiao Jia's shiny white golf shirt and said with a smile: "After we arrived at Ndele yesterday, Jino suddenly had a whim and auctioned the animal endorsements at home online. Judging from the situation, the harvest should be very big. good."

Qiao Jia conveniently took over the whining Igor, stretched out his head and kissed Nisi on the forehead, and said: "Jino, this little bastard's mind works very fast, but I don't know how he can convince Danbao to help. advertise…"

Nice seemed to have thought of something. She smiled and did not speak. Instead, she took Boss Qiao's arm and said, "Let's go have breakfast..."

Qiao Jia avoided his son's uppercut and opened his mouth to threaten the restless boy. Then he walked towards the restaurant and said with a smile: "I want to take advantage of the opportunity to inspect the long-distance running route and play more here." a few days.

Sangha Town can no longer stay..."

Nice looked at Boss Qiao funny and said, "You haven't realized that those sponsors and media are chasing you?"

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then lamented and said: "Sangha Town is too small. In Ndele, as long as I enter the grassland, those people will definitely not be able to catch up with me.

 In fact, organizing competitions is quite interesting, but once this kind of thing is linked to money, it will cause a huge loss of enthusiasm. "

Niss can understand Qiao Jia's mood. The veteran himself is an active person...

 Let him organize a competition to survey the competition venue. It is best to let him try it himself. He will be very happy.

 But when those generous sponsors showed up, he was trapped!

In fact, Nice herself is the same, but her way of relieving stress is different from Boss Qiao. When she starts to feel uncomfortable, she will go to the shooting range to train with her sniper rifle. As long as she looks at the scope, her heart can calm down. Come down.

 And Boss Qiao doesn’t even have time to go to the shooting range!

There are too many people who need to be received by him personally...

Not just the sponsors who spent money, but also the bright minds from various provinces in Central Africa and Congo.

Boss Qiao took advantage of this opportunity, pinched his nose and sorted out the heads of both sides from top to bottom, and then as the host, he provided them with a neutral venue for the big bosses from each province to meet with Francois and Kabila talks…

 Ask questions, negotiate issues…

 Make demands, mediate demands…

This kind of political meeting is very tiring, because the problems and demands of each region are different, and Boss Qiao and even Zhuge Liang can't handle it.

However, as long as this kind of thing gets off the ground and gets off to a good start, it will become a routine in the future, allowing these gangsters in the Central African Congo to get used to solving problems through political means.

What Boss Qiao needs is to sit on the spot and ensure that these people will not completely collapse during the negotiation, leaving some room for both parties to advance and retreat.

For example, Francois, the president of Central Africa, would shout to Boss Qiao when faced with the sky-high price demands from the chiefs of the central and western regions for relocation compensation, "Jackal, come and judge us, have they gone too far?"

Then Boss Qiao will go over and mix things up so that the two sides don't get into a stalemate and continue talking next time.

This kind of work is not difficult, but for an active person like Boss Qiao, it is too painful!

It took nearly a month to finally become familiar with most of the bosses. Boss Qiao pushed the "fly" who came to support to the front desk and asked him to take over his work.

Then Boss Qiao himself fled to Ndele with his family under the pretext of surveying the venue for the highlight of the long-distance running competition, hoping to ask for a few days of peace...

As a result, when Boss Qiao walked to the restaurant, he was surprised to find that Gino actually brought Adele, Jacques, and Briela to do business in the restaurant...

Those who can stay in resorts are basically wealthy people who fly over from Europe, and most of them bring their families.

 Now this group of people each holds two snow-white T-shirts and lines up in front of the restaurant.

 The Lion King Namor and the Elephant Danbao have not escaped the ‘advertising curse’…

The majestic Namor is spray-painted with the logo of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, while Danbao is flanked by Haier Brothers and Gree Air Conditioner...

Now these two big guys have been kidnapped by several children and are stamping tourists in the resort...

For 50 euros, you can choose one of Namor or Danbao and leave a palm print on a white T-shirt.

Adele is responsible for collecting the money, Gino and Jacques are responsible for stamping, and Briela is responsible for causing trouble.

When Qiao Jia passed by with Igor in his arms, the kid twisted his body to get out of his father's confinement.

Qiao Jia followed his strength and put him on the ground, and then saw Igor crawling to Briela's side with his **** stuck out, holding the little sister's legs to stand up, and begging her to play with him. …

Seeing Briela impatiently flipping the little licking dog over, Qiao Jia lamented and pretended not to understand Igor's indomitable manner. He tugged on Jino's ears and said, "Take care of you." younger brother…"

Then Boss Qiao said hello to the tourists around him and pulled Nice into the restaurant together, wanting to fill his stomach first...

As a result, when he was halfway through the meal, Kaman walked up to him with the hunter Manluo and a young black man with a square face...

Looking at the boss devouring the food, Kaman shook his head and said, "Boss, it's not good to eat too much. We will have to run a long distance later."

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, put down his chopsticks obediently, then glanced at the young man with a square face, and said to Kaman: "Is this the long-distance running champion you are looking for?

How is his hunting ability?

John from the animal protection center said that the stray lions coming out of the grassland made even the God of War Arthur a little embarrassed. Our task today is not easy..."

Kaman and Manluo looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly and said: "Boss, Fonda will not follow us into the grassland, because after seeing the route in advance, it will be unfair to other people.

You'd better think about yourself, I'm worried that you won't be able to last the whole journey! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said slightly worriedly: "No way? It's just hunting..."

Kaman smiled and shook his head and said: "Boss, this is hunting on foot, and what you are trying to track is a lion that has no fixed territory..."

As he spoke, Kaman glanced at Said, Eric, and Chris who were walking from a short distance away. He shook his head and said, "You can't go far with these burdens..."

Qiao Jia said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, they can ride...

If it really doesn't work, you can still let the helicopter take them back.

  We have to experiment with our logistical capabilities, otherwise it would be silly if people died in the sports meeting. "

 (End of this chapter)

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