From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1213: Exciting ways to entertain

 Chapter 1213 Exciting ways to entertain

 After breakfast and everything was ready, Qiao Jia pretended to be a blind man and groped with his hands as he passed by the sissy Eric...

Hicked up Igor who was crawling around, arranged his stylish diapers, and then took him to harass the little sister Briela who was making trouble everywhere, making the little girl angry and started chasing him...

After taking his son to experience the secret of making a girl chase him with one move, Qiao Jia handed the screaming Igor to Nice, then nodded to Carman and said: "I'm ready, let's go... "

Kaman nodded slightly, glanced at Igor who was struggling in his mother's arms with some worry, and said to the hunter Manluo: "Inform the elephant that they are leaving..."

As he spoke, Kaman glanced back at Said. The cold-faced old man hesitated and said, "Prepare off-road motorcycles for them and prepare enough fuel.

 The other two are not important, the main thing is Said..."

 Man Luo was stunned for a moment. He was not familiar with Chris, but he was very familiar with Eric, a frequent visitor to the resort...

Looking at the always high-profile Eric, who was trying to get closer, Man Luo whispered: "Mr. Copco's identity is very important..."

Kaman waved his hands indifferently and said: "Sayed is the most important, because without him, more than half of the boss's hunting guide company will collapse.

 It’s up to you to take care of the others! "

Of course, Qiao Jia would not let his friends really take risks. He just didn’t want to bring a bunch of rookies into the grassland, because that would affect his plan.

Looking squinting at Eric, who was wearing a hunting suit, dancing and gesticulating, Qiao Jia sighed, took out a printed partial map from his pocket and handed it to Eric, saying: "We can set off together. , but you need to find a guide yourself, spend one night on the grassland first, and then I will meet you."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia reached out and clicked on the map and said, "Don't you want the Constellation Shotgun? There is a set hidden in this location. If you find it, it will be yours!"

 Eric looked at the four red dots on the map and said in surprise: "Does the four red dots mean there are four sets?"

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "Yes, and it is the top Beidou suit. It takes a little effort to find them, and you must be prepared to sleep on the grassland for a few days.

 When you are ready..."

Before Qiao Jia finished speaking, Eric turned and rushed to Chris's side and said to Said: "There are four sets of shotguns, and each of us can get at least one set.

 Guys, it's our war with the jackals...

 Let’s bring our equipment, call the best guides, and let’s give the jackals some color…”

Qiao Jia looked at the excited expressions of the three of them. He shook his head and said, "Bring a few more guides and bodyguards. Don't overdo it. We will meet at point C in two days."

Seeing that they ignored him at all, Qiao Jia shook his head helplessly, and then said to Kaman: "Let's go..."

 Carman walked to the front desk of the resort, took out two backpacks, put one on his back, handed one to the boss, and then said to Manlo, "Let's go..."


Just as Boss Qiao and the others were setting off, a Senas was taking off on a runway at Ndele Airport...

Three men and women with stiff faces huddled in the cabin. Whenever Dorian and Ayo, who were wearing goggles, wanted to get close to them, they would squeeze together nervously, and then shout loudly...

Dorian received the news from his boss. He sat at the door of the cabin and tied the safety rope, then slapped the pilot's backrest hard and shouted: "Take off, take off..."

The moment Sainas received the order, the engine began to increase power, and then the plane began to taxi amidst the screams of the men and women in the cabin...

When the plane began to climb diagonally and entered a stable flight state a few minutes later, Dorian threw three noise-canceling headphones to the three men and women. He gestured for them to put on the headphones and shouted loudly: "This This is the welcome ceremony our boss has prepared for you...

 See the parachutes inside? Put them on..."

 The oldest man looked to be in his forties. He put on his headphones and shouted in a panic: "What on earth are you going to do?

I am Richard, the eldest son of the Reed family. I was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Games. I brought a large amount of aid to Central Africa...

 You are Grace’s brother, you can’t do this to me, let me get out of here! "

Dorian shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I brought you up just to let you leave.

The difference is that you jump with a parachute, and you just throw it down..."

 Speaking, Dorian pointed to Ayou, who was sitting like a majestic statue deep in the cabin, and said: "My partner has a bad temper. I hope you can cooperate and leave the plane in a dignified manner.

Don’t worry, the probability of encountering an accident on your first skydiving is generally not too high!

 This is a special welcome ceremony specially instructed by our boss and carefully prepared for you!

 You will experience the excitement of skydiving, and then appreciate the primitive style of Afika grassland...

You can see lions, cheetahs, rhinos, hippos...

Very interesting! "

Richard glanced at Ayou, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and he shouted in horror: "Why? Why do you do this to us?

 Where is Grace? Let me talk to her on the phone. I am from the Reed family. You have no right to do this. "

While Richard was yelling, Grace turned around from the co-pilot of Sainas and entered the cabin...

Taking off her helmet to reveal her long blond hair, Grace sat in the cabin silently looking at her eldest brother, cousin, and cousin...

Seeing Grace appear, her cousin Marilyn, who had been crying, grabbed her hand and shouted: "Grace, what are you doing? Stop joking with us, you are going to scare me to death..." Grace reached out and patted the back of her cousin's hand and said, "I didn't prepare the welcome ceremony, and Jackal wasn't joking with you.

He promised father not to kill you..."

 “Why? Grace, why did you do this?”

The eldest brother Richard grabbed Grace's arm and shouted loudly: "Since you said you wouldn't kill us, why did you take us to the sky, why did you let us parachute..."

Grace shook her head and said, "Because if you fall to your death while parachuting, your father might feel better."

As she spoke, Grace looked into her brother's eyes, covered her chest with her right hand, and said bitterly: "If you fall to death, I don't have to think about how I should protect little George every day.

 Richard, little George is your nephew, your family..."

 Richard didn’t realize until this moment that what he had done had been leaked…

Seeing Grace's bitter expression, Richard's face suddenly turned livid, and he shouted loudly: "NO, that surrogate **** is not my family, he is just a freak cultivated in the laboratory. He is ominous…

 Look at Tom, how many stupid things has he done since you and that **** came back?

We are a family, but Tom ignored the rest of us. He used all the family's liquidity to buy land and gave it all to you.

 Do you know how much that is?

 You know how much cash we lost and how many industries came to a standstill?

Tom even wants to cultivate this bastard, what about the other Reeds?

 Let me watch a **** take charge of the family?


Grace was stunned by Richard's series of questions and roars. After a moment, she looked at her brother with great disappointment and said: "Richard, I am your sister, and little George is my child...

I have never thought about competing with you. If you need those lands as collateral for cash, why don't you just tell me? "

 Richard seemed to be greatly irritated, and he shouted loudly: "Because that old stubborn Tom won't allow it..."

Grace looked at Richard who was out of control. She shook her head in disappointment and said, "But you never asked me for my opinion...

The maximum mortgage value of 150,000 acres of land is $80 million..."

Dorian looked at Grace who seemed to be getting involved, shook his head and said: "Miss Reed, I think you misunderstood their purpose. What these people want is not 80 million US dollars, but the position at the helm of the Reed family." .”

 Speaking, Dorian glanced at Steve and Marilyn who were silent next to him, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Reed is avoiding important matters...

 I don’t know why they attacked Little George, but after doing this kind of thing and breaking the bottom line, they usually slide into a deeper place.

 Big mistakes all start from small mistakes!

 The boss invited them here not only for revenge, but also to protect Tom Reed's safety. "

Grace looked at Richard, who was still foaming at the mouth as a Catholic and cursed little George loudly. She shook her head in disappointment and said to Dorian: "Throw them out..."

With that, Grace walked back to the passenger seat tiredly and said, "Let Jackal ask questions!"

Dorian pulled a parachute and threw it in front of Richard, smiling and saying: "To be precise, let God ask...

I'm sorry to tell you that one of these three umbrella bags is broken...

 You are Miss Reed's brother. I have the final say to choose a good umbrella bag for you, and the other two will have to see if they are lucky.

Our boss once said that people should not go against God!

 If you jump, survive, and hold on until the boss finds you, he will keep you safe.

 You can even continue to hate our boss..."

When Richard heard this, he hugged the umbrella bag in his hand hard and said loudly: "No, you are doing this to us!

 You have no right to do this, it is unfair..."

Dorian looked at Richard's hand holding onto the umbrella bag tightly. He helped him put it on with a smile and said with a smile: "Sir, your actions make your words very unconvincing!"

As he spoke, Dorian looked at the other two people who were wary of each other but at a loss. He smiled and said: "I'm joking, our boss promised Mr. Tom Reed that he would not kill you with his own hands, so all The umbrella bags are all in good condition...

 Hurry up, you don’t have much time, because the farther the plane flies, the later it will take for our boss to find you.

 Believe me, compared to our boss, the night on the grassland is more difficult! "

Ayou, who had been closing her eyes to rest her mind, opened her eyes. She gave each of the three a knife, a kettle, a revolver and 30 rounds of bullets...

 “Only when you are alive can you be qualified to see our boss!”

 (End of this chapter)

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