From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1214: hunter, prey

Chapter 1214 Hunter, Prey

When Qiaojia got the news about the target’s parachute jump, he had already set foot on the grassland of Ndele.

  When Eric and his large troops followed them to the edge of the grassland, they took another road.

 In the end, only Qiao Jia, Kaman and hunter Man Luo were left...

Man Luo was carrying an oversized backpack, which contained nothing heavy but red ribbons for marking.

The main purpose of Qiao Jia's trip was first to mark a long-distance running route, then to find the stray lion that could fight with the Lion King Arthur, and finally to pick up the Reed family.

Qiao Jia wanted to give Reed face, so he couldn't just chop off those guys, but he had to express his attitude clearly.

Survival on the grassland is just the beginning, and there will be many ways to deal with them in the future until the trouble on Tom Reed's side is completely over.

 Whether they can be spared the death penalty in the end depends on Tom Reed, but since everyone is here, they will definitely not be able to escape the living crime.

Qiao Jia didn’t think too much about it at the moment. When his feet officially bid farewell to the road and stepped onto the grassland, his whole body became excited.

 He did not bring a rifle, only an M4 shotgun and a Super Jaguar pistol.

 Kaman is more straightforward, he only has an M500 large revolver.

Manlo carried a Remington on his back.

 The equipment of the three of them is very refined, and they often do not bring unnecessary items.

Qiaojia feels that her mind and brain have become broader since she left the human world.

This has nothing to do with the grassland itself, but the feeling that after you put all the complicated things out of your mind, the sky is vast and the sky is high, and there seems to be scenery everywhere.

Three people walked freely on the green grassland and walked a winding route.

After walking for about an hour and a half, Qiao Jia looked at the acacia tree not far ahead, smiled at Man Luo and said: "Let's go there. When the time comes, we will set up a supply point under the big tree for the participants." Players get a chance to drink water.”

Man Luo was stunned for a moment, and while walking towards the acacia tree, he said curiously: "Drink water? Why should the players drink water? Aren't they going to compete?"

Joga was amused by Manluo's words. He smiled and said: "Are you kidding? At a distance of more than 70 kilometers and temperatures like Ndele, people will die if they don't drink water.

 We are here to participate in the competition, not to die! "

Man Luo did not refute Boss Qiao’s words. He glanced sideways at Kaman, who was silent, and said with a smile: “Then doesn’t Fonda have no advantage?

 I thought that the winner of this long-distance race would be determined by who persisted to the end. "

Kaman waved his hand indifferently and said: "What the boss wants is to stimulate people's potential in the natural environment under the best conditions.

Fangda is only 22 years old and has completed 6 death runs. It doesn't matter if he doesn't drink water, he will definitely perform better if he drinks water. "

 Qiao Jia walked under the acacia tree, put down his backpack, took out the water bottle and took a sip. Then he walked around the big tree to confirm that there were no dangerous snakes and insects, and then sat down on the ground...

 “What is Death Run?”

Kaman was silent for a moment and said: "Death running is the desperate hunting that the Bushmen choose when they face a food crisis.

  It is to use bows and arrows to shoot at prey such as antelopes, and then drive the prey away by running until the prey is exhausted to death.

This method of hunting is rare now, because the Bushman tribe is almost extinct, and more advanced hunting tools have made the Bushmen who are good at tracking slowly give up this dangerous pursuit. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said in surprise: "I have heard of this hunting method, but this is the first time I know that you call this 'death hunting'.

 I always thought this was the traditional hunting method of the Bushmen...

 Some people say that this is taking advantage of the better heat dissipation system of the human body to force the prey to exceed its own load. They say that the prey does not die from exhaustion, but from heat. "

After hearing this, Kaman shook his head slightly and said: "The reason why it is called death hunting is because it is not just the prey that dies during the chase.

 Sometimes hunters will die from exhaustion!

The Bushmen would only resort to such extreme hunting methods when the tribe's food reserves were in crisis.

I have personally seen someone fall to the ground while running and never get up again. "

As he spoke, Kaman shook his head and said with a smile: "Bushmen are not naturally good at running, but if they can't run, they and even their tribe will starve.

 On the contrary, the Maasai people, who are supposed to be good at running, have gradually forgotten their talents and only become brave and fierce. "

Manlo is a Maasai. He heard Carman's words, nodded in agreement, and then left conspicuous red strips on the trunk and branches of the acacia tree...

“It’s not that the Maasai people forgot to run, but that the Maasai people have better tools and can easily hunt while protecting their herds.”

As he spoke, Manluo was stunned for a moment, and then quickly climbed up the acacia tree like an ape. He stood on a high place and put a hand to his ear. After listening carefully for a while, he slid down the tree with a serious expression. Said: "It's a lion, and it's a strange lion.

 A stray lion has entered Ndele again! "

Qiao was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "What do you mean? You will know where the lion's residence is after listening to it?"

Man Luo spread his hands and said: "I am the leader of the anti-poaching team, and I know all the lions in Ndele.

boss, we should inform John from the Animal Protection Center that the two stray male lions will cause a major reshuffle of the grassland lions in Ndele, and many young lions will die.

John has been collecting lion cubs and sending them around the company's other resorts. "

Chaojia is actually quite interested in wild lions, but the sports meeting is about to start, and he has no time to wait for the change of power in the lion group...

In order to maintain the stability of the grassland, the best way is to bring down the two wandering male lions and then send them both away.

So he faced Man Luo and said, "Is it far away? Let's go over and see..."

Man Luo glanced at Kaman who stood up. He pointed to the east and said: "The distance is about 5 kilometers..."


When Qiaojia followed Manluo on the grassland, he found a woodland 200 kilometers to the east, not far from Central Africa and South SD...

A tall male wizard wearing animal skins, with strange tattoos on his face, and dim eyes with curly gray hair. He was holding a large wooden bowl in his hand, shaking his head and chanting incantations while walking in the forest...

In this small jungle, there is a beast tied to the bottom of every tree, mainly spotted hyenas and lions.

These seemingly ferocious beasts all made painful and frightening whimpers when the wizard approached them, and kept shrinking with their tails between their legs. Some of them were relatively weak, and their limbs even went limp, and they lay on the ground with their bellies exposed.

Whenever the wizard passes by a beast, he will pick up a handful of yellow witch medicine from the wooden bowl and rub it on the beast's nose.

 After a few minutes, these beasts started to become extremely manic, as if they were on steroids...

Muto, who was covered in wounds, was sitting on the edge of the fire with handcuffs, watching his mother with cold eyes talking to a curly-haired white man from the 'Ndrangheta and several Boko Haram terrorists from Nigeria...

“Jackals and dragon lizards have entered the grasslands of Ndele, and the wizard drives these beasts to look for them.”

The curly-haired white man held up a handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose, and said, "Ms. Bona, can these things really find jackals?"

Muto's mother wore a silk black wizard's robe, and she wore expensive-looking jewelry everywhere she could wear jewelry.

 The care is very good, and black people are not naturally prone to aging, so Muto's mother looks like she is in her thirties.

Facing the question from the curly-haired white man, Muto's mother Bona said in a calm tone: "Mr. Rondo, they may not be able to find the jackal, but they will definitely find the dragon lizard. You should know who the dragon lizard is, the jackal." As long as you are in the grassland, you will never leave the dragon lizard too far.

These beasts are enough to hold them back or even kill them! "

As he spoke, Bona looked at the Boko Haram elite gathered not far away and said: "If these people are as powerful as you brag, then the jackals and dragon lizards will be dead."

The curly-haired white man Rondo nodded pretending to be enlightened, then waved to a middle-aged black man wearing prairie camouflage, with camouflage coating on his weapons and backpack, and said, "Let Ms. Bona give you some." Witch medicine, avoid being targeted by these mad dogs, and then you set off..."

The middle-aged black man nodded silently, walked up to Bona and received a bag containing dozens of small medicine bags...

Rondo, a white man with curly hair, watched Boko Haram’s elite leave in a car. He stood up and nodded to Bona and said: “I don’t like the smell here, I will go to South SD and wait for news.

 As long as you confirm that the jackal is dead, you will get what you want..."

Bona looked at Rondo and said in a calm tone: "As long as your people are good enough, I can't think of any possibility for the jackals and dragon lizards to survive."

Rondo shrugged his shoulders and said: "We have suffered too much from Jackal, and we know what works for him and what doesn't.

 Afika's native dog warriors pose no threat to jackals, but these people are different...

They are all elite soldiers carefully selected from Nigerians and trained by masters of the armored group. They are equipped with the best equipment! "

As he spoke, Rondo glanced at Muto, who was silent and bowed his head. He smiled and said: "Madam, I suggest you seriously convince your son, who is now leading the integration of more than a dozen medical institutions in Greece.

If he is willing to cooperate, after the Afica drug channel is opened again, we can make a huge amount of wealth from Greece. "

Bona shook his head slightly and said, "Let's wait until everything comes to an end!"

 Rondo didn’t want to stay here for long. After he confirmed that there was no place where he could intervene, he decisively took the car and headed east towards South SD.

  After Rondo left, Muto raised his head and looked at his mother with extremely calm eyes, and said: "My father will find you, and you will all die..."

Bona was stunned for a moment and said: "Your father? Kaman?

No, your father is Sentulu, and Kaman is just one of his hunting dogs.

 Muto, you are my son, you should be on my side.

 The House of Ravi is destroyed, and our shackles are gone.

The Ravi family owes us a lot of things. As long as the jackal and dragon lizard are dead, if you are willing to help, we can easily get it back.

 That is huge wealth!

 Muto, I am your mother, aren’t you willing to help me? "

Muto looked at his so-called mother as if he were looking at a corpse. He shook his head expressionlessly and said, "Why are you so stupid?

 Why do you think you can beat my boss?

 It’s just some money and assets, how dare you target my father...

 You will get nothing!

 And you will all die!

 Do you still remember how anteaters treat their enemies? "

Bona shuddered at Mutosun's cold tone. She looked directly into Muto's eyes and said, "Son, many people are saying that Jackal is the king, but in fact you should be the one in the middle." King of Fika!

Your father Sentulu was a great man, and if your life experience were known, many of the current Afika bigwigs would be willing to facilitate you.

No one knows that we killed the jackals and dragon lizards. After they die, you can return to Sangha Town. The anteaters trained by the dragon lizards and those old monsters will definitely be willing to do so as long as they know your life experience. Listen to you. "

Muto looked at Bona, who was obsessed with profit. He closed his eyes and shook his head and said: "You abandoned me as soon as my biological father died, and now you tell me that I can use my biological father's influence...

 Bona, the interests are driving you all crazy!

 Perhaps I shouldn’t have met you in the first place, otherwise you might be able to live until you die..."

Bona looked at Muto's face, and she said softly: "When the jackals and dragon lizards die, you will see a whole new situation.

  Muto, the blood of Sentulu flows in your body, you should not be buried..."

Muto opened his eyes and smiled mockingly, and said: "The stupidest thing I learned in Italy is kindness. I thought finding my mother was a happy thing...

 Unfortunately, reality tells me that that is all wrong!

 Bona, I will rip your heart out with my own hands because you are trying to hurt two of the people I respect the most..."

After hearing this, Bona shook his head slightly and reached out to flick a ball of powder between Mu Tuo's mouth and nose...

Seeing Muto fall into hallucination within a few seconds, rolling his eyes and shaking all over, Bona waved, and two naked black girls came over and helped Muto into a tent nearby. Soon the sound of violent breathing and dreamy murmurs came from inside...

"You are the good son of the wizard Bona. She will give you the wisdom to see through people's hearts. She will give you countless wealth..."


"What the **** is going on? These lions are my property..."

  Qiao Jia walked into a killing field under the leadership of Man Luo...

 Two lionesses and six lion cubs lay dead on the ground, and next to them there was an antelope with its belly torn open...

“I know that male lions will kill lion cubs and force female lions to go into heat after seizing power, but what the **** is going on?”

Man Luo probably had never seen this situation before. He ran a few steps and stood on a dirt bag, listening and sniffing, looking for something...

 Carman walked over to the bodies of the two lionesses, frowned and checked the injuries on the bodies...

"Boss, we have to kill that stray lion, it has gone crazy..."

Qiao Jia regretfully piled the carcasses of the little lions together on the ground and prepared to dig a hole to bury them...

Hearing Kaman’s words, Qiao Jia frowned and said, “What do you mean?”

Kaman shook his head slightly and said: "That wandering lion has gone crazy. It will kill all living creatures it encounters..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "So I can hunt a male lion?"

 Carman shook his head and said: "It should be both ends!

 I don’t know what happened, but I have a bad feeling...

 We should inform other people and ask them to pay attention to their safety. "

Jojia would never confront Kaman on this kind of thing. He decisively took out his satellite phone and called Said, hoping to make them be honest...

 What Qiao Jia didn’t expect was that when they heard that there were two crazy lions on the grassland, Said and the others were actually very excited...

Seeing that his warning had the opposite effect, Qiao Jia could only call Dorian to remind him to prepare a helicopter and be ready to respond to people in trouble at any time...

After arranging the logistical issues, Qiao Jia rubbed his hands and said, "Dragon Lizard, which direction should we go now?

I think it would be very domineering if I had a huge lion head hanging in my office! "

Carman looked at the excited Boss Qiao. He lowered his head and searched the ground, and soon found the direction in which the crazy lion left...

“Over there, the lioness also hurt it, it won’t run too far!”

 (End of this chapter)

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