From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1215: Lions fighting fiercely

Chapter 1215 Fierce battle between lions

 Hunting has become exciting, which makes Boss Qiao very excited...

The smell of blood on the grassland soon attracted wild dogs, foxes and coyotes. Large groups of vultures began to circle in the sky. These greedy and ugly birds had discovered the corpse.

A few of the boldest vultures have landed on the ground, more than ten meters away from Qiao Jia and the others, tilting their heads and staring at Boss Qiao and his party, obviously planning to start eating after Qiao Jia and the others leave.

A hungry wild dog boldly approached Boss Qiao, and found that he was not attacked. It bravely jumped forward a few meters, picked up the body of a little lion, and ran away.

Then this brave big-eared wild dog was stopped by his companions on the way. Four or five wild dogs bit the lion cub's body and tore hard for half a minute. After that, the body became torn into pieces.

Qiaojia, who originally wanted to bury the lion cub's body, gave up the plan...

Seeing those brave wild dogs not sparing their fur and internal organs, and being driven by the hyenas to swallow their flesh and blood, while escaping in embarrassment with their tails between their legs, Qiao took a deep breath of turbid air and faced Manluo. He waved his hands and said, "Let's go..."

Man Luo and Carman took the initiative to walk to Boss Qiao. The three of them moved forward side by side, and amidst the strange screams of the coyote, they broke through a passage among the eating animals.

Animals on the grassland may seem ferocious, but in fact they will not attack anything they are unsure of unless necessary.

 Bushmen or Maasai, as long as there are three people in a group, the lion will detour.

 However, this approach does not work for everyone. The key point is that the three of them must not be afraid.

These predators are too familiar with the taste of fear. Once you are afraid, they will try to attack. Once they find that you are not resisting fiercely enough, they will not stop fighting!

Qiao Jia and the others broke out of the circle of animals and walked quickly for nearly a kilometer...

Kaman, who is extremely good at tracking, quickly determined the whereabouts of the stray lion, and then quickened his pace again.

Man Luo noticed that there was no happy expression on Boss Qiao's face. He followed Boss Qiao and said while walking: "Boss, the scene just now happens almost every day in the grassland. There is nothing to be unhappy about..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "I'm not unhappy, on the contrary, I find it quite exciting.

I was just thinking that it is a law of nature that animals cannot enjoy a peaceful life, but why can’t humans do the same?

 In fact, all the people in the world cannot eat all the food produced every year!

 I suddenly couldn’t figure it out, what exactly are we fighting for? "

Manluo was stunned for a moment, and then the hunter from Ndele said in a pious tone: "Power! Power!

The more members of the pride on the grassland, the greater their strength, and the greater the power of the male lion!

The larger the lion pride is and the stronger the male lions are, the less pressure they have to survive!

 Lions will also compete for territory, and male lions will also encounter challenges. As long as there is no human intervention, this cycle will always exist.

 The lions are like this, and I think people may be like this too..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded slightly and said, "It seems like this...

What if all the lions gathered together to form a pride? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted his head, shook his head and said with a smile: "In that case, if there are not enough prey, they will kill each other.

 So the war will never stop, it’s just in a different way! "

Man Luo didn’t fully understand what Boss Qiao was saying. He grinned and said, “There are only so many resources. Someone will die anyway, as long as it’s the enemy!”

Qiao Jia glanced at Man Luo and said with a smile: "That's right, but the premise of everything is to keep the pot that allows everyone to eat.

It’s really not easy sometimes to keep this pot that feeds everyone! "

Man Luo didn’t understand what Boss Qiao was saying at all, but he didn’t ask any further questions. He just smiled honestly and said, “I don’t understand. I know that it’s enough for you to have food if you follow the boss...”

Man Luo suddenly stopped while speaking...

Kaman, who was leading the way, frowned and looked to the north...

Soon Qiao Jia faintly heard a series of lion roars...

“It seems to be Arthur, did I hear correctly?”

Man Luo, who was more familiar with Ndele, nodded and said: "Yes, it's Arthur, he should be heading for the wandering lion.

 Boss, do we want to follow you?

 Arthur has been injured before! "

Theoretically, people should respect the ecological cycle of nature, but in Boss Qiao’s place, Arthur is a ‘cooked lion’ anyway, and the wandering lion is crazy.

 When encountering this situation, of course, we should help the "cooked lion" to kill the opponent and let Ndele maintain the current stability!

 “Let’s go and see…”

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, Man Luo took Kaman's place and started running with his long legs.

Manlo, a Maasai man, has a completely different running style from Kaman, less calm but more vigorous.

 Qiao Jia felt that Manluo was definitely not good at long-distance running, but after more than ten minutes, Qiao Jia discovered depressingly that being able to run for several kilometers at a sprint speed was an incredible ability.

Just when Qiao Jia's heart was about to explode, Man Luo suddenly stopped and made a stop gesture, and then rushed up a mound.

Ten seconds later, Qiao Jia saw Man Luo gesturing for them all to come up. He said to the calm Kaman beside him: "This guy should participate in the 5000-meter race. I think he will definitely win the championship! "

Kaman looked Qiao Jia up and down, shook his head and said: "Man Luo is still far from good, boss, you haven't rested very well recently, and your physical condition has declined a bit..."


Qiao Jia said as he ran: "Nonsense, I'm fine..." Kaman nodded without sincerity and said: "Just say so!

 You are a king, so you should work harder on women and have more children! "

Qiaojia was stunned by Kaman. Just when he was about to speak, a roar attracted his attention...

Standing on the mound, you can see the grassland hundreds of meters away...

Arthur, the **** of war in Endele, was standing on a wasteland, pacing back and forth, roaring and slapping the ground hard with his huge lion claws, stirring up large amounts of sand.

Qiao Jia and the others were downwind. From a distance of more than 200 meters, Qiao Jia could vaguely smell a smell...

Arthur's appearance is indeed a bit less interesting than Namor's. The black mane is not thick enough, and there are ferocious old wounds on his face and body...

However, this guy’s wildness is the strongest among the lions that Boss Qiao has ever seen!

Arthur's hind legs were obviously injured, but this guy didn't seem to care about the injury at all. With the majestic roar, the desire to fight in this guy was about to materialize.

Joja didn't understand the meaning of the lion's roar, but he just understood what Arthur meant...

 “Come on! I’m waiting for you!”

 Compared to Namor's appearance, Jorgia likes Arthur too much...

 He ​​put down his backpack, took off his M4 shotgun, and stuffed 7 single-head bullets into the magazine...

The distance of 200 meters was a little far, and Qiao Jia wanted to go down and get a little closer.

As long as a stray lion appears, he will kill him...

Kaman looked at Boss Qiao, who had become focused due to excitement. He shook his head and laughed, patted Qiao Jia on the shoulder, pointed to the east and said, "We are here, but we probably won't be needed anymore..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment. He raised his eyes and saw a male lion covered in blood emerging from the grassland...

This lion is huge, it looks much bigger than Arthur, but it is obviously injured too. The large laceration on its left shoulder blade makes it unable to run fast.

But what is very strange is that normally, a lion would not respond to a challenge, but this wandering lion seemed to have gone crazy and approached Arthur's position without hesitation.

Kaman grabbed Boss Qiao who was about to rush over and said, "Don't move, Nasia and the lions are ambushing him."

Qiao Jia looked in the direction indicated by Kaman, and soon found six moving figures on the grass half a man high.

Just when the stray male lion approached the mound where Boss Qiao and the others were, the six female lions suddenly jumped out of the grass, forming a semi-surrounding formation, and fiercely pounced on the stray male lion.

The leader was the bearded Nasia. This female lion jumped up fiercely seven or eight meters away from the stray male lion, and slapped her two front paws **** the stray male lion's back...

 The huge impact caused the stray lion to roll sideways...

When it stood up, blood began to seep out from the place where Nasia had hit it.

However, the male lion seemed not to feel the pain. Facing the female lions rushing towards him from all directions, it let out a ferocious roar, slapped its huge front paws on the ground, and then suddenly accelerated its body to avoid the female lion's encirclement. , lowered his head and bumped into the chin of a female lion...

The huge force knocked the female lion to the ground. The male lion held the female lion's neck, dragged the two female lions that had already clasped his body, roared and bit the female lion's neck...

At this time, the ferocious Nasia rushed up like a madman, holding the lion's head with his front paws, blinding one of its eyes and saving the life of his companion.

The stray male lion who was blind in one eye seemed to be unable to feel pain, but a female lion tore a wound on his left shoulder, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

The male lion finally suppressed the female lion and roared, and then the guy waved his limbs vigorously, scratching the two female lions and allowing him to regain his body balance.

The moment he stood up, his huge claws slapped the chest of the fallen lioness forcefully. The lioness curled up and hid aside in embarrassment, never having the courage to approach again.

Then the stray lion rushed towards Nasia, and the two lions hit each other in the face with their front paws at the same time.

  It was obvious that the lion had the upper hand this time, and Nasia was knocked to the ground by the blow.

Just when Boss Qiao wanted to borrow Manlo's Remington to rescue Nasia, a female lion rushed to the side of the wandering male lion, biting the wound muscle on its left shoulder, and tore the male lion hard. The lion's left front leg lost strength and fell to the left...

Nasia, who had just been knocked over, bounced up like a spring and plunged into the neck of the stray lion, biting its throat. No matter how hard the lion struggled, Nasia had no intention of letting go. .

Seeing the other lionesses rushing up and starting to bite, Qiao Jia nodded in admiration, then turned to look at Arthur, who was still roaring and provoking, and said disgustedly: "Shit, you can even eat soft food." So arrogant!"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Manluo and said, "You actually led us through the circle of lions?"

Man Luo shook his head and said: "No, we just passed by downwind..."

Speaking, Manluo suddenly straightened up, and while listening, he said: "Boss, we are very familiar with Arthur's lions, they are not dangerous...

 Look, Arthur’s opponent is here, and it should be the one who killed the two lionesses and cubs before..."

Qiao Jia followed Man Luo's guidance and when he looked over, he quickly spotted a running lion...

This lion is obviously very old, but now it shows bizarre energy and physical strength...

 The lion is galloping, with its surging mane and undulating muscles like waves, making it look very powerful.

Qiao Jia subconsciously felt that the injured Arthur might not be the lion's opponent. He glanced at Nasia and the others, then pulled the gun bolt, and while running in the direction of Arthur, shouted loudly: "Dragon lizard, Help me stop Nasia and the others, and I'll kill that lion..."

After Kaman heard this, he reached out and patted Man Luo, who suddenly became nervous, and said: "Let the boss go, he needs this kind of stimulation...

 It is much safer to compete with a lion than with a madman! "

 (End of this chapter)

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