From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1217: If there is no accident, there will be an accident.

Chapter 1217 If nothing happens, something will happen.

Carman’s proposal to find Tomica grass is very popular with Boss Joe...

 The three of them said goodbye to Arthur's pride of lions. Before nightfall, Carman surveyed the footprints of the wandering lions, and then chose a direction.

Kaman seemed to be deliberately picking up the pace, so he changed from brisk walking to jogging...

Those who don’t like sports will definitely find this a kind of torture, but it is different for all those who love sports and can get a sense of pleasure from it.

For example, Qiao Jia can not only gain pleasure from physical exertion, but also use the gradually disappearing physical strength to enhance the body's perception of the surroundings and obtain greater stimulation.

The grassland after dark fell was very dangerous, but Kaman, like an old horse who knew the way, jogged with Qiao Jia and Man Luo for a full four hours. It was not until about 9 o'clock in the evening that he found them in a bush. An open space was set up as a campsite.

Compared to Old Kaman’s bottomless physical strength, Boss Qiao’s entire body was as if he had been fished out of the water.

 The new Tyros armor offset most of the weight for him, but this kind of long-distance cross-country running on the grasslands still drained his body of physical energy.

Jojia unloaded his backpack in the open space, took out a bottle of water and took a sip. Then he picked up a machete and started to chop down a lot of thorn branches with Kaman.

He found Kaman really amazing, because this old guy didn't say anything, just used running to drain his physical energy without causing overdraft.

This kind of feeling is very good after finishing a run, and it feels great to feel like a good man again after sleeping!

Helping Kaman to use thorns to circle a thorn wall around several short trees, Qiao Jia walked to the center of the camp and sat down. After taking a deep breath, he drank the mineral water in the bottle in one go, and then watched the fire start. Old Kaman asked, "What should we have for dinner?"

Kaman threw a handful of dry firewood on the ground, then looked at each other and said with a smile: "How about the hare?

There are rabbit holes around. Make a few simple ropes and smoke them to catch them.

However, our craftsmanship is not very good. If you want to eat well, you have to find a way on your own..."

Qiaojia nodded with interest and said, "Then get ready. I don't want to move around much now. I'll be responsible for guarding the camp and lighting a fire to make preparations. You go catch rabbits."

Man Luo stood up on his own initiative, took out a roll of thin wire from his bag, cut out a few pieces, and quickly made a few traps. He walked out and said with a smile: "Night is the best time for hunting. In fact, we can consider antelopes. I found antelope footprints when I came here. They should be nearby..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hands and said with a smile: "No need, we can eat as much as we want. I have eaten antelope before, and the meat quality is actually just average."

Man Luo listened and nodded and said: "The best hunting period for antelopes should be during the rainy season. Those male antelopes that failed to compete for mates are the best prey. The antelopes at that time have the most fat on their bodies..."

“Compared to raised cattle and sheep, wild animals are actually not tasty at all!”

After Kaman said something, he quickly packed up his things and prepared all the tools and firewood needed for Boss Qiao, and then he took Manluo and left the camp together.

Qiao Jia quickly set up a bonfire, then used three branches to build a tripod, hung a pot on the stand and prepared to start cooking. Then he took out a bag of dehydrated vegetables provided by Jialiang Trading and threw it aside. , prepare to make some vegetable soup later.

After the flames started, there was some light around the camp. Qiao Jia stood up and walked slowly for a while, then walked out of the thorn wall and watched Kaman and Manluo busy not far away...

These two are old hunters. They set up traps at the entrances of several rabbit holes, and then lit a fire at the entrance of the hole downwind.

 Add a little green grass to the fire, and the smoke will blow into the rabbit hole in the direction of the wind...

 The smoke soon caused a commotion, and several rabbits plunged into the trap. After struggling for life for a few times, they became Kaman's harvest.

 The entire hunting process may take less than thirty minutes, and four rabbits are obtained.

Chaojia asked Manluo to help peel off the skin of the rabbit, and then removed the internal organs. Then he began to smear the whole body of the rabbit with salt, then skewered the rabbit with branches and inserted it on the edge of the bonfire to start smoking.

Chaojia brushes the rabbit meat with oil every few minutes to make the barbecued rabbit meat more fragrant.

Honestly speaking, the meat quality of wild animals is really average...

 Chauga has never been to places around the Arctic Circle, so he doesn't know whether the wild animals in the cold zone will be better.

Anyway, the wild animals in Afica do not have much fat because they exercise a lot, and they taste too bad. No matter how they are cooked, the texture of the meat is average.

However, camping food is a wild pleasure, and the specific taste is actually not very important anymore. The most important thing is the process.

Qiao Jia ate a roasted rabbit with vegetable soup. After eating, he lay lazily on the sleeping bag, looking at Afika's extremely pure starry sky and began to be in a daze...

This kind of time without external interference and pure relaxation is rare for Boss Qiao.

 When he didn't think about anything, he felt as if his whole body was much lighter, and he actually had the illusion that his body was floating.

Just when Qiao Jia was trapped in this wonderful feeling and was about to fall asleep, the radio suddenly rang at an inappropriate time...

“Aha, Jackal, we found the first set of Constellation Shotguns and I feel like they were made for me.

I want to use this hunting rifle to hunt an eland here..."

Listening to Eric's voice on the radio that he wanted to be beaten, Qiao Jia was instantly pulled out of his extremely comfortable state. He yelled at the radio: "Eric, are you **** crazy? Now is the time to rest." time…"

Eric looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and said proudly: "Jackal, I have already discussed it with Said and Chris. We will first find all the constellation shotguns, and then use the same guns to carry out the operation." A hunting contest.

Said is impatient, so we decided to set off overnight... Now we have found the first treasure location. With the coordinates, we can quickly find the second, third, and fourth..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and said unhappily: "Eric, what you are doing makes the game lose its fun..."

Eric didn’t care about this, he said proudly: “No, getting what I want is fun.

I don’t find it any fun to drive in the grassland. The mosquitoes here are bigger than Chris’s dick. I’m sick of the mosquitoes here.

  OK, I just want to inform you that we are ready to leave..."

 Qiao Jia cursed and was about to take off his headphones when he suddenly heard screams and gunfire from the other side...

Qiao Jia sat up in surprise, pressed the communicator, and shouted: "What happened there?"


Eric shouted unsteadily: "Jackal, a **** giraffe was chased by a pack of hyenas, fuck, it brought the hyenas to us, ah..."

Hearing Eric's scream, Qiao Jia shook his head. He was not nervous when he heard that it was an animal...

Sayed will definitely bring enough followers and guides with him when he goes out. Ndele's guide also works part-time as a hunting guide.

They are all masters trained by Manluo and Rhinoceros. They are not as good as regular soldiers, but purely in terms of grassland survivability, they are definitely first-rate.

Originally, Qiao Jia didn’t want to pay attention to the startled Eric, but soon he discovered that something was wrong with the situation over there...

There were gunshots on the radio, and soon someone was injured, and the guide was calling the resort...

 The battle lasted for about 15 minutes, and the gunfire stopped completely. Only then did Qiao Jia press the communicator again and said, "How is the situation there?"

“Fuck hyenas, lots of hyenas, one guy had a chunk of meat ripped off his thigh and he was almost dead.”

Eric panted heavily and continued: "We are fine. Three people were injured, all of whom were Said's followers. The resort's rescue helicopter will arrive soon."

Qiao Jia frowned and said: "What hyena dares to attack your team?"

Eric didn’t answer Qiao Jia’s question. He suddenly screamed and said: “Shit, this thing chewed up my tire. Fuck, I’m going to be scared to death...”

Joja didn’t want to listen to Eric’s nonsense. He looked at Kaman and said, “Has this situation happened before?”

After being silent for a while, Kaman said: "Hyenas will never attack the convoy on their own initiative. If it is normal for a lion to accidentally eat Tomika grass, it is almost non-existent for a group of hyenas to accidentally eat Tomika grass at the same time."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at Kaman who looked a little solemn curiously and said, "What do you mean?"

 Carman stood up and took out a tooth from an unknown beast and handed it to Boss Qiao and said: "Wizard!

Only a wizard would do this...

 Boss, someone must be looking for trouble! "

 Speaking, Kaman looked at Qiao Jia with a little regret and said: "Boss, the grassland is starting to become dangerous now, so..."

When Qiao Jia saw Kaman's expression, he stood up excitedly and pressed the radio and said: "Devil Bird, the grassland is very exciting now. Do you want to come and play?"

There was silence on the other end of the radio, and Nice said calmly: "What happened?"

Qiao Jia couldn’t tell what happened. He said happily: “A wizard is causing trouble with us, and many animals on the grassland have gone crazy.

 I know you are bored too, come on, come on, let the kitten stay at home, don’t move the big army, come and hunt with me.

This time we are going to do something fierce! "

Nice on the other end of the radio said decisively: "Wait for me, I will take a helicopter to find you!"

Kaman took a look and saw that what was originally a good trip to the grassland, allowing the boss to fully experience the grassland style, suddenly turned into a battle royale hunting...

The old guy sighed, shook his head with regret, and said: "Boss, don't be too excited, the wizard is not a magical thing, but you should be careful...

 Over the past year, the wandering wizards in Central Africa and northern Congo have been almost wiped out by leech leaders.

The remaining wandering wizards probably don't dare to go against P.B. The one who came is probably a big tribe.

 As far as I know, there are not many wizard tribes that can create crazy beasts on a large scale, and those who can do it are relatively difficult to deal with! "

Joja used the radio to comfort the kitten who was angry because he couldn't be together, then he looked at Kaman and said with a grin: "Whatever!

  It’s just a war, that’s what we do…”

 (End of this chapter)

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