From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1218: New discoveries in night walks

Chapter 1218 New discoveries in the night journey

Chaojia waited at the camp for more than an hour before a Gazelle helicopter carrying Nis, Ayo, Dorian, and Medical Officer Bird landed.

Rhino and Ronnie are organizing the manpower on the ground to prepare to divide into two teams to enter the grassland tomorrow. Their mission is to find and kill all the crazy animals.

 In order to ensure the safety of the resort, there will not be too many people responsible for the battle, but with aerial surveillance and helicopter support, a group of wizards and a group of crazy animals really cannot be regarded as obstacles.

As soon as Dorian got off the plane, he pulled Boss Qiao aside and whispered: "Boss, if the grassland becomes dangerous, what will happen to the three Reed family members?

If they die, will Tom Reed cause trouble? "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, he almost forgot about those guys...

 Thinking about now that I have more exciting activities, it seems that there is no point in messing with a few losers from the United States.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "Contact the owl, activate the GPS on those guys, and arrange a helicopter to take them back at dawn tomorrow."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took out a tactical tablet and walked to Kaman's side, called up a nearby map, and said: "The little antelope can't fit all of us, and the medical helicopter probably won't be able to take too many people. You choose a point. , we asked Eric and his hunting guides to join us."

Kaman quickly browsed the map and asked Manlo to confirm the location on the map. He then marked a waterhole and notified the guide on the other side.

“Let’s set out and walk to the destination in about two hours…”

As he spoke, Kaman looked around at his companions and found that most of them seemed quite excited. He shook his head slightly and said, "Follow my steps. Afika is not safe at night..."

Dorian is one of the first guys to be equipped with the new Tyros armor. He only wore short-sleeved shirts and military trousers this time, without even a helmet...

This guy raised his hand to show Kaman the gray close-fitting soft armor on the back of his hand and the outside of his arm, and said proudly: "I especially want to understand what the so-called insecurity is?

Dragon Lizard, if it was a war, we might even try to persuade the boss, but that’s a wizard..."

As he spoke, Dorian made a few jump moves and said with a smile: "It's mysterious and dangerous, and it's still in the Afika grassland. How could we miss it?"

Carman didn’t even look at Dorian’s nonsense. After Manluo took care of the fire, he took the lead and led everyone into the grassland.

This time they did not take the leisure route during the day, but walked as straight as possible.

Night is not an obstacle to Boss Qiao and the others. The night vision function of Telos eyepieces can ensure their vision.

But there is also a disadvantage of using night vision in the grassland, that is, animals that look energetic during the day will look scary at this moment...

 Walking on the grassland at night, there are many green eyes around.

 Their types can be roughly distinguished by their outlines, but when those things are frightened and run away, those eyes will be like dancing will-o'-the-wisps, running around on the grassland.

 Joga and Nice walked in the middle of the procession…

Looking at the smile that appeared on Nice's lips from time to time, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "I think if there is no war in the future, the two of us can form an expedition team and visit various legendary places in the world.

 At that time, we will let the elephant serve as the camera, and the medical officer bird will lead the team to handle logistics. We will shoot the documentary ourselves and upload it to the P·B video website.

I’ve already thought of a name, so it’s called ‘The Adventure Couple of Knight Joe and the Devil Bird’!

 In fact, if you want to relieve anxiety, you don’t have to kill something, just make yourself nervous! "

Nice carried her G29 on her back, nodded meekly as she walked, and said, "Anything is fine!

 If we really don’t want to fight anymore, then I can..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded with a smile and said: "Then let's make a deal. After so many years, I said I have been to many places, but I have never seriously visited or explored a place in depth.

I have said many times that I want to go to the beach, but that unfortunate place in the Gulf of Aden really doesn’t fit my imagination.

 The sports meeting is over. If there is not much to do, how about we go to Malaysia or the Philippines?

The capybara in team D is from Bajau. He told me many legends about the sea. I really want to see it..."

After hearing this, Ness nodded and said, "That's fine, but why don't you go to the Burmese store?

Poisonous Wolf and the others have returned, and they have brought back many strange stones..."

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "I'll take a look at those stones when I go back. It would be best if there are stones that I need. If not, I will cut the stones with my own hands and see if I can get some top-quality jadeite and get some for you." jewelry.

In case our son falls in love or something in the future, it would be nice to bring the girl home with something as a meeting gift. "

Nice smiled and said: "Have you ever noticed that whenever you feel that you are incompetent or a little guilty, you will constantly want to compensate by giving things.

I have been receiving psychological counseling from the "Iceman" recently. He said that your problem is more serious than ours...

 You always try to protect everyone, but when you can’t control yourself and take risks, you always feel guilty about others, especially me and Igor!

 But in fact, I have always been happy, and Igor is also very happy. You are indeed a husband and father, but you do not have to stay with us all day long.

 You don’t owe us anything! "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said helplessly: "What else did that **** 'Iceman' say about me?"

Niss pursed his lips and recalled, then said: "He said you were under too much pressure and needed to do more things without thinking to relieve the pressure.

 So when everyone knows that you want to hold a sports meeting, they all support you very much! "

Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "Not having to think is good for relieving stress?"

Nice shook his head and said: "I don't know, I only know that you have been very happy in the past few months..."

Qiao Jia laughed happily and said: "This seems to be quite right. As long as you put aside those nonsense things that consume your brain, it is not difficult for people to be happy."

Nice smiled and nodded, and said: "As long as you can be happy, everything you do is right!"

Just when Qiao Jia nodded with a smile and wanted to speak, a faint gunshot suddenly appeared in the distance...

Kaman, who was leading the way, turned back and waved: "That's where we meet, we have to speed up a little bit...

Those crazy beasts created by wizards may be bigger than I thought! "

Just as Kaman led the team to speed up, the sound of "sparse" running came from the grassland on the side... The sound was not loud, and it was probably not a large animal, so everyone did not pay too much attention.

But after everyone jogged for a while, Dorian suddenly let out a scream, then spun around in circles and kept flicking his right leg as if trying to get rid of something...

Qiao Jia looked back and saw that it was a black and white flat-headed brother...

This thing is famous for being aggressive and vengeful. Eating venomous snakes is like eating spicy strips. When cornered, it even dares to fight a lion. With its mindless ferocity, it can be regarded as a tyrant on the grassland.

Looking at Dorian's embarrassed look, Qiao Jia laughed and said, "Elephant, you must have some smell on your body, otherwise why would such a brainless little thing like you?"

Dorian bent his legs and slapped the flat-head brother hard, trying to get it off, but he was accidentally caught...

 “FUCK, what the **** is this?”

Kaman didn't want to waste everyone's time. He walked up to Dorian, stretched out his hand and pinched the flat-headed brother's neck. He pinched the flat-headed brother's mouth like a snake, forcing it to open its mouth and let go of Dorian's mouth. Trouser legs.

Just when Kaman was about to throw the flat-headed brother out, he suddenly sniffed and took out a flashlight and shined it on the flat-headed brother.

Then Kaman frowned and took out a bottle of water, inserted the mouth of the bottle into Brother Flathead's mouth, squeezed the bottle hard, and drank half the bottle of water to Brother Flathead at once...

Seeing that Brother Flathead's belly was being stretched by the water, Dorian said in surprise: "He didn't bite me, he was just a small animal. There is no need to use waterboarding to be so exaggerated, right?"

Carman glared at Dorian who was talking nonsense. He pulled out the water bottle and pressed **** the flat-head brother's bulging belly...

Following Brother Flathead's distressed roar, a water arrow spurted out from Brother Flathead's mouth with some undigested flesh and blood.

Kaman looked at the flat-headed brother who had gained a lot of health. He coldly poured the remaining water into the unlucky guy again, and then cruelly pressed it again.

This time the unlucky guy with a flat head not only vomited, but also had diarrhea...

 After Kaman finished his work, he looked at the flat-headed brother who was completely withered in his hands. He shook his head and said, "There are the corpses of crazy beasts nearby.

 We need to be careful, if other animals eat the fresh carcasses of the mad beasts, they will become more aggressive than usual. "

As he spoke, Kaman said to Dorian: "Inform Owl that at dawn tomorrow, people will search the surrounding areas where the battle took place. It is best to burn the corpses of those crazy beasts in advance.

 After the indirect transmission of the medicinal effect of Tomica grass, the effect will decrease, but the effectiveness will be prolonged. The sports meeting will start in 15 days, and the boss definitely does not want to see people being chased by various animals while running. "

 Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and tapped the belly of the languid guy with a flat head, and said with a smile: "Who said that? I think being chased by animals can better stimulate the potential of athletes."

Carman knew that Qiao Jia was joking. When he wanted to throw the flat-headed brother out, Dorian stopped him...

“Dragon lizard, this guy is so pitiful. Give it to me and I can try to keep it as a pet.”

As Dorian took Brother Flathead into his hands, he lamented that the dragon lizard was too cruel, and when he wanted to touch Brother Flathead’s head, this guy bit his hand and let out a series of screams...

Carman ignored Dorian’s cry for help and turned around to continue moving forward...

Dorian didn’t want to kill this little thing, and was about to ask Manluo for help. Ayou reached out and pinched the flat-headed brother’s body, saving the unlucky Dorian.

Seeing that Dorian didn't seem to give up, Ayou took the flat-head brother in his hands and rubbed it a few times, then wrapped it into a round ball with tape, leaving only his head outside.

Dorian watched in surprise as the boy with a flat head, which was more than a foot long, was rolled into a black and white ball the size of a fist in Ayou's hands. His head was drooping outside, with a look of despair...

 He ​​said "wow", put the ball into his backpack, then gave a thumbs up to Ayu and said: "King Kong, your cruelty is chasing the dragon lizard.

 This little guy is so pitiful. Only a good person like the elephant father can take care of it! "

Ayou glanced at Dorian's backpack, she smiled honestly and said, "This little thing is very energetic and suits you well!"

Dorian rushed to catch up with the team and said proudly: "Of course, I heard that this guy has super strong survivability, and he is indeed very similar to me in this aspect..."

Medical Bird, who had been following the team, couldn't help but complain at this time: "That's right, you can live for such a long time with a broken mouth, your vitality is indeed very tenacious."

After hearing this, Dorian shook his head in disdain and said, "You don't understand, so your salary is not as high as mine..."

The group of people accelerated and traveled a few kilometers. When Qiao Jia smelled the smell of water vapor mixed with vegetation, he discovered the lights of vehicles in the distance, and was surprised to see a familiar big guy...

The giraffe that once fought alongside Namor and was 'killed' by Briela for photos was running around the circle formed by the convoy...

There are dots of green eyes on the nearby grassland, and the unique shrill roars of hyenas can be heard from time to time...

Kaman raised his gun and fired a shot into the sky, then called the people in the convoy via radio.

Then he looked at the commotion of hyenas and said: "These are the indigenous hyenas of Ndele. They probably became like this after eating the flesh and blood of crazy beasts. Killing their queen can scare them away."

When Kaman was talking, the giraffe seemed to be stimulated by something. It sprinted a few steps with its long legs. After trampling a hyena to death, its limbs suddenly spread apart. It lowered its body and shook its neck vigorously. Its head was like a shooting star. Sweeping like a hammer at low altitude...

Jojia watched as the two hyenas were beaten into the air, but several hyenas still got behind the giraffe, plotting against his vitals...

Hands up the M4, Qiao Jia nodded to Nice and said: "Follow me later..."

After hearing this, Ness smiled and took out a telescopic stick from his waist and shook it off, turning it into a short stick more than two feet long...

Looking at Boss Qiao's surprised expression, Nice pulled out the pistol with his left hand and said with a smile: "I will look after you..."

Chaojia glanced at the hyenas besieging the convoy, laughed loudly, and shouted: "Let's go, let's go..."

The dragon lizard is looking for the queen, and the others will look at the situation and beat them when they need to, and kill when they need to...

“Up, up, up…”

 (End of this chapter)

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