From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1220: The troops arrived

Chapter 1220 The large forces arrived

 Dorian released a drone to conduct reconnaissance within one kilometer of the surrounding area...

The detection power of small drones is not large enough, and the infrared heat sense cannot accurately display the outline of the heat source.

There were so many animals around the waterhole that they could not tell whether the heat source was humans or animals.

 Hence, even if war reaches a very advanced stage, the role of human beings is still irreplaceable in certain specific scenarios.

Kaman drove a browsing car with several guides and explored the area where the gunshots occurred for more than an hour, bypassing the waterhole, and soon made a discovery.

“Boss, a native male lion from Ndele was shot. The scene did not look like the actions of poachers, but more like our enemies encountered this male lion patrolling the territory after entering the grassland.

This male lion bit off three fingers of a man and was shot in the abdomen with a gun...

 boss, this lion is not dead yet. I will ask the hunting guide to send the lion to you in a car, and I will track down the injured person...

You'd better contact John at the Animal Protection Center immediately. He has a helicopter there and can take the lion back for treatment.

 If handled properly, it will probably survive. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia decisively contacted the people at the resort. Then he rubbed his temples and said, "Dragon Lizard, you have to be careful!

If the guy discovered is an enemy, then he is a master in charge of investigation, and more people will definitely come later.

This group of people is here well prepared. Don’t leave any one of us too far so that we can be your back-up. "

Kaman was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "Boss, if there are really enemies, the target of driving a tour bus in the grassland is too big, and many terrain browsing vehicles in the grassland cannot pass at all.

 Leave me alone, take care of yourselves, and if you encounter any problems, go to Man Luo. He is more familiar with this grassland than me..."

 Qiao Jia didn’t know why, but felt that Kaman seemed to be hiding something from him...

However, he trusted this old guy, so after hesitating for a moment, he said: "I have other ways. Don't run too far, we will definitely catch up with you."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia cut off the communication, took out the satellite phone and called Beiliqi, the director of the Sangha Town base...

Two hours later, four Mi-8 Hippo helicopters, loaded with equipment, supplies and personnel, took off from the Sangha Town base...

At the same time, an old helicopter carried Mr. and Mrs. John from the Animal Protection Center to where Boss Qiao and the others were.

 John rushed to Boss Qiao’s side the moment the plane stopped...

Looking at Boss Qiao, a veterinarian with two knives, he used a pair of pliers to remove a deformed bullet from the anesthetized lion's abdominal cavity, and then hurriedly tried to stop the lion's bleeding...

John rushed over and squeezed Boss Qiao away, neatly put on a pair of latex gloves, then shined a flashlight on the wound for a moment, and said with a heavy expression: "Monto is bleeding internally. It needs surgery, which can't be done here. …”

As he spoke, John picked up a large ball of gauze and pressed it on the wound, and began to shout loudly to the assistants who were following him to bring the stretcher over...

Seeing that the four strong men were unable to pull the lion, Qiao Jia waved his hand for others to help, while he pulled John and said, "Do you know this lion?"

John nodded and said: “I have been tracking the lions on the Ndele grassland, and Monto is a young wandering male lion.

  It was driven out of the family by the male lions of another pride, and then wandered on the grassland until it met Arthur's pride.

 It challenged Arthur, but failed!

 But it did not try to challenge other lions, but kept moving around Arthur's territory. "

 Speaking, John looked at Monto with some regret and said: "Monto has a very tenacious character. He has just grown up. I originally wanted to send him to other resorts and let him form his own pride..."

Qiao Jia doesn’t quite understand John’s psychology. He is willing to save the lions on his territory, but he will never invest too much emotion...

“Then try to revive him, and then arrange for him to have a few young and beautiful wives, and send him to other places to dominate.”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia watched as eight strong men lifted up the stretcher and put the lion on the helicopter. Then he smiled and pushed John on the shoulder and said, "Let's go quickly. The grassland has not been peaceful these two days. If you have time, go find Owl. She will probably have many questions to ask you.

 At least you need to teach the people in the technical department how to distinguish which ones are crazy animals and which ones are normal animals. "

John obviously knew what happened. He said with a solemn expression: "Boss, we must stop those crazy beasts as soon as possible.

There are too many animals on the Ndele grassland, and the commotion caused by the crazy beasts will cause them to migrate south or west on a large scale.

Such a migration would completely unbalance the food chain of Ndele, and..."

“And without the large number of wild animals, my resort will be worthless...”

Qiao Jia waved his hands with an unhappy expression and said, "I understand, the resort is making preparations, you can decide what to do based on the situation.

I am responsible for killing all those crazy beasts, as well as the people who created the crazy beasts..."

 John nodded to show that he understood, then turned around and got on the helicopter...

After the helicopter flew away, Qiao Jia was just about to rest for a while when he suddenly heard a lion's roar coming from the southwest...

At the same time, further north, the roar of lions also appeared...

Boss Joe was very familiar with the Roaring Lion in the southwest. He looked at Manluo and said, "Did I hear you right? That's Arthur, right?"

This guy is injured, what is he doing here? "

Man Luo shook his head with a serious expression and said: "Boss, I don't know, maybe it was Monto's roar that alarmed it.

  After all, we are still in Arthur's territory..."

Qiao Jia thought about it that he had been running for ten hours today. He said a little funny: "This guy's territory is quite large.

 Ignore it, let’s rest for a few hours and set off at first light tomorrow…”

However, what Boss Qiao didn’t expect was that the lion’s roar did not stop during this time period with two hours left until dawn.

Qiao Jia found an open space at random, threw his sleeping bag on the ground and covered his head and slept for two hours. However, the roars of the lions like rolling thunder never stopped, and they were getting closer and closer to the waterhole where they were.

 At first Said enjoyed the wild atmosphere, but as the lions got closer and closer, the guy hid in the browsing car.

Eric changed into a pair of trousers, and in order to prove that his previous gaffe was just an accident, he resolutely sat next to the fire until dawn.

 When Joe joined the team, he saw Eric looking like he was ready to die at any moment, and he shook his head in disgust...

If this guy wasn't wearing noise-canceling headphones, Qiao Jia would give him a thumbs up and praise this guy's courage.

It’s a pity that hiding one’s ears and stealing the bell cannot solve the root cause of fear. When a lion appeared on the grassland dozens of meters away, Qiao Jia walked up to Eric, took off his headphones, and turned his head in that direction...

 “Are you sure you want to come with me?”

When he saw Arthur, whose front leg was bandaged, sticking his head out from the grass and looking towards the camp, Eric was stunned for a moment, and then he jumped up and limped in as if his **** was stabbed. In the car, Chris, who was resting inside, let out a burst of unpleasant curses...

 Just when Qiao Jia wanted to say hello to Arthur, a pride of lions appeared across the pool.

 A strong male lion and a dozen female lions stood by the waterhole, looking directly in the direction of the camp...

The lion, which looked a little lazy, opened its mouth and roared in Arthur's direction.

The roar like rolling thunder made the people in the camp wake up instantly...

 The four guides loudly scolded the Middle Eastern guards who wanted to get their guns, and at the same time motioned them to get in the car and stop running around.

“Opposite is Mufasa, Monto’s father, who drove Monto out of the pride of lions.

 In fact, Monto had a chance to defeat Mufasa, but he chose to leave! "

 Man Luo walked up to Qiao Jia, explained the origin of the strange pride of lions, and then said a little tangledly: "Boss, I have never seen this situation before, I suggest you get in the car.

 Generally, there will be a fight after a group of lions meet..."

 Qiao Jia glanced at Ayou who was helping to pack the sleeping bag and found that the prairie female King Kong didn't give any hints, which proved that these lions most likely had no ill intentions towards him.

So Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "Leave me alone and go help pack things. Our people will be here soon..."

After hearing this, Man Luo said doubtfully: "Who is coming?"

Qiao Jia glanced at the time, then looked toward the southwest with his hands on the awning, and four small dots appeared in his eyes...

 Four Mi-8 Hippos experienced a long flight, flying from the town of Sangha several hundred kilometers away to Ndele.

The huge Mi-8 makes great noise when flying, and the huge wind pressure generated when landing makes the surrounding grass undulate outward like waves.

Seeing the irritable Arthur roaring in the direction of the helicopter, even his harem of lionesses began to become nervous...

Boss Qiao strode over and grabbed the guy's mane, scratching his neck hard a few times before he stabilized him a little.

Seeing Boss Joe communicate with the wild Arthur at close range without any obstacles, Eric in the car looked at Chris painfully and said: "How on earth did this guy do it?

I spent so much money in Ndele that I had to look at the lion’s face if I wanted to take a photo with Namor!

The jackal only comes here a few times a year, FUCK, can the lion still tell who is the boss? "

Saeed, who was sitting in the front seat, said depressedly: "Correction, when it comes to investment, I am the boss of Ndele!

I also want to know why these lions are so close to the jackal..."

Chris looked at Arthur's wife, Nasia, grinning at Boss Joe, but she didn't dare to explode. He shook his head and said, "I think there is something wrong with your understanding of the word 'close'. Anyway, even if I know that the lion is not Even if they bite me, I won’t stand in front of them.”

Just as Chris was speaking, the rear hatches of the four Mi-8 Hippos opened, and a total of 48 anteaters from the four teams, together with the four old monsters Dryad, Thorny Vine, Leech, and Spider, stepped off the helicopter.

At the same time, a group of crew members began to unload the equipment in the cabin from the aircraft...

I watched several Arctic Cat small off-road vehicles being unloaded from the plane, and then a small forklift was quickly transferring stacks of arms boxes to the open space.

After Said opened the door and got out of the car, he looked at Boss Qiao and said in surprise: "Jackal, what do you want to do? Fight?"

 Qiao Jia waved hello to a few old monsters in the distance and signaled Dorian to receive them. He looked at Said and said with a smile: "War? Where are you going?

 Look at the sky…”

Sayed looked up at the sky in the southwest. After a while, he saw two small black spots gradually approaching in this direction.

 A few minutes later, when the two C-130s approached the camp, a series of "mushrooms" fell out of the cabin...

Looking at the large number of paratroopers floating in the air together with some supplies and equipment, Said said in disbelief: "You still say it's not a war?

 Who are you going to hit? "

Jojia looked at Said and said with a smile: "If I don't fight anyone, I just look for opportunities to engage in airborne training...

I have already surveyed the long-distance running route yesterday. These soldiers will establish a safe route and at the same time establish a line of defense to prevent crazy beasts from invading the core area of ​​the resort.

 Saeed, during the military training in Dubai, was there anyone as formal as P·B?

I recently lost a major training client. Are you interested in sending soldiers to Sangha Town for training?

With 500,000 US dollars per person, I will help you train a group of soldiers according to SEAL standards..."

  Said stared and said, “You’re kidding, 500,000?

We can recruit a Pakistani ST or an Indian foreign soldier for only 15,000 US dollars a year. Can we still defeat one SEAL out of ten?

 And we’re really in trouble, why don’t we hire you to help?

Al Thani is very proud recently because the SAS team and Colombian Lancers team you arranged to go to Qatar are very useful.

Oh, they also help train Qatari soldiers, and that’s free..."

Said Said squinted at Boss Qiao and said, "Jackal, I have always felt that you are my brother. Brothers should at least enjoy equal treatment."

Jojia shook his head in disgust and said: "Nonsense, Qatar spent 400 million US dollars to sign a 4-year contract with me.

There aren’t many wars there, and I won’t help them train their men. Wouldn’t it be a shame for me to take the money?

 The World Cup will be held in a few years and we need a group of experts who specialize in counter-terrorism.

 You are my brother, I will give you a discount, 200 million US dollars for four years, Wuchang T1, you can choose whatever you want. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia greeted Dorian loudly: "Elephant, check the vehicle, let's set off to find the dragon lizard..."

  Dorian quickly said goodbye to the old monsters who made his scalp numb, and called the medical officer bird to go with him to check the condition of the Arctic Cat off-road vehicle...

Qiao Jia took the initiative to hug a few old monsters, and said with a smile: "Dragon Lizard said that a group of wizards have come, and I don't know how many there are specifically. I need you to establish a blockade from here as the starting point, and at the same time, wait for Here, ready to fly helicopters to support us."

The spider grinned and said: "Don't worry, boss, we have already seen the mission briefing, leave it to us here.

But you have too few people. Thorny Vine and I will take a team of anteaters to go with you.

 These boys dream of fighting alongside you..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment. He looked at the anteaters lined up not far away. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said: "There should be enough vehicles. Let's set off..."

 (End of this chapter)

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