Chapter 1221 Curse

Arctic Cat off-road vehicles are available in four-seater and two-seater versions…

There is an old monster here now, so Qiao Jia will not force Said and the others to go back, but let them decide whether they want to stay here.

Joga and Nice naturally chose an Arctic Cat, and the others quickly completed the allocation...

 After checking the spare fuel tank and the weapons and ammunition in the trunk, Qiao Jia decisively got into the driver's seat and started the car.

Boss Qiao asked himself that if he wanted to keep up with Kaman on the grassland, he would definitely not be able to do it on his own. However, as a modern and successful boss with a huge industry, it would be meaningless to compete with the Bushman God of War in terms of physical strength. You still need to use a car...

Just when Qiao Jiali confirmed Kaman’s direction with his positioning and was about to set off, he heard Dorian’s trembling call behind him...

“Boss, we have an extra guest, and I don’t like this guest very much…”

When Qiaojia looked back, he found that Arthur was actually sitting on the trunk of Dorian and Ayo's off-road vehicle. His huge weight even caused the rear wheels of the off-road vehicle to sink a lot.

Looking at the smiling Ayou who seemed not worried at all, Qiao Jia frowned and said, "What on earth does this guy want to do?"

Ayo pushed Arthur's curious big head away, and then said to Qiao Jia: "Boss, Arthur and Mufasa on the opposite side should want to go east. I guess there may be a new stray crazy lion entering the grassland. .”

When Qiao Jia heard this, he was surprised and said: "These guys think they may not be able to defeat them, so they want to mess with me?"

Ayou nodded with a mysterious expression and said: "Maybe..."

Whenever she encounters animal problems, Ayou always looks mysterious. Qiao Jia doesn't understand how she communicates with animals, but Boss Qiao absolutely trusts Ayou's judgment when it comes to animal issues. .

Looking at Dorian's pale face, Qiao Jia smiled maliciously and said, "Then let's set off..."

Dorian held the steering wheel with both hands and said helplessly: "Boss, I don't think this is a good idea. I always feel that the dragon lizard is hiding something from me, so I can't coexist peacefully with these lions..."

Qiao Jiacai ignored Dorian's complaints. He stepped on the accelerator and drove out along a wild road...

As Dorian followed, he said to Ayou fearfully: "I have some canned ham in my bag. Would you like to let the guy behind you eat some first on the way?"

Ayou grinned, reached out and scratched Arthur's chin, then glanced at Nasia, who was leading the team to jog with the convoy, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they must have eaten enough last night..."

Dorian looked at Nasia who was following him closely, looking at the saliva at the corner of the lioness' mouth, and he said worriedly: "Are you sure?

I feel like the way Nasia looks at me is not friendly, oh, I feel like something is dripping on me, please don’t tell me it’s Arthur’s saliva…”

Qiao Jia drove the Arctic Cat all the way, and Dorian talked nonsense all the way. Ayo had the patience to listen to Dorian's nonsense, and even had the patience to comfort the timid elephant from time to time...

 After they drove for about two hours, they finally found Kaman under an acacia tree...

Qiao Jia felt something was wrong from a distance. He parked the car under the mound, jumped out of the car and started walking up, and found seven or eight hyena carcasses around him.

These hyenas all had half of their necks cut off with a knife. They were still grinning when they died. Qiao Jia immediately confirmed their identities...


When Qiao Jia climbed up the mound, he saw a very horrifying scene...

  A strong black man who had been disemboweled was hung on an acacia tree. As the wind blew, the body that kept shaking looked particularly weird...

However, Boss Qiao had seen too many corpses, so naturally he didn't care much about this. What made him feel a little horrified was that Kaman, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, had a man in front of him who was covered in tattoos and his face was full of bulges like a toad. black people…

This guy's belly was also opened, and a large number of ants crawled on his body, some of which penetrated deep into the abdominal cavity and began to carry the flesh and blood inside.

That's all. Not only was the black man not dead, but he was still staring at Kaman's face and kept chanting some kind of spell.

Qiao Jia felt that something was wrong with Kaman’s situation. When he was about to speak, Kaman suddenly slashed the neck of this guy who was obviously a wizard with a knife...

Then the old guy stood up with a slightly melancholy expression and said to Qiao Jia: "I'm sorry, boss, I may have caused trouble this time."

 Qiao Jia frowned and looked at the corpse on the ground. He discovered a very strange phenomenon, that is, the wizard's head had been chopped off. Although he could not make a sound, his mouth could still move.

 “Who is this guy? What was he talking about just now?”

Kaman was silent for a moment, looking at the spider and thorn vine standing behind Boss Joe, he shook his head slightly and said: "This wizard is releasing a curse, cursing the traitor..."


Jojia looked at Kaman in surprise and said, "He regards you as a traitor? Why?"

Carman looked at the spider and thorn vine with a strange expression, waved his hand and said: "You guys guessed it right, they are members of the Aberly family, they are back."

Qiao Jia frowned, glanced at the three of them, and said, "Can you make it clear and stop playing riddles?"

Carman nodded slightly and said: "The Aberly family is the family of Muto's mother. After the Rwanda genocide, the core members of the Aberly family fled to Europe.

 They later fell under the control of the Ravi family of the Edward Foundation, and we helped them get out of trouble.

Now they are back and have gathered many wizards who stayed in Afika..."

Kaman said with a serious expression: "Boss, many of the people in power in Afika have connections with wizards. The Abelli family thinks that as long as they kill you and me, they can use Muto to regain control of central Afika." Great power." Qiao Jia said incredulously: "Those guys are out of their minds? I can just send some **** people to destroy them..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly realized something, and he said in surprise: "Muto is in their hands, right?

Are these people crazy? Why do they think they can escape P·B's revenge? "

Kaman suddenly felt a little sad and said: "People in Afika are often like this, especially people from these wizard families...

 Reckless, stupid, arrogant, crazy…

 The fall of the Ravi family allowed them to see the opportunity to use Muto to take away part of the inheritance of the Ravi family and regain power.

 They only have eyes for the Ravi family, and they have no idea that the demise of the Ravi family has anything to do with you, boss. "

 Qiao Jia suddenly felt particularly funny at this time. He tried his best to plan and destroy the Ravi family without leaving a trace. He even detained their descendants and took away their last inheritance.

These things are very shocking in the eyes of knowledgeable people, but they are nothing in the eyes of rubes.

The so-called Aberly family, blinded by power and interests, actually ignored P·B's brilliant achievements over the years...

 Perhaps it is not that they are ignored, but that their forces are too dispersed, which makes these locals feel that they have an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Thinking about these people’s wishful thinking, Qiao Jia said curiously: “Why is Muto so important?

 I know he is Senturu’s son, but what next? "

Kaman shook his head bitterly and said: “After Centuru’s death, the anteaters split up, and a large part of them entered the Rwandan and Ugandan armies.

Among the troops assigned by the United Nations to maintain peace in various parts of Afica, Rwandan and Ugandan soldiers account for the majority, and most of their leaders are former anteaters.

And few people know that Sentulu’s younger brother is called Kagame...

Sentulu has great prestige among the Tutsi people. I don’t know much about politics, but if Muto reveals his background, I don’t know what will happen to others, but those anteaters will definitely choose to support him.

  If you add those wizards..."

Joga frowned and waved his hands and said: "Kagame, Paul Kagame of Rwanda?

Wow, this guy is actually Muto's uncle. I didn't expect that Muto would have such a prominent life experience...

But I don’t think someone like Kagame, who has held power for a long time, is willing to give up his power to a young man who suddenly appears.

 Unless those wizards really have magical powers..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Kaman’s strange expression, and he smacked his lips and said: “Well, maybe they really have some strange abilities, so they want to rely on Muto to return to the center of power, so that they can have a chance.

But this has nothing to do with me, they can’t pass my test...

 What I care about is what you and other old anteaters think!

If I feel it right, Spider and Thorny Vine were shaken for a moment just now!

What is the magic power of this Aberley family? "

Kaman did not speak this time. The spider next to him took the initiative to speak and said in a hoarse voice: "The Abelli family married their daughter to Centulu and provided him with huge support, allowing him to form the Anteaters." .

But what the Abelli family didn't expect was that Centulu quickly mastered their witch medicine formula and made huge improvements.

By the time the Abeli ​​family realized something was wrong, it was too late. The Rwandan Civil War happened to break out at that time. They had no time to fall out with Sentulu and fled to Europe.

Only a very few people know that before leaving, the elder Abeli ​​sat in front of Sentulu's house, opened his own belly and cursed Sentulu, saying that he would die of drunkenness at the door...

 Then the curse came true! "

As he spoke, Spider looked into Boss Qiao's eyes and said with an extremely serious attitude: "Boss, I'm not shaken, but I'm scared.

 I'm not afraid of fighting, let alone death, but I'm afraid that you will..."

"I won't…"

Qiao Jia waved his hands decisively and said: "If these wizards are really so powerful, they can't be like the thugs they are now."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the vaguely worried expression on Spider's face. He smiled and said: "One life for another, what level of magical power is it to curse someone to death?

It’s really that effective. If we let them sit in front of Bill Gates and Buffett’s homes respectively, is there any need to go back to Afika to fight for their lives?

 Having a hard time with the feasting and feasting? "

After Kaman listened, he nodded slightly and said: "I don't believe in curses either, so I listened to the curse from the wizard just now...

 He said that I will die from a hyena today, but I don’t believe it! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sneered and said, "I also think these wizards' imaginations are average..."

While Qiao Jia was talking, Dorian on the side suddenly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Boss, look in that direction, what are those?

  FUCK, it’s the mad beast driving the beast away…”

 Speaking, Dorian beckoned and shouted: "Drive up the off-road vehicle and set up defense...

 Leech, can you hear me?

 Notify helicopters to be ready for support at any time..."

 (End of this chapter)

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