From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1228: Big gift package

Chapter 1228 Big Gift Package

 After the orange flash, a deafening explosion sounded...

 Huge gray-black smoke rose into the sky, and violent shock waves spread outward from the center of the explosion...

 Those buildings and tents in villages and camps that were not strong to begin with were like Lego toys in a hurricane, torn to pieces by heat and impact...

  At a distance of 900 meters, Qiao Jia and the others still felt the impact of the heat wave...

The shrubbery on the edge of the explosion collapsed in a reflective shape under the action of high-pressure air waves. The thorny branches mixed with leaves, gravel, and soil formed a gas-shaped ring that swept outward for a distance of several hundred meters. , and then slapped it heavily on the ground.

The explosion at this distance is no longer lethal, but the terrible explosion effect seen at close range is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind...

Qiaojia didn't think anyone could survive within the explosion range. He turned to look at the three Reeds who had been vomiting, frowned and said, "What are they doing?"

 Dorian shrugged his shoulders and said: "Boss, the guy named Steve said that they were forced to eat 5 explosive capsules...

 The remote control is in the hands of this guy named Grammont..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said in disbelief: "What the **** is an explosive capsule?"

Dorian took out a capsule about the size of a rifle grenade with very smooth edges from his pocket and handed it to Boss Qiao. He said with a smile: "So I have always felt that people can create miracles.

 In the past, I thought that only extremely dedicated **** actors could swallow such a big thing, but now it turns out that ordinary people can do it if they are pushed. "

Qiao Jia was stunned by Dorian's words, and then some bizarre fragments appeared in his mind...

He shook his head to get rid of those things that were not suitable for children, and then scanned the so-called capsule bomb in his hand...

The outer shell is a corrosion-resistant material similar to polyethylene, and the interior is filled with plastic explosives and a miniature detonator.

Jorgia couldn't think of the reason why these people designed such a thing. He glanced between the Gramont and Reed family members, then slapped the capsule into Dorian's hand and said: "Elephant, Give you a chance to create a miracle and let that guy swallow this thing..."

Dorian shook his head in disgust and said, "No, Kaman has already forced him to eat one to prevent him from detonating the bomb."

As he said this, Dorian looked at Gramont, who was lying on the ground with his shoulders and knees shot, and could only groan in pain, and said: "Boss, you started a little too fast. If this guy doesn't want to live anymore, the Reed family will The people who are there are doomed..."

Qiao Jia frowned and said, "Why? That guy can't move now. Could he use his **** to detonate a bomb?"

Dorian spread his hands and said: "We were delayed in the house for a few minutes just to avoid bringing danger back.

 This guy is a madman, and he really wants to set up a trap to lure us into rescuing the Reed family.

Forcing the Reeds to swallow bombs is to give us a fatal blow when we find them.

Just now, the dragon lizard discovered him first and subdued him, but the bombs were still activated. "

As he spoke, Dorian took out an electronic device that looked a bit like an old BlackBerry and said: "Before they remove the bomb from the body, he needs to enter a password every four hours to remove these unlucky guys. Life is extended.

I'm worried that if this guy doesn't want to live anymore, he will refuse to enter the password.

 Being killed by a bomb is better than being asked questions by Dragon Lizard and the others, don’t you think? "

 The power of 5 capsule-sized bombs is definitely limited, but if they are hit at close range, no one can guarantee that they will survive.

Chaojia never imagined that the 'Ndrangheta people would come up with such a bizarre idea in order to deal with him...

He walked up to the Reed family, squatted down and pressed each of their abdomens, causing them to roar in terror...

Seeing their expressions of fear and despair, Qiao Jia did not tell them that he had destroyed the detonator inside the capsule bomb. Instead, he said regretfully with the energy of saying goodbye to his body: "Sorry, I came a little late. But don’t worry, I will ensure your safety..."

With disgusting vomit at the corner of his mouth, Richard looked up at Qiao Jia with a complicated look of resentment and pleading, and said: "What can you do?

You almost killed Grammont just now. If he doesn't enter the password before 8 o'clock in the morning, then we are dead..."

Qiaojia sneered and shook his head, saying: "Then take out the bomb before 8 o'clock...

 Are you afraid of surgery? My medical officer is very skilled. I think he can cut open your stomach and take out the things before 8 o'clock...

Of course, there are risks, but you can understand it, right? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia grabbed Richard's ears, brought him closer to him, and said with a grin: "When you used nano metal shavings to hurt my son, didn't you consider the risks?

 I originally wanted to have someone cut out half of your lungs so that you could feel the pain of having difficulty breathing.

However, I now think that this operation can be a little slower. It is also a good choice to open your stomach first.

Tom will definitely not blame me, after all, I am saving your lives..."

 “No, you can’t do this…”

When Richard was frightened, Steve next to him rolled up to Boss Joe's feet, pulled his pants and shouted: "No, you can't do this. The person who hurt little George is not me, but Marilyn, it was the spray she provided with the Stairway of Light, and she let little George inhale it during the party...

 It wasn’t me, I didn’t know at all at the time, I just wanted to get back what belongs to me…”

Qiao Jia grabbed Steve's right hand with his left hand, then supported his fingers with his right hand, and slowly put his fingers against the back of his hand...

In the sound of "click, click", Steve hit his head on the ground in pain, howling loudly: "It's really not me, everything is Richard's idea, let me go, let me go." …

I have an important message to tell you here..."

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "You already said that you are not the one who calls the shots. What news can you have?

 Besides, do you think I am the kind of person who cares about details? "

Steve had four fingers on his right hand broken off by Qiao Jia, but he didn't even dare to resist. His left hand sank deeply into the soil, groaning in pain and shouting: "The 'Ndrangheta people are talking to Ah Qiong." People from Khan's side have contacts. A transport plane took off from Afghanistan two hours ago...

It contained 2 tons of heroin, $400 million in cash, and a large amount of gold and art...

Now the Pentagon is out of touch with Afghanistan. They have never been able to transport things back smoothly before. It was me who helped them coordinate the airport...

 Don't hurt me, I can find a way to help you get those things! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at Steve in surprise and said, "This guy put a bomb into your stomach, and you actually helped him?"

Steve glanced at Richard and Marilyn who was lying on the ground. He swallowed and finally lowered his head and said, "I made an agreement with Grammont, so what I swallowed was not a bomb capsule but an empty capsule." .

I have seen this kind of thing several times in Los Angeles. Mexican drug traffickers will use this kind of capsule to transport drugs into the human body.

 As long as nothing unexpected happens, the risk is not too great, so I..."

Qiao Jia suddenly looked at Steve who suddenly confessed, and he said with a smile: "You are a smart person, smarter than I thought, and more tenacious... You already know that you can't stay in the Reed family, so Trying your best to find a way out, right?"

 Steve held his deformed right hand and said painfully: "Tom Reed may forgive Richard, but he will never let me and Marilyn go.

 Only Richard still imagined that his father would return from his lost ways and leave the Reed family in his hands.

what can I do? Follow Richard towards his death? "

 As he spoke, Steve looked up at Qiao Jia's eyes and said, "As long as you let me go, I can be a firewall for Grace and Little George, and I can also take care of things for them that they are not good at."

 Qiao Jia looked at Steve, a guy struggling in the Dead Sea. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and said, "Shall we keep these words for Grace?

 If she agrees, I have no problem with it! "

 Speaking, Joga stood up and walked towards Grammont of the 'Ndrangheta...

 Steve was stunned for a moment and said loudly: "That plane, don't you want to know where that plane will land?

I can help you get those things, and I guarantee that no one will know it’s you, as long as you..."

Qiao Jia looked back at Steve. This guy is a real smart man. A transport plane is carrying goods worth more than one billion US dollars. Rather than being a reward, it is better to say that this guy tied himself to P.B. safety rope.

 Once Boss Qiao gets greedy and cooperates with him to take away those things, it is equivalent to having something in his hands.

Of course this kind of leverage is not enough to put Steve above Boss Joe, but it is certainly enough to save his life.

After all, although Boss Qiao is a sworn enemy of the 'Ndrangheta, it is still unwise to break up with the American military forces on the Afghan side.

Incurring extraneous expenses for more than one billion US dollars is totally not worth it for the current boss Qiao...

Looking at Steve with an expectant look on his face, Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't care about those things. I have been hurt deeply by people in the United States recently. Maybe those drugs transported in can remind those sons of **** P· How important B is!

Of course, I can give you a phone, and you can act as a good young man who has returned from the lost way, and report those people directly..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia watched Steve lower his head and said with a smile: "You don't dare, right?

 Aqionghan and his gang will do anything for money. You are also afraid, right? "

After finishing speaking, Qiao Jia ignored Steve and sat next to Gramont. He sent a message and said with a smile: "Sir, how do you feel about doing whatever you want in Afika?

 Do you know how we usually deal with drug dealers? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia sent the edited message through an encrypted email. Then he put away his phone, picked up the electronic detonator, and broke it in half...

"There are still two hours until 8 o'clock. Believe me, you will keep praying that these two hours will pass quickly so that the bomb in your belly can be detonated..."

As he spoke, Joga looked at the extremely frightened look in Grammont’s eyes. He smiled and said: “During this process, I will ask you a few questions...

 Of course, you don’t have to answer, it doesn’t matter to me…”

 After speaking, Qiao Jia nodded to Kaman and said: "Tear off his skin..."


Aaron, who is doing big business in Moldova, Eastern Europe, received an email...

 He was sitting under a canopy outside the Russian military base, with coffee and desserts beside him.

Aaron was drinking coffee when he clicked on the email...


 “Cough cough cough…”

 The content in the email made Aaron choke on his coffee, and the irritation in his trachea made Aaron cough violently...

"Son of a bitch…"

Seeing his boss coughing and cursing, Amal said curiously: "Boss, what happened?"

 Aaron coughed loudly a few times, and then said: "Some **** gave me a big gift bag containing poison.

 You think I should eat or not? "

Amar was stunned for a moment and said: "Boss, why do you eat it when you know it's poisonous?"

Aaron picked up a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and said depressedly: "What if that gift package is worth more than a billion dollars?"

 Amar's eyes suddenly widened, and he said in disbelief: "No way, who really cares about the consequences if there are more than a billion dollars?"

As he spoke, Amal looked at the arms trucks being loaded in the military camp not far away. He shook his head and said: "Boss, we took such a big risk, but we can only earn less than 100 million US dollars...

What kind of gift package can be worth more than one billion US dollars? "

After hearing this, Aaron rubbed his face vigorously and said, "There is a **** who has been doing business at a loss, but now the hairs he pulls out are thicker than my legs...

  FUCK, why can he live a good life?

 Why should I take risks to make money and end up sharing half of it with him? "

When Amar heard this, he suddenly said: "Is it a jackal?"

Aaron said unhappily: “Yes, this **** threw me a bait that I couldn’t refuse!

He took half of it without doing anything, and I have to **** thank him..."

As he spoke, Aaron picked up the coffee cup and banged it **** the small table a few times as if to vent. Finally, he lamented and said: "Inform our people to go to Romania. The transport plane will land at the Romanian US military base in one and a half hours." come on.

 Find a way to hold them off for a few hours while we hijack the plane..."

Amal said a little worriedly: "U.S. military base?

 Boss, whose transport plane is it? "

Aaron sneered and said: "The transport plane belongs to Aqionghan's gang of **** who want to kill themselves. Even if the plane is lost, they don't dare to say anything.

I just want to talk to a few people. They are eager to get out now and are probably willing to agree to any conditions..."

 (End of this chapter)

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