From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1229: Human nature and ritual

 Chapter 1229 Human Nature and Ritual

There is not a single cheap thing on Grammont’s body, and even his socks are from high-end brands that Qiao Jia has never heard of.

Unfortunately, facts have proven that it is difficult for people who make illegal money to become tough guys.

Originally, Qiao Jia thought that a vicious **** like Grammont could withstand it for about an hour. However, what Qiao Jia did not expect was that the moment he saw the skin on his face peeling off, he collapsed.

Kaman’s skinning method is actually not painful at all, but its impact on people’s psychology is far beyond imagination.

Grammont is the kind of perverted drug dealer who can inflict any torture on anyone, but he cannot face his 'true face'.

 At first he wanted to live, but later he just wanted to die!

He was willing to answer any question even to get the mirror away from him...

 For Qiao Jia and others, as long as they can correct their mentality, they can avoid the negative impact of the peeling shock.

 Because according to Kaman’s logic, this is actually a kind of ‘charity’!

 With the mentality of joining if you can’t beat him, Boss Qiao easily accepted this statement and just asked Kaman not to release his ‘charitable heart’ at will.

Just because Boss Qiao and the others can accept it, it doesn’t mean that the three Reeds can endure it...

Gramont’s roar was too tragic, and the impact of the criminal law process was too terrifying...

At this moment, Richard wanted to take out his own brain and take a look. He wanted to know what he was thinking at the beginning...

Thoughts such as power, money, and revenge have all disappeared. The three Richards now only have fear. The fear that penetrates into the bone marrow has occupied their brains!

 When they were put on the rescue helicopter and injected with anesthesia and fell into a deep sleep, fear still remained in their consciousness.

When Carman and Ronnie worked together to ask Grammont questions, Dorian walked up to Boss Joe and watched the helicopter leave with him...

“Boss, do you really want to disembowel them?”

Qiaojia sneered and said: "Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? What is disembowelment?

  I sent them to the hospital in Ndele for surgery to help them remove the foreign objects in their stomachs.

 I'm saving their lives..."

Dorian thought about the surgeon who came with the Mi-8 helicopter, and thought about the three guys who were going to be disemboweled on the plane. He shook his head and said, "That Steve is actually quite cooperative, and there is something wrong with him in his stomach." Not a bomb…”

Joja reached out and patted Dorian on the back, and said with a smile: "I can't kill them, and I don't have time to waste on them...

 If you want to ensure that Grace and little George will not be harmed in the future, you can only take such extreme measures.

Even though I hate a person, I never want to harm his family, even if they are my enemies. I even spared the Ravi family...

I have been following a rule, but there are always people who don’t seem to understand it, so I have to keep reminding them.

 I want everyone to know the fate of those who touched me! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian and said with a smile: "Elephant, this messed up world is gradually getting out of control, and some people are starting to do whatever it takes for power and profit.

I don’t expect that I can change the world, but I hope that there will be a set of reasonable rules around me, and anyone who interacts with me should follow this set of rules. "

Dorian looked back at Gramont who had turned into a flesh and blood monster. He said curiously: "Boss, what kind of rules are you talking about?"

Joga glanced at Kaman and found that the old guy didn't show too much anger even when he asked questions about Muto...

Qiao Jia asked himself that he could not achieve the level of Kaman, so he shook his head slightly and said: "My rules are not complicated. Whether they are enemies or friends, I hope that they will discuss the matter if they have problems, or come to me directly.

 Before I die, my family and friends, especially women and children, should not be targeted, because that will only cause senseless killings and tragedies!

Those big guys know how to weigh the pros and cons, but not everyone can see the truth beneath the water.

 I have to draw a line for everyone to see...

 The Reed family members are the best targets. I believe Tom Reed can understand my thoughts. "

Dorian listened, nodded and said: "I understand, but I still think that Steve Reed is a bit unjust..."

 “Not unjust!”

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "This guy is a profit animal, he knows he has no choice.

Had he not received this blow, he and Richard Reed would have become mortal enemies.

If he could withstand the fear, pain, and resentment, and lean on Grace and Little George as he said, he would not only survive Tom Reed's wrath, but also reap enough rewards in the future. "

After hearing this, Dorian said suddenly: "Steve had a deal with Grammont and obviously bypassed Richard. Now everything has been exposed. Only by suffering together can he appease Richard's anger."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded and said with a smile: "Look, people are actually very simple, right?

As long as we grasp their weaknesses, we can make them willingly endure the pain, and then let them adapt to their own needs and choose the direction that is beneficial to us. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian, who had a slightly horrified expression. He smiled and said, "Do I look like the villain in the movie now?"

Dorian nodded sympathetically and said, "Boss, just tell me these things from now on...

 Your expression just now was a bit revealing, especially..."

 “Kill me, let me die…”

Dorian turned around and pointed at the screaming humanoid flesh and blood object, and said helplessly: "Especially in this environment..." As Dorian said, Dorian looked at Ayo who was gathering firewood to prepare Gramont's grave, and he walked over. While helping, he said: "I'll help you, bring back a little fire and make that guy die faster!"

Ayou glanced at Dorian, shook his head and said, "That guy is already dead..."

Dorian frowned and said, "Then make the fever a little louder and make him scream less."

After hearing this, Ayou turned around and walked to a bush. He swung his machete and chopped off a thigh-thick dry tree in two or three strokes, and then dragged it to the side of the fire.

Dorian pulled out his dagger, and while chopping the branches, he said as if to encourage himself: "Let's chop more...

  Letting them walk to the fire is a good habit, and a good habit that must be continued! "

Ayou looked at Dorian's effort. She punched a thigh-thick tree stump. After creating a crack, she clasped the crack with both hands and tore the firewood apart...

 Soon a large bonfire was prepared, and Ronnie, who was responsible for recording, also completed his task at this time...

Carman got the information he wanted. He looked at Gramont, who kept begging for death. He helped the flesh and blood monster up with a solemn expression, and then said to Dorian: "Light the fire..."

Dorian, who was already a little impatient, lit the fire decisively. The firewood pile with accelerant instantly burst into flames several meters high, and radiated extremely high temperatures...

Carman supported the monster-like Grammont, pointed at the fire and said: "Go in, or turn around and leave..."

Grammont looked at the blazing fire. He took a few steps forward in a daze, and then was forced to stop by the heat.

Without anyone urging him, this guy struggled around the fire for a few seconds. He looked down at his terrifying body, then suddenly let out a roar and rushed towards the fire...

 “Musa will avenge me, and I will wait for you in hell…”

Kaman watched Grammont rush into the fire, screamed and rolled for more than ten seconds and then fell silent. He murmured to himself with a somewhat depressed expression: "The place where you people exist is hell. I will wait for us to start again." The day we met…”

Qiao Jia deliberately waited for nearly 5 minutes before ending this unique ceremony that most people will never understand!

Looking at Kaman who would fall into depression every time after the cremation, Qiao Jia shook his head slightly and said to Ronnie: "What did you ask?"

Ronnie glanced at the hunched Kaman with admiration, then walked to Qiao Jia and said: "Boss, this guy named Gramont is a Frenchman. He grew up in an orphanage. When he was a teenager, He met Moussa, the boss of the 'Ndrangheta, and became his right-hand man.

 His wife and three children live in Marseille, and his four lovers live in Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Milan.

The 'Ndrangheta worked with several large Dinka tribes and several rebels in Uganda to establish a new route around South SD and Uganda.

 The drugs will go north along the SD border into Egypt, and then across the sea into Europe…

Libya's outlet to the sea has been blocked by us, but Egypt's political situation has continued to be turbulent in recent years due to the issue of the Sinai Peninsula, which has given the 'Ndrangheta an opportunity.

 It was not a coincidence that this guy cooperated with those wizards, but he contacted them proactively.

  Muto is responsible for taking over all the pharmaceutical industries in Greece under the Ravi family, which is a huge network.

 Mastering them will give the 'Ndrangheta a reliable entrance to Europe...

 Now the Mori family in Italy is back on its feet under the leadership of a woman named Claudia.

That woman contacted a group of Sicilian mafia families who were at war with the 'Ndrangheta, and the drug channels in Italy were blocked.

 So the 'Ndrangheta is in urgent need of a new European entrance. There is nothing more convenient than mixing drugs with medical materials and sending them in!

Grammont just tried it out and found Muto's mother. Then the two hit it off and used the mother-son friendship to kidnap Muto, and then set up a trap to try to kill the boss you and Kaman together.

 The wizard’s camp is on the Central African side of the border, about 70 kilometers north. "

 Speaking, Ronnie looked at Qiao Jia, hesitated, and said: "Boss, Gramont's mind is relatively confused, and I can only ask so many things.

 But I have already informed the owl that the technical team has already targeted a suspicious jungle, and it is expected that they will be able to provide us with some information soon..."

Qiao Jia nodded to express satisfaction, and then shook his head helplessly...

 He had already anticipated the persistence and cruelty of the drug war!

 Second, attacking them is not the job of P.B. It is the responsibility of all countries in the drug frontier. Fighting against the 'Ndrangheta at one's own expense is a bit like a dog taking advantage of a mouse.

In the past, the 'Ndrangheta did not deal with P.B. The various methods used did not make Boss Qiao particularly angry, because it was a normal black and white struggle.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but in the past, the 'Ndrangheta always kept a line, that is, all means were directed at Boss Qiao, and they never had any intentions of Boss Qiao's relatives and friends.

But now Grammont has stepped on the line. Not only does he want to use the Reed family to set up a trap to kill Boss Joe, he also cooperates with the wizard and uses Muto to set up a trap.

Gramont can be considered a hero. In less than a year, he quietly rebuilt the Afika drug transport route.

Those loose armed drug trafficking gangs in the Congo River Basin were probably instigated by this guy. Those desperate drug traffickers diverted most of P·B's attention and gave him time to develop.

Unfortunately, in the end, Grammont still had no way to get around P.B., so he chose to start with Boss Joe. Unfortunately, in the end, he kicked the iron plate...

Qiao Jia figured out the general cause of the matter and decisively called for a helicopter...

He didn’t want to give those wizards a chance and was going to rush over and uproot those wizards today.

 (End of this chapter)

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