From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1230: Super killer

Chapter 1230 Super Killer

While waiting for the helicopter, Qiao Jia found a quiet place to sit down, took out the encrypted satellite phone and called Aaron...

 “What’s the matter? I’m very busy now?”

 While Aaron was speaking, there was the sound of howling wind around him. He must have been on some kind of vehicle...

Chauga rubbed his nose, resisted the urge to curse, and said: "Can the international agency help me send a letter to Moussa of the 'Ndrangheta? By the way, I would like to ask you to spread the content of the letter..."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and after ten seconds he found a quiet place and said, "What message do you want to send?

According to your personality, shouldn’t you announce the news directly through the Internet? "

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "I'm not a terrorist. Some things are not convenient to display on the Internet.

Just tell me if you can do it?

I heard that your wife Claudia is doing very well in Italy, and she has led several mafia gangs to start a war with the 'Ndrangheta.

 Wouldn't it be inconvenient for you? "

Aaron sneered and said: "Claudia represents the Mori family and has nothing to do with the international intermediary company.

 The Ndrangheta is a big client of an international intermediary company. Of course I have a way to deliver things to him.

 Tell me, what is it? "

Jorgia glanced at the fire that was still not extinguished. He smiled and said: "The ashes of a guy named Gramont, and a letter..."

Aaron exclaimed and said, "Did you kill the Marquis?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "Other than the fact that he screamed terribly, I didn't see anything special about him. Has this guy done anything remarkable?"

Aaron sighed and said: "'Marquis' Grammont is Moussa's right-hand man. His four mistresses control four large hotels and nightclubs in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and Milan. They have very close relationships with senior government officials in several places. Not bad.

According to reliable information, the 'Marquis' has a lot of pornographic information about politicians in his hands. It is not fatal, but it can give him a lot of convenience, and he can also master a lot of information that ordinary people don't know.

Why did this guy go to Afika? "

Jorgia thought about Grammont's plot, and he shook his head and said: "Who knows, maybe the 'Ndrangheta is not in good condition, so a guy like him is needed to re-open Afika's line...

Perhaps he feels that he can gain more by coming to Afika! "

Qiao Jia was silent for a moment and asked: "How much do you think this 'Marquis' has in total?"

After Aaron was silent for a moment, he said: "I don't know the specific amount of his investment in the financial industry, but if we only count the industry, it is about 100 million euros.

 What exactly do you want to do?

 You want to take away Grammont’s assets?

 It is impossible to do this if you take the legal route! "

Qiaojia sneered and said: "That's why I'm looking for you..."

I want to send Gramont’s ashes to Moussa, and then ask him to pay a ransom of 200 million euros for Gramont’s family.

At the same time, I also want people like Gramont’s family and mistress to raise a ransom of 100 million euros for myself!

I want the money to be transferred to the Ravi family's Afika charity fund within a week, otherwise I will invite Grammont's family to come to Afika to participate in charity.

 His wife, children, mistress…

 I rarely hurt my enemy’s family members, but this time the ‘Ndrangheta crossed the line and I needed to give an adequate response. "

When Aaron heard this, he said in disbelief: "You didn't kill the remaining members of the Rahway family?"

 As he spoke, Aaron immediately understood what Boss Qiao meant...

“FUCK, you asked me to deliver a message to Musa, and then pass on the content of the letter...

If this guy Musa doesn't pay, his reputation will be in ruins.

  Wow, Jackal, you are much more cruel than I thought. Taking away Gramont's inheritance is more cruel than killing his family directly..."

Choga said nonchalantly: "Perhaps that Musa would pay Gramont's widow's ransom for the sake of his long-standing brotherhood?

 Man, I have my own bottom line. In the past, I always thought that one person should do what is right, but now I feel that this approach is not a deterrent enough.

Perverted **** like Grammont earn black money, and the place where this black money should go is in the real charity field. The money should be used to do some meaningful things.

Perhaps this will make those **** family members who try to oppose me think more and give those **** some more advice!

 At least tell them that they cannot do some things that break the bottom line! "

Aaron said with a bit of horror: "Jackal, I may never understand your motive for taking the enemy's family members to Afika, but you are too cruel to do so!"

Joga sneered and said: "I don't want much, just Gramont's inheritance.

 Given enough money, they are still free!

It doesn’t matter if they refuse to give. I will ask the descendants of the Ravi family to send them a formal invitation in the name of a charity fund, and then find someone to invite them to come to Afika to do charity.

I promise to do charity and will never abuse them!

 You see, I am actually a good person who likes to lead people to do good! "

Aaron shook his head in admiration...

He knew that what Joga said was definitely true, but "doing charity" was not the same thing in the eyes of others, not even in the eyes of the Gramont family...

Suffering a living person is more of a deterrent than simply killing a few people!

 Jackal is going to give a warning to the entire underground world. He wants to tell everyone that the consequences of stepping outside the line are very serious!

People in the underground world rarely have keen political insight. They may know the P.B. war by heart, but their understanding of the meaning behind the war is limited to hearsay.

 It is not easy for these people to fully understand the horror of P·B. The better the image of P·B, the less deterrent it will be to people in the underground world.

Now that Jackal chooses to break away from the past practice and use charity to package revenge actions that "bring harm to his family", this is a wake-up call for everyone.

This approach is still ineffective against those desperadoes who have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, but it is too deterrent to those who spend money to hire desperadoes.

In the future, if those people are going to fight against the jackals, not to mention anyone else, their own children will hug their thighs and yell, "Daddy, don't be impulsive!"

After all, whether you spend all your father’s ill-gotten gains to atone for your sins, or go to Afika to do charity atonement yourself, these are consequences that the families of those people cannot accept.

 Let alone that it is impossible for them to believe that it is pure charity, even if they confirm it, it will be a huge torture for them.

Aaron thought that one day in the future, Jackal might organize a charity fund for the descendants of his enemies, and this one of the big bosses in the dark world felt a little chill on his back.

 It is impossible for ordinary people to be so broad-minded!

But when the reality was before his eyes, Aaron suddenly discovered that this kind of person might be more terrifying than those villains who are determined to retaliate and kill the whole family when something happens!

In the past, Jackal never paid attention to people in the underground world, but now he is a little impatient, so he wants to establish rules for the entire underground world!

 Come to me if you have anything to do, don’t step on the line!

 This approach is very, very overbearing, but compared to the brutal struggle in which the whole family dies at every turn, the consequences of breaking Boss Qiao's bottom line are kind enough but cruel enough for those people...

Killing the whole family is never a condition, but a catalyst to force the opponent to fight for his life.

Now that Boss Qiao has offered a price that most people will find extremely uncomfortable, it will force those people to think about whether it is worth the risk to break through Boss Qiao's bottom line?

Thinking about the possible expression of Moussa from the 'Ndrangheta after receiving Boss Joe's letter, Aaron sighed slightly, admiring Boss Joe's ability to step on the enemy's bottom line and drug him...

Moussa is the leader of an international criminal group, but Boss Qiao sent a light letter, and he will honestly recharge the Rahway Charity Fund.

 This is the difference between a lion in the sun and a hyena in the shadows…

  Although the hyena usually dances happily and dares to **** food from the lion's mouth, when it comes to face to face, the hyena has no way to survive when facing the lion.

And Boss Qiao is a lion who sticks to his own territory. No matter how happy you are, he just kills some minor characters who show up.

 But once you step on the line, Boss Qiao will make you feel heartbroken!

Two hundred million or even three hundred million euros is not too much for Moussa of the 'Ndrangheta, but the blow to his prestige is too great. The consequence of the gang leader losing his deterrence is that there will be new people ready to take action!

Thinking about the tragic experience Musa was about to face, Aaron said with sadness: "Jackal, I hijacked something on a transport plane from Romania. Is there anything you want in it?"

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "So fast?"

Aaron said proudly: "It's not as difficult as you think to get an illegal military transport cargo plane with an abnormal manifest.

I won’t tell you the specific process. If you have time, you will know by following the news...

I just got the shipping list. Besides drugs and gold, there are a lot of good things. Do you want me to show you the list? "

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "You just have to deal with it. Anyway, no matter how much profit there is in the end, you have to share half of it with me.

But you have to be careful, Aqionghan's gang of feudal officials are not easy to mess with. I am not in a hurry to spend money. You can take your time, but don't get yourself involved! "

Aaron sneered and said: "This is my problem, you don't have to worry about it..."

As Aaron said something, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He hesitated and said, "Jackal, you should pay more attention to Wu KL instead of leaving the Golden Eagle Special Forces there to help you find people.

Now that the confrontation between NATO and Russia has developed from Syria to Europe, the United States will soon hold military exercises with Finland, Poland, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic.

Now many key positions in the Ukrainian KL government have been replaced by Americans. The day before yesterday, the Ukrainian KL navy had a conflict with Russia's Black Sea Fleet in the Kerch Strait, and the warship was impounded.

 Some people are deliberately stirring up tensions in Europe and escalating the confrontation between NATO and Russia.

 If you want something, you should do it before everything breaks out. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said decisively: "No, Wu KL doesn't have anything worthy of my efforts. I only want people, people with skills and abilities!"

After hearing this, Aaron said funnyly: "I really didn't think about it, I got accurate information..."

 Qiao Jia said before Aaron could finish his words: "Don't tell me, I'm not interested in Wu KL's nonsense."

Aaron smiled and said: "Why are you still so naive?

 You brought the United Nations into trouble with Afika in the Middle East. Now a group of people in the United Nations Secretariat regard you as the great savior. Once a humanitarian crisis occurs in Ukraine, do you think you can really escape? "

Qiao Jia sighed and said: "Being invited by the United Nations and what you are talking about are definitely different things...

But what do you want to do?

You are going around in circles and trying to trick me into going to Ukraine, KL, and you are definitely not doing anything good..."

Aaron was silent for a moment and said, "Do you know about 'Swift' and 'Poseidon'?"

As an insider in the industry, Qiao Jia's heart suddenly trembled when he heard these two names. Then he suppressed his curiosity and pretended to be relaxed and said: "I know, swallows and Greek mythological characters..."

 Aaron seemed to be able to sense Boss Qiao's emotions through the air, he smiled and said: "Are you interested?

  One of the ‘Poseidon’s of the Russian experiment disappeared near the Kerch Strait.

The fleet of Ukraine KL that was impounded by Russia was provocative to the Russian fleet to cover the salvage crew.

Moreover, a person from DaRu recently defected. He has the design information and experimental data of the ‘Swift’ just released by DaRu, and he only asks for a price of US$5 million.

That guy is in Ukraine now..."

Qiao Jia looked at the two Oryx flying in the distance. He made a ready-to-go gesture to Dorian and the others not far away, then rubbed his temples painfully and said: "The experimental nuclear torpedo wave Sedon's unlikely to carry a nuclear warhead.

It’s not like you don’t have one, so what’s the point of having that thing? "

Aaron said easily: "Then you are mistaken. The experimental 'Poseidon' did not carry a warhead, but the nuclear power was intact.

That thing is so scary that the American intelligence agency has offered a price tag of 80 million US dollars for the 'Poseidon', and it only requires detailed location information. "

As he spoke, Aaron said with a smile: "Jackal, 'Poseidon' is of little value to us, but the information on 'Swift' is still of some value."

Joja lamented: "What's the point of this thing?

 Lao Maozi’s brain circuit is different from ordinary people’s. Is this a design that normal people can come up with?

This thing is prepared for the doomsday war, it can really frighten people to death! "

After hearing this, Aaron said with a smile: "I really don't need these two things, but we all know that the danger of so-called doomsday weapons lies in being exclusively mastered, and the unknown is the source of fear...

I have obtained the information on ‘Yuyan’ and plan to sell it to other companies, but I would like to ask you to help cover that person.

 The geese who need to rely on doomsday weapons to be emboldened are not worth fearing. Their overseas power is so weak that it makes people sympathize.

Some people are already offering eight-figure prices for those materials on the black market. If you sell a few more, you can make nine-figure profits. This is a good deal!

 The intelligence agency in Da Russia has gone crazy now, and now only Afika is safe for that guy!

I originally wanted to send that guy to Afika quietly, but now I think it’s better to tell you..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said unhappily: "Do I still need to **** thank you?"

Aaron said shamelessly: "You're welcome. It's the responsibility of people like us to prevent the world from falling into danger, don't you think?

I am planning to hold a trade fair in Southeast Asia. By then, I will be able to use this information to not only get money, but also to exchange for many things that I could not touch in the past. "

 Qiao Jia was about to curse a few words, and then suddenly felt something was wrong...

 Aaron seems to be arrogant in doing things, but in fact he always makes decisions and acts very cautiously.

  Doing this kind of thing in a big way will offend Da'er to death. What good will it do to him?

  No matter how bad Goose is, he is still one of the big brothers.

It doesn't matter if you deceive them to get some benefits, but selling the information on the mass murder weapon they use to intimidate NATO is another matter.

Joja didn’t care that Aaron put that person in Afika, because he was not a **** and could not know who was on his territory.

There is no need to covertly protect him. As long as that person is honest, he can basically guarantee safety in Boss Qiao's territory.

 Don't say that Da'er couldn't find him. Even if he found him, there wouldn't be enough reason to find trouble.

 It's not that Aaron is incapable of protecting that guy and leaving him in Afika. The only explanation is that he has other more important things to do, resulting in a shortage of manpower that he can absolutely trust.

 Qiao Jia suddenly thought of something. Before boarding the plane, he sneered and said: "Swift is definitely not as magical as Da'ou boasted, right?

Nuclear-powered missiles are actually a piece of **** that can be broken with just one poke, right?

 You want to use ‘Swift’ to take away everyone’s attention. What are you trying to cover?

How about we talk about the ‘Poseidon’ that none of us are interested in!

You **** is really brave. Is the disappearance of the Poseidon related to you?

 What do you want that thing for? Who can you sell to? "

Aaron was stunned for a moment, sighed, and said: "Jackal, it's really stressful to be your friend!

 Swift’s information is not false. DaRui has completed preliminary tests and was monitored by NATO.

 It’s just that for that thing to be fully mature and put into use, it needs a major breakthrough in materials science!

 I'm not lying to you, the information is all true! "

 Qiaojia boarded the Oryx and fastened his seat belt. He gave a thumbs up to indicate that the plane could take off, and then said unhappily: "Do you want to listen to what the **** you are saying?

Is it more stressful to be my friend or to be your friend?

 I don’t care what you get in the end, you must give me half..."

 (End of this chapter)

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