From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1231: new opportunities

 Chapter 1231 New Opportunities

Boss Qiao was sitting on the helicopter, still thinking about Aaron’s ‘business’!

 In fact, he is not very interested in the so-called nuclear torpedoes and nuclear missiles, because for him one of the big killers is enough, not to mention that he already has two of them...

  France’s air-launched nuclear weapons, as well as the nuclear weapons that Aaron found someone to make himself, both of which can scare people to death.

However, having little interest in destructive weapons does not mean that Boss Qiao has no interest in nuclear power itself, nor does it mean that he will turn a blind eye to them if he has the opportunity to replicate them.

Honestly speaking, the Soviet black technology inherited by Great Russia is really outrageous...

 As a strategic weapon, the core significance of submarines lies in their concealment and deterrence.

 So far, there is still no electronic reconnaissance equipment that can penetrate hundreds of meters of seawater.

 Anti-submarine warfare is still one of the most important topics for navies of all countries!

The Soviet Union’s technology tree is based on the Doomsday War model. In the eyes of the Soviets, those sophisticated electronic devices are meaningless in the face of nuclear weapons.

The route has been diverted, resulting in their lack of sufficient electronic technology reserves, and at the same time, it has made it difficult for them to miniaturize strategic weapons such as nuclear submarines.

The Soviets' extremely exaggerated nuclear submarine was not that they really wanted to build it that big, but that they didn't want to build it so big that they couldn't fit all the equipment inside.

 The Kirov-class submarine is already so large, but the internal space is still very unfriendly to submariners.

 Including the current Russian submarines, the internal living space for personnel is also the most difficult and garbage in the world.

Perhaps because the maintenance cost of strategic nuclear submarines is too high, or perhaps to alleviate the resentment of submarine soldiers, the Soviets left behind a thermonuclear weapon program.

  This is the earliest suicide unmanned underwater nuclear weapon!

This thing can be released for long-term covert navigation at a depth of several hundred meters underwater along a predetermined ocean route.

 Once a war breaks out, torpedoes even if launched from the Siberian Sea can reach all coastal cities in the United States.

 This is a real doomsday weapon, and it is basically undefendable!

 This is a helpless compromise made by Russia when its anti-missile weapons are becoming increasingly advanced but it cannot keep up.

Technology relies on archeology, which is really funny and helpless!

 Recently, the confrontation between Russia and NATO has become more and more serious. Dazuitang claims to be a good friend with Boss Pu, but in fact, NATO's containment operations have been ongoing.

In fact, starting from the Crimean Y incident in 2014, the Minsk Agreement seemed to be a compromise between Europe and the United States, but the various sanctions that followed made Russia miserable.

Now Boss Pu is forced to hurry up and restart the mass murderer project left behind by the former Soviet Union, create the finished product and complete the experiment.

This may be very awesome in the eyes of many people, but in the eyes of people like Aaron and Boss Qiao, they instantly smell like being strong on the outside but **** on the inside.

  When a superpower does not even have the ability to negotiate and mediate, and can only threaten its competitors with mutual destruction, it means that it has only one breath left.

 Aaron dared to use the 'Swift' project information as bait, and he dared to have the idea of ​​'Poseidon', which shows that he is not afraid of Boss Pu at all.

 In fact, Boss Qiao is not very afraid of Boss Pu, because he has no need for Daou and is not prepared to mix in Daou's sphere of influence.

Furthermore, Wagner's small number of troops in Afica is not worth mentioning to the current P·B.

Boss Qiao saw the weakness of Boss Pu when he was in Yemen, so he overcame the representatives of Russia, encouraged Greece to intercept the Black Sea Fleet, and launched the Ukrainian population plan, just because he was sure that Russia had nothing to do with him.

 If you want to gain respect from others, the first thing you have to do is to show enough strength, and then you will be rewarded for the respect you give.

Judging from the current situation in Afika, the effect of Qiaojia's approach is very significant. At least Wagner has never exploded a thorn in Afika!

With P·B’s current international reputation and status, as long as Boss Qiao does not openly oppose DaRui, Boss Pu will not be interested in Boss Qiao, and will even take the initiative to show his favor.

 Because P·B’s attitude determines the political gains of Russia in Afica!

P·B has always been an American company to the outside world. DaRui definitely does not expect P·B to help "make things happen". As long as P·B does not "fail", they should pay high tribute.

In this case, Da'er simply doesn't have what Boss Qiao wants, otherwise it would be very simple to take advantage of Boss Pu's favor.

Let alone protecting a Russian traitor, even if Boss Qiao really moved the 'Poseidon' home, the torpedo without a nuclear warhead would not be enough to make Boss Pu and Boss Qiao fall out.

The strategic attributes of the 'Poseidon' nuclear torpedo make it basically impossible to use. Qiao Jia has little interest in nuclear torpedoes, but he has a strong interest in the nuclear power on torpedoes.

 According to the information released by Da'ou, the length of 'Poseidon' is 28 meters, the diameter is 1.8 meters, the weight is 100 tons, and the maximum underwater speed exceeds 180 kilometers per hour.

 Even if the data released by Da'er were half watery, the speed of 90 kilometers underwater is scary enough.

 This proves that the nuclear power used in torpedoes is very powerful and advanced.

As a craftsman, it’s hard for Boss Qiao not to think about the possibility of dismantling the torpedo’s nuclear power cabin and installing it on the Seahawk-43, and the most important possibility of a micro nuclear power plant...

Nuclear power engines are no longer an unattainable technology nowadays, but the process of miniaturization is progressing faster or slower in various countries due to their own needs and funding issues.

However, what is known so far is that the top countries are trying to develop their efforts in multiple projects such as controllable nuclear fusion and clean energy, rather than hanging themselves on the tree of thermonuclear reaction projects.

 Because it is indeed too dangerous and the maintenance cost is too high!

The lessons learned from Chernobyl are there. Once this thing encounters a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, the electricity released by the nuclear power plant is not worth mentioning compared to the losses caused.

But this thing has completely different standards in the hands of Boss Qiao...

 Because it is a small nuclear reactor, even if something goes wrong, Boss Qiao can just put it away and deal with it.

Nuclear power plants or even nuclear-powered aircraft carriers sound very high-end, but in the final analysis, they still use the heat emitted by nuclear reactions to boil water, and use steam to drive steam turbines to generate electricity or propel propellers.

Of course, this is just simple to say, the technical details inside are very complicated...

  But for a person with a plug-in, the packaged micro nuclear reactor is actually a long-term heat source that can replace coal.

Moreover, the water resources around Sangha Town are extremely rich, and with the best water purification system in the world, as long as it is equipped with suitable power generation facilities, a micro nuclear power plant can be built... A normal nuclear power plant occupies a large area. Even after Boss Qiao scans it, We also dare not apply it after scaling it down, because that would be risking the lives of everyone in Sangha Town.

If you have "seen" Poseidon, it will be different. Dayou helped Boss Qiao solve the most important miniaturization problem.

With three or five of these gadgets, they can solve most of Sangha Town’s daily needs.

If natural gas power generation projects are launched and industrial demand is met, there may be redundant power that can be sold to others.

Even if the iron ore is mined out in the future, as long as there is enough electric energy, there will be a steady stream of new industries gathering around Sangha Town.

Oil is the blood of industry, while electricity is the real lifeblood of industry…

Don't look at countries such as India now. They have been fooled by the West and vowed to catch up with their old mother and replace her as the new industrial pearl. But in fact, they can't even ensure that residents have electricity.

Looking at the global power generation data, you will know that the old mother's family accounts for 31% of the world's total power generation with an annual power generation of 9.1 trillion kilowatt hours.

 The United States, which ranks second, does not even have half the data of old mothers, and India, which ranks third, has only one-fifth of the number of old mothers.

  The terrible power generation capacity of my old mother’s house was generated by decades of rapid development of industrial demand.

 Later generations want to overtake others in a corner, but without decades of consistent policies and the sacrifices of one or two generations, they cannot even raise the money to build a new power grid.

 The multi-party parliamentary system under the capital system, without undergoing earth-shaking baptism, is basically impossible to complete a great undertaking like the Manhattan Project!

However, the situation in Sangha Town is different. Boss Qiao’s plug-in is still awesome.

As long as the size is within the tolerance range of the tool box, even if something goes wrong, Qiao Jia can put on protective clothing and rush in to solve the problem.

 Nuclear power plants are just one use of nuclear power engines. If the larger Haiying-43 can be replaced with a nuclear power engine, even if there is only one, a nuclear-powered missile boat with global cruise capabilities can be created.

Regardless of whether it is of great use or not, in the eyes of the craftsmen, this is an incredible initiative.

In the eyes of Boss Qiao, even if it can’t be used for making big noises, it is still a very pleasant thing to own a super combat yacht that does not require refueling.

Compared to the great uses of 'Poseidon', the 'Swift' nuclear-powered missile is full of the meaning of taking off one's pants and farting in the eyes of Boss Qiao, and it embodies the abuse of nuclear energy to the extreme.

 Because as a missile, ‘Swift’ has a strong doomsday color…

ˆBased on the data disclosed by Russia and the missile principles judged by NATO...

The operating principle of 'Swift' is to **** in a large amount of air through the air inlet on the abdomen, and then the air after being compressed by the multi-stage impeller will directly contact the exposed nuclear fuel, forming a high-temperature expanded airflow, and then compressed and released by the turbine blades again. Create propulsive power.

Because the nuclear fuel rods are exposed, there is no need for this thing to explode. If it flies over the target a few more times, it can form a large area of ​​pollution.

 What is even more disastrous is that the nuclear warhead also has a safety mechanism. Without a reaction, it will not explode even if it encounters an interception.

 But once this thing takes off and is blown up by anti-aircraft weapons, the exposed nuclear fuel will pollute the atmosphere.

 When Russia was experimenting with Swift, nuclear radiation was detected in both Norway and Finland. You can imagine how screwed up this thing is.

 Compared to serious nuclear weapons, ‘Swift’ is several times more disgusting!

 This is something that must never be used!

Even a layman like Qiao Jia can imagine that the key material that Swift lacks is an ultra-high-performance material that can seal the core and isolate radiation, while ensuring that heat is fully dissipated without affecting the gas workmanship.

 But there is a paradox here. With such materials, why would we use an atmospheric weapon like Swift?

If such awesome materials are available, nuclear-powered ion engines or even nuclear-powered pulse detonation engines can be put on the agenda. Then why are humans still competing on earth? Wouldn't it be fun to go to the stars and sea?

 Qiao Jia knew very well that the so-called "Swift" information could only be sold to a few big brothers, because the consequences of selling it to other people were difficult to predict.

 If manufacturing is particularly simple, there will inevitably be crazy people who take risks.

This thing can indeed attract the attention of global intelligence agencies, as well as countries and organizations interested in developing mass murder weapons.

Aaron This is a straight line fishing, firmly grasping the idea that the big brothers are unwilling to spread nuclear weapons.

 He sent invitations to his eldest brothers and asked them to raise money to buy Ping An.

 On the one hand, it expresses one's position clearly, and on the other hand, it can prevent the information from falling into the hands of madmen.

 In the process, he also drew the attention of the black and white world of the earth to the location he set.

 Aaron is in charge, his eldest brother is in charge and pays the bill, and other countries' intelligence agencies are responsible for playing the role, so that the madman has no chance to take advantage of it.

This will be an underground intelligence event, and many spies and agents will definitely die!

This thing looks like taking off your pants to fart, but it frees up enough time and space for Aaron to do other things.

Joja doesn’t know what exactly Aaron will do?

However, he believes that there is a high probability that ‘Poseidon’ will fall into Aaron’s hands in the end, and he doesn’t ask too much, just let me take a closer look...

He has seen it, and a new growth point has appeared in Sangha Town!

While Qiao Jia was thinking about something, the helicopter landed on the grassland after a period of ultra-low-altitude flight...

Subconsciously following Dorian off the plane, Qiao Jia looked at the trees in the distance. He rubbed his swollen temples and said to Kaman: "So close, will the other party notice us?

 Should we wait until night before attacking? "

Kaman looked at the junction of the grassland and the woods with scarlet eyes, shook his head and said: "Their sight is blocked by the trees and they cannot see our helicopter.

 We will start the attack as soon as the air force is in place...

When those wizards faced guns and cannons, they were no different than animals waiting to be slaughtered! "

 Speaking, Kaman sat directly on the ground, poured out two boxes of ammunition, and began to load the empty magazines...

“Boss, don’t worry about Muto, those wizards need Muto, and they won’t hurt Muto until they confirm there is no hope!

Muto is of Centulu’s bloodline. He wants to settle the matter with the Albert family for himself and his biological father!

Perhaps only in this way can he truly get back on the road! "

 (End of this chapter)

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