From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1232: Fighting is the simplest thing

Chapter 1232 Fighting is the simplest thing

Joja sometimes doesn’t quite understand the relationship between Kaman and Muto…

Boss Qiao has a son himself and has adopted many children, but he has never been able to empathize with Kaman in this regard.

 Carman took Muto through the most difficult stage of his life...

Carman watched Muto get married and have children, watched his wife and children die of illness, and then the old guy took up arms again and worked for Boss Joe, making money to send Muto to leave Afika to pursue a new life.

The old guy gave almost everything for Muto, but when Muto's mother appeared, he left it to Muto to choose to send blessings, without showing any trace of possessiveness over Muto's life.

  In the past, Qiao Jia always felt that fathers like Old Kaman were role models for all young fathers...

 As a parent, while providing sufficient support, you will not try to control or even take possession of your child's life because of your own efforts.

 This was what Boss Qiao believed at the time was the highest level of being a father, and he believed that he would definitely not be able to do it.

Joja feels that he can even accept that Igor is a **** and a prodigal son, but he absolutely cannot accept that he takes a path that he cannot approve of.

At that time, Boss Qiao was a little ashamed and thought that his thinking was not as good as that of Kaman, an old illiterate, but now he understands...

Kaman may not have completely regarded Muto as a son, but as Centulu's last entrustment to him.

  Not using his own thinking to influence or restrict the development and choices of the children of his former spiritual leader is a kind of lack of confidence in himself, and it is also a kind of respect for the heroic bloodline.

Now Qiaojia finally understands that if Muto was really Kaman's biological son, Kaman would have captured him back to Afika to help him.

However, looking at Kaman's appearance, he seems to be relieved. He probably also hopes that Muto can come to an end and then go into battle completely light.

Looking at Kaman arranging his equipment with unprecedented seriousness, Qiao Jia hesitated and said: "We will all listen to you this time. We will do whatever you say..."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia also sat on the ground and began to check the ammunition on his body one by one, adding smoke bombs and shock bombs by the way...

Kaman looked at the others who also chose to shut up along with the boss. He grinned and said: "There's nothing to say. Let's go in, kill everyone inside, and then go home..."

Rhino heard what Kaman said. He took a few big breaths in excitement, then took out a Scorpion backpack of the same model as Ayo from the car, and then pressed the bullet chain into the chamber of a PKM gun...

“Dragon lizards, kill them all, will we be completely free...”

Kaman was stunned for a moment, nodded slightly and said: "Centulu's choices may not always be the right ones. The Albert family and Muto have never been the ones we must be loyal to."

The rhinoceros took off the respirator on his face, revealing his terrifying nose, and said with a grin: "Actually, you should let Muto go to Rwanda and Uganda to let the former anteaters know that we people can find A better way…

 Those **** looked at us like we were crazy! "

Joga felt Kaman looking at him, he quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't look at me, I have no feelings about Rwanda and Uganda at all.

 Let Muto test the humanity of a group of people who have lived on earth for a long time. In my opinion, it is completely unnecessary.

 They are still loyal anteaters and are willing to be loyal to Muto, which doesn't mean much to me.

 If they change, apart from disappointing Muto, it will also be meaningless to me.

no need! "

 Carman nodded and said, "It depends on Muto's own wishes. I don't think it's necessary!"

Rhino listened, shook his head in disappointment, and muttered: "We should let those cowards see Sangha Town, so that they know who was the fool back then..."

Dorian laughed after hearing this and said: "Isn't this not easy?

 Once we kill those wizards, you'll call those traitors...

If you don’t have their phone number, give me their name and I will check it for you. If found, I will notify them to come to the Central African Games to participate in the Games.

Sangha Town is now full of Afika politicians, how many people are breaking their heads trying to squeeze into the competition list...

 Let them come, and we will listen to you when the time comes. We will do whatever you say to make them look bad! "

Rhino listened. He looked at Dorian, who was even more excited than himself, and suddenly said: "Elephant, I'm starting to like you a little bit..."

 Aside from your tendency to talk nonsense, you still have advantages! "

Dorian rarely became angry because of this. He touched Rhino's shoulder and said: "It is the partner's obligation to help his partner support the scene.

 I helped you this time, and you must help me next time when I am in trouble! "

After hearing this, Rhino put on a breathing mask, reached out and patted Dorian on the shoulder, and said, "No problem, I will take out the heart of whoever you say you want to kill!"

Dorian grinned and said, "Don't be so exaggerated. When I beat someone or get beaten, you just help me knock down my opponent!"

I signed up for a free fighting competition, but my opponent is a bit strong, and I probably won’t be able to win the championship if I don’t use any extra moves..."

After hearing this, Medical Officer Bird hit Dorian with a bullet, laughing and scolding: "Do you still have any sense of honor?

 What are you going to do?

Take a rhinoceros to send your opponent to the hospital while your opponent is drinking in the bar?

 You are cheating..."

 “If you don’t cheat, you don’t try your best!”

Dorian looked at the doctor bird with disdain and said: "This is a famous saying in Delta. When you use advanced equipment to bully people, you have no sense of honor!

 Besides, I just want Rhino to be my sparring partner and my assistant in the ring. This guy can scare the courage of many people just by standing aside and staring at each other!

 I don’t have a good psychological quality, so you can’t say I’m cheating! "    As he spoke, Dorian glanced at the rhinoceros who actually nodded. He proudly raised his chin at the medical bird and said, "Tch, Delta..."

 At the stall where a few people were having fun, news came later...

 The fighter jet has completed reloading and has taken off again...

Carman looked at Boss Qiao who was silent. He stood up on his own initiative and said, "Let's set off and enter in groups of two from multiple directions.

 Their main force has already encountered Spider and the others, and there are not many people left here.

Wear a gas mask before contacting the wizard, and be careful of the poisonous blow darts of some warriors. There is nothing else to explain..."

Qiao Jia looked at the people who were a little unaccustomed to such extensive command. He stood up and shouted: "Kill them all and strike hard..."


 After everyone's spirits were lifted, Qiao Jia naturally formed a team with Niss. The two walked into the grassland with automatic rifles, preparing to go around to the west to attack...

 Dorian habitually pulled Ayou along, keeping a few hundred meters away from the boss and the others, ready to support the boss at any time.

Ronnie glanced at Kaman who was obviously preparing to act alone. He waved to the pliers and the medical officer bird and said: "Rhinoceros and Manlo are old partners. Are you interested in joining me?"

Medical Bird glanced at Kaman, nodded with a smile, and said: "The dragon lizard is coming for real. I don't think I can keep up. We will join you..."

  Pliers started several Telos supply trucks, nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, that's great. I need more manpower..."

As he spoke, the pliers opened a box and released a small drone. Then, while following Ronnie's footsteps, he said: "How about we go to the east, which is close to a river. I think those **** wizards finally wanted to If you want to escape, you must go in that direction...

 We can go and arrange a little surprise for them! "

While everyone was taking action, Qiao Jia and Ness followed the half-man-high wild grass and used cover to quickly detour nearly 5 kilometers and entered the jungle from the west.

Chaojia rarely went on assault operations with Niss. When entering the forest, Qiujia took the initiative to stop and put on a light respirator for himself and Niss.

Looking at Nice, whose face was completely covered, Qiao Jia came close to Nice, smiled, took out his phone and took a selfie, and then said: "We are a perfect match now!

  I will go ahead later, you follow and cover me..."

Nice nodded obediently, then raised the same HK416 in his hand, opened a distance of about 15 meters from Boss Qiao, and then made a forward gesture...

At this time, the small drones in the sky were already in place, but Qiaojia still released the Telos micro-drone with a sentry function to detect the surrounding...

 Confirming that there were no enemies within the drone's detection range, Qiao took a deep breath, tapped the radio twice, and then began to move forward quickly...

Soon they encountered the first obstacle, two thin and crazy lions...

The people of the Albert family don't know whether they are overconfident or particularly stupid. There are not many armed guards around them, only about 20 people. The rest are wandering wizards summoned by the Albert family and their entourage.

Those Boko Haram elites seconded from Gramont have all been sent out to cooperate with the elite wizards and mad beasts to hunt down Kaman.

This group of people didn't even set up outer checkpoints. They just placed a dozen crazy beasts in the forest and let them serve as sentries.

Joga didn’t know how the Albert family did it, but he had to admit that crazy beasts were sometimes more useful than people.

Sensitive sense of smell, as well as the amplified power of minions in the jungle environment, will make these crazy beasts particularly difficult to deal with...

 “Da da, da da”

 “Da da da da”

Joga knocked down a crazy beast with two consecutive double shots, while Nice chose a more secure continuous shot...

 Two crazy lions were hit in the head and lost the ability to move.

 Qiao Jia walked over and looked at the mad lion, which was still moving in its chest and abdomen. He sighed at the strength of the Tomica grass, and then decisively took another shot.

Then Boss Joe and Nice encountered no more obstacles on their way forward...

When they saw the hidden camp set up among the trees, the armed guards inside realized that there was an intruder...

This kind of power is not worth mentioning to Boss Qiao and the others. During the battle, apart from covering the process of Kaman rushing into the central building of the camp like a ghost, there was also some technical content, and there was nothing else to say.

too weak!

Those armed guards couldn't even hold their position. When Boss Qiao and you formed a crossfire with Dorian and Ayo on the flanks, killing several people in a row, these armed guards began to run away...

This is the normalcy of the Afika war, and the Albert family followed this normality, so they are going to die...

When a piercing scream sounded from the building in the center of the camp, Qiao Jia jumped up from his hiding position and shouted: "The devil bird stops those wandering wizards from escaping from the north. King Kong guards the south. The elephant covers me. Let's go in and take a look." look…"

The chaotic camp was full of people running away. Qiao Jia killed several people during the sprint, and then met up with Dorian on the way. The two of them shot and drove the running crowd towards the building while speeding up. Stepping closer to the central building…

Qiao Jia walked to the door and took a look. The situation inside made him think that he had seen it wrong. He raised the eyepiece in a bit of disbelief...

“FUCK, what’s going on?

 Uncovered conference? "

 (End of this chapter)

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