Chapter 1233 Voodoo

When Qiao Jia entered the central building of the camp, most of the people inside were already dead...

Muto was lying on his side on a large altar-like bed in the center of the room. He curled up with his hands on his chest like a newborn baby.

 Beside him lay four undressed women. These women were like beautiful snakes, their hands and feet wrapped around Mu Tuo's body, and they kept whispering in his ears...

 Sit around the altar were 6 male wizards and one female wizard. All of them were naked and their bodies were covered with bloodstains caused by self-abuse.

 Now among these people, only one woman is dead...

Jojia didn’t understand what this scene or ceremony that seemed full of primitive and depraved meaning represented. He even more didn’t understand why Kaman didn’t kill everyone?

 “What is going on? What did they do to Muto?”

Kaman glanced at the woman kneeling beside the altar and said a few words in a language that Qiao Jia had never heard before...

Then the woman raised her head, looked at Boss Qiao with lifeless eyes, and then suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She closed her eyes and lowered her head and began to recite something like a spell loudly.

As the woman recited the incantation, the bodies of the four women on the altar began to twist, and then the Muto in the center suddenly began to whimper in pain.

 “What’s going on?”

Qiao Jia walked towards Kaman and asked questions. When he wanted to find out what was going on, Kaman suddenly took a step forward, inserted the hunting knife into the woman's heart, then retreated to the altar, and forcefully A woman was pulled down and their necks were broken.

It was then that Qiao Jia discovered that the women had some tubes connected to Muto's body. Judging from the red liquid flowing inside, it seemed that these four women were supplying blood to Muto.

 While the four women were dragged away, blood appeared on Muto’s limbs...

Carman didn't bother to answer Boss Qiao's question. He rushed to the altar and took out gauze to wrap the bleeding holes on Muto's limbs, and then started calling the medical officer...

Jojia did not cause trouble to Kaman. Seeing that Kaman was not wearing a gas mask, he took off the respirator that made him feel stuffy.

The moment the respirator was taken off, Qiao Jia smelled a strange smell that was mixed with male and female hormones and resembled beast urine.

The moment he felt the strange smell that hit his head, Qiao Jia reached out and raised his respirator to protect his mouth and nose.

Just when he was about to ask Kaman to carry Muto out, he suddenly heard a strange murmur...

Subconsciously looking along the sound, Qiao Jia was horrified to find that the woman who had been stabbed in the heart was not dead. She was looking at Kaman with his back to her on the altar with a vicious look, holding a hand in his hand. A gadget that resembles a blow dart…

Seeing the woman's weak right hand trying to lift the blowgun and aim it at Kaman, Qiao Jia subconsciously let go of the respirator and pulled the trigger of the gun, hitting the woman in the head.

 At the moment of the woman's death, a stream of green smoke shot out from the blow dart and hit the bottom of the altar.

Qiao Jia endured the unpleasant smell and rushed forward, kicking the blow dart away from the woman's hand. Then he suddenly felt a little dizzy, and then his spirit began to become a little trance. Then he saw Kaman rushing towards him, Picked him up and sent him out...

During the process, Qiao Jia felt like his brain was being pushed into the water. He could hear some of the people around him, but he had no idea what they were saying...

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Jia felt that his body was extremely relaxed, and then his whole body seemed to become lighter, with a strange weightless feeling of being suspended.

When Qiao Jia was immersed in this bizarre feeling, he suddenly found that the surroundings suddenly began to become distorted, colorful colors filled his surroundings, and two small colored smokes swam like small snakes with his breathing. Got into his nose...

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Jia began to feel the tingling pain in his body. The pain made Qiao Jia's consciousness begin to condense. Just when he tried to break free, he suddenly felt that his body began to sink...

A feeling of weightlessness like parachuting filled his whole body. When he felt his body stop and his heart return to its original position, he found himself on the edge of the fields in his hometown.

The sun is shining brightly all around, but there is no harvest of rice in the familiar rice fields. Instead, there are people standing one after another with blurred faces.

These people's faces are blurry, but their eyes are clear and full of hostility...

Qiao Jia subconsciously pulled out the pistol on his waist and pulled the trigger on a guy rushing towards him...

 “Bang bang bang…”

Handgun bullets hit the opponent's chest and head, and then the ferocious guy seemed to be frozen, maintaining a charging posture and freezing in place.

 Qiao Jia had no time to react what was going on. He looked at the other people rushing over and instinctively started to pull the trigger quickly...

The aggressive instinct developed over the years plunged Qiao Jia into a manic state, and then he fell into a seemingly endless killing...

Every time Qiao Jia feels tired, he can hear someone calling him, and then he will feel the energy in his body again, and then the battle will continue.

Hundreds of vague-looking guys rushed towards him like crazy...

 Most people have collapsed at this time, but Boss Qiao is a person who has lost his respect for life.

Boss Qiao didn’t feel the fear that ordinary people would have at all. He fell into this long and illogical battle and started to get deeper and deeper!

I don’t know how long it took, but all the guys with unclear faces were killed...

Qiao Jia stood on the field ridge holding a gun, trying to breathe heavily from exhaustion, but he suddenly found that he didn't seem to need to breathe...

Everything happened so suddenly that Qiao Jia had no time to think... But after those people were locked in place, Boss Qiao, whose aggressiveness faded, regained some sense and found that something was wrong.

 He ​​felt that he must be dreaming, so he pinched his thigh hard, and then he was surprised to find that although the pain was vague, it was actually there.

Looking at the strange fields around him, Qiao Jia told himself that it was all an illusion and started running...

 He wants to leave this weird place!

After running for an unknown amount of time, Qiao Jia rushed to the door of his old house and pushed open the old door with all his strength under the bright sunshine in the sky.

 The moment the door opened, Qiao Jia saw his parents sitting in the yard...

My father was coughing while using bamboo pieces to repair the hole in the sieve at home, while my mother was cleaning the outer skin of the bamboo shoots and soaking the tender core in clean water...

 Qiao Jia looked at the familiar scene in front of him. He did not have the excitement of reuniting with his parents in novels and movies, but suddenly felt a trace of panic...

 “Dad, Mom”

Seeing his mother greeting him to sit down with a smile on her face, Qiao Jia walked over and sat on a small bamboo chair. Looking at the familiar voice and smile, Qiao Jia rubbed his face painfully and said, "I Is he dead? Why?"

Mother was stunned for a moment, reached out and patted Qiao Jia on the arm, and said, "What are you talking about? What about death?

Your dad's cough has gotten worse and worse in the past two days. You can take him by car to the county hospital tomorrow to have a look..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then he felt like his head had been hit by a hammer, and countless pictures flooded into his mind...

 Scene of crying while holding a report in the county hospital...

 The picture of taking a long-distance bus and starting to travel around to treat diseases...

The scene of taking his younger brother from house to house to find relatives to collect money...

 The picture of arriving at Afica for the first time…

 The scene of the first time I mustered up the courage to sell weapons to several mine owners in a restaurant...



 From the scene of the diving training, everything was paused...


Outside the intensive care unit of Sangha Town Hospital, Dorian looked through the window at Boss Qiao in the ward, and Nice, who was wearing protective clothing and sitting beside the bed...

Two blood purifiers are running, extracting the blood from the boss's body and purifying it before sending it back.

 And Nice has been in the ward for seven days!

“When will the boss wake up?

It has been a week, and if this continues, the devil bird will be unable to withstand it! "

Kaman, who was suddenly much older, shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know!

 I have experienced this situation, and if I want to get out, I need to rely on the boss himself..."

Dorian looked at Kaman’s dejected look. He suddenly grabbed Kaman’s arm and whispered angrily: “Dragon Lizard, that’s the boss, you have to know!

 You have to cheer up and think of a solution...

Isn’t Muto good?

Those witch medicines, those whatever things, think of a way..."

As he spoke, Dorian glanced at Nice in the ward, and he said angrily: "We all know that the boss is still alive, and we know that he is fighting in his dream.

 No one wants to blame you, but you have to think of a way, because if this continues, the devil bird will die!

 If we don’t think of a solution, even if the boss wakes up in the end, he won’t forgive us! "

 Carman glanced at Dorian tiredly, and his somewhat numb old face gained some life...


Dorian frowned and said, "What?"

Kaman shook his head and said: "I don't know either, so I can only pray and hope it will work..."

As he spoke, Kaman looked at the helpless Medical Officer Bird and a large group of doctors beside him, and said: "The boss was poisoned by voodoo, suffered a curse, and was trapped in a nightmare...

 If none of your methods work, then try mine..."

TC, who has been working at the Sangha Town Hospital, grabbed a middle-aged doctor wearing glasses, shook his head and said: "The jackal's condition is very strange, it is not as simple as being poisoned by hallucinogenic toxins.

his body’s metabolic rate is incredibly high. We don’t know what’s going on inside his body. What I’m doing now is just maintaining it, which is meaningless in solving the problem.

 Why not let them try? "

 (End of this chapter)

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