Chapter 1234 Awakening

 Inside the jungle south of Sangha Town…

 Chorga is lying on an altar, surrounded by four braziers…

The kitten helped Nis sit not far away. She put the active Igor into Nis's arms, and then took advantage of her holding the child in her arms to put a tube of glucose into Nis's mouth.

Seeing Nice swallowing the glucose instinctively, the kitten seemed to be encouraged, picked up a whole bag of glucose, and said: "Devil Bird, he is fine, look at your son, look at him, you have to take care of him first. Own…"

As she spoke, the kitten looked at Nice's eyes, which started to look lively because of Igor's dishonest movements. She directly poured the glucose into Nice's mouth and slowly squeezed it in...

“Don’t worry, Elephant said the boss will definitely wake up today.

The dragon lizard said he had experienced it, and the rhinoceros also said he had experienced it...

 They can all stand up, but there’s no reason why Joe can’t stand up!

You can't do anything wrong, otherwise he will be unhappy when he wakes up and finds you like this! "

As he spoke, Mao Mao firmly held Nice's arm, imitating Boss Joe's tone, and said: "Nice Mansour, I am the boss of this team. You must obey my orders, otherwise I will **** kill you." You kick out...

 Take care of yourself, you have to survive! "

Nice was stunned for a moment, her eyes brightened slightly, then she looked at the kitten, nodded slightly and said, "Thank you!"

Just when the kitten wanted to continue his efforts, Kaman walked out from the depths of the jungle...

The old guy had no clothes, only a piece of animal skin hanging around his waist, a crown made of unknown bird feathers on his head, and decorations strung with animal teeth on his chest...

 When he walked to the altar, Ayou, who was also dressed on the other side, was holding a three-foot-long poisonous snake in his hand and slowly walked over with the animals...

When Ayo passed through the crowd, she first walked in front of Nice. She pulled off the snake's head with all her strength, dipped her fingers in the snake's blood and made a slash on the foreheads of Nice, the kitten, and Igor, and then led the animals away. To the back of Boss Qiao’s head…

Ayou, who was mumbling something, raised his hand and sprinkled the snake blood along Boss Qiao's forehead to his chest...

Then, as if he was stimulated, Kaman began to shout loudly and stamp his feet vigorously, as if he was praying for something, and also seemed to be accusing...

Soon there were more stamping sounds in the jungle, and several old monsters dressed the same as Kaman came out...

Then more anteaters came out...

They followed Carman and chanted loud prayers in Sango...

 Ayou put his hands on Qiao Jia's temples, as if sensing something.

As Qiao Jia's body temperature gradually increased, Ayou seemed to be inspired. He pulled Danbao's long nose over his head and let it beat on Boss Qiao's chest.

 The psychic giant leopard seemed to know what he should do. He roared at the cheetah and lion Simba beside him, and then the three beasts roared together...

Ayou felt that Qiao Jia's body temperature was still rising and her heart rate was accelerating. She shouted loudly: "Continue..."

As Ayo shouted, the surrounding anteaters seemed to be inspired, and began to stamp their feet harder and pray louder...

At this time, Kaman, who was like a man possessed, walked to Ayou's side, suddenly cut his wrist with a knife, and then stretched out his **** wrist to the altar, circling around the altar. Sprinkle blood around Boss Qiao's body...

 Carman is followed by the rhinoceros, then the spider, then the leech…

 After all the old monsters had taken their turn, Kaman looked at Boss Qiao who was still not awake. While praying louder, he pulled out the knife again, wanting to do it all over again...

"let me…"

Dorian took the knife from Kaman's hand, scratched his wrist hard, and then followed the old guy's example, praying solemnly and loudly, and sprinkling his blood around Boss Joe. …

Finding that Dorian's treatment still had no effect, the medical officer, Medical Officer Bird, stood up and said: "Let me do it..."

 Then Ronnie also stood up and said: "I'm coming too..."

Jino rubbed his sister's head, then rolled up his sleeves and said to Phil and Rick next to him: "Let's follow, let the girls last..."

 In fact, no one knows the meaning of this so-called prayer ceremony, and they don’t even know what Kaman is chanting...

 But if the blood is useful, then everyone will not look back...


At this time, Qiao Jia stood on a piece of scorched earth covered with corpses...

 The memory scenes in the yard not only allowed him to relive his life in the past ten years, but also allowed him to recover the faces of his enemies whose faces were blurred.

 Sea Hound's attack team, British spies, the Morries...

  When these people appeared, Qiao Jia's small hometown courtyard disappeared, replaced by a scorched earth shrouded in clouds and surrounded by enemies.

Faced with this situation, Qiao Jia chose to kill again!

Every time you kill a person, the sky becomes clearer and lowers...

After the last person was killed, Qiao Jia glanced at the corpses that became blurry again. He shook his head contemptuously, and then reached out to touch the sky above his head...

 Then he heard prayers outside...

 “Boss, boss…”

 “Jackal, jackal…”

 “Joe, Joe…”

 “Dad, dad…”

The anxiety and expectation contained in those familiar voices made Qiao Jia excited and began to tear at the sky above his head...

As the flexible sky was torn open, a ray of sunlight shone on Qiao Jia's face, and then when he opened his eyes, he saw Ness and her **** wrist...

 “Did I miss something?”

 When Qiao Jia said this in a hoarse voice, the surroundings suddenly became quiet...

Ayou, who had been watching over Qiao Jia's head, watched the boss open his eyes, and the high temperature in her body began to subside. She suddenly stood up, raised her hands, and shouted loudly: "The boss is back!"

Ayo's shout made the surrounding anteaters cheer at the same time, and then they naturally hummed Aficat's original tune...

 There are no lyrics or anything like that, just simple chanting that resonates with the nose and throat, filling the surroundings with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Qiao Jia held Nis' bleeding wrist and looked at Nis, who was already a little unable to stand. He struggled to sit up, but failed several times... Looking at the medical officer bird rushing towards him with the medical kit, Qiao Jia He waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Leave me alone, I'm fine, look at the devil bird and the children..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia raised his head and looked at the tearful Ayu, and said: "King Kong, give me a hand and let me sit up..."

Medical Officer Bird looked at Boss Qiao. He hesitated, rushed to Nice, helped her sit down, and helped her treat the wound on her wrist. At the same time, he took out a tranquilizer and shook it at Boss Qiao. Shake and said: "Boss, you have been in a coma for eight days. The devil bird has not rested or eaten anything in these eight days...

 You should persuade her to sleep..."

Qiaojia looked at Nice's pale face with a smile. He nodded heavily and said: "I promise I won't do this again...

 Medical Bird…”

The medical officer bird decisively injected the sedative into Nice's body, then asked the kitten to help take care of it, and then began to treat the wounds of the woman and child.

Dorian did not bother the medical officer. He wrapped the wound with a bandage and came to Boss Qiao. He looked at his boss curiously and said, "Boss, how do you feel now?

Rhino said that everyone who survives will become strong. Do you feel it? "

Qiao Jia felt his limbs that were still not working well, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "No, I don't even know what the **** happened?

 What the **** is going on? "

Dorian glanced at Kaman next to him, whose hair and beard had all turned white in a few days. He smiled and said: "The dragon lizard said that you inhaled voodoo made from Tomica grass, and then you were forced into a soul test.

Medical Officer Bird and TC have been monitoring your status with a group of doctors. They said that your brain is very active and your body metabolism level is higher than that of normal people. "

As Dorian glanced at the rhinoceros not far away, he whispered: "A Chinese doctor extracted the genes and body tissues of the rhinoceros and you for analysis...

He said that your cell mitochondrial protein uptake rate is about 5% higher than that of normal people, and your metabolism is very fast, but the activity of new cells is very stable. "

Qiao Jia rubbed his swollen temples tiredly and said, "Speak humanly!"

Dorian said with a complex expression: "They tested the rhino's physical condition and conducted detailed analysis and testing...

Rhinos have much, much more muscle availability and oxygenation than normal humans.

Moreover, that guy suffered a lot of injuries, but his physical condition was much better than other anteaters who encountered the same situation. "

As he spoke, Dorian glanced at Kaman, and he moved closer to Boss Qiao and whispered: "Boss, I think the dragon lizard must be the same.

He and Rhino are both Afika’s version of mutant supermen…

 You may be feeling the same now!

Can you tell me what you experienced in your dream?

  If it’s not too serious, I’d like to try it too…”

Qiaojia looked at Dorian who looked curious, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Get out of the way and let a normal person answer my question!

I don’t think it was a nightmare. Killing and being killed are not things worth fearing for me!

What makes me uncomfortable is not that the people I killed came to visit me again, and twice. What makes me uncomfortable most is that I relive the regrets of the past again, and every detail is very clear!

 What I’m afraid of is the feeling of powerlessness…”

Medical Officer Bird, who was helping several children take care of their wounds, came over and said curiously: "Boss, you killed those people twice? In a dream?

Rhino said he woke up after killing him once, how could you..."

Qiaojia spread his hands and said: "I don't know, I couldn't remember their appearance at all in the dream at first. Later, after I recalled it, those people became clear and then came to me again...

  FUCK, do we have to clearly remember the appearance of those people before killing them? "

Medical Officer Bird was not an expert. He installed some monitoring equipment on Boss Qiao and then said: "Boss, although I don't understand it very well, I'm pretty sure that your situation is not normal!

Most people simply cannot bear this kind of nightmare. Only those who are extremely determined and confident in themselves can break free from this kind of nightmare.

The dragon lizard said that only a handful of people have succeeded in using this witchcraft medicine, but there is still a big gap between you and the rhinoceros.

 Why do you have to kill twice? Why can you handle it so easily?

Rhino said that after he woke up, he went crazy for several days, but you seemed to have no problem at all!

Theoretically, Tomica grass can be used as a drug to treat PTSD, but why do I think your condition seems to be more serious..."

  Qiao Jia shook her head a little dizzy...

Just when he was about to speak, the kitten put Igor into his arms, and then she started hugging Boss Qiao’s shoulders and cried loudly...

Igor was influenced by the kitten. Maybe he felt that if he didn't cry, it wouldn't fit the atmosphere. The child pursed his lips and started to cry for a while...

 The crying did not make Boss Qiao feel a little irritated, but rather made him feel at ease...

Seeing his silly son cry twice, he was attracted by the blood on his chest. Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and poked the kid in the stomach, and then Igor sat down on his father's lap, "cluck, cluck." After laughing a few times, I felt something was wrong, and then started crying loudly again...

Carman looked at the boss. He took off the feather crest on his head, revealing his white hair, and said to the medical bird: "Don't leak the boss's condition...

The function of Tomica grass is not to cure diseases, but to make people adapt to nightmares!

 The boss’s problem has never been PTSD, but an extremely strong desire to fight.

Tomica grass will not only make him stronger, but also worsen the condition! "

As he spoke, Kaman looked at Qiao Jia and said bitterly: "The boss is not a simple warrior, and this is not good!

 No one should be stuck in the quagmire of war for the rest of their lives! "

Dorian probably understood something, and then he said nonchalantly: "What desire to fight? It's actually just looking for excitement!

Don’t you have to hold a gun to find this thing?

 I think we should persuade the boss to practice boxing or something...

Go to the ring and challenge the real masters. You will feel great if you win, and you can get a baby-like sleep if you lose. "

 Speaking, Dorian looked at Kaman and said: "Dragon Lizard, what do you think are the chances of me surviving the nightmare?

I am also a strong warrior who is both aggressive and confident..."

Kaman looked at Dorian, who deliberately diverted his attention to relieve his guilt. He glanced at Ayu, and then said with a smile: "You don't have to take such a risk, Ayu is a Kusoa people, their nationality There are some traditional witchcraft medicines, and the witchcraft medicines mastered by each family have different effects...

Those witchcraft medicines are passed down from mother to daughter. The better the effect of the witchcraft medicines, the more popular women will be!

Kuthoa women would mix that witch medicine into their daily food to make their men strong!

Like you, if you eat it steadily for a few years, the effect will probably be very good! "

When Dorian heard this, he turned to look at Ayou, who was taking care of the children and Nice. He shook his head decisively and said: "Ayou's ex-husband must have been eating for a long time, I'd better forget it..."

 Qiao Jia slightly moved his still numb legs, kicked Dorian hard, and said: "You have a good idea?

 Get out of the way, let’s go home…

 When my health gets better, I will go to the sports meet to try..."

 (End of this chapter)

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