From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1240: consultant

Chapter 1240 Consultant

Qiao Jia particularly understands Lao Du's situation, and also understands what people like him will face after retiring and returning home?

The head of a regiment is not a prominent position. He was transferred to a local government and demoted to a half-level position. He could not even become a police station director.

And this kind of "sick" person will receive a lot of attention and then be sent to a place where it is safe for everyone to hang.

 For those who have experienced excitement, such a life will feel like a year every day!

Mr. Tong looked at Qiao Jia and Lao Du and suddenly stopped talking. He smiled and said: "This is why I forced the old squad leader to come...

Even though he is my monitor, he is actually a few years younger than me.

At that time, in our sharpshooter company, the squad leader was also the top brand!

Later on, I was shot and became a deserter. I waited for many years for him to come back from the front line. As a result, everyone said that he had lost his mind.

 We don’t understand either, and we are not as loud as others. Anyway, whatever others say is whatever it is...

But now that we are at this age, we don’t even know how many days we can live. If we still can’t live the life we ​​want, then this life will be over. "

 As he spoke, Mr. Tong looked at Qiao Jia and said, "Xiao Qiao, I will stay here for a longer time this time, and I want the squad leader to stay too.

 Just let him hang out in the military camp, even if he sweeps the floor, he will feel comfortable...

 Let him be stuck at home again, and his old bones may not be able to bear it for much longer! "

How could Qiao Jia let someone like Lao Du get rid of him? This is a strong man who has been in the southwest for ten years. He is on the same level as the old monsters of the Anteaters.

And he is also the regiment commander. This is a front-line commander who has truly grown up from the front line!

Looking at his appearance, you can tell that his retirement was probably not going to be too pleasant, either because he was too aggressive or because he couldn't keep up and was eliminated...

But Boss Qiao doesn’t care about this. The old man can play whatever he wants. Let’s give it a try now that he has the opportunity...

If it doesn't work, it would be good to let the old man lead a group of new people. The Chinese veterans must be top-notch in terms of spirit and sense of honor!

Looking at the way Lao Du lowered his head and drank sullenly, Qiao Jia said seriously: "What's wrong with this?

This is a private military contracting company, not a serious military!

If the old man wants to have some fun, I'm definitely fine with it. He can stay as long as he wants, but we have to give it a try first...

 Don’t get me wrong, old man, I don’t doubt your intentions. There is a pilot in my company who is almost 80 years old and can still fly into the sky and blast enemy fighter jets.

 Age is not the main criterion in my opinion, but I have to know what kind of work you can bear.

Let’s do this. After we finish the meal, let’s go to the shooting range to practice our skills. I’ll have someone prepare a company early tomorrow morning to let you run in for a while, and then go to the competition field to try your skills...

 If you win by then, you can tell me what you want to do, and I promise not to talk nonsense! "

Upon hearing this, Lao Du looked up at Qiao Jia and said, "Do you believe me so much?"

Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and tapped his temple and said: "Old man, other people may not understand your feelings, but I understand!

 Some people need stimulation deep down!

 If I were not this kind of person, I should have gone home and enjoyed life long ago!

 You have not caught up with the good times, but it is not too late to start over in your sixties! "

After hearing this, Lao Du suddenly pushed his wine glass and said, "I'm going to the shooting range later. I won't drink anymore. Give me a bowl of mutton."

 Damn it, I’m old, I’m old, I’m actually a little excited by the trouble! "

 Qiao Jia smiled and waved for three bowls of mutton soup. The three of them ate a few mouthfuls of pancakes, then stood up and left the tavern neatly...

 Qiao Jia has a shooting range at home. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he remembered that he had forgotten the kitten and his son...

He ran back with an embarrassed look on his face. Amid Mrs. Yuan’s complaints, he took over Igor who was busy with greeting gifts, took the kitten and a few children and rushed home...

Mrs. Yuan chased her to the door and asked loudly: "Where are Lao Tong and Lao Du?"

Qiao Jia, who had walked more than ten meters, turned around and shouted loudly: "Don't worry, the two old men are fine!

You guys can play for now, I’ll cover all the expenses, and I’ll send them back to you in a few days! "

It was rare for Mao Mao to see Boss Qiao in his current state. She asked curiously: "Why are you so happy?"

Qiao Jia disgustedly pushed Tong Tong on the head, who was eavesdropping with his ears, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Tong sent me a powerful old guy.

Mr. Tong is a sharpshooter who can hit moving targets 200 meters away without a scope. Another old guy has a similar problem to me. I think he is better. "

After hearing this, the little cat looked at the two old men standing at the intersection at the foot of the mountain and said curiously: "200 meters is not bad!"

Qiaojia sneered and said: "You will know when you see it later. Anyway, under the same conditions, I will definitely not be able to compare."

It was the first time that Mao Mao saw Boss Qiao showing a humble attitude when it came to marksmanship. She held Boss Qiao's hand and said, "Then let me try it together too..."

 Qiao Jia looked down at the kitten's big belly. He smacked his mouth and said, "Then let's find a small-caliber gun to play with. Old Qiao's cubs can always adapt to the sound of gunfire."

Mao Mao nodded happily when he heard this, because Boss Qiao had indulged Nice in this way in the past...

 The kitten is in a good mood and walks a little faster...

When they came to the intersection, Mao Mao saw that Kasu, who had been following them, was stopped by a disabled guard. She hesitated and said to Kasu: "I asked them to arrange a place for you to live. You stay and pass." I will remind him about you for a while..."

After hearing this, Kasu waved his hand and said, "No, I'll live in a tent nearby. None of our people have money to stay in a hotel. I can't be an exception..." Qiao Jia heard the kitten sighing and turned his head to look at it. Kasu, who was carrying a pig's head, said in a deep voice: "You don't accept the kindness that comes to my door, but you want me to help you with more assistance. Are you schizophrenic or do you just want to be miserable?"

As he spoke, Qiaojia said to the guard Enku: "Arrange a place for them to stay, so that it will not spread out and others will think that Sangha Town discriminates against these Rohingyas..."

 After saying that, Qiao Jia ignored Kasu and joined the two old men and walked towards the mountain together...

On the way, Lao Du curiously asked about Cassu’s origins. He heard that she was a Rohingya and wanted to ask Boss Qiao to help get aid from the United Nations...

The old guy was shocked for a moment, and then said a little funny: "It's just that the government in that poor place in Myanmar is so useless that it can't even solve the Rohingya problem.

 What should have been a very simple thing, but in the end it turned out to be a human being! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "It's true that the government troops only bullied the unarmed people in that poor place in Myanmar.

These Rohingyas are not fuel-efficient, but we have nothing to do with that. I just saw how pitiful those old and young were when they were hungry, so I agreed to help them find ways to get help. "

Lao Du took a deep look at Boss Qiao and said, "This is what we should do, but we should still pay attention to it. The area south of our hometown is used to bad things!"

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "I don't care, I just want to send some things to make a front stop, and then I want to mine some jadeite rough.

 Once there are the support of these Rohingya people, the Myandian government will listen to me seriously. For subsequent mines to be opened in northern Myandian, at least the transportation lines will be safe.

There is nothing in that shabby place, so the few stones are the only thing worth spending some time on! "

After hearing this, Lao Du hesitated and said, "Be careful when going to the north of Mian Dian, the situation there is more complicated.

Ever since the drugs in the Golden Triangle were swept away, the attitude of the people there has changed. The people there are actually okay, but the warlords seem to be very submissive, but in fact they are nothing like that!

They dare to do anything for money! "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "Has the old man been to the Burmese store?"

Lao Du hesitated and said: "After I retired in 1998, I stayed in the Southwest Police Force for a few years. I was transferred back to the capital when I got into trouble. Then I went to the logistics department of the Ministry of Public Security to read newspapers...

At that time, the **** in the Golden Triangle were very arrogant, and the anti-narcotics police in the southwest killed many people every year!

Operation Mekong eliminated several leaders, and the situation has improved slightly in recent years. However, the apparent planting area has declined, and there are still many core positions.

And people’s greed will never change. As long as the warlords are still there and as long as these people still want to hold power, they will desperately look for money...

That bad place, if you want to make a lot of money, you have to take the wrong path...

Meth in the Golden Triangle is replacing HLY, and the warlord leaders have set up some fraud parks, attracting a wave of Chinese people to go there, and specifically make phone calls to defraud people in China. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at Lao Du curiously and said, "Old man, aren't you working in logistics? How do you know so much?"

After hearing this, Mr. Tong said with a smile: "Your Grandpa Du was a famous figure in the southwest police circle back then. If he hadn't made a mistake, how could he have been sent to the back office to read newspapers?

Isn’t it normal for him to scan for news from his old workplace?

In the early years, this old guy would walk twice a year to help look at the kids over there. Later, his old comrades and colleagues retreated, and he was completely free.

No, I’m so depressed at home that I don’t even want to live anymore! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia laughed and said: "Then it's a good time to come here. I don't have anything else here, but there are a lot of exciting things.

If the old man is in good health, it's not impossible to lead people to fight drug dealers!

I don’t have that many rules here. If I catch a drug dealer, I will shoot him directly..."

After hearing this, Lao Du nodded slightly and said: "A group of people returned to China some time ago. I met two of them when I was gathering with my comrades, and their eyes were right!

 It’s a pity that I came a little late, otherwise I would have enjoyed hanging out with those brats! "

The more Qiao Jia looked at Lao Du, the more he felt that he had a bad temper. The two of them had the same problem, which made it easy for Boss Qiao to sense Lao Du's inner thoughts when he spoke...

This is an old wolf who can't sit still. What he's best at in his life is fighting, but he was dragged back to guard the house until he retired...

Qiao Jia could guess the specific mistakes he made without even asking. If he had gone to the anti-narcotics department of the Southwest Police Force, even if he made mistakes, the sky would have revealed them to you!

Looking at Lao Du's regretful look, Qiao Jia suddenly said: "Old man, if you can lead P·B's company to get a place in the competition, how about I ask you to be a consultant when I go to the Burmese store?

I have some connections with the United Nations Drug Enforcement Agency. If I put up an anti-drug sign, I will be able to bring heavy weapons into the northern part of Myanmar.

 The joint anti-drug operations center of China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia is in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which is also called the ‘Fifth Area’.

If the old man has any acquaintances, let's go and ask if there is any business for us, and by the way, let you show off. "

When Lao Du heard this, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Is this okay?"

Qiao Jia smiled and said: "Old man, let me be honest, if all the troops in Mian Dian are tied up, they will not be P·B's opponent.

I want to take down a big mine this time, but those warlords won't obey me honestly.

It's not convenient for me to deal with them, but I can definitely get legal procedures for being a drug dealer...

If you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, they will definitely understand! "

 (End of this chapter)

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