From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1241: Veteran Entertainment

Chapter 1241 Veterans Entertainment

Lao Du, whose name is Du Biao, is 65 years old this year. He is a few years younger than Mr. Tong, but he looks very old.

Rural soldiers have been mixed with the head of the cat's ears after drilling in the southwest for ten years, and then they were pushed to the most dangerous departments of the Southwest Police Force because they had not attended school and 'somedies.

The old guy joined the army when he came of age, and then the war in the southwest ignited his inner excitement, which has not extinguished until now.

That kind of "excitement" is like a perpetual motion machine. When it is ignited, the body's instinct will tell you what to do that is meaningful. Then as long as you are out of the familiar environment, the whole person will feel uncomfortable in various ways.

ˆ Qiao Jia himself is such a person, so he understands the transformation of Lao Du’s energy and spirit very well!

On the short ascent of a few hundred meters, Lao Du's back straightened up, and the age spots on his face were covered by an excited blush.

Mr. Tong took advantage of Boss Qiao to get the gun and took Lao Du to check his blood pressure, and then found that there was no big problem...

 Looking at Lao Du, although he was not used to the atmosphere in Boss Qiao's house, his voice began to become louder...

Mr. Tong said helplessly: "Squad leader, please take it easy..."

Lao Du saw two boys not far away who looked like hungry wolves looking at him with strange expressions. He grinned and waved to them, then looked at Mr. Tong and said, "Old Tong, you are older than me. , he also changed careers earlier than me...

Logically speaking, you should know more than me. What do you think a person like me wants to do with my life?

 I have never read a book and I know nothing except fighting with a gun!

I have been reading newspapers for almost twenty years, but apart from understanding a few words, I have learned nothing.

 Now my two sons are married and my grandchildren are in primary school...

They are not as good as your son, but they still perform well in the army.

 My wife is away from home all day long in the art troupe, and I am the only idle member of the family...

 You say, what else can I do in this life? "

As he spoke, Lao Du looked at Mr. Tong, grinned and said, "Old Tong, my soul was lost on the battlefield decades ago!

 If I don’t get it back, I will be nothing more than a pile of rotten flesh when I die! "

Mr. Tong didn’t know what it was like. Just when he was about to say a few words, he heard a voice from behind...

 “Hi, old sharpshooter…”

When Mr. Tong turned his head and looked over, he saw Fatty Eric standing there holding a very beautiful Constellation shotgun...

Eric saw that he had attracted Mr. Tong’s attention. He proudly displayed the Constellation Shotgun and said proudly with a grin: “I got this treasure in Ndele. Let’s compete again this time.”

Eric, who is both good and aggressive, is actually not annoying, especially for the elderly who need energy. It is a good thing to have someone to make them move, even with hands.

Mr. Tong's English is not bad. He gave Eric a thumbs up, then looked at Lao Du and said with a smile: "We will talk about family matters later. This kid is challenging us. Monitor, will you accept the challenge?"

Lao Du took a look at Eric, who was short in stature and had a big beard but had an awkward manner. He touched his chin in discomfort and said, "What's the origin of this?"

Just as Mr. Tong was about to speak, Qiao Jia appeared with several rifles on his back...

After pushing away Eric who was 'picking quarrels and causing trouble', Qiao Jia handed two M14 rifles with woody scent to the two old men respectively, and then said to Eric who looked unconvinced: " You can have fun if you want, the loser will have to repair all the turf in the manor tomorrow."

Eric was stunned for a moment and said proudly: "Then these two old men are going to be in trouble, but it doesn't matter. I will personally sponsor two lawn mowers for them."

Qiao Jia was amused by this guy who didn't remember to eat or fight. He glanced at the two old men holding M14 and couldn't put it down, and then whispered to Eric: "If you can achieve half of their results, I will count you down." Won.

 Do you want to bet bigger?

 I'll bet with you!

Mowing the grass is no fun. How about the loser scrubbing the public toilets in the manor with a toothbrush? "

Eric was stunned for a moment, glanced at Lao Du, then shook his head decisively and said: "No, I only accept bets that I can fulfill..."

Qiaojia looked at Eric, who had a serious look on his face. He hissed in disgust and said, "Man, I always thought you were a tough guy, but you let me down!"

Eric spread his hands indifferently and said: "I think you have bad intentions. If you swear that what you say is true, I will bet!

 Do you really think I’m a tough guy? "

Qiaojia raised her **** decisively, turned around and pulled the two old men towards the backyard of the manor...

The moment Lao Du got the gun, his discomfort due to the language barrier disappeared...

  The old guy skillfully manipulated the M14 in his hand and kept praising...

 “It’s a really good gun, it’s a really good gun…”

As a gunsmith, Qiao Jia accepted the old man's praise without any politeness. He walked to a temporary table and said with a smile: "It's dark, and now is not the best time for target practice, but I'll let people After making some preparations, experienced players should be able to adapt quickly...

 Need a scope? I have the best here! "

Lao Du shook his head and said no, and then unloaded the M14 magazine very skillfully, pulled the bolt and looked at the barrel of the gun. Then he put the gun down, rubbed his hands vigorously and said, "I don't know if I'm used to this. After many years, the calluses on my hands are gone..."

As he spoke, Lao Du looked at Boss Qiao. After getting permission, he poured a box of 7.62mm bullets into a tray, then picked up one, weighed it in his hand, rubbed it a few times, and put it into the gun. chamber…

Qiao Jia watched Lao Du press three bullets and then stopped. He smiled and picked up the radio and said: "Jino, turn on the light..."


After receiving the order, Jino turned on a spotlight and illuminated the manor wall in the distance...

There is a shooting area, which was originally used for Boss Qiao and his family to practice pistols when they were free. The shooting distance is not enough, but standing at the back door of the main building, it is about 300 meters away.

Mr. Tong saw that Lao Du seemed a little nervous. He loaded his rifle with a smile, then rubbed Adele's head and said with a smile: "Adele, tell me the target..."

 Adele put on the noise-canceling headphones with a smile, then picked up a small telescope and observed it for a moment, then said: "The human-shaped target on the left, 235 meters away..."

Mr. Tong motioned for everyone to put on their headphones, then pushed away the scale and pulled the gun bolt. After a few seconds...


 After the huge gunshot, the specially-made tracer bullet hit the target with an obvious trajectory.

A "ding" sound was heard in the distance, and the human-shaped target under the light swayed significantly.

 Adele exclaimed in surprise: "It hit the chest, it's so powerful..."

Mr. Tong was stunned for a moment, and said to Lao Du who was breathing the smell of gunpowder next to him: "The trajectory of this gun is very straight, don't raise it too high when aiming..."    Lao Du waved his hand and said: "I see it, I see it, it's so obvious How could the ballistics not be seen?

 Your marksmanship is not very good..."

Mr. Tong was not angry even after being ridiculed by Lao Du. He smiled cheerfully at Adele and said, "Point me to two more targets to try your luck. I will compete with Eric later."

 Adele glanced at Eric with a disgusted look, then raised the telescope and said: "The third breast target on the ground on the left..."


 The chest target fell to the ground with a loud sound...

 “The windmill target on the right…”


The target that kept spinning like a windmill made a crisp sound...

Adele couldn't help cheering, then gave Mr. Tong a thumbs up, and took the initiative to remove the scope on his .22 rifle, and then pulled the old man to ask him how he did it. of.

Being able to hit a target of about 200 meters to this level is actually nothing at all. The more special thing is that there is no sighting device, and the indescribable stable rhythm is the key.

 You can use any aiming ruler, but if you want to hit targets at different distances, there is still a bit of knowledge involved.

Mr. Tong didn’t think he was that great. Seeing Adele’s eagerness to learn, the old man happily squatted beside Adele and taught her step by step how to use the mechanical sight to aim...

At this moment, there was no one to report the target to Old Du. Qiao Jia took the initiative to pick up the telescope and said with a smile: "Mr. Du, give it a try too, and I will report the target for you..."

Lao Du waved his hand to say no. He rubbed the handguard a few times with his left hand, and wiped his cheek hard twice with his right hand. Then before Boss Qiao could say anything, he decisively pulled the gun bolt and fired three shots in succession...

 “Bang bang bang”

 The tracer bullets emitted accurately hit three chest targets on the ground, causing them to fall one after another.

Amid the applause of the crowd, the old man pulled the bolt to empty the chamber of the gun, and neatly unloaded the magazine...

Then the old man put the gun on the table, took a deep breath, and then rubbed his cheek vigorously...

Qiao Jia didn’t know if it was his imagination, but he found that Lao Du’s eyes had brightened!

Looking at Eric who was obviously trying to run away, Qiao Jia grabbed him and said, "The game hasn't started yet, why are you running?

 Give you a chance, 10 bullets, you can use the sight..."

Eric couldn't struggle, but luckily he broke the pot. He took out a standing tripod amidst the boos of the crowd, then put the Constellation rifle on it and curled his lips and said: "These old Chinese men are all weird." fetal…

 The competition is about hit rate. I will not lose at 200 meters. If it is a competition at 800 meters, I will definitely win! "

 Qiao Jia doesn’t mind Eric’s harsh words. According to the standards of modern weapons, 200 meters is really nothing, but it was different in the past...

These top sniper veterans have just fallen behind, not become idiots. If they are familiar with modern sights, they are still top players.

 Mr. Tong no longer has the competitive spirit and only takes the gun to have fun, but Lao Du is completely different...

 He didn't understand what Eric said, but he still guessed what Eric meant...

“Boss Qiao, tell him, no matter how he wants to compete, I will accompany him...”

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Get familiar with the gun first. This guy is better with the gun than shooting from a long distance. I will give you a 6x scope later to get used to it..."

Mr. Tong on the side said with a smile: "Back then, our entire company only had one nozzle, and the only person qualified to use it was the squad leader.

This tough-tongued little fat guy has hit the muzzle of the gun this time! "

As he spoke, Mr. Tong looked at Nice and the kitten next to him, and he said with a smile: "You can try it if you are willing, so that this old guy knows that his little ability is nothing now, and he will save his blood. Did something wrong..."

After hearing this, Ness nodded slightly and said: "I like this kind of competition. I also called the owl..."

At this time, Lao Du seemed to be unable to hear the sounds around him. He loaded ten bullets into the magazine. After taking a deep breath to adjust, he suddenly squatted on the ground and pulled the trigger...

 “Bang bang bang bang…”

The tracer bullets with a faint trace traced a clear trajectory and landed on a row of breast targets standing on a wooden railing...

 Ten bullets were fired in one breath, and the whole process did not take more than 5 seconds. Those chest targets fell down one by one...

Dorian, who came over to join in the fun after training, looked at this result and said in surprise: "Shit, is this old guy a sniper or an assaulter?"

 Qiaojia glanced at Dorian with contempt and said, "You are an assaulter, why don't you give it a try?"

 Dorian actually stepped forward and tried it with Mr. Tong’s rifle...

  You can hit when you knock it down, but you just can't hit that fast rhythm. You can only shoot and rest, and it's far not as fast as when using a sight.

This kind of shooting rhythm that has been experienced in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood is engraved in the bones. People who have not experienced it will never learn it.

After Dorian finished the fight, he shook his head depressedly. He looked at Eric, who was already prepared, and said, "We shouldn't compete with the old antiques. The boss's guns are very accurate. 800 meters is not safe, and 1200 meters is not safe." There will be a chance later!”

 Eric looked at Dorian, pointed at his Constellation shotgun, and said, "Are you kidding me? The range of this gun is only 800 meters...

I forgot to bring my Shail M200, otherwise I would definitely win the 1500 meters! "

At this time, Antar appeared next to him holding an AWM. This sniper with an excellent personality looked at Eric as if comforting a child and said: "Don't be discouraged, keep improving, you will always be a hacker." The top shooter in the world.”

When Qiao Jia saw that all the top shooters in his family were here, he smiled and asked the tough-talking Eric to catch up with Lao Du's score. Then he took out a scope and handed it to Lao Du, then took out the radio and said: "Jino, release the drone..."

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, the sound of the drone's rotor came from the roof...

Four drones flew into the sky with four basketball-sized internally illuminated targets and flew towards the south side of the manor.

“OK, 900 meters, let’s have fun...”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the red-faced Lao Du and said with a smile: "Old man, you don't need to prove anything in terms of marksmanship...

Have a good time and let everyone see the style of a top shooter. I will have a few more drinks with you and Mr. Tong later. "

 (End of this chapter)

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