From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1243: Boss Qiao’s devilish business experience

Chapter 1243 Boss Qiao’s devilish business experience


Qiaojia swore angrily and said, "Where the **** did this **** come from? Did I provoke them?"

Aaron seemed even more angry after hearing this, and he said loudly: "I **** know their origins...

Last month these people were just small players who could only take on tasks at an international agency. But now such a big thing has happened. Instead of looking for me as the boss, they are looking for you...

 I’m even more **** angry! "

As he spoke, Aaron seemed to think of something more depressing, and he said helplessly: "Those **** kidnapped the designer, and now no one believes that the drawings in my hand are real!

  FUCK, I made a lot of arrangements and spent a lot of money in Manila, Philippines, and now it’s all **** useless!

 Jackal, for the sake of us being friends, help me kill them! "

Qiao Jia laughed angrily at Aaron's rare gaffe...

 “Help you kill them?”

Aaron said seriously: "Yes, kill them!"

Qiaojia sneered and said: "These **** regard me as a middleman. I will kill them when I meet them. Do you still want my face?"

   FUCK, these people are really good at looking for trouble. If they die, I might even get into trouble!

what do I do?

 Let each company put an intelligence agent next to me to prove that I have never peeked at the information, then cut the designer into several parts and bring some scraps back to each company? "

After hearing this, Aaron said depressedly: "I was careless this time. Those people were very capable and smart. They kidnapped the designer at sea, and Madeleine didn't find out until the next day.

But luckily they don’t have people who believe in the CIA, otherwise I wouldn’t even have a chance to make amends! "

 Speaking in a rare pleading tone, Aaron said: "Jackal, can you let them put the trading location in Manila?

I spent a lot of money there and planned to take people from intelligence organizations from various countries around for a few rounds. I needed to focus their manpower and energy on that area. "

 Chaojia said angrily: "What good do I do?"

Aaron said a little depressed: "What other benefits do you want? Those people want you to show up, how can it be free!

Especially the CIA bastards, I know they have several special accounts overseas with tens of millions of dollars in them...

 I originally planned to sell the data to four companies and earn $100 million, and they all agreed.

 I think you can double the asking price, after all, you have to risk offending Da'er..."

Qiao Jia was dumbfounded by this cauldron dropped from the sky. He was not afraid of offending anyone. He didn’t steal the things anyway...

A group of mercenaries regard P·B as the leader of the martial arts alliance and want to find a way to survive. If he is willing to help, everyone will gain and lose.

  It will still be bad luck if you don’t help Daou, but those mercenaries and designers will definitely not survive.

Thinking of this, Qiao Jia suddenly realized something...

 He hesitated for a moment and said, "What do you mean by the core interests of these parties?

‘Swift’, a product of the Soviet era, should not be a top-notch technology in theory…”

Aaron was stunned for a moment and said worriedly: "What do you want to do?"

Qiao Jia chewed his tongue a few times, walked to a quiet place, took out a pen and paper to write and draw a few times, and then said: "Da'er wants to recover the designer and the drawings, but they must have a preparation plan. …

What they are most worried about may not be that Swift will be imitated, but that Swift’s design drawings and various parameters of the missile will be leaked, and others will see that they are strong on the outside, but they may be capable of developing targeted equipment if NATO obtains it.

  Doomsday war preparation is the last bottom line thinking of Great Russia. Their army is almost in ruins, and it is impossible to complete the preparations without sufficient pressure drive.

 So they need weapons with sufficient deterrence to deal with the pressure brought by NATO's eastward march after China withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. "

Aaron suddenly said worriedly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Qiao Jia rubbed his temples and said: "I want to think of a plan for myself that won't offend anyone...

 Do you think that if I can find a way for Dazuitang to meet with Boss Pu, will Daou give up the idea of ​​​​causing me with trouble during the transaction?

It makes me **** uncomfortable thinking about a bunch of lawless Russian agents staring at me while I'm trading.

 I'm just helping..."

Aaron listened to the silence for a long time and said in disbelief: "In order to avoid trouble, you actually want to let the US and Russian leaders meet?

 What do you think? "

Qiao Jia smacked his lips and said: "Cost!

 Others may think this is an unbelievable thing, but I know that the political cost is actually very low.

Tazuitang has been trying to suppress the military-industrial complex, and those people have been cooperating with another group of people to use NATO to squeeze Russia, and at the same time, they are also deliberately promoting a war in the East W.

Those 'businessmen' don't know how to fight at all. They just want to sell arms and then hollow out Ukraine to fill their appetites. They don't even care much about the interests of the United States itself.

These are definitely not what Big Mouth Tang wants. This guy is a businessman who likes visible money and short-term benefits.

Beixi 2 has been built. It is useless to talk about sanctions. It is better to communicate with Russia and force Germany to give them enough benefits.

Looking at Merkel’s recent movements, we know that Germany will definitely make huge concessions in order to keep Nord Stream 2.

 Because as long as Nord Stream 2 is operational, no matter how much they pay, they will be able to earn it back through natural gas transfer in the future.

It is almost natural for everyone to sit down and negotiate. Why can't I bring my requirements along with it?

 I'm just **** helping!

As long as someone can convey some information to both parties, Boss Pu will definitely be willing to meet with Big Mouth Tang. Anyway, it is Germany that is being squeezed...

Boss Pu definitely doesn’t want to fight, because suppressing the Yellow Russians and liberals in the country has become a bit difficult for him now! I have a few people in Congress, and I just need to arrange for one of them to jump out and shout a few words, and then let Banganon sort out the pros and cons for Big Mouth Tang, and this thing can basically be done..."

After hearing this, Aaron gasped a few times and said loudly: "FUCK, Banganon is yours?

How much money did you spend to build the wall, you bastard?

No wonder the people around Big Mouth Tang want to target you, it turns out that you, a bastard, took so much..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said: "Banganong is not my person. I don't like that wild boar-like guy. He is Eric's person. After all, it was Eric who recommended him to Big Mouth Tang.

Is $500 million a lot?

That money was not put into my pocket. The tallest wall on the US-Mexico border was bought with this money. I didn’t make much money..."

Aaron felt that his blood pressure was rising at this time. He thought about all the bad things he had done so hard, but Boss Qiao easily took away US$500 million from the cost of building the wall...

Excluding all management expenses, the net profit of this thing cannot be less than 60%. This is **** much more profitable than transporting arms to terrorists, and there is no legal risk at all...

Thinking about Boss Qiao’s idea of ​​solving the problem, Aaron suddenly said a little frustrated: "Okay, you want to facilitate a meeting between Big Mouth Tang and Pu Laohu, in exchange for the Russian intelligence agency not to target you..."

 “Just kidding, for such a big political mediation, how can it be enough to just ‘not target’ it?”

Chaojia sneered and said: "I was forced into the situation. No matter how much other people pay, the Russian intelligence agency will also have to pay for me.

Otherwise I will just stay in Central Africa and not go out, and whoever likes to trade will go there. If they have the ability to dig out those mercenaries themselves, they probably won’t come to me...

I don’t want ‘Yuyan’. If any of these people dare to show their teeth to me, I will give up!

 According to my understanding, those mercenaries asked me to come forward to trade, so my responsibility is to complete the transaction with the mercenaries after collecting the money and rescue the designer...

Those money are appearance fees. If you want me to do other things, that’s another price! "

Aaron’s teeth were broken after listening to Joja’s story about the devil’s business…

The mercenaries are only willing to trade with Boss Qiao, and the Wuchang intelligence department must provide sufficient benefits if they want Boss Qiao to leave...

 Aaron suddenly realized that Boss Qiao had reached a point where he could no longer be threatened at will.

  You must still move, but the initiative is always in his hands!

This matter will eventually evolve into a confrontation between the CIA and the Russian Intelligence Agency, and Boss Qiao, who seems to be the core figure, has already removed himself through higher-level dialogue...

 Aaron thought about his big plan, he sorted out his feelings of envy, jealousy, and hatred, and said: "Jackal, I guess people from the CIA will find you soon and ask you to contact those mercenaries.

 Be sure to place the transaction location in Manila. I can cooperate with you then...

 I promised the designer to ensure his life safety, and I will keep it true!

 As long as the designer is alive and proves that the information in my hand is true, then my plan can start again! "

Qiao Jia said angrily: "What on earth are you going to do?

Isn’t it enough to focus the attention of the intelligence agencies and free up your hands to salvage ‘Poseidon’? "

Aaron sneered and said: "I have spent so much energy, how can it be enough to just have a big party?

The simple nuclear engine blueprint of Swift is the target of some dangerous people. That thing is technology from decades ago. With modern technology, as long as they get the blueprint, they can design a simple small dirty bomb.

I fished some nuclear materials in KL, Ukraine, and someone needs to pay for it! "

 After hearing this, Qiao Jia reacted instantly...

“You bastard, you lied to me, is it so easy to get nuclear raw materials?

 Did you cooperate with the CIA to set up the trap?

 Who are you going to trick?

  FUCK, you and the CIA are obviously cooperating, but they still want to temporarily betray the designer...

  It seems like you don’t have enough face with the CIA. They want to take away the initiative! "

 Speaking, Qiao Jia figured out the problem...

 Aaron is not alone. He is cooperating with the CIA to use nuclear materials and blueprints to lure some dangerous people to a preset location and then kill them all.

But when this guy cooperated with the CIA, both parties had their own agendas, so the designer was kidnapped and the information in his hand was questioned.

Boss Qiao couldn't guess the specific details, but Aaron always had a clear purpose in doing things. His core desire must be to find opportunities to salvage the 'Poseidon' and kill those so-called dangerous people at the same time.

And the CIA must have wanted to catch a few dangerous people and get information about "Swift" at the same time, so it connived at Aaron to take away nuclear materials from Ukraine.

They must have felt that Aaron was controllable…

Qiao Jia thought about being dragged into such a mess, and he said unhappily: "Son of a bitch, you are so big, do you want to kill your competitors?"

Aaron lamented and said: "Jackal, if you see through it but don't tell it, we are still good friends..."

Qioga said unhappily: “Can you get ‘Musa’ from the ‘Ndrangheta to go there and kill him too?

That drug dealer is rich and ambitious, and he definitely meets the criteria of "dangerous". Help me find a way to kill him..."

After hearing this, Aaron couldn't help but cursed: "FUCKYOU!"

 (End of this chapter)

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