From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1244: Plan finalized

Chapter 1244 Plan finalized

Qiaojia was not angry even after being scolded, but feeling the resistance in Aaron's words, Qiaojia said with a little regret: "This is a good opportunity. That **** Musa is a cancer in the world, so we should..."

Aaron laughed in anger, and he said in amazement: "Jackal, I really admire your spirit of revenge from morning to night, but can you please stop causing trouble?

 Musa is also a big client of mine. Without a suitable harvest, it’s not worth cheating him!

 Besides, you don’t want the ransom money from the ‘Marquis’ family?

Musa is selling part of his property to raise cash. Give him some time. Even if he is a pig, you should fatten him up before killing him. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, nodded regretfully, and said: "Forget it, tell me who you want to trick, so that I can be prepared..."

Aaron said without any hesitation: "Spanish arms dealer Alex Vincent, Faiz, the boss behind the Malacca pirates, and Estonian businessman Andres Kalpin, who is also the behind-the-scenes funder of several extremist organizations in Eastern Europe. By.

There are other small characters that you don’t need to know. These are the big ones and the ones who may cause trouble.

 Do you think I'm really afraid of those agents? It's these guys I'm worried about!

 Compared to agents with national background, these guys dare to do anything!

  The CIA has suffered a lot from them, and even now they can’t even figure out their whereabouts. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "Why did these guys offend you? Why do you need to spend so much effort to deal with them?"

When Aaron heard this, he said helplessly: "Jackal, do you really think that people in the underground world are just local dogs?

 Alex Vincent holds the power to balance the Catalonia region. Whenever there is trouble in Catalonia, the Spanish government will ask this guy for help.

Last year, this guy tore apart a CIA agent and six field agents and threw them into the garbage. People from the Spanish Ministry of Security helped collect the bodies.

He is definitely not as capable as you, but his energy is beyond your imagination!

 Faiz, the boss behind the Malacca pirates, earns more than 3 billion US dollars a year by supporting pirates to hijack oil tankers and then reselling crude oil, and he also maintains several anti-government armed groups.

 The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore hate him to the core, but they don’t even know what he looks like.

Andres Kalpin, an Estonian, appears to be a businessman, but in fact he is the largest black market middleman in Europe. As long as you have money, you can buy anything from him...

Do you think if I don’t ask people from the CIA for help, what can I do to them?

 Let me tell you, if the CIA people don't take action by then, I will definitely sell the nuclear materials to one of them.

 My strength is simply not as good as theirs!

I think if you leave your nest, your strength will not be as good as theirs! "

Qiaojia sneered and said: "I am on the right path, how can I compare with these people?

As long as a country can convict them and then invite me to fight crime, do you think I would dare to use fighter jets to bomb them? "

Aaron sighed and said, "That's the problem!

These people were protected by the local government, and even the long-arm jurisdiction of the United States could not be used. In the end, the CIA had no choice but to take action.

 But the CIA has gone to those people's territory. As long as it shows a little bit of weakness, it will be torn into pieces! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sighed that there was someone outside, then sighed and said: "Tell me, if you want to kill that Andres Calpin, what can you gain?

 You are already the general manager of an international intermediary company. Is it necessary to control another black market? "

Aaron didn’t expect that with just a few words, Boss Qiao would ‘catch’ his core interests. He lamented and said, “I will practice speaking again after I go back, otherwise I will feel too insecure talking to you.

Andres Calpin is the head of the Calpin family in the Edward Foundation!

Only by gaining access to his black market network can I advance to a higher level in an international intermediary company. Otherwise, I will always be just a senior wage earner with the title of partner. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sighed and said: "Brother, you have basically been cleared now...

Working with the Edwards Foundation can get you a promotion and a salary increase, but is an international agency worth so much? "

As Qiao Jia spoke, he heard a slightly heavy breathing on the other end of the phone, so he shook his head and said, "OK, I won't ask anymore...

But since you only have one real goal, that means the other two are actually being pulled over to confuse the situation.

I probably know what I should do. Just wait for my notification and I will try my best to place the transaction in Manila! "

Aaron was silent for a moment and said, "Thank you!"

Qiao Jia smiled and said: "No need to thank me, I'm not helping for free..."

But since you can expand your business to Southeast Asia, can you help me check on the online gambling and fraud industry there?

I was just talking about this with someone, and I heard that online gambling scams are rampant in the Philippines...

I am a person who pays attention to being a teacher, and my goal is too big. There must be a reason to go to the Philippines.

That Duterte's anti-drug methods are very suitable for my personality, but people with this kind of personality may not be happy for me to go there in the name of anti-drugs.

 I always have to find a bad guy on the surface to be my opponent! "

After hearing this, Aaron said funnyly: "Why are you interested in these people?

I don’t know much about this industry, but these people are too small a target for you. I suggest you target the pirate boss Faiz.

 In this case, the Philippine government should be willing to cooperate with you! "

As he spoke, Aaron seemed to sense Boss Qiao's dissatisfaction. He smiled and said: "Faiz controls some of the underground financial businesses in Southeast Asia, otherwise he would not be able to launder the money he made from reselling crude oil.

This guy is a mortal enemy of the current President of the Philippines, Duterte. If you are willing to help, Duterte will definitely support him fully. Online gambling is legal in the Philippines, but fraud and extortion are not!

Catching Faiz will not only be a big favor to the CIA, but also seize the money laundering channels of those online gambling fraud groups, so that the network behind them will be revealed before your eyes.

 Jackal, you need to change your habit of killing randomly, otherwise you will miss a lot of things!

I really don’t understand the online fraud industry, but I know these people have huge cash flow..."

 Qiaojia thought about it and felt that what Aaron said was quite reasonable, so he smiled and said: "Okay, I understand, but you'd better check it for me. It's best to make a list or something...

 I don’t like those people, so I plan to kill a few first to try my hand at them.

I haven't done anything to anyone for a **** long time, and now I just want to find some **** to vent my anger to! "

Aaron was stunned by Boss Qiao, then pinched his nose and said helplessly: "You didn't even listen to what I said, right?

 Okay, just wait for my news and I will get you a list..."

Qiao Jia heard the beep sound of the phone being hung up on the opposite side. He shook his head and laughed, then turned back to the wine table...

Looking at Lao Du with a strange expression, Qiao Jia spread his hands and said, "What's wrong?"

 Lao Du and Mr. Tong looked at each other and said, "A man named Chris came to see you just now. He said that a national security adviser in the White House wanted to talk to you..."

Jojia frowned and said, "So?"

Lao Du looked at the nonchalant Qiao Jia and said, "I said you were on the phone, and that Chris hung up the phone and asked the other party to wait until you are free to talk..."

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said, "Isn't this normal? Why do you look so strange?"

Boss Qiao’s way of using American big shots as food, made Lao Du, a veteran, feel that his brain was a bit out of control...

 He said with a wry smile: "I don't understand, maybe I don't have enough knowledge..."

Jojia suddenly nodded and said: "Actually, the so-called national security adviser is nothing more than a white paper fan for the president in a white house.

When these people are strong, they can use the authority of the president to compete with the secretary of state, but when they are weak, they are nothing.

 The so-called big shots are actually just the same thing after seeing them too much.

 Only politicians need to be respected. Being polite to these politicians is completely redundant, because you can’t give them what they want, and no matter how polite you are, they won’t look down upon you.

On the contrary, if you have what they need, you can greet them and they will talk nicely! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia waved his hands and said: "It's not interesting to talk about this, let's talk about something real...

 Old man, you should rest early today. I will send someone to send you to the base tomorrow, where a company of manpower will be prepared for you.

As long as you can command them to get ranked in this competition, you will be counted as the one who goes to the Burmese store.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it. Your old marksmanship is there. Stay at the base and teach the little soldiers. If you have nothing to do, lead them on boat patrols to fight against drugs. This will also make you feel more relaxed.

I understand how you feel, so don’t say anything and just listen to me..."

After hearing this, Lao Du was stunned for a moment, poured himself a full glass of white wine, raised the glass and drank it in one gulp excitedly...

“I, Lao Du, have never been relaxed since I came off the battlefield. My family is either afraid of me or dislikes me. My life is miserable...

 Boss Qiao understands me. I, Lao Du, have written down this information. Just watch my performance. I will definitely not disappoint you! "

Qiao Jia took the initiative to raise his glass and took a sip, and said: "We have the same problem, I don't understand, who understands?

 Old man, there is nothing to be disappointed about. In fact, I admire you more for being able to control the beast in your heart and not letting it out to hurt others.

I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it if I changed it!

 Fortunately, I found a good career and released the beast in my heart in the right place...

 The sports meeting starts the day after tomorrow, but your competition is at the end, that is, 20 days later.

 You have twenty days to get used to it. Once you get it right, they will be the main force going to the Burmese store.

 At that time, let’s go to Myanmar and claim the mountain as king, and meet those warlord **** for a while! "

When Boss Qiao incited Lao Du to beat his chest, Chris came over again...

Looking at the white wine on the table, Chris shook his head in disgust, held up the satellite phone and shook it, saying: "Jackal, the Russian side contacted me through the President of Syria, and they want to talk to you...

 These people are quite polite. They must have something to ask of you!

 Safe Zone has a lot of business in Syria that cannot go around DaRu. I think you should give them a call back! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "How polite is it to make a phone call?

If those guys want something from me, I have to correct my attitude and let them wait...

 The day after tomorrow the sports meeting opens, I will participate in the dragon boat race. This is the only event I am approved to participate in, no one can disturb me! "

 (End of this chapter)

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