From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1248: PB moment

 Chapter 1248 A moment belonging to P·B

 In the picture, a boy is walking through the jungle hunting...

When he caught a few big fish and returned to the village, he heard a trumpet sound in the distance.

 The excited boy didn’t even care about the harvest and ran barefoot through the jungle back to his village.

 A soldier wearing a P.B military uniform was holding a pregnant woman in his arms and was surrounded in the center of the village...

His face is not clean, but there is a unique confidence that makes them look taller than other young people in the village.

 The boy rushed into the village and saw the soldiers. He ran excitedly and shouted: "Dad..."

The soldier heard this, he let go of the pregnant woman, pushed away the people around him, bent down and rushed towards the boy...

The two hugged each other tightly. After a while, the soldier wiped the tears on the boy's face, stood up and saluted the boy, laughed, took out a medal from his pocket and hung it on the boy's head. chest.

"The war is over. Dad will take you to Sangha Town. You can go to school there and become the person you want to be..."

Then the camera turned and came to Sangha Town...

 The boy and his pregnant mother were sitting on a train…

The boy stuck his head out of the train window all the way, looking longingly at the rapidly retreating jungles and mines on both sides.

 After they got off the train at the train station in Sangha Town, the boy, led by his father, got on a Sangha Town-style open-top bus.

The cars were filled with farmers selling vegetables. Some of them brought chickens, ducks, and vegetables. Everyone crowded together and talked and laughed.

The boy watched the conductor give up his seat with admiration on his face, sat down for his mother, and then held up his mobile phone to take a photo with his father...

He felt an unprecedented sense of glory, and he grinned, revealing his white teeth.

 An old man with white hair took out a candy from his pocket and stuffed it into the boy's mouth. Then everyone looked at the boy's surprised look, and everyone laughed heartily...

 Then, I don’t know who started it, everyone sang a ballad together...

 I can see the sun rising slowly

 Devils are running on the earth

 All good things are burned up

 My heart is beating wildly in my chest

Flame rages around

Every breath is like burning

Hunt your finger on the trigger and pull the trigger hard

 Let all the demons fall

Hunt your finger on the trigger and pull the trigger hard

 Let us go home with victory and glory! !

  In the midst of the song, Bang Bangbei used film techniques to insert a series of battle images...

The boy in the image is riding in a vehicle passing through streets one after another. The prosperity is very different from other places in Afika, and the boy is overwhelmed.

Boss Qiao’s figure standing on the podium was blurred as the background...

 In the songs of folk songs, in the scenes of battles, in the longing eyes of boys, the voice of Boss Qiao sounded...

 We should not be wild dogs of war chasing flesh and blood, we lions, I just still want to fight!

 We can keep our ideals and glory, and when we are lying on the hospital bed about to die in the future, we can hold their hands and tell them...

 Our life is worth living!

 Our graves need flowers, but strong wine is in line with our status!


 I promised to protect your safety!

 Fighting is P·B's responsibility. Before we all die, it would be P·B's dereliction of duty to let you go to the battlefield!

People in P·B are all lions, and we are responsible for protecting the safety of our territory!

 Your battle with life will never end until we all fall!


 We fight according to the guidance of our own conscience!

 Let us fight for the happiness of our families!

 I should be righteous!

 If death alone can open the way to happiness, then we should fight!

 Till death do we rest!


 The ballad keeps repeating…

The boys kept moving forward. They passed through Sangha Town and entered PB's base, and then stepped into this extremely sacred place in his eyes during Boss Joe's speech.

 The playground is full of hard-trained soldiers, and advanced weapons are everywhere...

 Explosive shells have added a lot of equipment elements that can be said to be very sci-fi in P.B.'s base due to their own aesthetics.

 The boy in the video was faced with a huge impact and seemed a little helpless...

When he walked into the air force base where his father served, he saw a large number of science fiction fighter planes taking an elephant walk...

 Then a CG character based on a big fat archer fish walked up to the boy with a big cigar in his mouth and said in a rough voice: "Boy, do you want to join us?

 Become a P·B person!

 Become a lion!

 Become a protector of goodness and beauty! "

 At this point the ballad ends and the scene shifts to the grassland...

Namor, with the black crown on his head, shook his body and let out a loud roar. He looked at the antelopes and horses running in groups down the hillside...

A few seconds later, Namor slowly sat on the ground, looking at the rising sun... The sunlight reflected golden light on Namor...

At the end of this slightly beautiful shot, a rough voice sounded from the background...

 “Strong blow…”


People in the stands on both sides of the river could not help but stand up, wave their fists, and roar...

Bang Bang Bei used a movie-like promotional video to show Boss Qiao’s achievements over the past few years.

The vigorous vitality expressed in the lens language makes everyone feel something!

They know very well what it was like a few years ago, and they also know better how precious life is now!

As a director, Bang Bangbei was very satisfied with the effect of the scene. He gave the scene a few minutes to let them digest the shock brought by the great director, and then started the most important part of the opening ceremony...

 Grace held little George and walked to the starting gun...

Little George, who was wearing Sig Sauer's custom-made baby clothes, was not as lively as Igor. He sat on a special launch pad and pressed a red launch button as everyone counted down...

 An orange flare hit the air, and then slowly began to fall...

Qiao Jia was also a little excited at this moment. He squatted half-crouched on the bow of the boat and assumed a paddling position, staring at the signal flares in the sky...


 The signal flare exploded into a firework in the air...


The dragon boat paddlers who had been prepared roared and inserted the paddles into the water and began to slide violently...

Boss Qiao, who was at the bow of the boat, felt the dragon boat shake, and then he hurried to the point where the bow of the boat tilted up...

Several dragon boats ejected like racing cars and launched like sharp arrows!

 “Dong, dong, dong…”

 “Hi, hi, hi…”

Under the command of the drummer, the rowers shouted neat chants, and their thick arms drove the oars to speed up the dragon boat!

 The neat movements and flying hormones made the people in the stands hold their breath!

 For the first time, people discovered that racing rowing can be so exciting!

Carman was shocked by the sudden burst of concerted efforts of so many people...

Looking at Igor, who became particularly anxious because he was left unable to move, Kaman shook his head and laughed, stretched out a long pointed pole, and tapped the head of the silent crocodile...

Then the giant crocodile suddenly accelerated as if it had been greatly stimulated...

The huge momentum drove Igor's hamster ball to sink into the water, and after it emerged from the water, it hit two floats.

Kaman saw that he was left far behind, he started the boat and chased after him at full speed.

When the boat was parallel to the hamster ball, Kaman looked at the extremely excited Igor inside the ball. He smiled and murmured to himself: "Your father is a great man, you can also...

Your father and I are responsible for killing all the enemies, and you are responsible for guarding heaven! "

While Kaman was speaking, huge cheers came from the distance...

When he looked up, he saw the Yemeni-Brazilian team that was the first to cross the line, standing on the dragon boat, holding up the oars and cheering...

Boss Qiao and the others, who seemed destined to win, only took third place. After crossing the line, they collided with the dragon boat of the New Jersey branch, capsized and fell into the water...

At this time, no one cared about winning or losing at all. They were laughing and playing with each other in the water, complaining about each other's stupidity...

 Until Igor's giant crocodile chariot entered it, a large group of people were stunned for a moment, and then swam toward the shore as if running for their lives...

The excited Igor grinned and drove the chariot into the crowd. The big crocodile whipped Dorian away with its tail, then suddenly stopped and turned, and the hamster ball hit Boss Joe horizontally...

Qiao Jia held the hamster ball and looked at his silly son drooling inside. He opened the lid with a big smile, took his son out, carried his son on his shoulders, and swam slowly to the shore.

The big crocodile seemed to have lost its power after Igor left the hamster ball. Under Ayo's fiddle, it slowly swam beside Boss Qiao, as if escorting them to the shore...

When Joga carried Igor up the bank, kicked away the dutiful crocodile, and then took Igor's diaper and put him on the back of the lion Simba, the father and son walked slowly along the river bank. when…

There was a neat sound of inhalation all around, and then as Boss Qiao waved, huge cheers broke through the sky.

The big baby Danbao shook off the empty bags of goods and rushed towards Boss Qiao, shaking his head like a crazy Erha.

Walking beside Boss Qiao, he kept touching Boss Qiao with his big head, telling him to pay attention to him...

Qiao Jia laughed and rubbed behind Danbao's ear, causing it to make a long sound...


Hang Bang looked at the scene captured in the camera, he rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief: "How was this done?

  FUCK, this is the real wild Afika! "


In the stands, a Chinese man crowded in the crowd was holding a phone and looking at Boss Qiao in the distance...

“Don’t worry, I’m attending the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, and I believe the jackal will help!

 ‘Swift’ is of great value to P·B!

 We need to be patient and never be exposed! "

 (End of this chapter)

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