From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1249: Someone from the intelligence department

Chapter 1249: Someone from the Intelligence Department

The promotional video that Bangbei racked his brains to shoot aroused everyone's emotions, making the dragon boat race the most exciting part of the opening ceremony.

The subsequent singing, dancing, and so on were all robbed of all their splendor. There was no need for anyone to lead the show. Those in the stands could get excited by themselves as long as they had some music.

Qiao Jia was wet and carried his silly son to the rostrum...

Igor's diaper was soaked in the water and turned into a big bulge. When Boss Qiao put him down, the boy walked a few steps with his legs crossed, and was led by the heavy diaper to sit on the ground. A large wet spot exploded from under his ass...

Boss Qiao had no intention of helping. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and sat next to his silly son to take a photo with him.

 Old Kaman, who followed him ashore, behaved more like a civilized man than the shirtless Boss Qiao who was selling meat.

The old guy wore a summer military uniform and took away Igor, who was used as a prop by his father. He found a hidden place to put a new diaper on the little prince, and then let him sit on the legendary crocodile stroller to attract everyone around him. Camera attention, securing enough footage in case sponsors are dissatisfied.

 Boss Qiao is in a very good mood right now...

 He didn’t know if the opening ceremony was a success or not. Anyway, judging from everyone’s performance, they should be quite happy!

Hold up your fists and call on friends around the rostrum to go down and experience the charm of the dragon boat and enjoy the fun of getting wet...

Those new arrivals in the stands were surprised. No one could have imagined that the boss of an international military group would behave so "inappropriately".

Pierre from the French Ministry of Security was sitting in the audience. He watched Chauvin, the deputy security adviser of the white house in the United States, sitting uneasily among a group of black officials in front of him. This guy was a little gloating as he squeezed in against a black guy in front of him. Wink your eyes…

Congolese Defense Minister Nguila, who was wearing a suit but still smelled like a bandit, stood up and looked sideways at the skinny Chauvin, and said in a deep voice: "Hand over all the money you have..."

Shavin was stunned for a moment, looked at Engila who was about to rob him in disbelief, and said, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Engila grinned and said: "I said hand over all the money you have..."

Chavin subconsciously covered his suit pocket, and then watched the little princess of Monaco and the jackal’s daughter Adele walking over with two boxes in her hands...

 The box clearly says "For the children of Yemen"!

Everyone was giving generously along the way. Some of the more rude ones simply took off their gold jewelry and threw it into the donation boxes of the two girls because they had no cash.

Shavin realized something. He looked at the fierce Njila and said, "Sir, I think I have something to say. Your behavior almost caused me to misunderstand..."

Engila grinned and shook his head and said: "NO, when we talk properly, you never listen carefully!"

As he spoke, Engila glanced at the two nervous Secret Service bodyguards beside Chauvin. He smiled at Pierre who was watching the fun and said: "Only when you have no weapons in your hands, will you act like gentleman."

Pierre spread his hands and said: "Hey, Engela, Jackal and I are very good friends..."

Nguila seemed to have completely forgotten his identity as defense minister. He raised his **** at Pierre and said: "My Nigerien friends told me that your army attacked a village and killed dozens of people participating in the meeting. Wedding commoners…

 You have killed more civilians in Burkina Faso than YSL terrorists! "

 Speaking, Njila said with a ferocious smile: "The Jackal's Great Green Wall plan is about to begin, and the good days of your army are over!"

Pierre shook his head helplessly and said, "I want to remind you that France is a major sponsor of the Great Green Wall project."

Engila sneered and shook his head and said, "What does that have to do with your army being all bastards?"

Pierre is very annoyed by these trembling Congolese bumpkin. These people have done nothing in the past few years. They just cling to Boss Joe's thigh and get promoted and rich along the way.

 Congolese President Kabila is now a frequent visitor to the United Nations. This guy flies to New York once a month on average and curses France on behalf of a group of exploited poor Afika brothers at the UN General Assembly.

He doesn’t care at all whether he can achieve results or not. His main goal is to gain fame and gain more practical support for the Great Green Wall plan.

The American media seems to particularly like to make the French miserable, so Kabila is in the news every day.

As a Congolese president, when reporters ask him about Congo’s domestic development, this guy always has no clue.

On the contrary, when asking questions about France, this guy can always think of new words to greet the women in Brother Ma's family.

Pierre doesn’t want to argue with a rough guy like Ngila on political issues...

Looking at the two little girls walking over with boxes in their hands, Pierre took out a stack of euros and dropped 100 euros into the boxes.

 Feeling the contemptuous looks from around him, Pierre shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "France has very strict supervision of civil servants, so my income is not high. 200 yuan is enough for me to live in Paris for a week.

I don’t know how much your salary is, but your generous actions will definitely make you feel like a citizen. "

Hearing Pierre implying that he was corrupt, Njila sneered and said: "When will you hypocritical white people show enough sincerity?" As Njila seemed to prove something, he took the cash and a piece of money he had on him. The big gold watches were put into Adele's donation box, and after getting a "thank you", this guy searched Chauvin's money like a habitual gangster...

Chauvin smiled bitterly as he watched his two bodyguards being pinned down on their seats by a few strong black men. He honestly contributed the cash he had on him, then looked back at Pierre and said: "This is the P.B greeting Guest’s way?”

Pierre exchanged a few words with Engila skillfully in French. After ending the conversation with swear words, he looked at Shavin and said with a smile: "There are several types of guests. You are obviously in trouble. Yeah, it’s really not very popular…

 We heard that your CIA got into trouble again...

You have to be careful, there are people coming from Dayou, and they are not as easy to talk to as jackals. "

Chauvin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "Preventing nuclear proliferation is our common responsibility. The CIA just skipped a few risky links and wanted to end the danger..."

Pierre sneered and said: "But you messed up and made things more and more complicated.

Those mercenaries called all the intelligence agencies, and you dragged the jackal into a whirlpool.

 Then we have to pay more costs and bear more responsibilities...

 Brother, your stupid approach has doubled the cost of recycling the "Swift" data. "

After hearing this, Chauvin smiled bitterly and said, "What conditions did the Jackal propose?"

Pierre sighed and said: "The Jackal asked us to provide him, the mercenaries, and the designer with complete immunity...

 The designer will stay in Sangha Town. He will cooperate with us to confirm the authenticity of the purchased materials, provide corresponding supporting evidence for the data, and correct the erroneous parts.

Just for this, we have to pay 20 million US dollars per family as a reward for letting Jackal take risks, otherwise he will refuse to contact those mercenaries! "

As he spoke, Pierre looked at the livid Chauvin, and said seriously: "You have done a very stupid thing. Originally we only had to spend money once, but now it has become twice.

I have accurate information that Iran, Hezbollah, and several well-known underground giants are accurately involved in bidding for data and nuclear materials.

If I were you, I would call back immediately and ask the CIA idiot to send the money, and then you take the money and kiss the jackal's **** so that we can continue the work.

 A batch of nuclear materials and design drawings of improvised nuclear weapons have flowed into the black market. This is simply a devil’s joke. You must be responsible for your own stupidity! "

Chauvin thought about the furious Tang Mou Tang who was furious in the white house the day before yesterday. He shook his head in distress and said: "The jackal cannot escape his responsibility..."

Pierre looked at Chauvin like a fool, sneered and said: "Even if the jackal rejects you, what will happen to you?

That guy has presided over some of the biggest conflicts in the world in recent years...

While he was holding a sports meeting at home, his air force was still ravaging the local chicken's air force, and the local chicken had lost 6 consecutive games in the competition.

His combined camp and humanitarian channels have brought the entire war in Yemen to a halt!

This guy recently helped Libya's Haftar conduct telephone negotiations with Italy, and used Tobruk's oil export quota to easily allow Italy to restart the payment of colonial compensation to Libya...

 He ​​made a phone call and asked Italy to pay 250 million in compensation, and all that money was deposited in P·B Bank, and was eventually made away by energy infrastructure companies in China and Italy.

 Because of this guy, the Shah and the UAE intervened in the reconstruction of Iraq, forcing Iran to increase its investment.

 The reconstruction work in Baghdad is proceeding rapidly, and prices have reached the best level in recent years.

According to reliable information, Jackals are lobbying several countries in West Africa to send coalition forces to meet in Burkina Faso...

He is going to drive all our French troops to the base in Chad, and he wants P·B to fight against extremist organizations throughout North Africa. "

As he spoke, Pierre looked at the surprised Chauvin and said, "Brother, why do you think the jackal should listen to you?

You went to Djibouti and got a bad result, don’t you realize your identity? "

While the two were talking, the British Cleverly took his doting eyes away from his own princess Beatrice...

I pretended not to notice this silly princess, who fell down while holding a heavy donation box and bumped her head on the jackal’s butt...

 He turned his head and glanced at Pierre, who had been threatening Chauvin, and then said to Chauvin: "Britain is a traditional ally of the United States, but I still want to say that what you did this time is too stupid!

Military Intelligence has accurate information. The nuclear waste lost in Ukraine is also related to the CIA. If things become unmanageable, you need to take full responsibility!

The conditions of ˆ20 million and immunity are not excessive. I hope you can give an answer as soon as possible.

 Many people are waiting for you! "

 (End of this chapter)

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