From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1251: arctic fox accident

Chapter 1251 The Incident of the Arctic Fox

Shan Ying's appearance is a bit handsome. Judging from his temperament and appearance, this guy looks more like a white-collar worker sitting in an office than a mercenary licking blood.

Facing Boss Qiao who suddenly showed excitement, "Shan Ying" smiled bitterly and said: "Boss Jackal, can you give me a moment, I want to make things clear..."

Chaujia is not in a hurry now. If Qiujia were to take stock of the most thrilling battle he has ever encountered in his life, it would be when the "Arctic Fox" used the trap set for him by the Kurds in Iraq.

If P·B’s soldiers weren’t strong enough, if Boss Joe hadn’t been supported by artillery behind him, and if it weren’t for Kaman’s battlefield acumen that ordinary people couldn’t understand, there would definitely have been attrition that time…

Qiao Jia especially wants to hear now, how could the "Arctic Fox" dare to find him after doing that kind of thing?

'Shan Ying' looked at Boss Qiao's serious face, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Boss Jackal, I am not from the 'Arctic Fox Mercenary Group', in fact I am just an employee doing odd jobs in Thailand. soldiers.

He was an old Arctic Fox mercenary who taught me how to register with an international intermediary company. Then his comrades came to him and said he had a job with good pay..."

Qiaojia frowned and looked at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ and said: “OK, I get it!

But what’s the point of telling me this?

Want to distance yourself? "

‘Shan Ying’ shook his head decisively and said: “Boss Jackal, those are my comrades, and I will not abandon them.

 I am telling you this just to make my situation and position clear to you, and at the same time I also want to explain it to you...

 My two ‘Arctic Fox’ comrades are not your enemies!

Actually 'Arctic Fox' disbanded a year and a half ago. They experienced a disastrous defeat in Iraq, and then their boss 'Silver Fox' decided to disband 'Arctic Fox' and let all the old guys retire. Home.

 But later the ‘Silver Fox’ died and was killed by Iblis, the young man he valued most!

Iblis not only killed the ‘Silver Fox’ and took away the title of ‘Arctic Fox Mercenary Group’, but also took away everyone’s pensions.

In the past year, the people of the "Arctic Fox" have been chasing Iblis, but due to the loss of pensions and global supply logistics capabilities, most of the main force of the "Arctic Fox" died in the hands of Iblis.

Spain, England, and finally Yemen, the good players of the "Arctic Fox" are all dead, and in the end only two old men who were the first to retire are left.

 They have always done auxiliary logistics work, and now they have to return to their old jobs in order to take care of the families of their dead comrades.

Boss Jackal, the remaining Arctic foxes are not your enemies. In fact, they are more willing to cooperate with you. If you are willing to help them, they are willing to go to Yemen to kill Iblis who has been assisting Al Qaeda and causing trouble for you. . "

 Speaking of "Shan Ying", he looked at Boss Qiao who was deep in thought, and said in a deep voice: "Of course, this is not part of the deal. Even if you are not willing to help, we will still do it!"

 The destruction of the ‘Arctic Fox’ made Boss Qiao feel a little complicated...

 He once regarded the ‘Arctic Fox’ as his best enemy, because they were the best group of mercenaries, and defeating them would prove that he was the best.

As a result, the final ending of the legendary "Arctic Fox" turned out to be like this?

Boss Joe has the intelligence support of Aaron, a gangster who is a second-tier gangster. Of course he knows about Iblis, and he also knows that there is a disabled Aiden beside Iblis.

That guy named Aiden also caused a lot of trouble for Boss Joe in the Congo.

 He was blasted into the river by Boss Qiao using hellfire, but in the end he managed to survive and got together with Iblis.

The two partners first made their first pot of gold fighting for drug traffickers in Spain, and then were attracted by the war in Yemen. After receiving a huge investment, they relied on their personal connections to help Al Qaeda build a simple command and communication system.

 These two guys are now very trusted, and their power is growing in Al Qaeda!

 After this kind of brainy person gained power, some changes occurred in the behavior pattern of Al Qaeda.

They are no longer obsessed with fighting for every inch of space with P.B. Instead, they have opened up the depth and begun to use large amounts of external military aid and sufficient manpower to slow down P.B.'s war speed using scorched-earth tactics.

Chaojia is not in a hurry at all, but the agreed-upon mining consolidation operation around Mukalla has been postponed.

The Mineral Management Company headed by the five eldest brothers has been established, and the east and west boundaries of the Yemeni safe zone have been determined.

 But Boss Qiao’s “not in a hurry” and Al Qaeda’s “passiveness” have slowed down the pace of actual profits.

However, no one is urging Boss Qiao. Being able to achieve this step in a little more than a year has exceeded everyone's expectations.

And Yemen’s current live broadcast benefits are greater than those minerals.

 Because you still need to invest in minerals, but the traffic generated by live broadcast war can bring incredible gains to those big sponsors.

Joga also wants to continue prolonging the war, so he will not take action against Iblis in the short term...

 ‘Shanying’ seems to be a very smart person, but he is just an ordinary mercenary and has no access to high-level information, so he made a mistake.

Looking at the slightly nervous look of ‘Mountain Eagle’, Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: “I am not interested in Ibilis for the time being, and I advise you not to take risks.

I have accurate information. Iblis was once the prince of Isis, and now he has reached a high-level position in Al Qaeda.

I don’t know how many of you there are, but a small team wants to go deep into the heart of Yemen to kill Iblis, which is a bit fanciful. " ˆ ˆ ˆ As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the 'Mountain Eagle' curiously, and said with a smile: "Tell me about you, I'm a little interested in you.

There are not many Chinese people who work as mercenaries. How did you get together with the old man from the "Arctic Fox"?

 Have you ever been a soldier before?

 Now you are actually here to negotiate with me, but you said before that you were just a temporary worker...

Why would those old men trust a temporary worker? Just because you are Chinese? "

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, and he said with a wry smile: “I have never been a soldier, I was just an employee of a trading company, and I had some achievements.

A few years ago, I got into some trouble in China, so I ran away to Thailand, and ended up working part-time at a shooting range outside Pattaya.

The owner of the shooting range is Alyosha, codenamed "Elk". After he retired from "Arctic Fox", he went to Pattaya to establish a shooting range.

 He was the one who took care of me through the most difficult period!

During my stay in Thailand, Alyosha said that I was very talented, so I took over some small tasks in Southeast Asia under his guidance...

Until ‘Blood Fox’ came to us and invited us to participate in a hostage rescue mission with a reward of 2 million US dollars. "

 Speaking of "Shan Ying", he smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "I keep reminding myself that pie will not fall in the sky, but the reality is that I am still blinded by money.

We received a deposit of 500,000, and then sneaked into a cargo ship in the waters of Malacca and rescued a big Russian man.

 It wasn’t until I talked to that guy from Da’er that I realized how much trouble I was in! "

Qiao Jia heard this and said with a smile: "So you decided to rebel and hide with the designer?

 Why did you think of looking for me? "

After hearing this, ‘Shan Ying’ said helplessly: “I’m not looking for you, but ‘Blood Fox’.

 I’m actually just a newbie, I don’t know much about this industry at all…

 ‘Blood Fox’ used to be a logistics worker for the Arctic Fox Mercenary Group. He is more familiar with this industry. It was he who decided to betray me and asked me to contact you.

  He said that designers are a time bomb for us, but for P·B, they are very good bargaining chips. "

"Shan Ying" was silent for a moment as he spoke, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I have searched all the information related to P·B on the Internet in the past few days, and then I found that the gap between people is really huge!

 You are a legend, and we are just little people who can be sacrificed at will!

  I think the deal we’re proposing might have real promise…”

Qiao Jia looked at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ and suddenly felt particularly curious...

This guy is very good at talking, and his tone seems distressed, but he still has strong confidence in his eyebrows.

In an industry immersed in life and death, if you want to have strong self-confidence, you can't just rely on self-hypnosis. There must be something special about this guy.

The intelligence officer Baiya, who has been watching from the side, behaves more professionally than the two former intelligence officers, Forrester and Feiying...

When the ‘Mountain Eagle’ appeared, he took a picture of his face, and then began to use the intelligence channels at hand to conduct inquiries, and soon got results...

Seeing that his boss fell silent, Baiya handed the tablet in his hand to Boss Qiao with a complicated expression...

“Boss, this guy is a wanted criminal in China, but the official title is ‘suspected death’ because he fell off a cliff while evading pursuit on the southern border of China.”

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia looked down at the computer curiously...

Looking at the 'brilliant deeds' displayed above, Qiao Jia compared the fair-skinned man in the photo with the current 'Mountain Eagle' and said incredulously: "In order to find my abducted son, 2 months, 3500 kilometers, 78 A human life, a variety of firearms and weapons...

  FUCK, why is there no news at all in the news?

Are you a trading company employee or a retired special forces soldier? "

Shan Ying probably didn't expect that his background would be checked all over in an instant. He subconsciously touched a scar on his chin and said bitterly: "I have never been a soldier, I am just a shooting enthusiast.

I believe that every father who faces his child being abducted will fight tooth and nail if he finds any clues...

Of course, I tried too hard..."

 (End of this chapter)

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