From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1252: a legendary person

Chapter 1252 Legendary Character

 Qiao Jia looked at the public information on the computer. Although the words in it were unclear, but based on his experience, he knew very well how terrifying the content contained in this description was...

In order to recover his child, this guy used a pistol and a VSS to fight from the Bohai Sea to the southwest in China, which strictly prohibits guns. During this period, he also made several circles in the Sichuan and Chongqing areas.

In two months, 78 lives were lost. Although the words in the information were unclear, the word "extreme cruelty" revealed that this guy must not have just killed people with a gun, but asked questions along the way. 'Then kill him...

Baiya soon found more information about the 'Mountain Eagle' in the Interpol database. This guy disappeared on the southwest border. Without confirming his death, the Chinese National Police sent his information to Interpol and Myanmar Police.

The information obtained by Interpol not only contains detailed information about Shan Ying's domestic crimes, but also his detailed information and DNA.

This is to enter the "Mountain Eagle" into the global customs alert system through Interpol. Once the "Mountain Eagle" is found in any customs, the other party is obliged to notify the Chinese police.

But this thing is just a psychological comfort. Without someone to keep an eye on it, Interpol will not work particularly hard.

 ‘Shan Ying’ was originally named Yue Ziheng, a very nice name…

This guy is from Jiangsu and was born in the hospital of a state-owned steel plant in the late 1980s.

Yue Ziheng has excelled in both essays and studies since he was a child and has great energy. During his schooling, he was not only admitted to the international trade major of Nanjing University with excellent results, but also became a national first-class athlete. He also had excellent results in long-distance running and archery. …

This guy is a genius. He taught himself Russian and Spanish in college, and entered a large foreign trade company as an intern at the age of 22.

 Only half a year after his internship, Yue Ziheng became a formal employee of the company without graduating, and followed the company leaders to KL, Ukraine, to complete several large transactions.

This guy's life is like cheating. Although there are a few twists and turns along the way, he has hit the mark almost every step of the way...

  At the age of 28, he became an executive of a large international trading company. He married the daughter of the deputy director of the Provincial Government Security Department. When he was 30 years old, he had a lovely son.

Until he was 34 years old, he took his son out shopping at night and met a trafficker, and his fate changed 180 degrees.

Twelve hours after Yue Ziheng’s son disappeared, two women living in a guest house in a village in the city were tortured and torn into pieces in the room...

The police found clues about trafficking and traced the past. When they saw something was wrong, they reported it urgently...

Unexpectedly, Yue Ziheng had already driven on the highway. He drove 12 hours overnight to Qinhuangdao and killed 15 people in a rural area on the outskirts of the country. Two of them had all their bones broken...

When the Nanjing police received the notification and rushed over, in addition to the tragic scene, they also found several disabled and trafficked children.

 After that, Yue Ziheng tracked all the way to Yinchuan, where he killed 6 people in a row, and then transferred to the Sichuan and Chongqing areas...

 Four massacres occurred in the countryside near Chengdu. A guy with a gangland background and three younger brothers in Chongqing were disemboweled in a hotel...

  Thirty-seven people died in the president's death, and more than a dozen "street children" were found in the village.

Similar crime modus operandi was quickly consolidated and handled under the supervision of the G Security Department.

Yue Ziheng, as the father of the kidnapped child, also disappeared on the day his son disappeared, and he was quickly named as the main suspect.

His father-in-law in the G Security Department delayed him for a day, and finally encountered a suspension investigation.

The whereabouts of Yue Ziheng was soon exposed because his wife flew to Yunnan...

In a hotel in Menghai County, Yunnan, he beat to death all 9 people involved in the transaction of buying and selling children. Then, after handing his son over to his wife, he began to flee towards the border...

Finally, he fell off the cliff while being chased and intercepted by the border police!

What Qiao Jia saw was only cold words, but as an industry insider, he clearly knew how tragic the scenes represented by these seemingly understated words!

This is not something that an ordinary person can do. You can't succeed even if you change to Delta.

 Just kidding, that’s 79 people with criminal experience, not 79 pigs!

 In the event of an accident in China, if more than 30 people die, all the heads and heads will be pulled out to ‘sacrifice to heaven’…

This guy killed 79 people in a row, and his methods were extremely brutal.

The only reason why it didn't make the news is that the official felt that such news would be detrimental to the country's image.

Furthermore, Yue Ziheng’s father-in-law’s status was not ordinary, and the people who died were all traffickers, so he probably had the power to suppress the matter.

 After reading about the glorious achievements of the ‘Mountain Eagle’, Boss Qiao threw the computer aside in disbelief, then looked at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ on the screen and said, “I want to ask, how did you do it?”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the slightly nervous ‘Mountain Eagle’ and said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous, I definitely have no ill intentions towards you, only admiration!

 I'm just curious...

 Because I know that if it were me alone, maybe I could kill so many.

Even if necessary, I will kill more and do it more brutally than you, but I will never be able to act as efficiently as you.

I don’t think a student with both good character and academic performance can have such ability..."

"Shan Ying" knew that all his bases had been leaked. He smiled bitterly and said: "How should I put it, I have been interested in shooting since I was a child, and during the period when I was stationed in Ukraine, I took the initiative to participate in some military training.

It can be considered a gift..."

Qiao Jia squinted his eyes and looked at the 'Mountain Eagle'. He knew clearly that this guy was definitely not telling the truth...

However, in order to satisfy his curiosity, it is a bit impolite to force others to talk about his privacy... After Qiao Jia hesitated for a while, he shook his head and said: "Forget it if you don't want to talk, let's talk about the transaction...

If things go well, I would like to hire you to go to Thailand to participate in our anti-drug operations.

 You said you have been in Thailand for a long time, so I guess you are very familiar with it! "

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment and said, “You want to go to the Golden Triangle?”

"Shanying" said, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "Let's get through this hurdle first...

 Boss Jackal, we believe in your credibility and are willing to hand over the designer to you free of charge...

 Our only requirement is to survive. We don’t want to spend the rest of our lives being hunted by the CIA.

I still have some thoughts in my heart, so I can't die so early! "

Qiao Jia nodded in understanding. He knew how a father felt...

Even an irresponsible father like him cannot imagine how his son would feel if he was kidnapped...

Children’s lives are too fragile. No matter how much parents love their children, the degree of collapse after something happens will be doubled!

 Don't just kill people, if you have the ability, it is normal to break the sky.

 The ‘connection’ after being lost and found will give the father a stronger sense of responsibility.

The wife and children of this "Shan Ying" are still in the country. Although his father-in-law has been implicated, his basic personal connections are still there.

 He was obviously waiting for the child to grow up, for the case to slowly fade into the memory of the police, and for the opportunity to meet the child abroad.

Looking at the bitter expression on ‘Mountain Eagle’’s face, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: “People still have to have expectations for life. Your current condition is better than mine...

Then I can only bless you! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Chauvin next to him and said with a smile: "The exemption document from the U.S. Department of Justice will be delivered to me in a few days. I can only guarantee that the official will not cause trouble for you.

But for the sake of us being compatriots, I will warn the CIA people not to cause trouble for you.

 Personally, I don’t think the problem will be too big, because you have returned the designers, and it is still a question whether those who made mistakes can stay in their jobs.

As long as this matter has a good ending, then you will most likely be safe! "

Upon hearing this, Shanying said excitedly: "Is it really possible?"

Chaojia spread his hands and said: "Actually, if you want money, this transaction will be more reasonable.

How about  2 million?

You are more familiar with Southeast Asia, then go to Manila, Philippines and wait for me. I will bring 2 million in cash to exchange designers with you..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the puzzled expression on ‘Mountain Eagle’’s face. He smiled and said: “This is your reward. If you trust me, I can’t let you suffer.

  The CIA defaults first, they will definitely be happy to settle the balance with you..."

When Shan Ying heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Boss Jackal, that's the CIA. I don't dare to ask for it..."

Qiaojia shook his head and said: "If you don't want to, it means you are weak. If people in this field are considered weak, then there will be all kinds of guys like flies eyeing you!"

 As a person who has experienced it, I suggest you accept my proposal, and I also suggest you set a revenge target...

 Once you find someone chasing any one of you, others go and kill that target!

 This target is best to be a big shot with a big name..."

As he spoke, Joga turned the tablet in his hand so that Chauvin appeared in the camera. Then he ignored Chauvin's horrified expression and said with a smile: "This gentleman's name is Chauvin, and he is the deputy security adviser of the White House.

Compared to the boss in the white house, the consultant's security can only be said to be average, and his residence is easy to find out! "

 ‘Shan Ying’ was stunned by Boss Qiao’s operation. After hesitating for a long time, he said: “Thank you!”

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "I will accept your 'thank you'..."

 I don’t know you, but I hate drug dealers and human traffickers!

Others may not agree with your approach, but I like it very much, because when I encountered the same situation, I would definitely do it a hundred times better than you!

I have no ill intentions towards you, so I hope you can consider the proposal I just made. I will have a lot of business in Southeast Asia and need people like you to handle it. "

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, “I will consider it!”

 Speaking of "Shan Ying", he was silent for a moment and said: "Today's dragon boat race was very exciting, and the security measures in your big house are very good..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia was surprised and said, "Are you in Sangha Town?"

‘Shan Ying’ smiled shyly and did not reply to Boss Qiao’s question. He stood up and said ‘thank you’…

Then Qiao Jia looked through a window in the picture and saw several men drinking on the street...

“The ‘Blood Fox’ said these people were Mossad, and they stared at several children for a long time..."

 (End of this chapter)

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