From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1253: activist language

Chapter 1253 The language of action

‘Shan Ying’ cut off the communication with Boss Qiao, then walked to the window and looked at the street below…

 A chubby Chinese girl and a tall and thin Serbian girl were leading a group of children to have a carnival with people on the street.

 The legendary ‘Crocodile Prince’ of Sangha Town, dragged by a lazy-looking crocodile, ran rampant on the streets.

The little prince, who was wearing Glock diapers, and his little illegitimate brother, who was a little thin, stood in the stroller, shaking their little buttocks, making "ouch, scum" noises with a little bastard. Dealers quarrel...

 An old black man and a group of black soldiers stood guard on both sides of the child. The locals in Sangha Town naturally isolated all outsiders from the children.

 Everyone is happy that their prince is shopping for the first time. Although he is not very patient, everyone still likes it...

 Because people in P·B are all impatient, this is the style that Prince P·B should have.

The vendor was a toothless old man with a flat mouth. Faced with the prince's urging, this guy carefully cleaned his hands, and then put several fruits into a juicer that was considered an advanced appliance in Sangha Town. Soon two glasses of mixed juice are ready.

The toothless old man looked at the cheap plastic cups he had prepared. He hesitated and rushed to the grocery store opposite. He grabbed two milk bottles. After washing them several times with water, he filled a full cup for the two little princes. Juice was delivered...

Igor took the bottle and tried it boldly. He happily hit the stroller with the bottle and signaled the crocodile driver to drive, and then signaled the hawker to get out of the way...

Seeing the domineering Prince Sangha Town making the people around him burst into laughter, there was a hint of warmth in the eyes of 'Shan Ying'. Then he looked at the people on the other side of the street. His eyes turned cold and he took out Got a CB radio and plugged in the headphones…

"'Blood Fox', I have made an agreement with Jackal, delivery in Manila, Philippines, 2 million commission, immunity..."

The words of ‘Shan Ying’ made the ‘Blood Fox’ on the other end of the radio stunned for a long time…

"you sure?"

‘Mountain Eagle’ stared at those people and said, “I’m sure, but I want to prepare some gifts for that jackal before I leave.

 ‘Blood Fox’, I want to capture those Modesty men and help me re-plan an evacuation route. "

 ‘Blood Fox’ was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: “‘Mountain Eagle’, those people can’t hurt those children, that old man and those members of the Bat Team are very powerful!”

Speaking of ‘Blood Fox’, it seemed that in order to make ‘Mountain Eagle’ obey, he emphasized: “It is very, very powerful!”

"Shan Ying" heard this and said firmly: "'Blood Fox', whether those children's bodyguards are powerful or not has nothing to do with our actions.

 The Jackal is a very powerful person, and the way he does things is different from the Jackal you understand.

 We need to do something to fully demonstrate our position and capabilities! "

Speaking of "Shan Ying", he remembered the chauvin who appeared in the camera just now. He smiled and said: "I just learned something, that is, you have to express your abilities and demands clearly so that there will be no misunderstandings.

 I can be considered a mercenary now. The only thing worth seeing about a mercenary is his combat ability! "

 ‘Blood Fox’ was stunned for a moment, and said a little helplessly: “Okay, you are the captain now, you have the final say.

 Look at your phone in two minutes, I will send you the route map and prepare some props for you...

 In Sangha Town, it is impossible to escape everyone's attention. We need some other assistance.

 Do you remember what I taught you? "

‘Mountain Eagle’ turned around and put on a peaked cap, walked out and said with a smile: “Remember, stay calm, keep your pace, and don’t avoid other people’s eyes...”

As he spoke, "Shan Ying" picked up a backpack and put it on his back, put on a somewhat worn peaked cap, then opened the door and walked out of the hotel room.

I walked to the front desk and said hello to a fat black girl with a smile. After paying the bill, Shan Ying left a suitable tip, mixed a welcome drink at the front desk, and then walked onto the lively street with the drink...

After walking for more than ten meters, Shan Ying’s phone suddenly rang. He took out his phone and took a look at the route marked on it...

Standing in the crowd and checking the signboards on both sides of the street in the distance, 'Shan Ying' put away his mobile phone and walked to a small stall selling meat buns. He carefully selected a piece of fat and thin meat and asked the boss to make it. It became a fragrant meat bun...

After taking a bite of the Roujiamo, Shan Ying gave the black boss a thumbs up and said, "Thank you, it tastes authentic..."

When the black boss faced the compliment from a Chinese man, he was so happy that he repeatedly waved his hand and rejected the US dollars handed over by "Shan Ying", and then said in broken Chinese with a strong Northeastern accent: "Bangbang,bangbang,old ironbangbang of…"

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, then gave a thumbs up again, said goodbye to the enthusiastic boss, and slowly walked forward like a real tourist with a drink in one hand and food in the other...

When he approached the tavern where Agent Mordor was located, a local police team suddenly appeared in front of him.

The team was led by an ordinary-looking black man, but Mountain Eagle immediately recognized the guy’s identity... It was one of Jackal’s bodyguards, Ronnie...

The pace of ‘Shan Ying’ was slightly faster than that of the people led by Ronnie. When he approached the door of the tavern, he handed the meat buns to his left hand, and then groped with his right hand in his light coat as if he was looking for something...

 A .22 caliber Ruger silent pistol was held in his hand...

Fireworks were suddenly set off from the top of a building at the far end of the street. Amidst a series of roars, several fireworks bloomed in the sky and illuminated the black sky...

 ‘Mountain Eagle’ held the Luger in his belly amidst the roar of fireworks, and pulled the trigger continuously through his coat.

The bullet accurately hit the heads of four Mossad agents, causing them to fall on the wine table...

The Ruger silent pistol is not very powerful, and the bullets are not very penetrating. The subtle gunshots were inaudible amidst the roar of fireworks, and even Ronnie, who was only a few meters away from him, did not hear it.

Just when the ‘Mountain Eagle’ was about to pass by Ronnie, the pistol in his hand disappeared and was replaced by a mobile phone.

The action of answering the phone made 'Shan Ying' naturally avoid Ronnie's eyes, but the moment the two passed each other, Ronnie touched 'Shan Ying' slightly and said, 'I'm sorry' '…

‘Mountain Eagle’ resisted the urge to bounce away, smiled and nodded to show that he was fine, then moved forward while making a phone call and missed the team.

'Shan Ying' walked quickly forward for fifteen meters, turned into a clothing store, put on a set of cool clothes and a brand new peaked cap. After paying, he borrowed the store's restroom and left the street from behind. .

Hurry forward for a few hundred meters through the path, then enter the restaurant from the back door, mix in behind the two old men at the checkout, and turn into the street again...

Looking at the unchanged street, one of the flashy old men wearing sunglasses said: "'Shan Ying', you missed..."

After hearing this, ‘Shan Ying’ smiled bitterly, took out a business card from his pocket, and said, “I succeeded, but I was still discovered...”

As he said "Shan Ying", he looked at the lion's head mark and a string of phone numbers on the business card, and said helplessly: "You are right, those people at PB are very powerful, and I didn't even find the one named Ronnie. How the **** put his business card in my pocket.”

 ‘Blood Fox’ turned his head and glanced at ‘Mountain Eagle’, and said: “You showed your face, and this is PB’s home court, it’s normal!

However, not all the preparations we made were used, which means that the jackal really has no ill intentions towards you!

 This is a good sign…”

‘Shan Ying’ nodded slightly and said, “Okay, let’s leave here and go to Southeast Asia…”

"Blood Fox" listened, shook his head and said: "NO, let's send the designer to Sangha Town to settle down. I don't want to take that guy around the world again.

 It’s safe here!

Sending goods to Southeast Asia does not mean that we will take designers to Southeast Asia. I believe that Jackal would prefer to receive designers in Sangha Town.

This guy is poison to us, but he is a very important bargaining chip to Jackal. He can exchange designers for many things that we dare not even think of! "

With that said, 'Blood Fox' patted the slightly silent 'Mountain Eagle' on the back and said: "You are a qualified gunner, but if you want to gain a foothold in this industry, you still have to learn a lot!

 Iblis is very powerful, and you need to grow up quickly before you can take back the title of ‘Arctic Fox’ in an upright manner.

 Me and Elk are too old, and we don’t have much time left for you! "

An old Eastern European man next to him who had been silent suddenly raised his head and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't listen to him, just kill Iblis and get back Arctic Fox's retirement account.

Iblis killed the ‘Silver Fox’ and forcibly took over the team account, but the pension account was different. Two Arctic Fox members had to be present at the same time to confirm the ownership rights again.

"Mountain Eagle", Arctic Fox once had hundreds of members, but there are only more than 20 descendants left, and most of them are the family members of the members recruited by "Silver Fox" in the past ten years.

I don’t know them, but I am a first-generation Arctic fox and I feel responsible for them!

Get your pension account back, take care of those people, and the rest of the money will be yours!

 Don’t you want to take care of your family back home?

Those who manage pension accounts, there are ways to transfer funds quietly and find reasonable reasons to give the money to the person you designate! "

After hearing this, Shanying said helplessly: "Elk, I'm not doing this for money, but because you took me in when I was in the most difficult time."

'Elk' stared at 'Mountain Eagle' with gray eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "You have to change your habits. Mercenaries must get paid for everything they do. Otherwise, not only will your customers not trust you, but even your friends will be distrustful of you." You have doubts.

The best mercenary is the one who gets the most money and does the hardest work! "


 “Awesome? How awesome?”

 (End of this chapter)

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