Chapter 1255 Uproar

Chauga’s tough response to Israel caused an uproar internationally…

When the sports meeting in Sangha Town was in full swing, at a United Nations press conference, a reporter suddenly asked the then United Nations Secretary-General Gures a pointed question...

“Mr. Secretary-General, what do you think of P.B.’s establishment of prisoner of war prisons in Syria?

Now a private military company has built a prison where hundreds of Jewish intelligence agents are imprisoned.

 Do you think the Security Council should intervene in this kind of behavior?

Should the United Nations cut off cooperation with military companies like P·B? "

Gures originally wanted to thank Big Mouth Tang for his efforts for peace at his last press conference in 2018...

 Because the quiet US military has made the world a much better place, the difficulty of making alms at the United Nations this year has also been reduced a lot.

  The old man just wants to say goodbye to the "beautiful" 2018 and prepare to welcome the unknown 2019...

As a result, an unknown reporter jumped out, making the old man feel extremely uncomfortable!

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is somewhat dignified. The old man Gures waved the people around him to be silent. He looked at the reporter standing in the field and said in a contemptuous tone: "So what do you think is the problem?

 Syria, Iraq, and the Shah have arrested spies conducting intelligence activities within their countries. What is the problem with this?

I have clear information. They have completed evidence collection and are sorting out the information and preparing to prosecute the spies...

In order to protect the personal safety of these spies and to maintain democracy and the rule of law, these three countries did not feel comfortable detaining spies in a turbulent country, so they asked P·B to build a prison in a relatively neutral area to temporarily detain those spies. What's the point? question?

I don’t think P·B’s approach has anything to do with “inhumanity”. In fact, P·B is the most responsible private contracting company I have ever seen. Jackal has made great contributions to global humanitarian causes in the past few years...

· The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the UN Refugee Agency have worked closely with PB to achieve unprecedented achievements in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Myanmar.

  No United Nations staff were sacrificed in these places this year, which was unimaginable in the past!

 We are currently having a meeting to discuss and expect to launch larger-scale cooperation with P·B in 2019, including financial and human support for the Afika Sahel...

We also need to cooperate with P.B., within the framework of international law, to expand the scope of the humanitarian channels it leads as much as possible, and use existing channels to deliver sufficient supplies to more refugees in need.

At the same time, we do not rule out persuading the Security Council to invite professional companies like P.B. through contracts to enter some hot spots to replace some less qualified peacekeeping teams for peacekeeping tasks.

Mr. Journalist, this is the correct way to link P.B. to the Security Council..."

As he spoke, Gures deliberately left the microphone on, turned his head to the people around him, and said, "Is this guy an idiot? Let the Security Council sanction a private company?

 Did you pick up his press pass? "

When the reporters in the audience laughed loudly, Gures stood up and announced the end of today's press conference...

 Then in another venue, the representatives of the Security Council were surrounded, and all the questions focused on Gurez's words, "try to persuade the Security Council to invite P.B. to the hotspot area through a contract."

If this approach is successful, it will mean that the United Nations has broken its past practices, and it also means that the Secretariat is preparing to compete for more rights from the Security Council.

 In the past, the Secretariat had nothing. The operating funds of the United Nations needed to be donated everywhere. Where could there be excess funds to maintain the army?

Now there is a P·B who has jumped out. He has raised an army that is particularly capable of fighting, and he can also conduct a series of mediations between the five big brothers...

The most important thing is that P·B has always been in line with the humanitarian spirit of the United Nations and in line with mainstream political correctness. When good things happen, the United Nations must be put in front, and when bad things happen, it will be shouldered by itself...

Gures doesn’t care at all what the big guys in the Security Council think, because even if he cares, it’s useless...

 But he knows very well that most departments related to humanitarian and regional development under the United Nations like PB very much, and are particularly willing to work with people from PB.

 Because P·B can really solve problems, and if you act with them, safety is really guaranteed.

Even though you have to hang out with P·B, you have to endure their bad tempers, and you have to really invest time and energy in doing things, but the credit is real, and the resume after success is brilliant!

Gures can't control the affairs of the Security Council at all, and he can't do anything about the wars happening around the world, but the old man is serious about implementing humanitarianism, because this is the only right he has limited control over.

 Deepening cooperation with P·B can effectively deepen this right!

These are all good deeds. As long as he maintains a humanitarian stance, whatever Gures does is right!

This old man’s move has put the Security Council into a rather embarrassing situation...

 Because the five eldest brothers actually have a cooperative relationship with P·B, rejecting them outright would appear to be too selfish...

P·B’s nominal headquarters is in the United States, and its annual tax payment is extremely high. Moreover, the energy group has deep cooperation with P·B. The oil field operations in Iraq are extremely dependent on P·B.

 Let’s not mention China and France. Both of them have obtained huge shares of foreign trade through P·B.

The British government is almost interested, but the British royal family has a deep cooperative relationship with P.B. Princess Beatrice is still living in Boss Qiao's house.

It's a pity that Beatrice is a little bit under-looking and silly, which makes the British tabloids less able to talk about the scandal if they want to, because Boss Qiao's aesthetics is there...

P·B Investment Bank, which mainly uses funds from the British royal family, has achieved great results in infrastructure projects in Central Africa and Congo, and will definitely receive huge returns in the future. Even Da'ou, who is in the most embarrassing position, is on the shareholder list of Yemen United Management Company, so he can be considered to have benefited!

Most importantly, Boss Qiao used a humanitarian channel to connect a trade route. He also used oil from the Middle East and materials from China to connect the U.S. dollar and the euro, forming a tightly operated super-interest chain.

 The profit margin of this trade route is not high, but the capital flow is too great!

It is not only Iraq and China that are **** in it, but also Europe and the United States...

 Everyone has benefited!

Furthermore, two ready-made examples of the Syrian safe zone and the Yemen safe zone are there, and both have been authorized by the Security Council. At this time, opposing Gurez's proposal is no different from slapping oneself in the face.

 So faced with the plan suddenly proposed by Gures, the five representatives of the Security Council actually fell into silence collectively when faced with questions from reporters.

It was impossible for them to obey Gures' wishes, but they did not directly oppose it. This was a great victory for Gures!

But what no one expected was that this big wave started by the United Nations actually started to spread to the whole world...

 Syria’s doctor president was the first to jump out...

This man tearfully begged the United Nations Security Council to use P.B. to replace the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Golan Heights, and to help Syria implement Security Council Resolution 2334, which means to allow the Israeli army to return to the border in 1967.

 At first, no one took the words of a president who could be killed at any time seriously, but surprisingly, this time France’s little brother actually stood up to support Syria.

The feud between France and Israel has basically come to an end with the destruction of the Rahway family and the receipt of large amounts of compensation. However, you cannot expect that others will not hold grudges after you make compensation for your mistakes.

Syria is a member state of the United Nations, and the Golan Heights is a Syrian territory recognized by the United Nations. As a younger brother, it is reasonable for me to ask my eldest brother to help bring justice!

At this moment, standing on the side of law and justice, even if you know it will have no effect, can still be a good way to create obstacles for your enemies, show your fairness and selflessness, and gain some public opinion.

France jumped out, and Greece jumped out soon after!

The Greek government, which has paid off its foreign debt and has the support of the big project in Crete, is living several times better than before. Of course, at this time, it must stand up with the law and justice!

 Then a series of organizations including the United Nations Refugee Agency, humanitarian relief organizations, UNESCO, the Women and Children's Fund, the Red Cross, etc., one after another, people jumped out and said that it was a pleasure to cooperate with P·B.

  No one could have imagined that so many people would jump out to build momentum for P·B in this matter.

Originally, this was a very good thing for Boss Qiao. Once P·B’s image was established, it would be difficult for anyone to use the identity of a ‘mercenary’ to attack P·B in the future.

But just when Boss Qiao was wandering around various competition venues every day, cheering for the athletes, and happily communicating with politicians from all over the world, Hams suddenly jumped out...

They issued a statement through Al Jazeera, expressing their willingness to see P.B. stationed in the Canadian Strip to ensure the safety of United Nations staff and at the same time bring humanitarian assistance to the suffering people of Canada.

As soon as Hamas moved, the Lebanese True Z Party also issued a similar statement...

 HMS and the True Z Party are okay because, except for NATO and its allies, other members of the United Nations have recognized them as resistance organizations, not terrorist organizations...

The United Nations has never stopped providing assistance to the Canadian Strip. The mortality rate of United Nations personnel there has always been high, which is a big problem in itself!

If there is still room for mediation, something even more outrageous will come soon...

I don’t know if they received guidance from experts, but Al Qaeda in Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, and the YSL organization in Afika collectively issued a statement...

This group of terrorists certified by countries around the world collectively stated that as long as P·B goes to Canada to rescue the suffering people, they have decided to cease war with P·B and are willing to cooperate with P·B on various matters.

Boss Qiao, who was having fun, was instantly put on the fire for barbecue...

 Boss Joe, who was watching the javelin competition, poured a sip of beer on Central African President Francois...

"What the **** is this world like? Terrorists are negotiating terms with me..."

 (End of this chapter)

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