From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1256: Push up the grill

Chapter 1256 Pushing onto the grill

"What happened to this world?"

Aaron, who was far away in Kiev, Ukraine, was sitting in the study of a mobile mansion, looking at various information on the computer. He sighed and said: "Hey, Al Qaeda has become smarter, and it will be difficult for them to make money in the future... "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at a Ukrainian young man sitting across from the desk and said, "Polnyav, is that actor ready?"

Polnyav, who has a fair appearance and a technician's air, looked at the man in front of him and said nervously: "Sir, Mr. Zelens will officially announce his participation in the election tonight!

 He has already raised some funds, and according to my online statistics, there are many people in China who like him. Once he declares his candidacy, he will gain..."

 Speaking, Polnyav glanced at Aaron carefully and said, "Once he announces his candidacy, he will receive financial assistance from the United States."

Aaron looked at the young man in front of him with a smile and said, "Dude, don't be nervous, you are just working.

Think of yourself as a qualified campaign office manager, not a timid little guy.

 You have the skills that Mr. Zelens desperately needs, and if he is elected, you will have unprecedented support.

You will be the Internet czar of Ukraine, you can take charge of many things..."

After hearing this, Polnyav looked at Aaron nervously and said, "Sir, can I ask a question?"

Aaron spread his hands easily and said: "Of course, I hope you don't think of me as those Americans who intend to control Ukraine. We are collaborators, and I can provide conditions that they cannot."

Polnyav looked at the smiling Aaron carefully and said, "Sir, can I know why you secretly intervened in the Ukrainian election and selected Mr. Zelens?

 In the eyes of most politicians, Mr. Zelens is not particularly favored.

 You spent a lot of money to acquire my company, but you went to support an underappreciated actor. I don’t understand.

 Because you don’t even want to meet Mr. Zelens…”

After hearing this, Aaron put his hands together on his chin. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I have a friend who won a lot of things by betting on the election!

 Then I thought, why can’t I?

You ask me why I don’t meet with Zelens. It’s actually very simple. In my eyes, the most valuable person is actually you and your team, not a politician who is pushed to the front.

  It doesn’t matter who the president of Ukraine is, because no matter who he is, he must listen to Washington.

  But you are different, you represent a new form of narrative, and the power of online media is becoming more and more powerful.

 You and your team can be the deciding factor in the future!

  I need you, and the power that has not yet been stimulated in you!

 Believe me, go help that Zelens ascend to the position of president, and then we can create a career together.

I don’t guarantee that what I do is necessarily good or just, but I promise that if you work with me, you will have an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

 Believe me, follow your intuition, follow me, and when you grow old in the future, you will never regret your decision today! "

As he spoke, Aaron stood up with difficulty and walked to Polnyav. He reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Do you believe it? As long as we have enough faith, then we will You will definitely succeed.

Maybe most people won’t praise or even understand our choice, but I promise, you won’t regret it!

 I am different from some people. Justice has never been my first choice. What I want is power and wealth. Occasionally, I want to pursue some sunshine and honor within my ability...

 This is my choice, I believe you can understand it! "

Polnyav lowered his head and glanced at Aaron's legs. He thought back to his shabby start-up company, the sweaty little bed, the girlfriend who abandoned him, and the large amount of cash provided by Aaron. After a moment of silence, he nodded heavily and said, "I understand, sir!

 I listen to you, sir! "

After hearing this, Aaron nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "That's good, you won't be disappointed!

 Remember to keep a low profile and protect yourself. If you encounter any trouble, you can contact me and I will ensure your safety!

 When you have the trust of the president and the support of the government, you can use your talents.

 You don’t need to know the long-term goals for the time being, but as long as Zelens succeeds in the election, I will have people come to you.

 We are going to build a cryptocurrency empire and you will become a billionaire!

 You will become a real big shot by then!

 Everybody needs to take their hats off to you big shot! "


 “Fuck the big shots…”

Facing the ridicule of several Afika bosses around him, Boss Qiao cursed unhappily: "Why do those terrorists think they are qualified to negotiate with me?

These sons of **** didn't wash their necks and wait for me to kill them. They actually wanted to push me into the fire pit... FUCK, if you let me know who gave them the idea, I will gut that bastard. Take it out. "

When Qiao Jia yelled in displeasure, a roar broke out on the sports field in the audience...

Ayou, who was extremely strong, put on sportswear, took a few steps, and then threw the javelin in his hand vigorously.

Under the influence of Ayou's huge force and air resistance, the javelin kept shaking in the air, and then crossed a distance of nearly 100 meters. It actually crossed the crowd of onlookers, and plunged into the sky amidst the exclamations of the crowd. Next to a hawker…


The vendor buying drinks looked at the javelin at his feet and couldn't help but let out a series of trills. Then he saw several referees rushing over excitedly, standing beside him holding the javelin and gesticulating...

“It must be over 100 meters. It’s a record. It’s a world record, and it’s a men’s world record..."

“FUCK, what did we witness? That guy is a monster...”

 “Where’s the ruler, where’s the ruler, bring the ruler over here…”

The vendor looked at the old man next to him with trembling nervous legs and said, "I, can I leave?"

When the old white-haired bailiff heard this, he decisively took out 5 yuan to buy a drink. Then he held the javelin in one hand and put his arm around the vendor's shoulder, and shouted to his companion: "Hey, take a picture for me, I have to I took it back and hung it on the wall, and I witnessed a miracle!”

When Qiao Jia watched two black guys holding a banner with '105.3M' written on it and started running around the stadium, he jumped up in surprise and high-fived the people around him and shouted, "Did you see that?" That's my man, that's my man..."

Francois, who was already a bit reborn, adjusted his golf shirt, looked at Qiao Jia and said: "Congratulations, your people won the championship...

 Boss, you are a real big shot!

 No matter what the outside world thinks, those YSL terrorists are "surrendering" to you...

Whether they really surrender or not, according to the current media stance and from the perspective of grand narrative, you have accomplished a great achievement that the United States has not accomplished in the past few decades.

 This is a great achievement comparable to Saladin's victory over the Crusaders but giving up massacre to win peace.

The only way to strive for peace between different races in this world is to defeat each other in all aspects, then forgive each other, and finally embrace each other with a broad mind...

 Boss, if Al Qaeda and YSL do not repent, then you have achieved the first point! "

Although he knew that what the terrorist organization said could not be believed, Qiao Jia still couldn't help but feel vain when faced with Francois's extremely good flattery...

 But when he took out his mobile phone and saw the phone number on it, his mood immediately changed...

 Looking at Ayou on the sports field, who was exiting, Qiao Jia put his hand into his mouth and blew a loud whistle, then clapped vigorously and called on everyone to follow...

 The sports ground only has a simple temporary stand, but about 2,000 people gathered around it...

When Boss Qiao took the lead and started applauding, huge applause suddenly broke out around the temporary stadium, and the joyful atmosphere began to spread.

 In fact, for Sangha Town, the content of the game is not important at all. It gives people the opportunity to gather together and cheer or boo someone together. This interesting atmosphere is the most interesting part.

 To put it bluntly, it is a kind of entertainment, and it is entertainment with a positive meaning!

Seeing Ayew exit, Qiaojia booed the next male athlete who came on the field, then waved goodbye to the audience and left the stadium.

After Joe Garden got in the car and returned to his manor, he took out his phone and called back, and then said with an unhappy face: "What happened over there in the United States?"

Eric on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Boss, from your tone, you seem to be in a bad mood?


You have achieved unparalleled achievements. If you are in New York, you can see that thousands of Palestinians have gathered in front of the United Nations. They are calling on the United Nations to provide contracts to P·B!

Just half an hour ago, Egypt also issued a statement. They stated that if the United Nations is willing to arrange for P.B. to intervene in Palestine, they are willing to provide P.B. with a base in the Sinai Peninsula and cooperate with P.B. to fight against lurking terrorists. Local YSL terrorists.

Haha, right after Egypt’s statement, Al Qaeda in Tripoli, Libya contacted Al Jazeera…

He said that if P.B. could protect the Canadian people from being persecuted, they would ask the brothers in the Sinai Peninsula to give up their confrontation with the Egyptian government and all retreat to Libya..."

 Qiao Jia’s head was covered with sweat after hearing this…

“FUCK, this is to kick me out of the anti-terrorist front and instead fight against Jewish groups...

Why do these terrorists hate me so much? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia wiped his sweat and said, "Do you know who taught those **** to say this?

 Help me check it out..."

 (End of this chapter)

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