From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1257: Mental preparation

Chapter 1257 Psychological preparation

Eric listened and laughed and said: "Boss, you may not believe it. Although you are merciless to terrorists, you have the support of ordinary people in troubled areas such as Iraq, Syria, and Yemen...

 Humanitarian corridors have saved too many people, and the development of Iraq cannot be separated from P·B’s help.

 The terrorists are unable to find much support among the people when they are fighting against you. Even their sponsors are hesitant, because you have trapped a huge amount of resources in Yemen, and it is not easy for anyone to get money...

I just chatted with people from several think tanks. They believe that with the current practices of the Netanya government, there is basically no possibility of reconciliation between Bahrain and Yili. It doesn’t matter who goes there!

 But they believe that if you are willing, you can use authorization to ease regional conflicts.

As long as humanitarian channels replace those support channels of unknown origin, it will not only actually alleviate the survival crisis in Canada, but also alleviate some of the emotions...

 Boss, this may be the greatest achievement of this century, why are you unhappy? "

After hearing this, Qiaojia said angrily: "I'm not **** afraid of Israel. That's because I have enough strategic depth and a reputation for justice.

 But I went to Palestine to face the front line. What do you think will be the result of losing control of the situation in PB's style?

What do you think a person like King Kong would do when she sees those **** Israeli military police rushing into school kindergarten, taking photos of Palestinian children and intimidating them?

P·B’s hard power is still inferior to that of Israel. Just because I can follow Syria and confront them in the safe zone does not mean that I can confront them face to face in Canada.

  FUCK, I think this might be a Jewish conspiracy, otherwise why would it be such a big fuss?

I suspect that they want to follow what I did in Yemen and trap P·B in Canada through ‘kidnapping’.

 Do you think I will like Hams?

Those people are already the fourth generation. They have been soaked in hatred since childhood. I have no prejudice against them, but the reality is that they are simply uncontrollable.

 Once they launch an attack on Israeli civilians, if I stand there, I will no longer be a human being.

This is what al-Qaeda and their terrorist organizations want, and maybe what the Jews want too. "

After hearing this, Eric sighed and said: "Boss, do you think it is possible for you to stay out of the matter?

United Nations Secretary-General Gures has been in frequent contact with Gemma Alexander these days. I think even if the Security Council disagrees, he will use the name of his subordinate agencies to hire P·B to go to Canada. "

 After Qiao Jia heard this, he immediately remembered what Gemma had done...

This eldest sister jumped directly from the Red Cross to the UNHCR. She is looking for ways to rebuild the procurement channels for humanitarian supplies, and puts P·B at the top of the list of cooperation.

 The UNHCR is the unit where Gures worked before. If this has nothing to do with it, Boss Qiao won’t believe it.

However, humanitarianism is still humanism, but adding S makes it different...

 Qiao Jia didn’t know if this was being cheated by his own people. He smiled bitterly and said: “I’m very busy, so I probably don’t have the ability to accept the contract with S…”

“Boss, you have to think clearly about this. Once you reject the invitation from the United Nations, Gemma’s efforts over the past six months will be in vain.”

 Speaking, Eric said seriously: "Boss, there is actually no room for mediation in this matter...

 Given the bad relationship between you and Israel, the Palestinians must welcome you!

 Do you remember what you did in Iraq?

Use humanitarian channels to open the way. As long as you can ease the mood of Hams, you can control them to a certain extent and control the situation of adding S at the same time.

Believe me, even if Israel is not willing, it will still cooperate with you in this regard, because their future settlement plans are all in the West Bank and not in Canada.

  Dazuitang recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which caused great dissatisfaction from the international community. Currently, no consulate has moved to Jerusalem. They all remain in Tel Aviv. This is a kind of protest.

Israel is now under great pressure, and now it needs someone to step in, suppress Hamas, and at the same time show the attitude of the international community, and then calm down the resistance of the Canadians a little.

 Only when the situation eases, can Israel’s diplomacy come in handy…

In order to appease Israel, Big Mouth Tang has listed Suleiman as a pursuit target and has roped in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. He is preparing to create an Abraham Agreement to ease the gap between Israel and the Middle East.

 This is what Israel urgently needs at this stage, so they will not act too aggressively before an agreement is reached!

 During this period, the situation is controllable!

 boss, as long as you can hold on for one to two years, you will be accountable to the United Nations and the entire world!

 This is definitely beneficial to establishing P·B’s image!

  Terrorist groups collectively bowed to P.B. This is an unprecedented situation!

 No matter whether they want to harm us or not, after we successfully withstand the pressure, wherever P·B goes in the future, they will make way for us.

Boss, your identity is completely different now. Once you can become a bridge between the secular world and terrorists, P·B will be able to get rid of the job of a thug and mediate various crises from a higher perspective.

That is what you are best at. Political mediation is always more influential than shooting! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia thought for a long time and said helplessly: "Why don't you let the old man Gures give up his position? How about I become the Secretary-General of the United Nations?"

Eric smiled and said: "If you really want to, you can try it after you are 50 years old...

However, I think with your personality, you definitely don’t have time to chase a bunch of politicians for funds, and you don’t have the time to listen to a bunch of bumpkins from third world countries complaining about the unfairness of the world.

 The Secretary-General of the United Nations actually has no leverage at all, so he can do very little.

boss, now the UN Refugee Agency and the Humanitarian Coordination Center are all our people...

Women and Children’s Foundation: When you are the savior, people from the International Red Cross have been trying to seek peace with your brother Qiao Liang...

 You have enough chips in your hand to use the legal rationality of the United Nations to repackage P.B. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sighed and said: "Then will I take the initiative to find countries like the Shah, Iran, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates to raise funds to alleviate the financial pressure of the United Nations in the Bayi region?     When I With funds from the Arab world concentrated on him, does the Secretary-General have leverage to mediate?

Eric, tell me, who have you met recently? "

 Eric listened, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Boss, it's not that I know anyone, but that I have joined several think tank forums.

 I also need to learn, because you gave me enough authority, and the situation I face now is a little different from the past!

Several major think tanks are currently weighing the international situation, and the United States' shift to the Asia-Pacific region has become the consensus of most think tanks.

At this time, the United States needs a relatively quiet Middle East. This is an important reason why the big-mouthed Tang is able to toss the Pentagon unscrupulously and try to bring the troops back, but does not encounter much obstacles.

For the United States, suppressing vested interest groups that have benefited from the Middle East strategy of the past few decades and allowing them to follow the grand strategy is a very important point in the current game between the two parties.

 At this point there is no such thing as a party, it is a struggle between the new direction and the old direction.

Tazuitang is very good at economics and management, but he does not perform well politically. This guy's isolationism is very popular among the middle and lower classes in the United States, but it is full of doubts among the top management.

He led the attack on the Pentagon and solved the deterioration of some military forces, but did not give any hint of compensation..."

Qiao Jia understood at this time, he sighed and said: "The military-industrial complex needs compensation, and at least it needs to see new hope before it can willingly withdraw from the Middle East.

 The Big Mouth Don didn’t make any promises to them, so those people will support the Democratic Party, right?

Does this guy have no chance of being re-elected?

Although he is a bad person, it is better to have him around than to fight those Democratic hypocrites. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia lamented and said: "Wu KL, it must be Wu KL, and it must be Wu KL...

The next president is Bayer, right?

 He is most familiar with Wu KL!

Fight a proxy war there to cut off the Russian-European energy supply line, and American energy groups will benefit...

War aid will benefit the military-industrial complex, and large contracts will benefit military groups...

 The turbulent international situation will force international funds to move to the United States, and financial groups will benefit...

  FUCK, in the end, Ukraine and KL will have nothing, Russia will be severely weakened, and Europe will vomit three liters of blood...

 Only by satisfying the appetites of the domestic giants in the United States can they integrate their forces and concentrate their funds and influence on the Asia-Pacific region.

  FUCK, this is the game between great powers under American politics...

 In fact, they don’t care what happens to ordinary people. They don’t even care about people in their own country!

  FUCK! ! "

Eric was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his boss to be so sharp...

Many outsiders actually do not realize that once the US military withdraws from Afghanistan, in order to appease the military-industrial complex, the world must have another battlefield...

The U.S. military and the huge military-industrial system behind it are a super trust that needs to make a profit. With an annual military expenditure of 800 billion, this super trust is a depreciating asset.

According to the logic of capital, allowing assets to depreciate is intolerable, especially for those with vested interests.

In the history of the United States, only Kennedy and Big Mouth Tong were unable to launch foreign wars...

Kennedy was shot. It seems that the big-mouthed Tang lacks political sensitivity, so the end is probably not going to be too good.

Eric sighed with emotion at his boss's acumen. After a moment of silence, he said: "Boss, the current world order is like this. This cannot be solved by one or a few people.

I suggest you pay attention to the issues at the United Nations and respond to them through the media.

This incident is an opportunity for P·B to be upgraded. It would be a pity to give up! "

Qiaojia was silent for a while and said: "I understand that the humanitarian channel business should still be persisted...

 If people want to see what I do, then I will do it according to the rules and show them.

  Anyway, it’s just a slap in Israel’s face. I’m good at this!

However, you should keep a low profile in the United States recently. I always feel that this is a situation!

 I need enough intelligence support to decide what to do next..."

 (End of this chapter)

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