From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1258: The temptation to talk nonsense

Chapter 1258 The temptation to make wild claims

“Of course I am happy to arrange for my soldiers to go to Canada to provide protection to those United Nations staff and members of international charity organizations!

I believe that except for those heartless **** and racists, no one will be indifferent when they see the current situation in the Canada S area! "

While Qiao Jia was talking, Dorian on the side showed several photos to many reporters...

There are fathers holding their dead children crying, children running away from bombings, doctors crying in the hospital, and middle-aged men at a loss...

“Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a sign of incompetence. The Zionists in Israel are like rabid dogs who have taken steroids but have no leash.

These people simply do not dare to enter Canada to fight for security. They will blow up several buildings just to kill a few so-called terrorists...

This is not a **** war. They don’t deserve to be called soldiers because they don’t even have the courage to fight head-on.

 The cruelty, madness, and inhumanity they displayed prove that they have not learned any lessons from past history..."

In order to respond to the request from the Gaza Strip, and also in response to the temptation from the United Nations, Choga summoned reporters who had been living in Sangha Town and began to criticize Israel without any restraint...

 And his words immediately silenced the reporters in the audience!

  ‘If you want to know who you are ruled by, then think about who you cannot criticize? ’

 This sentence is vividly displayed in the reaction of European and American media!

 For any star singer or public figure who needs media exposure, the only consequence for saying these words is to be banned.

Boss Qiao’s identity is a little more special. PB Company is also very different from the industries dominated by Jewish people. Only PB Bank and Jewish people have intersections.

But it doesn’t matter to him. P·B Bank’s main business is not to attract deposits outside Afika.

 Many people may have a little misunderstanding about that sentence...

 In fact, we cannot criticize, the Jews are not so strong as to cover the sky with one hand...

The key is actually that there are too many Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe and the United States. If you fail to ensure that some of your bosses are Jewish, you will easily be fired if you scold a Jewish person.

 The most important thing is that the Jews control the media channels, which prevents these voices from being heard and cannot have much influence.

 European and American politicians need media assistance if they want to run for office. How dare they offend the Jewish community?

 From this perspective, people are indeed ruled!

The so-called freedom of speech in Europe and the United States is actually just a nonsense slogan!

 And there is a particularly interesting phenomenon that many people have not noticed...

There are indeed many wealthy Jewish people, but if you really look carefully, you will find that there are many wealthy secular Jews who do not even believe in the so-called Jewish religion, and their appearance has nothing to do with traditional Jews.

 According to Jewish tradition, as long as there is a Jewish person in your family, all your descendants will be Jewish.

 This gives many wealthy people the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes!

 Everywhere in the world, the gap between rich and poor is the norm, and the exploited class resisting the exploiting class is always the right thing to do in the eyes of most ordinary people.

Ordinary people’s resistance to capital exploitation is naturally righteous!

In Europe and the United States, criticizing presidents and rich people is political correctness for civilians. However, this kind of political correctness is different when it comes to the Jewish community.

Utah people carry the halo during World War II. Even if they have a good life, they still use the victims. Whenever you oppose them, you are racial discrimination or crushing ...

This is a BUG, ​​and it is being widely used!

I looked it up in my family history and found that if there is a person with a trace of Jewish blood, then I can claim to be Jewish.

If a wage earner dares to call me a capitalist, if you scold me harshly, I will expel you, sue you, and ban you from the same industry!

I am a Jew. My ancestors suffered persecution...

 In addition to the fact that the Jewish community has been deeply involved in the financial industry for many years and has penetrated into all walks of life, this is also one of the reasons why there are more and more wealthy Jewish people.

This thing makes no sense because it is too easy to convert the Jews...

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in Judaism. I say I am one. How can you still check the ancestry of my ancestors?

These people are not so much Jews as they are the racially packaged capitalist class.

From this perspective, in capital society, they are indeed the rulers!

 If the suffering that a nation has experienced is packaged and used as a talisman, can such a group be good people?

Just like during World War II, most of the wealthy people survived, and most of the people who died were ordinary people.

Now this halo is only useful to those rich people, and it is really not of much use to ordinary Jews. If one day the world changes, these ordinary people will definitely be the first to be unlucky.

Boss Qiao’s unbridled curses are not simply for the purpose of cursing, but to test...

 He thought about it all night and always felt that something was not normal this time!

 Too many people want to push P.B. to add S. However, even if the media does not respond, it is actually adding fuel to the flames...

 A while ago, people focused on humanitarianism rather than the evil deeds of Israel. Now Boss Qiao has taken the initiative to kick things off, just to see how the Jews will react.

Whenever they choose to stage large-scale protests and attack P.B., and connect with Jewish groups to put pressure on P.B., Boss Qiao will not hesitate to step into Canada...

If they choose to remain silent, or the reaction is not too big, then Boss Qiao will make other preparations. After setting up the arrangement, he will simply step in with a big killer... he has to step in. In the first case, Boss Qiao has room for mediation. But if it is the second case, you need to find a reason for the existence of the big killer...

Boss Qiao must not take the initiative to reveal that he has a big killer in his hand, but he can use other events to make detours.

The reason is ready, that is, the trip to Manila can no longer be perfunctory.

 Iran and Hezbollah are definitely involved in the competition for the Swift. Once the CIA makes a mistake and the information is leaked, it is not inconceivable that a large-scale murder weapon will appear in Palestine.

 Mediation requires chips!

Stepping into it with the name of the United Nations behind its back, P·B will have its hands and feet tied up.

If Add S is really a Jew or simply a trap arranged by the Edward Foundation, Boss Qiao needs the key chip to break the situation!

When Hams has a big killer weapon, the mad dog in Israel will wake up instantly. If they want to solve the problem, they have to find Boss Qiao...

 For Boss Qiao, these are all controllable risks!

  In comparison, humiliating the Israeli military and police in front of the media is nothing!

What Eric said, one thing that Boss Qiao particularly recognized was that it was time for P·B to be upgraded.

A simple military service company cannot support so many soldiers with conviction, nor can it support Boss Qiao’s pursuit of influence at this stage.

Many people once reminded him that when P·B grows to a certain level, the enemies he encounters will be at a completely different level.

This level of struggle is very dangerous, and retreating is one way to deal with it, but Boss Qiao chooses to follow his heart. No matter what situation he encounters, he will deal with it in the way he is best at.

 Again, Boss Qiao is not afraid of losing, but those people are definitely afraid of death!


 Manila, Philippines, Aaron arrived at a hotel parking lot in a limousine…

When the assistant got out of the car and wanted to get the wheelchair, Aaron waved his hand to signal him to stop...

 After watching the interview video with Boss Qiao that was pinned to the top on the P·B video website, Aaron frowned and looked at other news websites and found that there was almost no response from them. At this time, Aaron realized something was wrong.

 “Adding S is a trap, why are you so impulsive?”

As he spoke, Aaron pressed down the car window and looked at his assistant Ma Hong, who was standing beside the car, and said in a deep voice: "Has there been any movement from Al Qaeda recently? Did I miss something?"

Ma Hong frowned and recalled, then took out a small handwritten notebook and looked through it, then said: "No, the main force of Al Qaeda is trapped in Yemen, and they have no money.

 P·B's men have now suspended their offensive, giving them a little breathing room.

These people are trying to transfer important arms to the outside world. I guess they want to support Al-Shabaab in Afika and open a second front to divert P·B’s energy and reduce the pressure on Yemen. "

As he spoke, Ma Hong looked at his boss, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Boss, why do you ask this?

Al-Qaeda wants to push P·B to Palestine, obviously to relieve pressure.

Several of their main strongholds are now facing tremendous pressure from P·B. It is said that Al Qaeda in Tripoli has been trying to find opportunities to talk to the Jackals, but the Jackals have never responded to them.

 The current situation is a good opportunity for them...

Many sponsors of al-Qaeda have lost trust in them. If P·B cannot be forced to open a new battlefield, Al-Qaeda may be knocked out of its last vestiges of vitality by P·B. "

Aaron put his hands together on his chin, leaned on his seat with his eyes closed, and after thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said: "No, help me check the source of funds for Al Qaeda and YSL. I suspect there is a shadow of the Edward Foundation in it. .

Whether they are on the frontal battlefield or in the political battlefield, they have nothing to do against jackals...

 The Jackal’s headquarters is in Central Africa, and the Edward Foundation will never be able to defeat the Jackal in Afika!

 So they want to get P·B to Canada, which is a double powder keg of war and politics, and I’m worried that they want to destroy P·B there…

These people are the far-right controllers of Zionism. The Jackal guy doesn’t say it, but he actually has serious moral obsessiveness in his heart...

Those people can easily anger him and make him make stupid choices! "

Ma Hong looked at Aaron curiously and said, "Boss, is it really necessary to be so worried?

If you can see it, the jackal can definitely see it too, and maybe he has his own way of dealing with it..."

Aaron was stunned for a moment. Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing. He picked it up and took a look at it. After being stunned for half a minute, he suddenly smashed the cell phone on his seat angrily...

 “FUCK, this **** will cause trouble for me...”

Ma Hong looked at the expression on the boss's face. He opened the car door with a smile and said, "Boss, you have to pay attention. You have a wife.

 I think you spent too much energy on Jackal, haha..."


Joga stood in the study room, looking at the map of Manila hanging on the wall...

 “This place looks really nice, it’s a good place to go…”

 (End of this chapter)

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