From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1259: overtly or covertly

Chapter 1259 Overtly and covertly

The competition in Sangha Town is still going on, and Boss Qiao still shuttles through the simple arena every day to cheer for the athletes...

This is like a festival that lasts for more than a month. The joyful atmosphere starts from Sangha Town and even spreads to the entire central Afika.

The publicity strategy proposed by Qiao Liang at that time has initially achieved results. The P·B video website has spread the images of Sangha Town to the entire Afika and even the world.

Even in the most backward places in Africa, people with mobile phones can connect a simple projector to project images onto a white cloth for everyone to watch together.

  P·B's games do not have so many cumbersome rules. What they run through is simply higher, faster, stronger...

There is no such thing as a weight class. The guy who can win the championship in an individual event must be the strongest one.

This makes the competition more intense, and various conflicts almost never end...

 While running, if you push me and I bump back, the referee is as if he is blind and doesn’t care at all.

 You will be worthy of the championship medal only if you can run through the finish line intact!

The most ridiculous 5,000-kilometer race, there was no one on the track while running, and all the spectators were cheering for the fighting athletes.

 Faced with this funny situation, Boss Qiao had no intention of stopping it...

If you want to fight, the anteater who is acting as the referee's assistant next to you will keep an eye on them and don't let them cross the line...

They are all hormonal guys, and they ca n’t die when they are in two punch. At the end of the game, everyone drinks a drink. Can you become friends? At least it will not be enemies!

This situation, which is completely different from ordinary sports games, has attracted a lot of attention...

 Some hypocritical people will shout negative words such as "barbaric", but P·B's network statistics show that the number of viewers is rising sharply, and the number of registered members of the website is also soaring.

All kinds of bizarre game situations make everyone who follows the game excited, but sometimes also feel dumbfounded.

 The sponsors were so happy that they began to work together to promote the event, hoping to increase the advertising effect.

A buddy from a remote province in Congo was knocked down six times in a row during the 15,000-meter race, but he still got up and ran across the finish line...

Then this guy was noticed from a distance by a sports goods company in China, and a Norinco representative who was present directly signed a sponsorship agreement with him worth US$200,000.

This is the economic benefit brought by traffic. When athletes discovered the ‘gold mine’, the competition began to become more and more intense!

The unlucky Dorian relied on his own skills and the rhino's gaze from the sidelines to reach the top six in the free fighting competition, and then was punched out of the ring by a strong man from the Kusoa tribe.

In the boxing arena, PB’s seeded fighter ‘The Executioner’ faced a heavyweight boxer from the Serbian national team and was knocked unconscious in the ring.

Facing the opportunity to change their destiny, the talented tribe members and professional athletes fought recklessly in the competition, becoming stronger than the elite soldiers.

A Kusoa devil from the Ayu people, a big white bear from the Sevilla national team...

 It’s not that Dorian and the others don’t want to win, but there is really a gap in hard power!

 But if you lose in the traditional competition, you can’t lose in the military competition again!

  Since the beginning of the shooting competition, P·B has started to win medals wildly. Even the little girl Adele won a bronze medal in the pistol competition...

 When I moved to the CQB game later, the scene was many times more intense.

The practice bullets used by P·B are said to be non-lethal, but that is when they are wearing protective gear. Most soldiers gave up their bulletproof inserts in order to keep their bodies flexible. The scenes that followed were no less brutal than actual combat.

 Almost every game has people being carried to the hospital, and several of P.B.'s T1 teams lost more than half of their players after the game.

However, their record is absolutely brilliant. Faced with the masters recruited by sponsors from all over the world, P·B’s special team swept the top six places in the CQB competition!

However, the above are more about the personal qualities of soldiers and team cooperation. The most eye-catching event of the competition is actually the village attack and defense battle with a company of 100 people as a unit.

There are many villages in the jungle that were left behind after the tribes migrated to Sangha Town. There are various terrain conditions, which fully meet the needs of actual combat. Moreover, because the combat scope has expanded, there will be many changes in tactics that can be used.

  A professional shooting team will install a large number of cameras in the village, including the surrounding jungles, and the captured images will be sent directly to the Internet through live broadcast and post-production editing.

This kind of confrontation, presented through a third-party perspective and in a form that is completely close to actual combat, has extremely high technical content and has also attracted the attention of militaries around the world.

 In fact, everyone is curious about P·B. The battle mode displayed by the invincible P·B most of the time is actually the US military mode...

  Combination of air and ground, special forces beheading, and during the Yemen period it even developed into a modern model of combination of sea, land and air, sea and air cover, and combined ground battalion advancement.

 The battle in Yemen organized by Boss Qiao has actually not been implemented in actual combat even by the US military.

The closest thing is actually the Gulf War, but the combat effectiveness and efficiency demonstrated by the Yemeni combined battalion this time are many times more powerful than the U.S. military during the Gulf War...

There is a time gap here, but everyone knows that the actual combat model demonstrated by P·B in Yemen may be the mainstream of future wars.

The navy's long-range strikes, the air force's key support, the extensive use of drones, and the efficient advancement of the combined battalion...

Except for not using various reconnaissance satellites, ballistic missiles and unrestricted weapons, the Yemen battlefield has gathered all the elements of modern warfare!

Mukala’s urban security warfare model is even more like a textbook!

Humanitarianism cooperates with large-scale propaganda, and then there is intelligence collection, aerial reconnaissance, agent investigation, and finally a powerful beheading attack by the advertising special forces wearing law enforcement recorders... Not only are there few casualties among civilians, but those advertising mercenaries are becoming more confident and honorable as they fight. .

  They were not happy at first. They were going to war. They had to clock in at midnight every day. They also had to carry a law enforcement recorder. If they even said bad words, their boss would deduct money. Who could bear this?

 But the reality is that as long as the money is in place, there is nothing that cannot be achieved under this situation of absolute advantage.

 This kind of war situation has never allowed NATO to achieve such a huge advantage in so many years.

 So when the game started, even the armies of various countries began to organize to watch the live broadcast...

The mercenaries under the major sponsors came from various military contractors. After hearing the news, they received hints from other places and began to form a coalition of their own to vow to fight P.B.

ˆ Boss Qiao doesn’t care at all about the choice of sponsor.

 He even pioneered the organization of a group of boring people, put on heavy armor and cameras, and sat in the exercise village to play the role of civilians, causing chaos for both warring parties.

And also organized two backcourt headquarters, allowing the offensive and defensive sides to draw lots before the game. If you are lucky, you can get the right to use drones and even mortar support.

This completely realistic approach elevates the authenticity of the exercise to the highest level!

 The game adopts a points system, with the winner receiving three points, a draw one point and a loss zero points.

 Company confrontations at the 100-man level focus on tactical coordination. However, exercises are not actual combat, so some balanced methods are needed, otherwise it will be too detrimental to the attacker.

Therefore, the offense and defense of the game are determined by drawing lots. The attacker can randomly draw one-third of the defender's 'lucky ones' to leave the field before the start, in order to balance the difficulty of the battle between the two sides.

In the first game, the Sand Lizard Company led by Hassan of Tobruk served as the defender and brought a group of warriors from the desert to teach the attacking Brazilian company a lesson...

This guy asked his people to disguise themselves as civilians and blend in with the civilians who were causing trouble...

When the attacking company approached, the pretenders pretended to be fleeing civilians and not only blocked the firing range of the attacking machine guns, but also took out several grenades as they approached them, destroying the most important machine gun positions.

 This is the most difficult part of security warfare. How to distinguish civilians from opponents is a skill that modern frontline soldiers must learn.

 When encountering suspicious people, you need to keep your distance, strip for inspection, and control your separation...

 This is very troublesome, but it can save your life!

 The Brazilian company made a mistake, so they lost miserably!

An unlucky man had his leg armor pierced in order to be lighter, and was shot in the root of his thigh. Then he covered his leg and howled from the beginning to the end...

  The tragic situation of our Brazilian brothers cheered everyone up!

As for the military, which is paying attention to the competition all over the world, the soldiers all felt a chill running down their spines when they saw the leader's eyes shining brightly as he inquired about what equipment P·B used.

 What no one expected was that after three rounds of competition, the top three teams were not the strong teams everyone predicted...

The bats and anteaters, who have basically never shown their faces in front of people, are temporarily ranked first, the sand lizards led by Hassan of Tobruk are ranked second, and the third place is actually a Congo River team led by two old Chinese men. Guard.

P.B.'s 'Internet Celebrity Special Forces', those teams composed of ordinary soldiers from the big country T1, were smashed to pieces in this high-intensity confrontation. On the contrary, it was the veteran paratroopers of Sevia who steadily ranked among the rankings. upstream…

The Arms Merchants Group, which everyone had high hopes for, suffered the worst loss!

 The two teams, with Triple Canopy and Titan International as the core, had their heads shaved off in three games, making them a laughing stock.

Then naturally, the ‘elites’ who joined the island countries and peninsula organizations became scapegoats and were kicked out of the team by the angry European and American dads...

When these people lost, they started calling people all over the world. Soon dozens of retired Marines and Rangers flew from the United States to Central Africa urgently, hoping to fight against the terrifying P·B team!

This kind of street fighting in villages and streets, which is different from "knocking down doors", allows people all over the world to see the crueler side of war.

  No matter how strong the team is, it is impossible to remain intact in this kind of battle.

 The horrific "kill rate" has made the military that is paying attention to the whole world collectively lose their voice!

 It’s been too long since anyone has shown this type of fighting to the world…

The Aleppo defense battle just ended. In such a long time, more than 1,600 people died on both sides of the attack and defense.

  But if we follow the street fighting model shown by P·B, no matter how many people there are on both sides, if they fight head-on and fight to the death, it is estimated that no more than one tenth will survive in the end.

 At present, there are very few teams in the world that can withstand this level of cruelty!

And while the whole world was focusing its attention on Sangha Town, Boss Qiao was in the headquarters, commanding a company of Lion soldiers, working with a team of anteaters wearing al-Qaida uniforms, to attack a place in Yemen that was... The uranium mines secretly mined by Column S launched an attack...

 Anteater is responsible for playing the role of the terrorists being hunted, and the Lion Company is responsible for hunting them down...

Then after the Lion Company bravely defeated the terrorists, they "accidentally" discovered that there was a uranium mine being illegally mined in Yemen.

 And some very advanced preliminary refining equipment was also found there, as well as empty warehouses with excessive radiation levels...

 (End of this chapter)

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