From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1260: Just to mess with you

Chapter 1260: I’m just messing with you

The news of illegal uranium mining in Yemen and the disappearance of uranium raw materials has made everyone feel scared.

 The uranium mines that the French lost previously caused a series of fears to be felt around the world.

Europe has suffered several extremely dangerous terrorist attacks, and the United States has suffered a series of traumas, including New York, which was almost destroyed.

European and American countries, which are already a bit concerned about PTSD, sent investigators to Yemen to investigate as soon as they got the news.

  All accounts of companies related to uranium mining around the world were pulled out and reviewed by the audit departments of the host countries. Finally, based on the information provided by the "locals", a company listed in List S was targeted.

Then under pressure from his elder brothers, the person in charge of this company confessed to the illegal mining of uranium mines, and not one, but two uranium mines.

The most serious thing is, according to his confession, when the war in Yemen broke out, they retreated in a hurry. They could only blow up the mechanical equipment, but they did not have a good way to deal with the uranium raw materials, so they could only lock them in a hidden warehouse. …

 As a result, according to the situation on site, the primary uranium raw materials stored in the two uranium mine warehouses were missing.

 Then the intelligence agencies of various countries were immediately overwhelmed, especially the United States and France, which had already suffered an attack.

 What makes them even more troubled is that someone leaked the news to the media...

Given the fear of death among Europeans and Americans, one can imagine how much trouble it will cause...

 Under tremendous pressure, American security consultant Chauvin found Boss Qiao again...

“Sir, the consequences of the disappearance of uranium materials are very serious. We have already suffered a dirty bomb attack and cannot afford a second...

 Yemen needs to strengthen its offensive and must capture the leader of Al Qaeda as quickly as possible! "

Boss Qiao, who was sitting at home watching the live broadcast of street fighting, took a sip of beer and looked at Chauvin and said, "Are you crazy?

I am a private military company, what qualifications do you have to give me orders? "

Chauvin was choked and froze on the spot. After his expression changed a few times, he said with a livid face: "Sir, I am negotiating with you as the deputy security adviser of the White House in the United States...

The U.S. government is a shareholder of the Yemen Joint Mine Management Company, and several large U.S. arms companies have invested heavily in Yemen. I think we have a certain say in the war in Yemen.

Sir, this matter is very serious, because the uranium material that disappeared is four times that of what France lost in Afica, and you should be aware that there were still four detonators that have not been recovered in the terrorist incident at that time.

Once these things fall into the hands of terrorists, the consequences will be disastrous! "

Chaojia sneered and said: "I heard that the mining company is Israel. Doesn't Israel claim to have the strongest military in the Middle East? You should let them send troops to attack al-Qaida in Yemen.

If you are worried about the reaction of various countries in the Middle East, I can help coordinate with the Shah and let them let Israeli troops pass through the border.

 And I promise that as long as they give me enough money, I will also be responsible for the logistics of their war in Yemen. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Shavin’s livid face, shook his head and said, “Whoever makes a mistake will be responsible!

I am in business. A strong attack on northern Yemen will not only disrupt the offensive rhythm of the team, but also cause unpredictable losses. No one can force me to do something that will lose money.

 And let me be honest, the uranium mine was not necessarily stolen by Al Qaeda. I think you should use waterboarding or something like that on the person in charge of Israel...

 You should ask them how much uranium they mined in the past, and why those uranium mines were not reported? What do they want from those illegally mined uranium mines that have not been registered?

We all know that they already have nuclear weapons, and there will definitely be no less than 90 of them. Why are they planning to secretly mine uranium?

 Israel wants to build nuclear weapons that are not under control. What are they going to do? "

After hearing this, Chauvin shook his head and said: "Sir, now is not the time to hold people accountable. In the face of possible attacks by terrorists, we need to unite to avoid tragedies.

Now we know that terrorists have mastered the method of making dirty bombs, and there are still 4 missing detonators...

 We must nip the danger in the bud! "

As he spoke, Chauvin looked at Qiao Jia seriously and said: "Sir, as the leader of the war in Yemen, I implore you to order the combined battalion to go north and capture the headquarters of Al Qaeda.

  The world has very strict control over nuclear materials. It is not easy for them to transport things away. We have reason to suspect that the uranium materials are still in Yemen..."

Qiaojia looked at the serious look on the shoehorn-faced Chauvin, he shook his head and said: "Man, you look very shameful now!

 You are asking a legitimate military contracting company owner to shoulder the responsibilities that should be borne by him. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed at his face and said with a sneer: "Look at the man in front of you, he is a jackal...

He solved the chemical weapons crisis in Europe and the dirty bomb crisis in the United States...

The U.S. Department of Defense lists P·B as the highest-level cooperative military company, but now you come to me empty-handed and want me to solve responsibilities that should not be borne by me...

If I agree, but the uranium raw material is not found in the end, will I still have to take the blame for you?     I look very stupid, don’t I?

If I were you, I would not waste my time here right now, but go and arrest everyone from top to bottom of the company that secretly mines uranium and put them in jail.

 Israel is the first person responsible and the best person to whom you can shirk your responsibilities..."

Chauvin was stunned for a moment and said: "Sir, I can coordinate with Israel. Even if you are unwilling to send troops to northern Yemen, I would like to ask you to contact people from Al Qaeda.

 If things really come to a worst stage, we need to know what leverage we have?

Sir, please seriously consider that you are also a target of Al Qaeda, and their hatred for you may exceed their hatred for the United States..."

Choga sneered and said: "They can't enter Central Africa, and my other territories are basically Arab countries. If Al Qaeda has a dirty bomb, who do you think they will choose between you and your compatriots?

Man, instead of wasting your time with me, you should send the CIA, Mossad and other teams to Yemen...

Al-Qaeda is not necessarily an organization that steals uranium materials. If they have that kind of thing, they will not choose to fight with me in Yemen. Instead, they will move to other places and learn what Isis did before, using dirty bombs to threaten you.

 Don’t you know that Yemen now has the most horrific group of people in the world?

 Don’t you know that Al Qaeda’s ability to persist to this day is all due to these people? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Chauvin’s horrified expression. He waved his hand and said: “Get out of my house quickly and let me watch the game properly...

 In a week I will go to Manila, Philippines, where there will be a much more dangerous deal than in Yemen!

I have received news that a batch of nuclear materials has appeared on the black market, and it is likely to appear in Manila...

I think you have missed the point, or there are other details about this transaction that I don’t know about..."

Upon hearing this, Chauvin's expression changed slightly and he said: "NO, Manila is still important, but Yemen is equally important.

 sir, I sincerely request you to cooperate with us..."

Qiao Jia saw a little panic in Shavin's eyes. He waved his hand and said: "I don't trust you, get out of here quickly..."

 If you want to see me next time, please call and make an appointment first. I may not have time for you to waste! "

Chavin left Qiaojia’s manor full of anger, and then went directly to the airport to take a flight back to the United States...

While Shavin was flying in the air, Boss Qiao posted a pinned video on his website, describing the uranium mine in Yemen in detail. Finally, he issued a question...

 “What does Israel want to do? Who do they want to destroy?”

At the stage when the Edward Foundation was setting up a trap for Boss Joe to step in, after the media suppression disappeared, Knight Joe became a super top...

While people were still questioning whether the news in Yemen was true, Boss Qiao’s statement poured cold water on everyone.

You must know that P·B was a participant in the last dirty bomb crisis. In order to delay time, Boss Qiao was regarded as an abandoned son and fought with Isis on the front line of Syria. Moreover, he was from P·B’s New York branch. Man resolved the danger at the last moment.

 Boss Qiao’s words are credible in the eyes of everyone!

The most exaggerated thing is that the one-year U.S. debt fell immediately after Boss Qiao released the information...

 Big money has a keen sense of smell. Taking the previous New York incident as a reference, the trend of big money dealt a heavy blow to the American financial market.

What’s more surprising to Boss Qiao is that several bonds led by P·B actually took on part of the international hot money.

 This is the most typical benefit derived from influence. With a large amount of funds to purchase bonds, the development of Central Africa and Congo will accelerate again!

Compared to the worried NATO group, Israel is like a sandbag, being bombed in turn by Arab countries...

 In fact, the international community has already acquiesced that Israel possesses nuclear weapons...

But being pointed out so clearly by Boss Qiao, and there is evidence that they are still developing and stockpiling new nuclear materials, this makes the surrounding Arab countries unbearable.

Jordan, the most pro-American country, has now jumped out to ask the United Nations to intervene for verification. The Shah even stated his position directly. If Israel and Iran have nuclear weapons, I will have them too!

This series of things was deliberately caused by Boss Qiao. He actually knew that using the issue of nuclear weapons to engage Israel would not lead to results, because these people would not admit it, and the United States would also prevent outside verification.

People's memory is not bad, but in this era of information explosion, people's attention cannot be focused on one place for a long time, and it will soon be diverted by other things.

Chauga never thought of defeating Netanya through one thing. He wanted to completely muddy the waters, complicate things, and confuse everyone's attention before he would have enough time and space to prepare...

 He wants to step through the trap set by the enemy, and then add S to complete the upgrade to P·B!

While Israel was besieged by the international community, Boss Qiao took people out of Sangha Town at the end of the sports meeting, took a private plane, and flew to Manila in a low-key manner...

 (End of this chapter)

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