From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1261: First time in Manila

Chapter 1261 First Arrival in Manila

 Philippines, Manila, Ninoy Aquino International Airport…

After getting off the plane, Boss Joe enjoyed complete visa-free treatment. As soon as he got off the plane, there was a fleet of quite high-standard SUVs, which took Boss Joe's Team A, Team C, and Team E to a manor on the outskirts of Manila. placement.

 The first time Qiao Jia came to Southeast Asia was at the end of January 2019, which was the most pleasant period of time in Southeast Asia.

Boss Qiao pressed down the car window and looked at the surrounding scenery along the way. He suddenly felt that he should go out for more walks, so as not to make wrong judgments due to stereotypes.

 The Philippines he saw from the anti-drug information seemed to be full of victims...


 But the reality is not like this, at least not in Manila!

This coastal city looks very dynamic. Although there are obvious differences between the civilian areas and the wealthy areas that occupy most of the area, it does not have the distinct feeling of Brazil.

 Overall, it feels a bit like the Shenzhen-style Old Guangfoshan in the central area. Of course, the area and volume are many times larger.

 Manila can’t be called clean and tidy, but the familiarity brought by the East Asian cultural circle makes Joga like it very much.

When the motorcade sent Boss Joe and his people to the suburban manor, the gentlemanly Galci and his senior team were already waiting there, along with the deputy director of the CIA, Isa from the Military Intelligence Agency, and the French Ministry of Security. A representative of…

The head of the Philippine intelligence service stayed at the manor as a Liannuo, accompanied by a 12-person special service team.

Boss Qiao first hugged Isa when he got out of the car, and pinched the acquaintance's **** cheeks...

“Hi, Isa, how are you doing? Is your director dead? When will you be able to sneak into the position of director?”

  Isa is Aaron’s person and is involved in Aaron’s most core secret operations.

I don’t know specifically whether she is Aaron’s mistress Qiao Jia, but as an ‘acquaintance’, causing trouble for her when they meet will make her more comfortable in subsequent actions.

Sure enough, Isha pushed Boss Qiao away hard, almost hitting Boss Qiao's face with her two middle fingers, and said angrily: "Sir, please be more respectful!"

Qiao Jia spread his hands and took a step back, saying in a frivolous tone: "Oh, it's not good if you do this...

 At the beginning, I killed the Iron Lady so that you could sit in your current position.

It’s been almost two years since this happened, and I haven’t even received a holiday card…”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the people from the CIA and the French Ministry of Security and said seriously: "Guys, do you think what I said is right?"

A middle-aged black woman with a mean and stern look came to the CIA. Faced with Boss Qiao’s ridicule, she nodded seriously and said: "As an intelligence worker, it is obvious that my colleague has failed in his duty."

The people from the French Security Ministry were obviously here to make trouble. He took a step sideways with a look of disgust on his face, avoiding his CIA colleagues who were full of flattery. Then he looked at Boss Qiao and said, "Sir, if you think there is any If necessary, I can accompany you to downtown Manila, where there are some great nightclubs.”

The representative of the Philippine intelligence agency is named Jack Chen. He is a standard Chinese and very young. He is a typical Southeast Asian Chinese elite.

Jack looked at the three colleagues who were originally unattainable in his eyes and showed respect for Boss Joe that transcended professional limitations. The flexible young man hesitated for a moment and said to Boss Joe: "Sir, we are here. A place to stay prepared for you..."

As he spoke, Jack Chen looked at the dozen suitcases that Dorian and the others had unloaded from the car. He said with a worried expression: "Sir, our President admires you very much. He intends to host a banquet and invite you to a meeting." Meet privately to discuss cooperation content...

 However, as a representative of the security department, I have some doubts about your current approach.

  If possible, I hope you can cooperate with us in registering the weapons you carry. "

Qiao Jia looked at the handsome Jack Chen in front of him. He nodded indifferently and said: "I am happy to cooperate with you...

 Actually, coming to Manila was not my intention, but you have to understand me. I am a thorn in the side of global extremist organizations and drug cartels, and I need reliable security measures. "

 Jack Chen listened and said very seriously: "Sir, I guarantee that my people can ensure your safety in the Philippines."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned at the young official and said, "Man, do you know who my target is this time?"

 Jack Chen’s face changed a few times in an instant, and he said, “I don’t know, but I’m still confident!”

When Qiao Jia heard this, he pointed at the middle-aged woman from the CIA and said with disgust: "You guys don't treat your allies as human beings...

 You don’t tell them such critical information as nuclear materials, nuclear weapons information, designers, and the black market? "

After Jack Chen heard this, he looked at the expressionless black woman in surprise. When he confirmed that Boss Qiao was not lying, his face changed greatly and he realized what kind of incident he had been involved in... Qiao Jia stretched out his hand with some sympathy. Jack Chen patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this matter is all led by the CIA. As long as you listen to me, I can at least guarantee that you will not be pushed out and take the blame."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the elite-looking Filipino special agents. He smiled and said, "Your soldiers look very good. What is their monthly salary?"

In the next few months, P·B will deliver humanitarian supplies to the refugee camps in Rakhine State, Myanmar, which requires a lot of manpower to carry out the task...

The salary of P·B is very good. If you are interested, you can consider it! "

This is the first time Jack has seen someone like Boss Qiao...

Faced with the sudden poaching, Jack glanced at the people on his side and found that their eyes were shining. He suddenly felt particularly embarrassed.

The overall feeling that Boss Qiao gave Jack was that of frankness, sincerity, and a little domineering. But as a boss, no one can deny that the sense of security provided by such a person will be extraordinarily sufficient!

Old man Galci watched Boss Qiao get out of the car and took the initiative in a few seconds, and naturally classified the people in the intelligence department as "guests", leaving them no room to interrupt...

This old man who walked over during the Cold War nodded in admiration, and then took the initiative to say: "Boss, it's too humid outside, let's go in and chat."

As he spoke, Galci signaled Puyol to push open the door of the manor, and while inviting Boss Joe to enter, he said with a smile: "I talked to some people in the Philippines, and they couldn't provide any information about the pirate tycoon Faiz. Large contract…

But I guess you won’t mind too much, boss, so I made the decision and signed the contract.

In order to complete the contract, the Hamilton-class Princess and a Seahawk-43 will arrive in the Sulu Sea in four days. If necessary, they can cooperate with us to complete maritime operations. "

Qiao Jia, who was walking, nodded slightly and said, "That's fine. Fighting pirates still requires a professional navy."

Jack Chen, who was accompanying him, was shocked. The Philippine naval flagship was the Hamilton-class patrol ship "gifted" by the United States.

In order to take over the three Hamilton-class patrol ships donated by America's father, the Philippines spent US$300 million to obtain three basically semi-castrated shells.

Then it was renovated hard at the home shipyard, and now there is only one ship that can barely perform the task.

Back then, Boss Joe only spent 45 million US dollars to acquire the 'Princess', and none of the radar and other equipment on it was removed. In addition to the subsequent cost of sending it to Italy for upgrades, the total cost of the new 'Princess' did not exceed $120 million.

Of course, the cost is not public information, but as a maritime security company with a ship large enough to hoist the flagship of the Philippine Navy, Jack Chen still feels extremely uncomfortable.

 Qiao Jia clearly felt Jack Chen's emotional changes. He sat on a rattan sofa and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, there is a reason why I can bring weapons into the Philippines!

Pirate tycoon Faiz is my target!

I can’t guarantee whether I can catch him specifically, but what I can be sure of is that every penny you give me will be worth it! "

 Jack Chen listened and said with a wry smile: "Sir, you sent a 3,200-ton warship for a US$500,000 military contract..."

 Qiao Jia smiled and waved his hand and said: "You missed a Seahawk-43, that thing is the main force in hide-and-seek with pirates in complex waterways.

Of course, there are the rest of us...

 At this stage, the entry fee for the P·B special battlefield is very high!

 500,000 is far from the entire contract, the share of the harvest after winning Faiz is our goal!

  I heard that guy is very rich, half of the harvest should be able to offset my investment..."

  The black woman in the CIA heard Boss Joe’s plan, she frowned and said: “Sir, you charged us a lot of money...

Your main task at this stage is to complete the 'designer's' transaction, rather than paying attention to the so-called pirates. "

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "What I do has nothing to do with you. Hurry up and get me 2 million in cash. I will make an appointment with the mercenaries the day after tomorrow.

 Leave the transaction to me, and the rest is your problem. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the mean-looking black woman in front of him and said seriously: "I have quite a lot of free time, so please don't point fingers at me...

 This is not a warning, but a notice!

The CIA is **** illegal anywhere in the world, don’t let me have the urge to embarrass you..."

 (End of this chapter)

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