Chapter 1262 Temptation

 Jack Chen felt that he had met many big people, but now he found that he was still too naive.

The CIA representative who kept his own Ministry of National Defense silent seemed submissive in front of Boss Qiao, without any of the arrogance of the previous days.

The deputy director of the British Military Intelligence Service has been sullen since Boss Qiao pinched his butt, but he has no intention of leaving.

The French agent, who has the least elite feeling, behaves like a skilled pimp, and seems to be ready to take Boss Qiao to visit the brothels in Manila at any time.

  The big shots he thought were unattainable before now find that as long as you can withstand the power behind them, they are actually ordinary people!

 And Boss Qiao obviously surpasses these people in terms of power!

P·B Company has been having a lot of troubles in the United States recently, and Boss Qiao has lost favor and patience with most people in the United States.

 He agreed to come forward to complete the deal with Shan Ying and the others, but the process of the deal must be controlled by him.

And in the end, the designer cannot be handed over to any party. Instead, under the protection of Boss Qiao, he must cooperate with several big brothers who pay for it to complete the identification of black market materials.

These were all negotiated in advance and were the core elements for him to collect money from the four eldest brothers.

Although Boss Qiao knows that what these intelligence agencies say is nonsense, he also has his own plan!

 Qiao Jia trusts the guy "Shan Ying", so his attention is not on the designer's deal at all...

He needs to distance himself from black market transactions and not give these intelligence agencies an excuse to bite him in the future. Going after Faiz is a very good reason.

 Pushing the CIA black woman back, Joga looked at Galsi and said: "I need Faiz's information..."

Garci is an old-school intelligence officer. He gestured to Puyol behind him, and Puyol quickly walked over pushing a suitcase...

When Puyol put the suitcase on the coffee table and opened it, Joga looked at the folders inside. He rubbed his temples painfully, looked at Galsi and said, "Old man, I think you must have something for me." misunderstanding.

 The data I am talking about are ‘conclusions’, not these...”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia picked up a specially marked document, opened it, took a look at it, and after flipping through a few pages curiously, handed the document to Jack Chen, and said incredulously: "How can you tolerate such a person?" exist?

At first I thought Faiz was a pirate, with at most some money laundering business, but I didn’t expect that he was involved in quite a wide range of things...

 Money laundering, black market crude oil trading, smuggling, human trafficking, organ trading on high seas hospital ships...

Is there anything bad that this guy doesn't do? "

 Jack Chen shook his head with an ugly face and said: "Sir, these criminal phenomena are not unique to the Philippines. In fact, the business of this international criminal group is global...

Faiz is not a Filipino. He is active in areas surrounding the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

 It’s not that we don’t want to arrest him, but...”

Qiaojia shook his head and said with a smile: "It's because you have Faiz's people among you, so you will never be able to catch him."

Upon hearing this, Jack smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe more than...

 Last month Faiz’s men attacked a Malaysian offshore oil field and occupied it for nearly a week…

It wasn’t until the supply ship realized something was wrong when it was delivering supplies and chose to call the police that the robbers escaped before the navy arrived. "

As he spoke, Jack smiled bitterly and said: "Those people took away crude oil with a market value of US$50 million in just one week.

 And these crude oils only cost 20 million US dollars on the black market. The huge profits will make those large companies that purchase crude oil choose to protect them. "

As he spoke, Jack said helplessly: "Not only do the officials have Faiz people, but there are also Faiz people in the trading market and the financial industry.

Most of our reconnaissance operations against Faiz will end up in vain.

Our President is very interested in annihilating the Faiz Group, but in fact, within the Philippines, there are always many obstacles to investigating Faiz...

 Because Faiz has mastered several anti-government forces, once we act rashly, it may cause serious problems. "

Qiao Jia looked at the Jack in front of him with some sympathy...

Things may not be as simple as he said. The Philippines must be in a mess. Otherwise, there is no reason for a pirate with huge wealth to survive the attacks of the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia until now.

These countries are said to be democratic, but in fact whether the people are democratic or not depends on whether their government follows the example of America.

Now Lao Du can be considered a hero of the generation, but now that he cracks down on drug dealers, he is described as a naughty man by Europe and the United States.

Of course, his methods were indeed quite drastic and resulted in a series of sequelae, but the effect on public security was absolutely immediate!

This guy's concept is actually very simple. I don't have a good way to make everyone live a good life, but I can create a relatively good social environment and let you figure out your own way!

For this reason, he even resisted the pressure from his old mother and issued licenses to those online gambling companies...

He once admitted personally that he knew the dangers of those online gambling companies, and also knew that these companies were cheating Chinese people...

 But the Philippines is too poor, and it needs to make up for the government's deficit through high taxes on online gambling companies. In fact, this guy is extorting money in disguise, meaning to tell the old mother, as long as you give me enough benefits, I can ban online gambling...

But while this guy is acting rogue, he doesn’t give back...

When the Huangya Island issue was raised, Lao Du withstood the pressure from the outside world.

Even in order to silence the opponents, he said that if he was desperate, he would hold a referendum and ask everyone if they should simply join the old mother's family and become a province of the Philippines...

This is of course a joke, but it reflects Lao Du's pragmatic mentality, because his predecessor did have a **** head.

Why do you still act as a bargaining chip for the United States when you know you can’t do it?

 Instead of putting on a show at sea, it is better to get some real benefits from my old mother’s house.

Moreover, as soon as he said this, he didn’t need to go anywhere to ask for help. Aid from the United States and island countries came to his door.

Most of these little brothers in East Asia have this kind of virtue...

The people in the United States negotiated in the past and promised to provide a certain amount of assistance, but then these people will wait for the old mother to re-offer the price...

 Such an approach will raise the political costs of both major countries to very high levels.

The old and American tactics that are always successful in the Middle East have not achieved the desired results in Asia. The key is that compared with the scattered Middle East, the size of the old mother's house is really amazing, and the economic promises given are too tempting, and the military power is too exaggerated. Already…

Had it not been for the fact that island countries and Australia, as America's iron-clad allies, were firmly anchored in the surrounding waters, America's influence would have declined further.

The internal political ecology of this so-called small democratic country caught in the game between two major forces must be extremely chaotic, because when politicians from each party cannot see a clear future, their personal interests often outweigh the national interests when they do things. .

 Politics aside, Joga’s overall impression of Manila is actually pretty good…

  This may be the first time I have entered East Asia in so many years. Seeing so many yellow people and the Chinese signs on the road made Boss Qiao feel a little friendly.

Thinking about his purpose, Qiao Jia frowned and looked at Galsi and said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

As Qiao Jia looked at a suitcase full of information, he shook his head and said, "I don't have time to look at these things. I need more direct advice."

Garci glanced at Jack Chen, he smiled and said: "Then it depends on what level of authorization the Philippine government can give?

I spent a long time figuring out the location of an anti-government force in the Philippines, and also found several financial suspects.

However, these people cannot move for the time being, because moving them will definitely alarm Faiz.

 In addition to these people, I also targeted a gang in southern Manila and confirmed that they are related to online gambling and human trafficking.

This gang is at the bottom of the chain. I suspect that they are Faiz's black gloves, but there is no clear evidence and there are not enough manpower to conduct an in-depth investigation.

 If you are anxious, boss, you can start with the gangsters...

 If you are not in a hurry, I suggest you wait until the nuclear material transaction starts and find a way to catch him directly. "

Qiao Jia touched his chin, thought for a while and then said: "I am impatient, how can I have time to hide and seek with those people?

 It’s just gangsters, get rid of them! "

Upon hearing this, Jack said anxiously: "Sir, you can't do this. P·B has no law enforcement rights in the Philippines."

After hearing this, Joga looked at Jack like a fool and said, "Man, be more flexible. We are helping the Philippines fight crime, and the scope of the attack must be much smaller than what your president set.

This Faiz is a super big fish. If the benefits of catching him were not too great, I would be afraid that he would run away. I would not go around in circles at all, but follow the list to kill all the way up.

Believe me, as long as I help you get rid of the rebels and I do something extraordinary, your president will definitely be happy to wipe my ass. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Jack, who was still hesitating, and said with a smile: "Brother, think about it again, P·B doesn't have the power to enforce the law, don't you guys?

 I don’t need credit for fighting gangs..."

The black woman from the CIA looked at Boss Joe as if he was a devil, tempting Filipinos to join him in starting a war in Manila. After thinking for a while, she said helplessly: "Sir, no matter what you want to do, can you wait until the designer's deal is completed?" after?

I also have some information about Faiz here. This guy controls the fund transfer channels of some underground banks in Southeast Asia. He is very valuable...

 We can actually have in-depth cooperation! "

Qiao Jia shook his head decisively and said: "NO, your credibility is too bad, I would rather do it myself!"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Jack and said pleasantly: "Man, although this is the first time we have met, I think you must be a person with ideals and ambitions...

Come with me, no matter whether we can turn Faiz out or not, let's fight the gangsters first, so that my people and I can warm up and adapt to the fighting standards of the Philippines..."

 (End of this chapter)

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