From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1263: Chinatown

Chapter 1263 Chinatown

Manila is located in a huge bay area, and its geographical location is absolutely unique.

This huge city is bounded by the wide Parsi River and is divided into two major areas, north and south, which are further divided into more than a dozen municipal-level districts.

The day after he settled in, Boss Qiao took advantage of Galci's opportunity to scout for targets and roped in Dorian to visit Binondo, the largest Chinatown in the world.

 The administrative divisions of Manila are based on municipal levels, and the entire Binondo District is within the scope of Chinatown.

 It is also the richest area in Manila, because about 2% of the entire population of the Philippines is Chinese, and these Chinese control more than 50% of the basic industries in the Philippines.

ˆCompared to these low-profile Chinese, the Philippines’ main source of foreign exchange is Filipino maids and sailors who work outside the country.

These people who work abroad bring back more than 8 billion US dollars in foreign exchange to the Philippines every year. This money fills the Philippines' foreign exchange reserves and is converted into local currency to activate the local market.

 Chinatown feels very friendly to Boss Qiao. Both Qiao Jia and Dorian were wearing simple T-shirts and jeans, and were wandering the streets of Chinatown with a tactical backpack on their backs...

Possibly because he has watched too many old Hong Kong movies, Boss Qiao even had the illusion that the national culture here is stronger than that in China.

 There are various signboards with Chinese characters, various small restaurants with familiar styles, and Chinese that sounds a little awkward, but feels very friendly.

Joga has stayed in Afika for too long, and suddenly entering this environment made him feel a little like home.

It was idle anyway. Qiao Jia and Dorian were eating and shopping in the business district, and they walked a long distance without knowing it...

Finally, as it was approaching noon, Qiao Jia found a seat in a rice noodle shop that was doing very well. After finishing his meal, he planned to take a taxi back to the place where he got off the bus to pick up the car and return to his final destination...

The owner and waiters of the rice noodle shop are both Chinese. When they saw Boss Qiao walking in, a pretty girl with big braids enthusiastically led them to a seat near the window, and then spoke fluently with a smile. He said to Dorian in English: "What do you need?"

Looking at Dorian's strange expression, Qiao Jia rubbed his nose and said to the blind girl in Chinese: "Let's do something special here..."

The girl glanced at Qiao Jia, picked up a pen and paper and said: "Our specialties here are rice noodles, shrimp dumplings, steamed pork ribs..."

Qiao Jia watched this girl keep peeking at Dorian while ordering, with an unconcerned look on her face. He waved his hand and said, "Then get two portions of each...

 Don't look at it, this guy's name is Dorian, if we are satisfied with the meal, I will ask him to leave you a phone number! "

When the girl was exposed and felt a little embarrassed, Dorian spread out his hands like a gentleman and said, "Although I won't stay in the Philippines for a long time, I am happy to make friends here..."

The girl behaved quite generously. She was slightly embarrassed, but then she regained her composure. She nodded cheerfully and wrote down what Boss Qiao ordered, and then said with a smile: "Wait a moment, the food will be delivered soon..."

 Qiaojia watched Dorian wink at him proudly, he shook his head and said with a smile: "What are you proud of?

This girl has never seen the world at first glance. She doesn't even know who I am. She will just be a waiter all her life. "

Dorian touched his oily head and said proudly: "Boss, you usually only appear in the European and American current affairs sections, and most of them are in profile. You can't expect an ordinary girl to recognize you when they meet. .

But if you take off your sunglasses and put on military uniform, I think someone will recognize you..."

As he spoke, Dorian winked and waved to the busy waitress, causing the girl to spit in shame or joy. Then the guy said proudly: "My long life in Afika has made me I forgot that I am actually a handsome man, but now my confidence is back!

Boss, neither the devil bird nor the kitten have come to Manila. How about we ask Jack and find a lively place to play in the evening?

 I think I will definitely gain something..."

Qiao Jia looked at Dorian's proud look. He grabbed the salt shaker and threw it on him. He smiled and cursed: "It's okay to just wander around during the day...

Manila is now full of people from the intelligence services. How stupid would it be to be caught in a sack when you go out at night?

 The character of Daer’s agents is not very good…”

Dorian said nonchalantly: “Boss, how could those people cause trouble for us before the deal is completed?

This is the capital of the Philippines, so public security should still be guaranteed! "

As soon as Dorian finished speaking, a gunshot rang out deep in the street...

After the "snap" sound, there was some commotion at the intersection at the far end of the street, causing people in the shops on both sides to go out to watch the excitement...


Dorian, who was slapped in the face, stuck his head out of the window and looked over. He couldn't tell what was going on through the crowd, so he waved to the waitress who came back into the store from outside and asked, "Hey, beauty, what happened over there?" What?"

The waiter didn't seem particularly scared. She skillfully brought the rice noodles and steamed pork ribs that the kitchen had placed in the window to Boss Qiao and the others, and then whispered: "It's the police chasing the thief..."

Dorian picked up his chopsticks and stirred the rice noodles which seemed to have no oil or water. He skillfully mixed some chili oil and vinegar into the bowl, and then said with a smile: "Are the police in Manila so unrestrained? How can they catch a thief?" Want to shoot?"

The girl helped to open the lid of the steamed pork ribs, then shook her head and said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and people in Chinatown will prepare a lot of things. Many people from Tangdu District will come to steal things nearby during this period, probably stealing something valuable. , will cause such a big commotion."

While the girl was talking, gunshots were heard again in the distance. After several consecutive gunshots, several police cars rushed to support. The police quickly drove away the crowd and then set up a cordon...

Qiao Jia stretched out his head to take a look curiously, and was surprised to find that several more police cars and an ambulance passed by the entrance of the rice noodle shop. They stopped not far from the street, and then a rather grand-looking Senior police officers got out of the car...

This guy adjusted his police uniform, shook hands with a young Chinese man wearing a suit on a hot day and exchanged a few pleasantries, and then began to loudly instruct the police to evacuate the crowd and let the ambulance in.

Then the young Chinese didn't care about the senior police officials. Instead, he took a stack of red envelopes and started going door to door to express his apology.

When he walked to the rice noodle shop, the young man gave the red envelope to the boss with a smile on his face and said: "Some thieves stole our things. The police are so incompetent and it affects everyone's business. I'm really sorry...

 This is a little thought, please accept it! "

As he spoke, the young man bowed to the people eating in the rice noodle shop and said, "I'm disturbing everyone..."

Qiao Jia looked at the stiff smile on the boss's face and asked curiously: "Who is this guy?"

The waiter girl watched the young man leave with admiring eyes, and said to Qiao Jia: "His name is Lin Jiafeng, and he is the assistant to Lin Yuanhang, the vice chairman of the Manila Chinese Chamber of Commerce..."


Just when the girl wanted to continue talking, the boss not far away coughed loudly and said loudly in Hokkien: "You talk a lot. I don't see any customers leaving, so hurry up and clear the table..."

 Qiao Jia glanced at the boss's slightly stiff face, stopped talking, lowered his head and started eating...

 The taste of rice noodles is average in Boss Qiao's opinion, but the steamed pork ribs and shrimp dumplings suit his taste very well.

 After finishing the food in front of him in a few minutes, Qiao Jia sighed with satisfaction, picked up the free ice water and took a sip, then asked Dorian to pay, and then the two of them left the rice noodle shop...

On the way back, he needed to pass the intersection where the accident occurred, which was now blocked by the police. So Qiao Jia took out his mobile phone and looked at the electronic map, then turned into a small alley on the right, preparing to take a circle back to the main road.

Dorian, who was very full, smacked his lips and said as he walked: "Boss, that rice noodle tastes really good. We should let Shovel learn more. The food in the cafeteria is getting worse and worse now..."

 Qiaojia raised his **** at Dorian and cursed with a smile: "Did you eat better when you were wearing a leather helmet than in P·B's canteen?"

Dorian spread his hands and said: "That's not true, but people have to pursue something, right?

 That **** Shovel is focused on his beautiful wife right now, we should remind him..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked Dorian up and down and said, "Are you hinting that you want me to arrange a girlfriend for you?

 Elephant, if you really think so, then I will look down on you!

Even if you dislike black people, there are many black people in Sangha Town now, and there are also many beauties among them..."

Dorian was stunned for a moment and said proudly: "Boss, do you think I am the one who lacks a girlfriend?

Only a fool like a shovel would hug a girl and not let go, and even prepare to get married...

I bet that guy will regret it sooner or later! "

Qiaojia shook his head in disgust and said: "You **** are all cowards!

 What does it matter if you get married?

 A man should have a good woman to provide him with a harbor...

 Not getting married is a lifelong regret! "

Dorian shook his head with disapproval and said: "The divorce rate in Italy is now 40%. If marriage is regarded as skydiving, why should I get married knowing that there is a 40% chance that the parachute will not open?"

 I will never take any risk until I have saved a ‘spare parachute bag’! "

Qiaojia looked at Dorian with disdain, shook his head and said, "Maybe you should try to be a rich woman. King Kong is a good target. If you can marry King Kong, I guarantee you will never get divorced in your life..."

Dorian shook his head decisively and said, "Are you kidding? King Kong is my brother!"

 As he spoke, Dorian shuddered and said, "For a man, marrying King Kong is like gambling on your life!

Her ex-husband is definitely a god, and the Kusoa tribe should erect a monument to him! "

 Qiao Jia laughed, and when he was about to answer the call, a piercing scream came from the alley on the left side in front of him, as well as a lot of yelling and cursing...

After Qiao Jia and Dorian looked at each other, they took out a pistol from their tactical backpack and stuck it on their backs...

 (End of this chapter)

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