Chapter 1267: Deceit

 The police in Manila have never faced this type of attack...

When the raid in the back alley was launched, the group of insane snipers from Team E destroyed all the vehicles besieging the front entrance of the hotel.

At first, the police officers did not realize what was happening until a large-caliber bullet hit the front wheel of the Lexus commercial vehicle, causing the internal brake disc to burst, and the flying debris hit an unlucky man's thigh. Only then did a policeman suddenly shout...

 “Sniper, get down and take cover…”

When Jack Chen rushed to the scene with a team of intelligence agents, he held his head and looked at the policeman lying on the ground. He let out a horrified cry...


Just when Jack Chen was hesitating whether to buy a plane ticket and escape from Manila, a policeman who looked like he had some identity looked up at him and said loudly: "We are the police, who are you?"

The confused Jack Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the god-like Ayu and his men escorting a team of Malaysian special police from the alley...

 He now realized that Boss Qiao was not as unscrupulous as the outside world said. At least he was not crazy enough to kill the police.

After his violently beating heart calmed down a little, Jack Chen took out his ID, held it up in his hand, and shouted loudly: "I am a security agent of the Intelligence Bureau. Everyone put down their guns, put down their guns..."

The police chief looked at the guns discarded by his men on the ground. Only then did he realize that Jack Chen's shouting was not directed at him...

Seeing the god-like masked warrior leading people into the hotel, the police chief with a big belly rushed in front of Jack Chen and said angrily: "What on earth is going on?

 If you were on a mission, why didn't you inform us? "

Jack Chen doesn’t know exactly what happened, but he knows how serious corruption is in Manila’s police force.

 The police force, eroded by corruption, behaves like an imbecile when facing crime. Coupled with Manila's multi-ethnic mix, the security situation in some areas of Manila is extremely bad.

Looking at the pot-bellied policeman roaring at him, Jack Chen handed him his ID and said: "We are performing tasks related to national security, and I don't need to inform you."

As he spoke, Jack Chen pointed to the ambulance and the commercial vehicle not far away, and said in a deep voice: "I would like to ask you, what is your relationship with those people?

 What is your relationship with this hotel?

I received information before I came here that you shot and killed a Chinese man on the road, but the police center did not receive any report at all.

 You need to give me an explanation..."

The pot-bellied policeman was stunned for a moment and said harshly: "We were performing official duties and the time was too tight, so we had time to report to the police center.

 Our President gave us the right to take initiative. We shot and killed the thief who seemed to be a drug addict. We are maintaining law and order in this area..."

 Jack Chen was stunned for a moment and shook his head helplessly...

 Lao Du’s anti-drug policy has indeed reduced a lot of drug crimes and forced the originally extremely rampant drug trade from the open to the dark.

  But the side effect is that prisons are filled with drug addicts and low-level drug dealers who have surrendered. A large part of them stay in prisons with harsh conditions until their death without waiting for a real court trial.

What’s more serious is that skipping procedural justice will make corruption in law enforcement agencies more rampant, because they can even shoot ‘suspects’ in the street without being held accountable.

Many people can’t even imagine that during the most stringent period of anti-drug control in the Philippines, Lao Du lowered the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years old. That is, anyone who reaches the age of 12 can be shot directly as long as they are involved in drugs.

What’s even more outrageous is that in order to make up for the lack of police force, many police officers will develop their own ‘bounty hunters’…

 When they go out on a mission, they provide the "bounty hunter" with a photo and address. For every drug dealer they kill, the police will give their "bounty hunter" $100!

 In the most exaggerated month of 2016, the Philippines killed more than 4,000 people, which is more exaggerated than the death toll in many wars.

These measures are actually nothing for Boss Qiao to see, because drug crimes in the Philippines have become obvious and have even begun to become Mexican.

 Because the Philippines is an Asia-Pacific frontline base set up by the United States, guns are not allowed here, and there is a large amount of military-industrial supporting facilities. There are also a large number of civilian arms processors...

 Drugs in the Golden Triangle pass through Southeast Asia to Australia, and then are transported from Australia to the United States…

The Philippines is an important link on this route…

 Because the Philippines has nearly 7,000 islands, a coastline of 190,000 kilometers, and extremely developed maritime transportation, the police and the army are simply unable to control such a large area, which has led to extremely rampant drug smuggling crimes.

Those drug dealers who had money were not satisfied. They began to arm themselves, not only increased their criminal intensity, but also began to recruit government officials in large numbers.

As of 2018, more than 5,000 Philippine officials have been confirmed to be involved in drugs, including 41 mayors and 2 national congressmen.

If it weren't for Lao Du, this country would sooner or later be controlled by drug traffickers...

It is a pity that Du is the president. He cannot lead the team on the front line, nor can he fully control the front-line law enforcement personnel. As the enforcers, the Philippine police must have good police officers who are dedicated to their duties, but most of them are really hard to describe...

The benefits of drug control are definitely immediate, but the disadvantages have also made Lao Du suffer. A large number of unjust cases have plunged him into the whirlpool of international public opinion.

 It was against this background that Lao Du turned to his mother politically...

 Boss Qiao is also an anti-drug worker. It is a pity that he did not feel the good side of Lao Du's policy, but encountered the bad side. When Boss Qiao and the others walked out of the hotel, they had already put on their caps and masks again...

Ayo and Rhino, who were too eye-catching in size, evacuated through the back door. Doctor Bird and Ronnie walked out accompanied by Boss Qiao.

Qiao Jia waved hello to Jack Chen, who looked panicked and dissatisfied, and then walked straight to the door of the business car...

On the massage chair that was laid flat, Lin Jiafeng had been wrapped in a bandage. On the other massage chair sat a middle-aged man with a cigar in his mouth...

Just when Dorian reached out to grab Lin Jiafeng and drag him out of the car, the imposing middle-aged man got off the car from the other side, walked around to the front of the car and joined the policeman with a big belly who came over, and said: " Can you tell me what happened?

  If it is a government department enforcing the law, I need to see your documents and procedures.

I am the vice chairman of the Manila Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and Senator De Lima is a good friend of mine..."

The pot-bellied policeman seemed to be afraid of this middle-aged man. He lowered his head and said helplessly: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, these people are from the intelligence agency. I will report the situation here to the top..."

 Qiao Jia looked at the imposing middle-aged man. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Jiafeng's shoulder, causing him to let out a shrill scream...

When the middle-aged man looked over with a livid face, Qiao Jia pointed at the hotel and said in Chinese: "Is this hotel your property?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said: "This property belongs to my company, but the hotel is operated by someone else who rents my property.

 Who are you? "

Jojia squinted his eyes and looked into the middle-aged man's eyes, and said with a smile: "Mr. Alcante asked me to greet you..."

When the middle-aged man heard this, his expression changed drastically and he said, "Why?"

Qiao Jia grabbed Lin Jiafeng's injured shoulder and pinched his wound cruelly, causing him to let out a shrill scream...

 “There’s something wrong with the accounts, this is a warning…”

 The middle-aged man frowned and blurted out: "This is impossible..."

By this time, Qiao Jia had determined that this man was related to the hotel and to the gangster named Alcante...

The moment the middle-aged man realized something was wrong, Qiao Jia pulled out his pistol and fired two shots, hitting the guy's knee. Then he shouted to Jack Chen, whose expression changed greatly: "Find someone to kill the people in the underground casino in the back alley." Take them all away. There are more than 60 women who were kidnapped and forced to sell **** upstairs in the hotel...

 Protect them together..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the pot-bellied policeman and said with a smile: "Notify everyone who has anything to do with Alcante that I will take over the business in this place from now on..."

At this moment, not only the policeman with a big belly was confused, but also Jack Chen.

 “Sir, what are you doing?”

 Qiaojia put his arm around Jack Chen's shoulders to tell him not to speak, and then smiled at the pot-bellied policeman and said: "This is my buddy, you should consider whether you want to stand on the opposite side of the Intelligence Agency."

 After speaking, Qiao Ga firmly hugged Jack Chen who wanted to speak, and pulled him into the underground casino in the back alley...

 After getting out of the sight of the crowd, Jack Chen struggled to break away from Boss Qiao's grasp and said angrily: "What on earth do you mean?"

Qiao Jia smiled and said: "I'm not used to chasing mice around. Given this opportunity, I think I should let Alcante come to me directly."

 Jack Chen was stunned for a moment and said angrily: "Then why did you use the name of the Intelligence Agency?"

Qiaojia stood at the door of the underground casino, spread his hands and said: "The strong dragon crossing the river doesn't have a strong background. How can we make that Alcante believe that we are on the road?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed to the four large suitcases that Ayou and Rhino brought out from the back door, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there must be benefits from your intelligence agency.

That Alcante controls the shares of all underground casinos. If you catch him, you can start a criminal industry chain.

 This hotel and casino must have been in operation for no more than two years, and I found 150 million pesos in cash in their vault.

I heard that your customs boss worked overtime for a year and only accepted 100 million pesos in bribes...

 No matter how much money you get by then, it will be half of your intelligence agency!

Hum, this is a just cause, and you can be part of it every step of the way to make sure our actions don't get out of hand. "

The power brought by the identity of Boss Qiao and the whispers of the devil made Jack Chen fall into a tangle...

Personally, he doesn’t care much about money, but he knows how much the Intelligence Agency needs money...

 “I, I’ll call my superior...”

 (End of this chapter)

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